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Dragonball-a new hope


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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Well...............Defense against evil forces trying to take over Earth is a reason to learn magic.

Andrew: So, are you going to take me to Earth?

Sabir: You want to train right?

Andrew: .........yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah.

Sabir: So fight one of my monsters.

AJ/Andrew: Monsters?

Laurii: Oh sure. Sabir and I have been breeding monsters and demons since we could use telepathy.

AJ/Andrew: Wooooooooooow........

Laurii: And you've got a wide selection too..*throws Andrew a laptop* Open it, and you'll see a list of monsters. Click on the name to see the monster and it's profile.

Andrew: Cool.....[/COLOR]
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grand kaio: so, back are we, seph?

seph: I really do need to get back up there, the earth is in danger

grand: yes, I know, I have been watching the activities up there

seph: is there any way I can get back?

grand: well....there is ONE way

seph: I don't care what it is, as long as I can get back

grand: very well, if you can do this, you will also become a living being, again

seph: ....ok, so what must be done?

grand: there is an ancient sword somewhere on this planet, trapped within it is a supreme being, dai kaioshin, free him, and you will be able to return, but be warned, there are 4 powerful being guarding the sword, each have their elemental attributes of ice, fire, water, and earth

seph: I see.....looks like I have no choice then, where must I go?

grand: I will teleport you outside their cave, the rest will be up to you

seph: very well, I am ready....

to be continued....
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Craig flies over the capsule corp buildings. His green aura shorts out as he comes to a complete stop. Craig looks around for a bit, and then notices the gravity rooms. He lowers himself to the floor. He walks in, and passes the secretary.

Sec: Hello Craig, do you plan to pay this time?

Craig: Not a chance......

Sec: Okay Craig......... go on in.

Craig walks into a gravity room, and removes his cloak, revealing a suit like Vegeta's (from Buu saga), only black. He walk over to the gravity machine......

Craig: Lets see, what should I put it on this time..... lets try 900.

Craig turns the gravity upto 900.... and moves around more or less normally....

Craig: Okay..... I'll put it up tad more.

Craig turns the gravity upto 1500. He stoops down under the weight of the gravity.

Craig: Well....... this will serve as a pretty good warm up. Doubt I'll even have to go Super though.......

Craig starts doing punches and kicks from a stationery position. He then puts 50 tonne weights on each arm.
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[sephiroth appears in front of the cave, he can already sense the 4 demons]

seph: hmm, 2 of them have about the same power level as I do, the other 2 have higher power levels, this could be tougher than I thought, but its the only way....

[sephiroth steps through the cave and suddenly hears a shouting]

???: who dares step into our cave?!

sephiroth: ....show yourself

[a demon appears in front of sephiroth, followed by another 3 demons]

demon1: who are you? do you wish to die here?!

seph: I do not have time to play games, I have come for the sword

demon2: hah! big guts for one so puny

demon3: Indeed, I think you are well over your head here, human

demon4: I would watch it if I were you guys

all3: what?!?!?!

demon4: you are sephiroth, correct?

seph: yes I am

demon4: you won one of the other realm tournaments, and it would appear you have gotten far stronger, it would appear that my brothers have underestimated you, we shall see how powerful you are, you shall fight us one by one

[demon4 looks at demon1]

demon4: go fight him first

demon1: with pleasure!

[demon1 charges straight at sephiroth]

to be continued....
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Andrew is running his gloved finger down the lap top screen.

Andrew: This one looks good.

He points to a feirocious big son of a bit,ch.

Sabir: That's one of the weaker ones.

Andrew: What?

Sabir: I'll show you the strongest one.

She points to a really small deformed human looking thing.

Andrew; Your serious?

Sabir: He is exceptionally strong. He won't kill you....he'll just wound you a lot.

Andrew: When do we start?

Sabir: Now!

Andrew: Let's go!
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing pushes him down some marble steps, and they end up in a huge round cavern, lined with marble. A larage 7 pointed star rests in the center of the room and glows red.[/i]

Laurii: Do you want to do it?

