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Dragonball-a new hope


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Oh good God, the absolute childishness that breaks out when I'm not here watching you is unbelievable!
Muu flies towards Ceroth, and throws a punch. Ceroth ducks, and launches into a fierce uppercut, sending Muu high into the air! Ceroth flies after him, and Muu tries to kick him, but Ceroth dodges and elbows Muu in the gut. Ceroth zenzokens behind Muu, and plants both fists into Muu's kidneys. He then grabs Muu's leg and slams him into the ground with tremendous force.


Ceroth braces himself, and suddenly the entire area begins to shake. The sky turns black, and vicious lightning bolts starts striking the ground. Ceroth's eyes turn completely white, and his muscles bulge out, and tighten. His ripped clothes begin to disintegrate at the egdes, with small pieces flying off and catching fire. His hair slowly starts to lengthen, and his power skyrockets. His eyebrows dissapear, and electricity starts flickering violently around him. The ground beneath him starts buckling and cracking, and large chunks of rock and earth are sent hurdling into the air. Ceroth whips his hands out sideways, and a huge black shield flies out like a shockwave after a nuclear explosion. A giant crater forms beneath him, and his eyes turn back to green. All the warrios, even Sabir, are sent flying off their feet into nearby mountains. Ceroth stands there, now SSJ3.

Muu: Such......... such power!!!

Ceroth: Now Muu, the screams of all the people you've killed, will be silenced, as you bear witness to your last day, and you fall victim to the ultimate saiyan warrior!
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muu: heh, your power is indeed impressive, yes, but you still fare in comparison to my power

ceroth: say what you want, I know I am more powerful than you are

muu: is that a fact? heh, I have been hiding my full power up until now, now you will see my maximum capabilities!

[muu charges up, shaking the entire earth, causing a huge crater at his feet]

ceroth: this could get interesting....

to be continued....
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Muu charges at Ceroth, they start exchanging blows. Every punch or kick thrown starts a huge shockwave. Ceroth goes to punch Muu, put Muu grabs his wrist. Ceroth tries punching with the other hand, but again Muu grabs his wrist. Muu grins and starts laughing. Ceroth lunges forward and headbutt's Muu, releasing his grip. As Muu holds his face in pain, Ceroth lunges forward and drives his knee into Muu's gut. Muu coils up, and Cerothclamps his fists together, and slams his hands into Muu's back. Muu swirles around and boots Ceroth in the face. The both charge at each other, Ceroth goes to punch Muu, but Muu ducks, then grips Ceroth's extended arm, and slings him violently into the ground! Ceroth slams into a nearby mountain. Muu releases a large beam from his mouth, that heads straight towards Ceroth.

Ceroth: Jujin Riengiez!

Ceroth raises his hands, and a small black orbforms in each hand. He releases the orbs, and they split into 8 smaller beams, making 16 beams in total. Each of the 16 beams then splits into 8 smaller beams once again, making 128 beams. They all fly towards Muu at incredible speed, all swirling around each other. They all close in when they reach Muu, making a huge explosion on impact. The explosion makes the entire planet shake violently, buckling builadings, and causing huge Tsunami's all over the earth.
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[COLOR=royalblue]He started it. :rolleyes: BTW, LATER'S BLANK! *mutters* And good riddance.
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: This is bad. *looks at Neil*

Neil: ......well, that's done it...

Sabir: You're........

AJ: He's gone.

Sabir: *sigh* One more bites the dust...How are you alive.....and he's dying?

AJ: My shield was still up, and I was standing behind you.

Sabir: Coward. :rolleyes:

AJ: What are those two doing?

Sabir: Still going at it. We'd best fly into space for a bit. I'll keep a tab on them.

AJ: *raises hand* I can't breathe in space.

Sabir: Then stay in my shield.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: UNLESS!! UNLESS!! It's British!

AJ: :eek: Sorry.

Sabir: *sigh* This is very bad....look at the power they're generating.

AJ: It's shiny!

Sabir: It's pushing the atmosphere out of alignment.[/COLOR]
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Meh... I feel better. So,.....:devil:
[b][size=1]Neil, his regular self suddenly appears next to Aj, surrounded by a bluish auora, his eyes blazing with the same color.

