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Dragonball-a new hope


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OMG! I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE MORE EGOTISTIACAL THAT BLANK!(BTAS) OMG! Oh, And Rai? I was PASSED OUT on the rock. Besides, I would NEVER ask for your help. Dirty Baka(sp?)

<~~~is pissy and evil today. Needs sleep. Goes sleepy-by. :sleep:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]How the hell do you know that you're stronger than Sabirsing? She's never fully powered up........[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

And you won't get a chance to either if you step in the ring with me!
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[color=indigo][i] It is the begining of his second year on earth. Although he rarely ventures from his Moutian Dojo, Night decided it would be fun to go to the city for a day. Walking down the street he noticed that every body was in ahurry to get somewhere...[/i]

Night-Maybe they would stop and look around if they realized how frail their existence really is.

[i]Night looks up just in time to see an advertisement on the huge Z-TV screen. [/i]

Night- A tournement? This could be fun, I think I'll enter. Since I have been on Earth I have felt several strong powers here. Maybe they will enter also, and I will be able to test my skills...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i]

And you won't get a chance to either if you step in the ring with me! [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Don't count your chickens before they're eggs. Sabir's...........not your average mage/sayjian *****.[/COLOR]
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OOC: I knew I entered one of these dbz rpgs that had been around for awhile and I knew that I just posted a day or two ago. I just read half the pages of Battle Feild Aeustus Tournament, and I was looking for the post because it was in the middle of a tournament in that forum...gilly I'm a moron.
Just so you know here is my charecters stuff:
Name: Night
Age: 21
Gender: M
Appearenece: He looks like Gohan except he had white hair and red eyes. He always dresses in jeans, a t-shirt, reptile looking boots, and a snake skin looking jacket. Both his jacket and boots create a gravitational feild 500 times that of earths around him so he is constantly in the heightened gravity.

Bio: He is from a race known as the ancients. His home planet was destroyed but not before he escaped to earth

[color=indigo][i]Night jogs to the top of the mountain. It was only a short distance, but along with the gravity enhancers, it is a good exercise. It is time for him to spar, and since he doesn't have a partner, he uses himself. First, he creates a ball of energy. Then he throws it forward and runs past it to block it upwards. Next, he flies upwards to agian block the ball. He does this excercise for an hour and then stops to meditate. After his meditation is over his real workout begins.

Night powers up to his advanced form. A silver Aura surrounds him and his eyes glow with a red light. His hair spikes like the quills of a porcupine and his muscles tighten. (this stage is similar to that of a super saiya-jin and is as powerful as Freiza's Final form) He then splits into two, leaving two forms both as powerful as he once was. Then one of the forms powers back to normal. They begin to spar, and surprisingly, neither have a great advantage on the other. They take turns swapping the advanced form. It is several hours before they both collapse from exhaustion, Falling into each other and making a single entity once more.[/i][/color]
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[finally, after many weeks worth of work, the final touches have been done to the tournament, sephiroth and his wife, with his son in his arms, look on at the arena]

seph: finally, after all that work, I have finally finished

[a man walks up to sephiroth]

man: excuse me, sephiroth, the Z TV station want to know when the tournament will be starting

sephiroth: ......in one month exactly as of this day, all participants will be welcome

man: yes sir

[the man walks off and sephiroth begins to shadow box]

seph: you know, I haven't practiced any serious fighting moves for a while now, I've been too busy getting the tournament ready, I wonder how the gang is doing....

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: Nen......Sor un para.....no Libertine!!!

[i]As soon as the words left her mouth....a huge blue 7 pointed star appeared in front of her and released a blast of magic...


Sephiroth: *duck* :eek: What the...?

Sabir: Oh...Sorry Seph. I didn't see you there...

Sephiroth: So...what was that?

Sabir: Libertine....a new spell I've been perfecting. What do you think?

Sephiroth: Well it did nearly take the top of my head off.[/COLOR]
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AJ: C'mon! C'mon! One of us has to be able to get this thing to work...

