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Dragonball-a new hope


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Suddenly in the battle, a mysterious warrior appears on the battlefield]

muu: huh? who are you?

Mr Penn: I am.....MR PENN! earth's greatest champion, hahahaha! I heard about all the things you have been doing and have come to stop you, now out of the way, old man (sephiroth)

sephiroth: I am not an old man

Mr Penn: oh yeah? then whats with the long white hair?

sephiroth: ......its my natural color

Mr Penn: well, whatever, now out of the way so I can give this purple guy the biggest chop in the galaxy, hahaha!

craig: oh brother :rolleyes:
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]She slowly drew a 7 pointed star in the ground, with the blood that had spilled.....Ezari smiled thinly and watched her work her magic....When the star was complete, she stepped into the circle and closed her eyes...[/i]

Sabir: Sacred Elements near and far....come to bend unto my will.....
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Metal, Dark, and LIGHT!!! :flaming:

[i]As each element was named, a certain point in the star glowed with it's own color...Red for fire, blue for water...etc.etc.etc...Her body errupted i a mass of energy, her hair flew outwards and turned a bright silver again.....her eyes opened, and they were a deep red...[/i]

Ezari: :therock: So...the little Laporin bastard does have some power after all....

Sabir: And I will not go down quietly...

[i]Wings errupted from her back, and she grew her claws and fangs.....then she charged forward, ramming her side against Ezari...driving him backwards....He recovered and tried to get her wrapped up in his tail...she teleported out of the way, and slashed upwards with her talons....cutting his side wide open.....[/i][/COLOR]
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Andrew comes up the staris dragging the unconcious body of the monster thingy he fought, His clothes slightly ripped and torn.

Andrew: Where would you like me to put this?

Laurii: You beat him.

Andrew: it took a while but I discovered this pitiful excuse for a cuddly toy's weakness. He shortly fel to my feet.

Laurii: Ok. what next?

Andrew: Where's Sabir?

Laurii: She's busy. why?

Andrew: Tell her and AJ I've gone back to earth.

He puts his 2 fingers on his head and disappears. He arrives on the lookout and feels the fight going on lower down.

Dende: Hello Andrew.

Andrew: I'm using the ROST

Dende: Ok.

Andrew steps inside and begins training straight away.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *SLASH*


Sabir: :therock: No thanks...I'd rather stay alive.

[i]The two stared eachother down....then Shands upwards in a deadly magic attack......and knocked Ezari out completely.....his body flowed white, then grey...then disapeared.[/i]

Sabir: I thank you Ezari....I owe you....

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*The fight-bubble bursts, and after a long hard 36 hours of fighting, AJ pops out of the bubble with something*

???: Why are we so alike? And why were we pitted against each other?

AJ: See, I'm a saiya-jin.. say-a-jin, see? And I asked Sabir, the Laporin who made you, Lap-or-rin, to get me a spar partner...and I chose you :)

???: So why do we look so alike? And why did you beat me up?

AJ: See, I asked Sabir for a special spar-tner, a customised one. So she made you with my DNA and stuff.

???: You're my DAD?

AJ: Nooooooooo, pff! I'm your brother! And I'm gonna teach you all about life!

???: OK, [i]brother[/i]..if I'm you, or from you, or something..why are you stronger?

AJ: I'm not. We're equal. I'm just gonna have to teach you all about power-up stuff. And call me AJ, or bro, or something. Brother sounds too posh...

???: AJ...what's my name?

AJ: Uh....I'm not good with names..

???: Doesn't matter

AJ: Uh,...how about AJ? :D


Behold, the birth of [color=red][b]AJ![/color][/b]
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AJ: Yeah, like that....

[color=red]AJ: Oh,...I'm learning fast, right?[/color]

AJ: Course you are! Now let's go look for Sabir, she'll get us outta this place. Then you can go to earth with me, and meet Sephiroth and Neil and Craig and Tonberry and Muu and...

*he stops*

AJ: Well, Tonberry's disappeared back to his kingdom, so you won't meet him, and Muu's a silly purple freak who can't talk, and stands for all that is stupid and bad..

[color=red]AJ: Like us?[/color]

AJ: We're not bad! You and I are goodies..

[color=red]AJ: So what's stupid then?[/color]


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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *Zamma-To appears* Stupid is when people like AJ sit around talking to their other halves.

AJ: :o.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=red]AJ: Oh.....I get it...sort of.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Good. Now let's get going.[/COLOR]
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Inside the ROST.....

It is now going into the 7thh month. Andrew is fighting 3 copies of himself and has about 20 training Androids trying to kil him too. Two copies grap his arms while the other beats hell into him. He let's out a huge wave of power that throws all of them back and then the androids attack straight after. He oblierates the android wiith a swift Final Flash.
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[sephiroth and muu stare off at each other, ignoring the newcomer, Mr Penn]

muu: ....your move

seph: your choice

[in an eyeblink, they both disappear, sounds of knuckle meets sinew can be heard, their speed unimaginable, but craig can see them perfectly well, and surprisingly enough, as can Mr Penn]

penn: hmmm, not a bad fight

craig: you mean, you can see them?

penn: of course I can! what did you think I was, an amateur?!

craig: well.....yes

penn: grrrr! :flaming:

[sephiroth finds a weakness in one of muu's attacks, he grabs muu by the arm and starts spinning him around, he releases his grip and as muu is falling fast towards the ground, sephiroth aims on arm towards him]

seph: ......SHUN......GOUKI......

muu: *looking up* huh? thats quite a lotta power gererating from him

seph: .......SATSU!!!!!