Neil: Well........ Hmph! Ceroth is just showing off.
Aj: Whaaaaa? Ya kiddin...
Sabirsing: No. He's right. Ceroth is holding some amount of power back..... I can feel it.
Neil: Told ja. :p :rolleyes: Well, soooooo.........erm....... What should we do now? I mean, Muu is buried deep in tha ground, and Ceroth is just.....standing there... And I'm bored!
Strength: 64,000,000
Speed: 62,000,000
Dexterity: 62,000,000
Spirit: 60,000,000
Ki: 66,000,000

Super Sayian Stats
Strength: 85,000,000
Speed: 85,000,000
Dexterity: 85,000,000
Spirit: 75,000,000
Ki: 91,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats
Strength: 116,000,000
Speed: 116,000,000
Dexterity: 116,000,000
Spirit: 110,000,000
Ki: 118,000,000[/size][/b]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: I could deactivate this shield and let you die like a gaffed fish. :devil:

AJ: You wouldn't.

Sabir: I would.

Neil: NO!

Sabir: Hah, you wouldn't have much of a choice.

Neil: But...but...

Sabir: Just kidding. I'm not that heartless.[/COLOR]
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Neil: FOOL! I'm not even in your gay-*** shield. I'm in my own psychic barrier, which you, CANNOT do anything about, and CANNOT penitrate. And, I can create multiple shields at once, so I suggest you shut up now, before I send you into that star over there!
Sabirsing:.........Fine! Jeez, what crawled up your pants?!
Neil: Not my......pants.....my.....shirt. Something. Bunch of rocks. Owwie...
Aj/Sabirsing: *giggle, snort, laff*
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Just ignore him AJ.

AJ: ....*shrug*

Neil: Grr....

Sabir: *blinks twice*

Neil: Hey!

Sabir: What?

Neil: What did you do?!?

Sabir: Nothing. Bye!

[i]Instantly, she and AJ disapeared, then reapeared on Laporin's shady blue surface,[/i]

AJ: Where.....are.....we?

Sabir: Laporin. It's a safe plae to be for now. I'm keeping a tab on Ceroth and Bajin Muu. And if Neil comes here, he'll get blasted apart by one of the three Demon Guardians.

Aj: ....Demons?

Sabir: Imortal spirits that guard Laporin against all who seek to harm us.[/COLOR]
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Neil: Fool...*blinks three times.*


Sabirsing: [i]Erm....hi?[/i]
Neil: [i]HIYA! Sup? Nice teleportation technique. I have something like it, but it kind cheats. Hahahaha! I'm sooo bad... :naughty:[/i]
Sabirsing: :rolleyes:
Neil: [i]............... Well, take care, and I think it was good that you ran all scared like a wuss. No biggie...[/i]
Sabirsing: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Neil: [i]Well, I guess I'll just wait for Ceroth to finish off Muu... TOODLES![/i]


[i]Neil suddenly appeared on Earth, hovering about 50 feet above the surface. His psychic auora still making a perfect sphere around him, pure energy crackling off of him. He detransformed out of Super Sayian, but the energy still popped and sizzled around him. He watched as Ceroth just stood there. He had enough.[/i]

Neil: [i]Yo, Ceroth. You want a big-azz power boost? I can steal just a little amount of life force from every creature in this galaxy, collect it, and transfer it to j00. All with psychic power, putting no strain on my what-so-ever. Enough to surly kill Muu, once and for all. So much so, that Muu won't be able to regenerate itself. So, what you say?[/i]
Note: Psychic barrier cannot be broken without Neil doing it himself, and only 100% him.
Note2: Psychic talkings are secure. Only those included heard them. Yooooink! :cross:[/size][/b]
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Ceroth grins.

Ceroth: Some of us don't need to cheat!

With that, Ceroth whips his hands out sideways, and a huge pulse lets out across the Earth, followed by a huge yellow aura erupting around him. His hair spikes more so than before. His power grows dramatically.

Muu: Oh crap.........

Ceroth: Lets get on with it!

Ceroth flies towards Muu with tremendous speed, and they pummel him in the gut with punches and kicks, then punches him in the face, hurling him into a mountain. Ceroth raises his left hand up over his right shoulder (like the Frieza move that is like an invisible disk), and then throws his arm out in front of him, releasing a huge beam. The beam hite Muu, causing a huge explosion. A large dust and smoke cloud engulfs the entire area. Muu's energy can hardly be sensed.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *sigh* You push me too far.

AJ: What's the plan?

Sabir: I brought Andrew back to life once before.....with a spell my grandmother set up. And now, I'm going to deactiave it.

AJ: So, he'll die.