[color=red]AJ: Yeah bro..one of us has to turn *strain* SSJ[/color]

AJ: *strain* Yeah, God it'll be so embarrassing to have Sabir, or anyone else ask 'Gone SSJ[u]1[/u] yet?'

[color=red]AJ: Look on the bright side, you're *strain* stronger than most of the rest at normal rate, and powered up[/color]

AJ: *strain* So? Doesn't make a damn difference. I don't stand a chance after they transform

[color=red]AJ: You think too much...try clearing your head,..maybe it'll help[/color][/b]
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[color=indigo][i] Night is at a loss of at how to train. He has to surpass his advanced form. There are people much stronger then that on the planet. However, it seems that no matter how hard he trains he cannot power up any more, he can feel the level looming right over him, just out of reach. He decides that the best way to accomplish his goal is to meditate...he sits down and begins...[/color]
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seph: so sabir, what have you been up to? I haven't seen you in a while

sabir: nothing much, just training every now and then

seph: how is craig? have you seen him recently?

sabir: no, I haven't seen him for about a month now

seph: anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I have to train now, wanna spar for a while?

sabir: eh, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try

seph: or would it? lol

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: :demon: Shall we?

Sephiroth: Ladies first.

[i]Sabir threw her hands to the sides and let her power level soar...........as soon as her hair began to crackle and flame, she smiled, showing her feral teeth........Sephiroth dropped into a fighting stance and Sabir arieled forward, catching Seph's shoulder. He spun a tight circle and caught her stomach......[/i]

Sabir: I see you've been slack.

Seph: What makes you think that?

Sabir: Your mind.[/COLOR] :naughty:
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seph: well, though I have been slacking off, I haven't gotten weaker, thats a relief, heh, and I'm still in my normal form too!

sabir: hah, we both are!

seph: well, let me show you what this normal body of mine is able to do!

[before sabir could react, she had already found herself being hit in the stomach by sephiroth, winding her, he continued by giving her a huge somersault kick, sending her flying back, she quickly regained her momentum, and began firing mini ki balls at sephiroth]

seph: heh, you can fire those all day at me and still won't hit me :p

to be continued....
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[color=indigo][i]As Night sits meditating he thinks about his destroyed homeworld and his power slowly begins to rise. A silver aura surrounds him. He thinks about his friends, all who were slaughtered like chattel, by an evil entity, he unknowingly transforms into his advanced form. His anger grows as he remembers his parents and his young wife murdered in front of him...his anger engulfs him and he transforms again...his silvery aura replaced by an eerie black one and the red glow of his eyes turns indigo. His entire mountain dojo crumbles underneath him along with the mountian. He has reached the legendary form of a caller, the level of a standard soldier in ancient ranks...[/i]

Night- I am still not that strong but I did manage to maintain that phase at 500 times earths gravity....[/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ........:therock: And this is all you?ve got?

Seph: In this form.

Sabir: Oh brother......you really have slacked off.

Seph: Point being?

Sabir: You?d better get stronger if you want to win [i]your[/i] tournament.

[i]Without another word, she twisted in quickly and kicked him across the neck with one leg, then the other, faster than the eye could follow, then she swiftly struck his side with her clasped fists. He wheeled around, and went SSJ, his aura writhing yellow.........Sabirsing raised one eyebrow, then crossed her arms across her face, blocking his punches and kicks with some difficulty. She teleported back onto a nearby cliff, and let her powerlevel jump to rival his.......[/i]

Seph: Finally......

Sabir: Going Hecateus.......prepare for blood.........:devil:

[i]With an audible ripping noise, her wings tore out of her shoulderblades and spread upwards, spikes extended. Her fangs sliced her lips open neatly, then her claws grew and curved outwards......an She smiled thinly as green scales grew from her feet upwards......stopping just below her hips. Her smile grew even broader as bright blue blood dripped from her lips to the ground. Then she cracked her neck, and the scales spread to her arms and chest while patches of normal skin appeared her legs.[/i]

Sabir: Ready?