Sabir: Of course. :devil: SON OF ARUKE! RUTIS! SHOW YOUR TRUE FORM!!!!!

Andrew: :eek: That's freaky...

[i]The star exploded in a mass of red and gold, and the tall humanoid deforemed creature appeared in front of Andrew.[/i]

Rutis: Who summons me?

Laurii: This mortal Sayjian would fight thee!

Sabir: Therefore, you must use your powers to the best of your abilities!

Andrew: :demon: Bring it on.

Rutis: As you wish....boy...

[i]The deformed parts of him faded away, and a tall handsome man stood in front of Andrew...[/i]

Laurii: Does he stand a chance?

Sabir: If he can figure out Rutis's weakness.

Laurii: Can he?

Sabir: *snicker* All signs point to NO.[/COLOR]
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Craig suddenly tops his training. He looks around with a puzzled look on his face.

Craig: Somethings not right here...... I can't sense Raiha's, AJ's, or Andrew's energy anywhere........ the only one who's power I can sense is Neil's, up at the ROST. This is very peculiar.
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[sephiroth quickly dodges out of demon 1's punch, and replies with a kick straight to his face, sending the demon sprawling to the floor, then sephiroth dives straight up and lands with his knee straight through demon 1's temple, demon1 coughed a large amount of blood before groggily getting up]

demon1: son....of a....*****, tough guy....eh? lets see you dodge this!

[he raises one arm at sephiroth and shoots a huge beam, sephiroth merely slaps it out of the way and retaliates with a kamehameha, instantly killing the demon, the other 3 demons stare in shock]

seph: ok, so who is next? death can be avoided if you let me free rou kaioshin

demon2: not a chance! come on, lets get him!

[demon2 and 3 charge straight at sephiroth, demon 4 stays behind, looking on, sephiroth readies himself as the 2 demons become closer]

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Keep me posted. *Teleportation*

Laurii: Sure.

[i]Outside, Sabirsing looked around, then claped her hands twice.[/i]

Craig: Where are they?

Sabir: We're here.

Craig: What?

Sabir: It's me, Sabirsing! Aj, Andrew, and I are here on Laporin. My planet. We're fighting and ****. Don't worry about us.

Craig: Alright........

Sabir: Bye. *clap*[/COLOR]
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[Sephiroth blocks both of the demons attacks, they are faster than the demon he had defeated, but he still had the upper hand, he had not yet transformed into a super saiya-jin, he parries their attacks and kicks them into the distance]

seph: I have a surprise for the 2 of you

both: just bring it on!

[in an instant, sephiroth transforms and turns into ssj2, his power reaching its full peak

demon4: *thinking* my god, he's even more powerful than I imagined, he may be a challenge to me

seph: come, lets see what you got

[sephiroth parries all of their attacks with ease, they are not even a challenge to him anymore]

seph: don't tell me thats the best you've got?!

demon2: I'll show you!

[demon2 tries to impale sephiroth with a spear that was lying on the side, but sephiroth grabs it and puts a huge amount of energy through the spear, killing the demon instantly]

demon3: what manner of being...is he?

demon4: he is far more powerful than you are, you should stay back and let me take care of him

demon3: ......ok

[demon4 charges straight at sephiroth, after a heated battle, it appears they are both equal]

demon4: not bad, not bad at all, though I still have the advantage in strength

seph: I wouldn't say that, I'm still holding back a huge amount of my power

demon4: hah, yeah right, what do you take me for, a fool?

seph: very well, if you want to see my transformation, then so be it

[sephiroth begins to charge a huge amount of power, sending both the demons back, his eyebrows begin to disappear, his hair begins to go all the way down to his legs, he stands there, emitting energy]

demon4: my....god, his strength....is unreal

demon3: ......

seph: if you still wish to fight me, then go ahead, noone has to be hurt here, I just wanted the sword

demon4: ......go ahead and take it

[sephiroth grabs the sword and teleports back to grand kaio]

to be continued....
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Craig continue's training...... when suddenly Muu drops through the roof of his chamber.

Muu: Ah, no friends are here to help you know..... cowards like you will lose on their own.

