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[i]Neil stands perfectly calm, amoungst a dense jungle. But in a golden flash, the jungle decimated. A strange power flowwed through his body, causing the ground around him to crumble, to shatter.

Lifting high into the sky, making the clouds high above buckle, ripping apart, Neil climbed his way higher through the night sky. He smirked evilly, the blackest of black "B" ensignia still staining his forehead.[/i]

Neil: Craig......Your death shall be by my hands.. Andrew.... Sabirsing, Sephiroth......Aj.... All of you. By my ha---NO! STOP IT! MEDR--Silence, Neil! Keep quiet or you will feel their pain!
WTF is goin on with Neil? He's not himself, it seems! Find out during the tourny!
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[color=indigo][i]Night is training by the creek when he feels a strang presence. He tuns to see a familiar creature. He stands seven feet tall and has incredibly strong limbs. Hs skin is covered by rough blond fur. His face is human like except for the pointy haired ears and his braided beard. Around his head is a halo.[/i]

Stranger-Hello Ancient....

Night- You are a Tyfom!!! Your species ws wiped out by the madness right before ou planet was...I didn' know that anyone survived.

Stranger-No one did. I come fro other world. I am visiting Earth to train...Good Credit. My name is Ank.

Night- I am Night, and I desperatly need a strong sparring partner...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i]
[B][i]Neil stands perfectly calm, amoungst a dense jungle. But in a golden flash, the jungle decimated. A strange power flowwed through his body, causing the ground around him to crumble, to shatter.

Lifting high into the sky, making the clouds high above buckle, ripping apart, Neil climbed his way higher through the night sky. He smirked evilly, the blackest of black "B" ensignia still staining his forehead.[/i]

Neil: Craig......Your death shall be by my hands.. Andrew.... Sabirsing, Sephiroth......Aj.... All of you. By my ha---NO! STOP IT! MEDR--Silence, Neil! Keep quiet or you will feel their pain!
WTF is goin on with Neil? He's not himself, it seems! Find out during the tourny! [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]*cough cough* Say hello to Blank.................Neil's alter ego.[/COLOR]
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[sabir and seph continue to fight, until a voice is suddenly heard]

???: oh sephy honey, dinner time! shinouku wants you home too!

seph: woops, looks like I gotta fly, gotta get back to the family, nice sparring with you sabir, you've certainly improved

sabir: oh lemme guess, still not as powerful as you?

seph: you never know ;) ciao

[and with that sephiroth flew back to the arena]

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]*cough cough* Say hello to Blank.................Neil's alter ego.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

God, Rai... You get smarter every day.. You are so smar---*warped, demonic voice* SILENCE! YOU FOOL! KEEL ALLLLLL!!!!!!---*normal voice* Shite! He's back... BTAS .jr, here we come..God, head for the hills, yall...-.-
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i]

God, Rai... You get smarter every day.. You are so smar---*warped, demonic voice* SILENCE! YOU FOOL! KEEL ALLLLLL!!!!!!---*normal voice* Shite! He's back... BTAS .jr, here we come..God, head for the hills, yall...-.- [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]*snort* One egotistical lunatic isn't enough to scare the most poweful mage in the galaxy.
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: I really hate it when he does that. -_-........


Back at the waterfall, Sabirsing dived into the lake, hands clasped together perfectly......


Sabir: Aaaah.......:sleep:[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i]
[B]Damn!! This looks like a really kewl RPG and I'm too late to sign up for the tournament! (Did you say everyone had to sign up by monday?) :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE]