Seph: .......I think I?m glad I?m not Laporin........*eyes her mouth*

Sabir: You get used to it. *shrug*

[i]He shot a ball of ki at her as a test.....and she spread a wing to cover herself, and the ki ball stopped inches from her, then disipaited.[/i]

Seph: *raises eyebrows*

Sabir: Ki repellant wings. ;)

Seph: Ah. [i]F*ck.

Moving gracefully, she fired several ki blasts at him in sucession, and he swatted them away easily, then Sephiroth shouted and his powerlevel went wild.....[/i]

Seph: KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!!!!! :flaming:

Sabir: :demon: Chaos shield......

[i]Her wings spread to twice their normal size, and surrounded her front, creating a glowing barrier of silver and green.[/i]


Sabir: You?ll have to do better than that Sephy.......but in the meantime......;) *flicks wings* *center?s magic* *mutters* Power of Darkness.....

Seph: .................Anything but that..... *raises mental shields*

Sabir: *shouts* Power of Evil that resides in the minds of all men,
I summon thee!
To BLEED! To BURN! To DESTROY! ............the one who stands before me now......LORD OF NIGHTMARES........COME FORTH!

Seph: Sh*t.

[i]Sabir?s body glowed black and silver......then a rushing darkness flew from her eyes and entered Sephiroth?s mind, filling it with every horrible experience of his life, every fear, every uncertainty.......every momment of suffering....He clutched his head and screamed at the top of his lungs.......

Sabir stood back, watching his agony with a calm look.....[/i]

Sabir: ............finished yet?


Sabir: *crosses arms* :sleep:

..............[i]And time went by[/i].........

Sabir: ...........*wakes up* Anyways....[/COLOR]
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[the pain inside sephiroth's head began to increase, and somehow throughout the pain, a plan began to gather inside his head]

seph: ugh....aaaaah.....REFLECT!!!

[suddenly her was relieved of all pain, and stood smiling at sabir, who clutched her head in pain]

seph: how does it feel to be on the short end of the stick? :smirk:

[as he said that, he held out both arms in front of him and began to charge up one of his trademark beams, a green aura began to surround his hands, the gold aura that surrounded him began to spin faster, he then looked at sabir]

seph: .......ULTIMA BEAM!!!

[the huge green beam made its way towards sabir at a remarkable speed]

to be continued....
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Meanwhile, Craig has been in intense metitation up on a mountain top for some time. His attire has changed to match that of Brolly's, except his trousers are black. He awaits the tournament, he has gotten much stronger since the Muu incident. He can sense Sephiroth and Sabir sparring...... he can sense Andrew in his gravity rooms (still believing that is the quickest wayto increase power), and can sense Neil's somewhere half way across the planet. He can sense the AJ's somewhere near him. He remains perfectly still however, focusing his energy, for the tournament that is a short time away.
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[COLOR=seagreen][i]Through her agony, Sabirsing quickly concentrated on her magic, and the Lord of Nightmares left her.....then she quickly teleported out of the beam's path.......

In a surge of power, Sephiroth roared and firered a highly concentrated beam of energy at Sabirsing. She immediatly raised a shield...........but the beam hit her dead on and knocked her deep into the ground. Sephiroth eyed the crater she had made, then crossed his arms, smiling. The crater glowed blue, and Sabirsing reapeared, floating just above it, wings unfurled, blood on her chest.[/i]

Sabir: Is there some problem?

Sephiroth: You refuse to give up.

Sabir: Can I help it if I have Sayjian pride?

Sephiroth: How about I just rip your wings off? *IT*

[i]He reapeared behind Sabir and twisted her wings viciously. Sabirsing shrugged and phased out of his grip. She performed a series of bluring backflips, and moved out of his immediate area.[/i]

Sabir: Temper temper. *shakes finger*

[i]Forcing himself to remain calm, Sephiroth exhaled slowly, then inhaled again. Sabirsing eyed him warrily, then began to build her magic energy.........she glanced at him again.........and he wasn't noticing her power........so she let it rise even more..........then slowly raised her hands.[/i]

Sabir: *whispers* Ten......sora..unparo........LIBERTINE!!!!!!!!!