Craig: Oh great...... bring it on you ugly freaky..... type thing! *thinking* Oh ****, what am I gonna do now? Seph..... I don't know where you are, but you better hurry the hell up, Ceroth's the only one who can win this battle.

Muu: So..... prepared to fight me are you?

Craig: No..... I'm prepared to kill you!!!!

Craig whips open his hands, powering upto SSJ2. His power surges through the roof, as electricity flickers around his huge yellow aura.

Muu: Hmm....... impressive is your power... but you are not as string as the warrior with two voices......

Craig:*thinking* He must be talking about Ceroth........ I bet he's goten stronger than Ceroth is...... but then again...... I have gotten stronger, and so has Sephiroth. If he returns, I bet we stand a good chance.

Craig gets into his battle stance, an Muu charges at him. Craid doesn't move. Muu reaches him asnd throws a punch. Craig dissapears. Muu looks about nervously, and suddenly a small beam strikes him in the back. He flies forward, straight through the wall of the chamber. Craig Zenzokens infront of him, and uppercuts him into the air. Muu flies up a few feet, then regains control, and he fires a beam down on Craig, drilling him into the ground. He flies into the dust coud created, and starts pummeling Craig in the gut. Craig starts coughing up blood. He knees Muu is the gut, winding him. Craig flips onto his feet, and takes adantae of the situation. He flies straight at Muu and roundhouse kicks him in the jaw, knocking him sideways. He flies at Muu, and Muu knees him in the face, Craig respongind with an elbow to Muu's gut. They start exchanging punches and kicks, moving extremely fast. To the human eye they can't be seen, except when a blow is exchanged, at which time you can see them like a flash. Craig's aura increases in size as he up's the tempo. He punches Muu in the gut, then knees him in the face, and then drops down and sweeps Muu's legs from under him. Craig wipes blood from his mouth with his glove, then turns to the side and spits out some blood.

Muu: Hmm....... you are indeed a talented fighter..... but I'm only getting warmed up.

Craig:*thinking* I guessed he'd be holding back mmost of hi power........ but how much is the question. I'm at about 50% of my max power. *speaking* Welll then lets get the real party going!!!

Craig stat's:
Strength: 100,000
Spirit: 100,000
Ki: 150,000

SSJ2 stats at 50%:
Strength: 150,000,000
Speed: 150,000,000
Dexterity: 150,000,000
Spirit: 150,000,000
Ki: 225,000,000

Are the stats okay seph? We did have a huge fight as Ceroth.... plus the power boost from actually fusing, plus getting healed after the fight.
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[size=1][color=darkblue][i]-Meanwhile, up on the Lookout-

The door to the extended Rost gets kicked open, Neil immerging. Perfectly calm, even though he feels the immense strength of Craig, as well as the monster Muu. For some reason, Neil's eyes are blue. Deep blue. As well as the Bajin symbol on his head. Dende and Mr. Popo stare at him, Neil just standing there, in the doorway of the ROST.[/i]

Mr. Popo: "Uhh........Neil? Is everything alright?"
Neil: "....................."*turns head and spits on floor of ROST*"....................................."

[i]With that, Neil slightly hovers above the ground, then blasting off towards Craig. As he flies, he's perfectly calm. His eyes go back to the normal light black, as well as the "B", making him easily mistakable for Vegeta. He arrives to see Craig delivering a devastating blow to Muu's head. Neil slightly powers up, startling Craig, scaring the piss out of Muu.[/i]

Neil:"..........Craig, need a little help?"
Craig: "Think you can keep up?"
Neil: "You tell me..."

[i]Slowly, but gaining speed swiftly, wind kicks up. It whips around, tugging at Craig's, and Muu's, clothes. It suddenly hurls them backwards, as the unexpected power-up was surprisingly forceful. Neil's hair shot upwards, as it extended. It looked a lot like when Vegeta(SSJ) cut his hair, only about three inches longer. Neil's eyebrows flashed yellow, then black, yellow, black, the went fully golden. His hair followed the same procedure, as his vision blurred, then sharpening, as he fully transformed to Super Sayian 2. He smirked that infamous, evil Vegeta grin. Right at Muu. Neil launched forward, kicking Muu in the face. Muu hurled backwards, into the now-vacant CC building. Neil hovered in the air, leg still extended. He instantly brought his hand out, pointing it right at Muu, who was trapped under debris. Neil screamed loud, louder, louder still.