you can sign up as long as its before saturday....
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*Cough* Whatever........ Jus know that Blank has a few tricks up his sleeve. Oh, and prepair for an ego worse that Vell(Vegeta and Vegeta fused....O_o;;;; ). He's pretty bad. And annoying. Which is why I use him..^__^ Oh, did I mention he's about as powerful as six Neils? :D *cough* Seph, need to talk to ya man. Get your ***-k on AIM! Please? PLEASE?!
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[in a dark and twisted world, a dark figure stands, cape twirling in the wind, arms folded, face engulfed in black darkness, all that can be seen are piercing, red eyes, he controls this world with a mere thought of his mind, his power really is that great, this world in which he himself created, the spiritual world, the world where the unlucky fail to get into either the other world or hell, their souls trapped here, his to torment, and torment in which he enjoys casting, he looks up at his dark world, and sees many souls floating through the air, a lost cause, looking for a place to go, but this world is eternal, there is nowhere they can go, nowhere they can hide from him, he was hungry, he had not eaten for a while, he grinned as he pulled his mask up, just over his mouth, and what a disgusting disfigured mouth it was, boney like a skeletons, though looking like it was still decomposing, a sucking sound was heard as his mouth began to suck in everything, like a vacuum cleaner, the souls screamed in pain, trying to escape it, but it was too late, he ate their souls without a second thought, he put his mask back down and looked on into the distance, at his world, with a flicker of his hand, visions of other worlds appeared before him, he flickered through each world until one grabbed his attention, he made his vision zoom in, he looked at the inhabitants of this world, until the vision stopped at a man, he was eating at home, with his wife and young son, they looked like a happy family, the man caught his attention, he had looked vaguely familiar, he had long white hair and wore black clothing, with a thought, he scanned the man's mind, and remembered who he was, he had seen him enter the other world once and won one of the tournaments there, and it appeared he was holding a tournament of his own this time, he scanned his mind once more, this man was extremely powerful, but nowhere near as powerful as he, that he was certain of]

soul reaver: you are powerful indeed, sephiroth, perhaps I should put some challenge into your little tournament, I shall enter it and defeat you and all of your friends, then I shall absorb your soul, and your friends souls, it should prove to be a most delicious meal, so says I, the Soul Reaver!

to be continued....
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Andrew sits on the lookout meditating. He has been sitting there for ages just thinking about things that have past and things that come. Dende walks up and looks at him.

Dende: Andrew! Mr.Popo tells me that you wanted to speak to me.

Andrew: I need you to teach me that move you use to heal people.

Dende: That can be arranged, But you need to warm up and have a quick excercise before I teach you anything.

Andrew: I hear you!

Andrew's auro explodes round him as he powers up to SSJ2. He begins flying round the lookout. He fires thousands of Balsts at the lookout and then with immense speed zanzokens infront of each and every one of them and swats them away. Then he flies just above the lookout and throws both his hands into the air. An energy orb appears and begins increasing in size. Eventually it is 3 times the size of Andrew. He launces the ball at the lookout and then Zanzokens infront of it. He puts his hands to his side and an orb appears between them. His muscles buldge and his power increases. He throws his hands forward and a huge beam errupts from his hands and straight at the ball. The ball slows down but doesn't stop. He begins to strain and a vein buldges out of his forehead.


The beam instantly grows in size as Andrew's hair grows in size and his eyebrows dissappear. The beam pushes the ball back and they both fly into space and explode not to far away. Andrew drops back onto the lookout now as a normal saiyan.

Andrew: How was that?

Dende: Well done. You are now ready to learn.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]Now where have I heard that line before? .........oh yeah...............Soul Reaver is from a book I read once.......something about a demon prince and a dead girl.[/COLOR] :demon: :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE]

ooc: nein, I'm afraid you have it wrong this time, look for a ps2 game called soul reaver :p
finally, the day had come, the opening of the tournament, sephiroth stood in front of it gazing upon it, he had to admit, he had done a pretty good job, a tower stood at the corner of each part of the square arena, the arena could hold a capacity of 100 000 people watching at any one time, not to mention all the news and television groups that would be showing the event live to the people at home, and to think, he built it, with some help of course, but it was nonetheless his arena, and it was his tournament, he stepped inside and awaited the arrival of the other fighters, the arena was already filling up with crowds and the press, he stepped inside and sat down in his own chair, which was of course the best seat in the house, right in front of the fighting arena, a camera crew suddenly made their way to him

announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the long awaited sephiroth tournament is finally under way, and here is the man himself, sephiroth! now tell me sephiroth, what are your thought about the tournament?

seph: I believe it shall be most interesting, we shall be joined by extroardinary fighters, whom I shall enjoy participating against, this tournament will show us whom is the most powerful

announcer: do you believe that you will win your tournament?