Sabir: Definetly. And nobody will come back to life until I recast the spell. Which could take me several weeks.

Andrew: Prepare to die!

Sabir: Prepare yourself Andrew. *snaps fingers* Life of one.....DEACTIAVE!

Andrew: :eek:

Sabir: Goodbye.

[i]In a flash of blue, Andrew disapeared from the face of the Earth.[/i]

AJ: He...he's....

Sabir: Gone.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

What did you kill me for? I was gonna use the genki dama on Muu! now bring me back or alter the post or something!
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: He really needs to grow up.

AJ: Was he scaring you?

Sabir: Nope. I can take him out under the table any day.

Aj: Are you going to let Andrew come back?

Sabir: Well.....since we're here on Laporin......yeah, couldn't hurt. But we'll need to go to my friends house and get some magic ingredients.

AJ: Like...?

Sabir: Um...boiled blood of katu-katu, Elixer of Raikon, ....*contiunes to list 20 different items*

AJ: ...wow...I shouldn't of asked.

Sabir: ...in conclusion, you can help me. :D[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Laurii: Who's this?

AJ: Hi. I'm...er...AJ. :D

Laurii: :therock: So..why are you here?

Sabir: We're here to revive the Life of One spell.

Laurii: I suppose then, you'll require the usual ingredients? And a silver basin?

Sabir: Yes.

Laurii: Then welcome to my home and make it your own.

AJ: When do we eat?

Laurii: Now. *claps hands twice*

[i]In an instant, huge pots of food appeared in front of AJ.[/i]

AJ: :bawl: I'm in heaven!

Sabir: :rolleyes: Now that he's occuied...*walks down to the lower magic levels...*[/COLOR]
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[ceroth stands on the battlefield, the dust clears and muu is nowhere to be seen]

aj: he's dead....right?

ceroth: .....no

sabir: what?

ceroth: he has escaped, the next time we meet, he will become even stronger than before

aj: thats just great

ceroth: we all still have some time left in the rost, I suggest you make the most of it, I will go in there last, I shall keep an eye out for muu in the meantime....

to be continued....
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Neil: Meh. While Aj and the girl take a nap on that planet, I'll train. But, what if Sephiroth's time ends while I'm training? Then, Craig will fight alone.
Ceroth: That is why you must train.
Neil: Well.......... Ok. See ya!

Neil blasts off, and goes into the Extended ROST, and trains.
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[COLOR=blue]Sabir: Pugh....taking a nap, what a moron.

[i]Assembling all of her ingredients, she threw them into the basin at once, creating huge billowing clouds of purple smoke. She coughed, and whipped away the smoke with a wind spell.[/i]

Sabir: I don't think that went well......*cough cough*

Aj: You okay down there? What was that explosioin?

Sabir: Nothing. -_-

AJ: You sure?

Laurii: Still hungry?

AJ: *flash* Yeah!

Sabir: :demon: I'll fix that potion! And I'll bring him back!

[i]Whipping her hands towards the silver basin, she shouted a powerful spell and her magic levels soared...

Back on Earth...[/i]

Neil: WTF?

Ceroth: I see she's at it again...:smirk:

Sabir: Grr....:flaming: LIFE OF ONE! RESTORE, RENEW, BE REBORN!

[i]All at once, a huge magic circle appeared around her feet and a 7 pointed star glowed inside it. Sabir glowed blue and her whole body began to quiver with suppresed energy......

Clouds of smoke blew everywhere, a golden orb appeared at Sabir's hands...and then shattered..[/i]

Andrew: Where am I?[/COLOR]
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Andrew: You took your time didn't you?

Sabir: This is delecite stuff. You want me to send you back now?

Andrew: ah no! please don't make me go back! where am I anyway?

Sabir: My planet.

Andrew: I see. And how do I get back? I've got things to do
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[finally, sephiroth's time comes to an end, he talks to craig mentally in his mind]

seph: my time is up now craig, the rest I shall leave up to you, I shall try and see if I can do anything from the other realm

craig: very well, sephiroth, take care of yourself

seph: you too, my friend

[in a flash of blinding light, the body of ceroth began to blur, and returned to its shape of craig, sephiroth nowhere to be seen, already in the other world]

craig: hmmm, there's got to be something I can do here whilst the others train....

to be continued....
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Craig: On my own again...... now it really is upto me. I've got to continue my training.

Craig powers up, and flies off into the desert.

Craig: That fusion raised my power quite a bit...... I have to increase my power further.
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