His power skyrocketed, as he let his leg down. In his hand, white energy pulsed, attracting the energy sparks around Neil's body. It gained more, more, and more power. Neil forced more energy into it, making it swell to the size of a baseball. He suddenly stopped powering it up, and screamed "NUCLEAR STORM!!!". No sooner, fired it. It flared out, much like the Nuclear Fusion, but it was bigger, brighter, and possibly 500 times more powerful. It shot out, but somehow still in a beam. It impacted directly on Muu, firstly eating him away, then sending a white flash out, forcing a huge, huge, HUGE tangle of flames, and white, detonating energy. After about ten minutes, the fire died, the energy settling. Muu lay there, a hole the size of a potato sack where is head, and chest were. Neil breathed heavily, almost completely drained. He turned to Craig, and smiled evilly.[/i]

Neil: "....Looks.........like........I.........beat........'um..(Craig, play along. I know Muu is still alive. I'm trying to get him to regenerate, then, while he's drained and helpless, I'll freeze him. Then, you do ya stuff. Capes?)"
Check out attachment to see what Nuclear Storm looks like. And yes, Craig, this is the new on in Brutality.
Strength: 104,000,000
Speed: 102,000,000
Dexterity: 102,000,000
Spirit: 100,000,000
Ki: 150,000,000

Super Sayian 2 stats(100%)
Strength: 188,000,000
Speed: 186,000,000
Dexterity: 186,000,000
Spirit: 170,000,000
Ki: 198,000,000

SSJ2 stats drained:
Strength: 32,000,000
Speed: 32,000,000
Dexterity: 32,000,000
Spirit: 30,000,000
Ki: 16,000,000
My, my, my, Craig sure is weak as a regular Sayian. Or he's holding back a §hitload of power. Eheh...;)[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue]To see what Sabirsing looks like seconds before she becomes a Feral Laporin....see the attatchment. :devil:
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: Right....well then, let me know if Andrew has any fun with Rutis!

Laurii: Of course. Are you going off to train with yourself?

Sabir: Nope. I'm gonna be training with Ezari.

Laurii: The black dragon....that'll be fun.

Sabir: Damn straight! :demon:

[i]Arching her back, Sabirsing let her wings rip from her shoulderblades and spread outwards in a blaze of silver. She shook her thick brown hair, and laughed to herself as it turned to white....then her hands slid into claws and she grew her fangs.

The ground beneath Sabirsing rumbled and cracked open. Instantly, a huge black dragon....[who for some reason strongly resembles Shenlong] appears in front of Sabirsing. He bares his huge white fangs and flexes his long black claws....[/i]

Ezari: I am summoned.....who seeks me?

Sabir: I Sabirsing Sevenstar challenge you to fight me in a duel...

Ezari: To the last one standing?

Sabir: Yes....but not to the death...

Ezari: As you wish.....[/COLOR]
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Good God that thing is evill!!!!
Craig and Neil watch........ as Muu starts to regenerate. He takes complete form again, and stares at Neil.

Muu: You coward........ you have no honour, you stab in back!!!

Muu raises his hand, and hits Neil with a huge beam, sending him flying out of site.

Muu: Now...... we shall continue!!

Craig: Looks like your even stronger than we thought..... I'll have to power up to beat you.

Craig's aura bursts around him, and he powers upto 100% of his SSJ2 power. He stands there, electricity flickering around his huge arua. He grins. Muu then powers up some, his power exceeding Craig's even at his maximum of SSJ2. Craig scowls, and gets into his battle stance. Muu creates a huge shield of pure nuclear energy around them. Nothing.... NOTHING, can get in or out.

Muu: Now no-one will disturb us, and you cannot flea.... I will crush you.

Craig: Bring it on!