seph: I am uncertain, but I'll sure give it a shot

announcer: thank you sephiroth, and now ladies and gentlemen, the fighters are arriving, we already have 100 fighters waiting in the lobby, the knockout stage shall begin in a mere hour, where all of the fighters will battle it out in the ring at once! you are eliminated if you land outside of the ring, the last 16 fighters standing will qualify to begin in the real sephiroth tournament, their names drawn out of a box, now let us await as the battle royal begins in a mere hour! stay tuned!

to be continued....
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*slaps Raiha* The Soul Reaver is from a very good game of the same name. Seph's altered it somewhat though, because the guy's name was Raziel, it was the sword he had that was the soul reaver.
Moving on, Craig's appearence has changed once again, to what it originally was. Look at the nice attatchment, and imagine that happy chappy (Vegetto for all you mentally challenged) with a black suit instead of a blue suit, and brown hair/ eyebrows as a normal saiyan. Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
Sephiroth sits there calmly, the camera crew filming the arena a few feet away. Suddenly, the ground starts shaking, a huge presence can be felt heading straight at them.

Camera man: W-what the hell is that???

Seph: Cool down, it's just Craig....

Suddenly, a "ting" sprakles in the distance, Seph recognises it as Craig's aura. The huge green aura heads with great speed towards the arena. It stops straight above the arena. Craig can now be seen, new suit and all. He drops slowly, and his feet touch the ground, just as his aura cuts out.

Seph: Nice to see you again my friend.

Craig: It's been a long time.

Seph: It sure has.... I hope you've been keeping up with your training.

Craig: You bet...... *thinking* But you'll wish I didn't Seph....... you'll wish I didn't.

Seph: I'll see you in the final 16 then.

Craig: I think you know that answer to that.

Suddenly, the camera crew run over to Craig.

Reporter: Hello sir, what are your predictions on the tournament??

Craig: I predict that someone will win! *thumbs up*

Camera crew:*classic anime fall*

Craig: I can't wait for this Battle Royal Seph........ it's gonna be fun.

Seph: I suppose so...........
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[shinouku starts to pull on sephiroth's trousers, sephiroth looks down at his son and smiles, he then picks him up and puts him on his shoulder, and walks away from craig, taking his son for a little stroll]

shinouku: hey dad, has your friend seen your new transformation yet?

seph: what, you mean super saiyajin3? yes, he has seen that

shinouku: no, I mean the other one

seph: oh....lets just keep that a little secret now, ok? ;)

shinouku: ok dad, no problem

claire: I thought they knew about it

seph: no, they don't, remember, I haven't seen any of them for ages, when I fought sabir I never had the chance, and now that craig is here, I dunno if its wise to just go ahead and show it, I think I'll just show it later on in the tournament

claire: hmm, just watch it out there, because you could be facing me! ;)

seph: sigh....are you sure you want to do it?

claire: of course I do! I could never pass up such an oppertunity, there is a definate lack of good female fighters in this tournament, I think sabir and I are the only ones!

seph: hmm, I see your point, anyway, we have some more time left before the battle royal starts, lets just relax, I'm gonna see what craig has been up to....

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i]
[B]Ugh.. I screwed up there Seph....... I you posted when I was typing, so I changed mine to suit yours, and then you posted again while I was fixing mine. [/B][/QUOTE]

ghah, I see what you mean, I'll change my one slightly so that shinouku talks to seph privately or something,lol....
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When's the table coming -.-'

[b]AJ: C'mon! Let's head to the tourney!

[color=red]AJ: Alright, jeeze already...[/color]


AJ: So..you enterin?

[color=red]AJ: Course. 'f you're in, I'm in[/color][/b]

Poor poor Raziel :( I never finished the game, heck, I only beat the first brother, coz then I had to give it back.
Poor Raziel. It very snidey on him when he gets beaten for growing wings and evolving :(
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[i]As the seething crowds madly dashing into the entrance, the humans were thrown aside, a single being forcing them away. Making his way through the mass, the young man showed no remorse. With a surge, his aura flared out, golden. It knocked the spectateders back, off of their feet. Moving over the shocked humans, the Saiyan floated in the air, over the wall of the stadium.

Landing in the seats, he once again let his Ki surge forth, smacking everyone back with a low bass rumbling. The seats in a line directly in front of him demoloished, leaving a neat, clean path for him to saunter down. And he did. Like he owned the world...........as he very possibly might.