[i]With bluring speed, Sabir drew her Sevenstar and let it grow. Sephiroth immediatly hurtled himself forward, arms raised......he hit the star deadon, as Sabirsing watched. As soon as his hands touched it, he felt an agonizing wrench in his chest, then yelped as the star enveloped him.....covering him in flickering blue flames. Then the fire died down, and everything was still. The only sound was Sephiroth's hard breathing and Sabirsing's icy laughter.[/i]

Sabir: Don't you ever read?

Seph: What's so dammed funny?!? :flaming:

Sabir: Smart people don't touch spells that aren't completely set up........especially Chaos spells. *snort* And you took it upon yourself to touch one of my more powerful magic attacks, even though it wasn't finished yet. Not very wise.

Sephiroth: I'll remember it next time.

[i]With a quick shrug, Sabirsing let her features go back to normal. Then her body powered up to a higher stage.......and her thick brown hair grew into a lion's mane. She shook her hair, then snapped her fingers. A single cylinder of energy appeared at her fingertips, and her hand closed around it.[/i]

Sabir: House of Skyfuree......give me my staff.......

[i]In a slight burst of power, her Zamma-To appeared in her hands and spread to a length of 6 feet. She whirled it expertly and adopted a ready stance.[/i]

Seph: Let me guess......."Don't touch this one either."

Sabir: ;) You're gettin it.[/COLOR]
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seph: well, I guess in that case it is time to turn it up a notch, I haven't been truly truthful to you, I have in fact been keeping up with my training, lol

sabir: sure, whatever you say

[just then a giant golden forcefield surrounded sephiroth, his golden ssj hair began to become spikier, and bolts of electricity began to surge out of his body, he has become an ssj2]

seph: aaaah, much better, you know that ssj transformation is so weak, 2 is much better

[before sabir could utter a word, she found herself being punched to the face by sephiroth, as she was sent flying back, he suddenly appeared behind her and kicked her high into the air, and then he began charging up a beam]

seph: KAAAAA......MEEEEE.......HAAAAA......MEEEEEE.....HAAAAAA!!!

[the huge beam suddenly made its way towards sabir at a deafening speed, and she was still flying high into the air, the beam would surely hit her]

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue][COLOR=royalblue][i]As quickly as possible, Sabirsing brought her staff up in a defensive position....and managed to cancel out about half the blast........which didn't do her much good anyways....she still was thrown backwards....into the nearest cliffside....[they always pop up in the right places.][/i]

Sabir:....*cough cough* *spits out dark blue blood* Thanks alot............

Sephiroth: My...

Sabir: Pleasure............I know....

[i]With a supreme effort, Sabirsing dropped to the ground, graceful as a cat. In a blaze of light, she matched his level...her hair spiking itself upwards and down her back.........She clenched her fists, and tightened her grip on her Zamma-to, turning her knuckles white....then she murmered a swift spell....and brought the blade of her staff upwards........it's cool silver edges seething with power...[/i]

Sephiroth: ...........

Sabir: :demon: KAITA!! BASHATARAA!!


Sephiroth: *thrown backwards*

[i]Raiha's Production Notes: If you've seen LOTR.......Sabir's getting all "mideval on his heiny" just like Saruman did with Gandalf.....unfortunatly there isn't the Tower of Isengard to keep Sabirsing happy....but I'll work on that....:devil:[/i][/COLOR]
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[color=indigo][i]Night felt the two powers grow and grow, he was both horrified and excited. He felt that one was power based, like his own, and the other wa magic based. He ha encountered Magic based fighters before, but none narly as strong as this one. And the other fighters power was overwhelming, much stronger then any power on Ancient.

Night knew that h had yet to max out his capabilities, but if he wanted to win this tournament he must be able t make the final transformation into a Divnity...the ultimate trasformation fr an Ancient. But would that be enough.[/i][/color]
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