Craig and Muu charge at each other again.
Craig's maz SSJ2 stats:
Strength: 300,000,000
Speed: 300,000,000
Dexterity: 300,000,000
Spirit: 300,000,000
Ki: 450,000,000
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[COLOR=royalblue]LOL, if you think Aisha is evil like that...you should see her when she's fully transformed. :haha:
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: :demon: ARA-ARA-ARASHINOOO!!!

[i]A move similar to the Kamehameha wave shot from Sabirsing's hands to hit Ezari dead on...[/i]

Ezari: :flaming: You'll have to do better than that baby girl...

Sabir: Baby girl? I'll give you baby girl....:devil:

[i]In an instant, Sabirsing had spread her wings to their fullest extent...she let her power level jump rapidly, then she flicked her hands forward...[/i]



[i]As soon as the red ki attack left Sabirsing's body, huge obelisks shot from the ground, forcing Sabirsing to take flight...[/i][/COLOR]
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[sephiroth appears in front of grand kaio]

grand: so, you have returned, and I see you have the sword with you, very good, destroy the sword to free rou kaioshin

[in an instant, sephiroth destroys the sword with his mind, a thunder ensues from the sky, and there appears a man with spiky punk hair in front of them]

rou: so, you have freed me from the confines of that sword, I am forever grateful to you

seph: it was not a problem, I freed you because I need your help

[sephiroth explains the situation]

rou: hmm, in my opinion, even if you and craig fuse to become ceroth, you will still not be as powerful as muu, I can see them fighting, muu is toying with your friend, and he is fighting him with only 1% of his power, I will revive you so you can return to earth, but I will also give you a massive power surge, it may make you become as strong, and as fast as muu is, but I am not certain

seph: .....do it, it may be our only chance

rou: very well

[rou kaioshin closes his eyes and a green aura encircles sephiroth, it ends within a few seconds]

rou: it is done, your halo is gone, so you are now alive again, and I have given you your power surge

seph: thank you, I must go and help my friends now, farewell

[sephroth disappears and appears right in front of craig and muu]

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Hang on a sec! *listens*

Ezari: Rar?

Sabir: So...he's finally back, after that long rest...okay, back to fighting.

Ezari: REAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!!! :flaming:

[i]He struck Sabirsing dead on, sending her back into the nearest mountainside....she pulled herself out of the rubble and shook off the rockdust.[/i]

Sabir: Not funny...Power of wind, water, and earth, raise the fire at it's birth....

[i]Directly underneath Ezari, a huge firebrand flew upwards from the ground to surround the black dragon with it's power...[/i]

Sabir: :flaming: TOWERING INFERNO!!!

[i]The flames rose higher, and burned with a white heat....Ezari struggled, then took off into the air, the fire disipating...[/i]

Ezari: Clever...using Chaos magic against me...but it won't be enough...

Sabir: Than will this? ....[/COLOR]
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muu: so, you have returned, not that it will do you any good

seph: I will be your end, even if it will mean my destruction, you will suffer, muu

muu: your words are harsh, sephiroth, can you back up your words?

seph: come and find out for yourself

muu: with pleasure

[both fighters dash at each other, exchanging punches and kicks, it appears that neither fighter has the advantage, occasionally, one of them would fire off a beam, and the other would dodge it, but neither seems to be better than the other]

muu: not bad, but I think you are holding back

seph: yes, I am, I am only ssj2 now

muu: so it seems, show me your full power, and I shall show you mine

seph: ....very well

[sephiroth begins to transform to ssj3]

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Ezari: We are waiting!

Sabir: All in good time.............*mutters something uninteligable* SUMMER SOLSTICE!!!!!!!!!

Ezari: Aw sh*t!

[i]A blinding flash of light surged from Sabirsing's body, completely blinding Ezari.........then the energy took on a physical form and crushed Ezari into the ground........[/i]

Ezari: That does it........POWER SURGE!!

Sabir: Damnit!