Craig snapped his head up from deep thought, remembering this power source. He immedietly took to the air, surveying the minor damage. No one was hurt; just shaken up. With a sigh, he lowered down in front of Neil.[/i]

Craig: Why do you always do things the flashy way?

Neil: Out of my way Craig.. I need to sign up!

Craig: Cool it, aight man? I need to sign up too.


[i]With a flash, an arching ki sword appeared in Neil's right hand. He drew it backwards, peering ragingly into Craig's eyes, daring him to move. Craig slowly turned, lifting into the air. Neil's face relaxed, his muscles unbunching, the ki sword disappearing in a zap. Neil continued to walk, eyes still fixed staight ahead.

After a bit, he had signed up, awaiting his turn in Ring Six, where he would fight some guy named Isu. A piece of cake. Leaning up against the wall, Neil wrapped his arms around his body, crossing them. Eyes closed.. A classic pose. He could feel Craig nearing him. And pretty soon, Craig was standing next to him, awaiting his match in the same ring...[/i]

Craig:........So, what was that about earlier?

Neil:..........Nothing.. Nothing at all. Just go a little too excited.

Craig: Right..... Jeez, these boys can't fight for ****!

Neil: That's why I'm spending my time resting.. ..........So where's your little lost puppy, Andrew?

Craig: Lost puppy? Hell. He's somewhere.. I felt him powering up a bit ago.. Super Saiyan Three, you know..

Neil:........And? You think that's special? I have something which'll make SSJ-3 look like a peanut.

Craig: Next level?

Neil: Not in a sense.. You'll see if we step into the ring..

Craig: But I have a few tricks up my sleeve also.

Neil: Of course.. Don't we all? ....Hmm? Is that Aj?

Craig: *click* Yeah, I think so... He's a bit off, but he's improved..

Neil: *classic Vegeta smirk* [i]It's still not enough..[/i]

Craig: [i]Neil, don't count him out yet; he can hold his own..[/i]

Neil: Whatever.. Have you learned to channel your Super Saiyan abilites into your regular form?

Craig: Maybe........... Maybe not. You'll have to wait and see just like everyone else!

Neil: Heh......... The reason why I ask is because I can.. All of Super Saiyan One. All in regular form. It comes in handy. But you stil can't go Super One if you need to; you have to go Two or Three. Which is a real pain. But it saves the energy to transform, and you can use that to increase your stamina!

Craig: Yes, it's quite helpful. Hey, aren't you next?

Neil: Yup. Wish him luck!

Craig: HAH! He'll need it.:smirk:

[i]Neil nodded evilly, before letting his arms down. His eyes shot open, as he appeared in the ring. His "opponent", Isu, was a small fellow, no more than ninty pounds. Neil was sure by regular human standards he could pack a whollop, but he was nothing compaired to a Saiyan.

Isu took off into the air, his mighty jump letting him reach the ceiling. Grapping on to one of the rafters, Isu slung himself at Neil, when..

the Saiyan slid downwards, under Isu's kick. Planting his right foot forward in a roundhouse, Neil's boot found a pocket in his enemy's ribs, twisting vigoriously inwards. With a sharp "CRAAAACK!", Isu's crumpled mass laid on the ground.

Not wanting to leave his enemy "alive", Neil swept in with lightning speed, landing a left backhand on Isu's skull. In a flash, he was on the wall, sliding down anime stlye.

Neil calmly walked out of the ring, the entire fight a blur to everyone except Craig. Neil motioned to the still-unmoving Craig.[/i]

Neil: I believe you're up...[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue]Ugh, you men never read...............Soul Reaver..............familiar in both a game and a book. Books came before games. If you've ever read "Ender's Game." Then played "Zone of Enders."
[COLOR=seagreen][i]Sabirsing arched her back, like a cat stretching, then shot from her vantage point and landed in a summersault next to Claire and her son.[/i]

Claire: Hello again.

Sabir: Where's your signifigant other?

Claire: Craig hunting.......

Sabir: How's Shinouku?!? *pounce*

Shinouku: AHH!!


[i]The two disapeared underneath a chair, tickling eachother furiously...[/i]

Claire: :rolleyes: Some people never grow up....

Sabir: Huh?

Shinouku: HAH!

Sabir: :haha: I give up.[/COLOR]
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