[a huge red beam is released from sephiroth's hand and makes its way towards muu]

muu: dammit, I don't think I can block it!

[muu quickly retaliates with a kamehameha, both beams crash into each other]

muu: hmmm.....

seph: .....its a face off

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing rolled her eyes and swung her Zamma-To restlessly.[/i]

Craig: Bored?

Sabir: Quite.......we have nothing to do but watch Sephiroth fight..........and since I have nothing better to do...

[i]In one swift movement, she took a step forward and slashed Craig across the hand...drawing bright red blood....[/i]

Craig: HEY!!

Sabir: Hold still.

[i]She held his bleeding hand forward and let the blood drop to the ground.....then she pressed her hands against his and the bleeding stopped. Using Craig's essense, she quickly drew a 7 pointed star on the ground and stepped into its center....[/i][/COLOR]
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[both sephiroth and muu are still in a beam face off, both of them increasing their strength on their own beams, neither fighter gaining the advantage]

muu: you will tire sooner than I, and when that happens you will die!

seph: .....I think not, HYAAAAAAH!!!!

[suddenly a large burst of energy erupts from sephiroth and his beam slowly begins to override muu's beam]

muu: what....impossible!

seph: I will be your end, just as I had said before....

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]She clasped her hands together underneath her chin and quickly centered all of her availble energy...[/i]

Sabir: Sacred Elements...Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Metal, Dark, and Light.....Be what you are....show what was...

[i]As each element was named, a point on the star glowed red....then the whole thing glowed bright blue, and Sabirsing disapeared with it.[/i]

Craig: Oi....

AJ: What did she just do?

Craig: That's a good question.....[/COLOR]
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muu: well, don't get too cocky, I am still holding back a large amount of my power!

seph: hmph, your not the only one

[muu raises an eyebrow]

muu: really? well, mister super saiya-jin, show me what you got, and I'll show you what I'VE got!

seph: well, if you insist, I can understand if you want it to be a quick death, completely void of pain

muu: hah, stop acting so high and mighty, you totally underestimate me!

seph: well, we will see

[suddenly a burst of power erupts from sephiroth, slowly moving from ssj2 and becoming ssj3, power erupting from each vein in his body, the force blowing everything into the distance, and causing a huge crater underneath him]

muu: *thinking* hmmm, he is more powerful than I thought, I can't make any mistakes around him, and if I get a chance, I shall absorb him....

to be continued....
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Mr Penn begins to get agitated at sephiroth and muu fighting

mr penn: dammit, I hate standing here, I wanna kick muu's butt!

he begins to spank his butt

mr penn: come on muu, come get some, ya damn pansy!

neither muu nor sephiroth paid him any particular attention

mr penn: dammit, stop ignoring me, don't make me mad, you wouldn't like me when I'm mad, I can give you the biggest damn chop in the world!
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]In a flash of red, Sabir reapeared next to Mr. Penn and calmly slapped both sides of his head.[/i]

Sabir: Two things...*slap* Shut.. *slap* Up!

Mr. Penn: That hurts!

Sabir: Good! :flaming: Now drag your pathetic caracass out of here![/COLOR]
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[suddenly, during the fight, muu starts to seriously slow down]

muu: ugh....what....whats wrong with me

seph: hmm, well, whatever is wrong with you, I'm not going to let you recover from it

[sephiroth begins to knock about muu, muu made no attempt whatsoever to block off the attacks, muu can't even keep his eyes open from whatever is happening to him]

muu: ugh....I'll....be back!

[and with that being said, sephiroth picked up muu, chucked him into the air, and threw the biggest kamehameha he can muster, nothing was left of muu after the attack]

craig: that....went pretty damn quick

seph: hmm, I somehow have the feeling he will return, I do not know what happened to him

craig: well, who cares, its over....for now

mr penn: you bastard! I wanted to kill him, not you! arghhh!!!

seph: ugh, shut up, will ya

craig: well, may as well make our way back then, good to have you back seph

seph: thanks, I think I will go and see my wife and son now then

craig: cool, later

[they both disappeared out of sight, leaving mr penn there by himself]

mr penn: grrr, I'll show them! I'll.....hold a fighting tournament! yeah, thats it! and then I'll become the winner for the 5th time in a row! oh yeah!

[mr penn walks off into the distance]


ooc: I will be holding a tournament very soon, I will start advertising it to other members on monday, so make sure you state whether you are in or not!!!
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: *click* Neil?


Sabir: This is precious.......

Neil: Could you plese help me?

Sabir: Why should I?

Neil: Just do it!

Sabir: No. I like this........watching you suffer buisness.[/COLOR]
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6 months have passed since the bajin muu incident, and sephiroth had been working hard in conjunction with many dojo's, they were getting ready to start the Sephiroth Tournament, funded and created by sephiroth himself, the tournament had been sponsored from dojo's all throughout the world, they were even advertising the tournament everywhere, sephiroth had already sent invitations to his friends, but had not yet received a reply from them, and he was too busy to go and see them himself, the tournament was fast approaching, it begins soon....

to be continued....
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