[i]From the ground, a monsterous surge of power rose to hit Sabirsing dead on, sending her miles back into a cliffside. A few minutes pass, as Ezari regains his sight......Sabirsing slowly recovers her strength.......but is somewhat battered.........[/i]

Sabir: That smarts. :demon:

Ezari: Point being?

Sabir: I should kill you for that.[/COLOR]
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Craig sits there watching the fight, with the most confused look you've ever seen on his face.

Craig: How in the blue hell did Seph get that strong......... *grins* he must be cheating again...... or maybe he's got some sort of magic beans in his pocket...........

Muu: Yes, I am also intrigued as to your sudden power surge.......

Sephiroth:*telepathically* Craig, if you want a similar power surge.... go to Dende, he will help you out.

Craig: Okay..... I suppose.

Craig blasts off, and a few seconds later he arrived at Dende's tower.

Craig: Dende, will you teleport me to the other world?

Dende: Umm.......... okay I suppose.

Dende touches Craig, an instantly Craig finds himself in front of King Yemma. Craig runs off, and catches the plane to Grand Kaio's planet.

~30 minutes later~

Craig arrives on Grand Kaio's planet. He sees some familiar faces, and also a strange midget with spiky hair.

Rou: Let me guess......... Sephiroth sent you?

Craig: Yes, yes he did......

Rou: Okay then...... I will give you a power increase to make you as string and as fast as Muu also.

A Green aura surrounds Craig, about 3 seconds later it dies down.

Craig: Whoa....... cool!

Rou says a few words, and Craig appears infront of Muu and Seph.

Craig: I'm here if you need me Seph.
Well......... me of Seph didn't get possesed by Muu........ so I guess this is our way of cheating.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Ezari: This isn't a fight to the death, you know....

Sabir: Your point is?

Ezari: ....:demon:

Sabir: Hit me with everything you've got.

[i]Using his body like a whiplash, Ezari swung his barbed tail towards Sabirsing....She wached the incoming blow and didn't dodge....the full force of the attack struck her head on...slaming her into the ground mercilessly...[/i]

Ezari: Satisfied?

Sabir: ....[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]erm, where the hell have everyone disappeared to? I haven't seen ss trunks, supersaiyan or majin vegeta for a while :confused: [/B][/QUOTE]

Ahem... I think cuz you blocked my on AIM :bawl:!!!!!! Well, I've been/am busy at the current time. So, I won't be in this for a while.
*Neil is out cold with his back torn open, on a rock far away cuz Muu blasted him*
[size=4]HOPE YER WEDDING GOES WELL SEPH! HAVE A HAPPY AND LONG MARRAGE! WOO-HOO! God, the Gods grow up so fast these days! :bawl: I JUST LOVE WEDDINGS! :bawl: ;)[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i]

Ahem... I think cuz you blocked my on AIM :bawl:!!!!!! Well, I've been/am busy at the current time. So, I won't be in this for a while.
*Neil is out cold with his back torn open, on a rock far away cuz Muu blasted him*
[size=4]HOPE YER WEDDING GOES WELL SEPH! HAVE A HAPPY AND LONG MARRAGE! WOO-HOO! God, the Gods grow up so fast these days! :bawl: I JUST LOVE WEDDINGS! :bawl: ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

moe has not been on aim for almost 2 months, lol, thats why you haven't seen him, I kinda broke the comp, its kinda fixed now though, aim still doesn't work though, grrr

yep, moe should be married about now, I couldn't go to the wedding because of work overload, and I got exams all week, I just couldn't make the time to go, even more grrrr

oh yeah, moe let me join this rpg, now to think of a way to come in, should have something by tomorrow
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing had detrasformed, and she was covered in blood.......her body was a mass of pain and the agony was enough to blind her momentarily...she tried to sit up, and failed.[/i]

Sabir: [i]If I can't move...........then I really am pathetic........:demon: And I am not giving up now![/i]

Ezari: :devil: Finished girly?!?

Sabir: :flaming: NEVER!!

[i]Immediatly, her whole body glowed blue and white, she stood up, and the blood flowing from her being quickly dried up...she shook out her bloodstained hair and flexed her hands......[/i]

Sabir: I'll never give up......[/COLOR]
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