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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
New side of Sabir? Or just a one off situation/occasion?
*me ponders*[/b] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]She loves kids. Loves to play and joke around.........alot of people [women] are like that.[/COLOR] :whoops:
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uhh, neil, if you read my post you will find out that the tournament will not start properly until after the huge battle royal, in which the final 16 remaining in the ring will be put into the fighting chart in who v who, looks like you have some editing to do, lol....
Finally, all of the fighters had arrived, sephiroth sensed some of his friends whom he had not yet seen, but knew that they were there, he got up and raised his hand to silence the crown, within seconds there was silence....

seph: ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to my tournament, the sephiroth tournament, we shall now start the huge 200 fighter battle royal, where all fighters shall battle in the arena, if they land outside of the arena, they are eliminated, the final 16 left standing shall go through the rest of the tournament, their names picked at random in whom they shall face, fighters, make your way to the arena, I await you all there....

[sephiroth flies towards the ring and lands in the middle, both of his arms crossed, awaiting the arrival of the other fighters, within minutes, the ring filled up, sephiroth was just about to start the battle when the sky suddenly turned dark, and thunder started to come out of the corridor]

seph: hmm, I feel a dark prescense here in the arena

[finally, a dark figure came out of the corridor, and made its way to the arena, its appearance demonic, the soul reaver had finally arrived at the tournament, it stepped inside of the arena and awaited, sephiroth decided not to take any longer, he raised his arm once again]

seph: battle start.....NOW!!!

to be continued....
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Craig punched a guy immediately out of the ring.

Craig: About time Seph!!!

Craig's green aura formed lightly around him, as he took off into the air. Suddenly, the strange guy in the corner launched at him. Craig was wary of this guy, he wasn't like the others. He phased away just as the Soul Reaver left the ground, appearing amongst the crowd again. He whipped his elbow back, sending a woman crashing into the wall outside. He turned, arm reared to throw a punch. To his surprise, Claire was there.

Craig: Gah!!! Watch out!!!

Craig phased away just as his fist was about to smash into Claire's face. He reappeared infront of Neil. They smerked at each other, before both turning and booting two large men out of the ring. Craig looked over, and saw Seph swatting people out of the ring like flies, his eyes still closed, and his arms folded. Craig phased away from Neil, into a corner of the ring. Infront of him stood the Soul Reaver.

Craig: Typical........

The Soul Reaver swung punches ad kicks with tremendous speed at Craig. Craig blocked them all, with some difficulty. Craig landed a lucky punch to the Soul Reaver's gut, then phased away while he was winded. He appeared behind Sephiroth.

Craig: Seph..... that guy....... he's strong..... stronger than all of us possibly.

Seph: I know, try and stay away from him until the final 16.

Craig: Right you are skipper.
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right you are skipper, lol, that lines from bottom, isn't it :p
sephiroth continued to stand in the ring, eyes closed, both his arms folded, as fighter after fighter was knocked out of the ring from him, he did not even appear as though he had moved a muscle, but for the stronger fighters, they could just about see him moving his fists, he had become much faster than before, and he was still in his normal form

seph: shouldn't be long now, about 60 people have been eliminated so far, that leaves anothe-

as soon as he had said that, he found himself being punched hard, sending him off into the distance, he had almost landed outside of the ring but suddenly stopped himself, he opened his eyes to see his attacker, the dark figure stood there in the ring, glaring at sephiroth, the soul reaver whom underneath the dirty scarf covering his mouth, was grinning, both his arms folded

seph: *thinking* dear god he's fast, I didn't even see him coming, I better be careful not to make any mistaes around that guy

sephiroth made his way back into the ring, swatting at any fighters who had gotten in his way, he was about to swat another one of them but stopped as he saw who it was

seph: oops, sorry claire, never saw you that time

claire: its ok, I would have dodged you anyway ;)

seph: sure you would have, heh

to be continued....
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Your damn right Seph.
Craig is flying about the ring, laughing as he kicks random people flying. The Soul Reaver looks at him for a few moments....

Soul Reaver: *thinking* That boy is too cocky with his power...... but that could be just because he's fighting such weaklings. He's definately one of the strongest in this group......... which just proves how feeble these mortals are.

The Soul Reaver launches off the ground straight at Craig.

Craig: Ugh...... not again.

Soul Reaver:*thinking* I'm going to test this kid's speed. I wont eliminate him, I want to see what he can do in a real battle in the final 16.

Seph:*Telepathically* Crraig, look out, he's very fast.... I couldn't even sense his movements.

Craig: Righto me old skip skipper, me old skip dip skinny dipping skinny dip face dip sh*t. (how's that for a bottom quote?)

Craig phased away just as Soul Reaver got to him..... everyone could tell Soul Reaver was holding back a hell of a lot of his speed. Craig appeared again on the other side of the ring, and Soul Reaver was right infront of him. Craig threw a punch, Soul Reaver phased away. Craig ducked just as a foot launched at where his head would have been. Craig judo rolled forward, stopping on one knee, looking over his shoulder at Soul Reaver. Seph stood there looking at the pair, as he swatted more opponents out of the ring. Neil glances occasionally as he toyed with the weaker ones. The Soul Reaver flew at Craig again. Craig leaped at the last second, as Soul Reaver planted both his open fists into the ground, cracking the floor. Craig clamped his hands together, and went to slam them down into Soul Reaver's back, when he phased away again. Craig got into his battle stance, looking cautiosly around.

Seph: Craig, behind you!!!

Craig phased away just as Soul Reaver's fist flew down to where Craig was. Craig appears next to Seph.

Craig: Seph....... this guys strong...... really strong....... he's just toying with me......... I'm not even sure if he's using 1% of his real power. I feel as if I'm fighting a thousand warriors.... trapped inside him or smething.
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Dbzman: Heh, this shouldn't be too hard, even if I AM one probably the weakest out of those other guys...Oh well, I'll have to see if I can win with SSJ! :D

[I]Some guy runs up to Dbzman, but suddenly is kicked back and sent flying into the wall with a crunch![/I]

Dbzman: I really should get stuck in and try to get myself injured, so that my Saiya-Jin buddies can get some expirience! (sp?)

[I]Dbzman runs into the crowd of fighters when suddenly, the Soul Reaver lands in front of him![/I]

Dbzman: Who the?

Soul Reaver: :devil:

[I]Suddenly, Dbzman fell to the floor clutching his stomach, as the SR appeared behind him...[/I]

Dbzman: :eek: G-God...He's fast...:eek:

SR: [I]Heh, you are not a challenge to me, but I suspect I will see you in the top 16...[/I]

[I]In a flash, the SR disppeared and began kicking the crap out of other weaklings...[/I]

Dbzman: [I]"Come on you idiot! Stand up!"[/I] Uhrgghhh...O...Ok...

[I]Stands up, and gets his breath back, then runs back into the crowd and starts kicking *** again...-_-...[/I]
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seph: this battle royal is taking longer than expected thanks to that soul reaver, I guess I'll just have to eliminate all the weaklings at once, so that only the strong will remain standing

[sephiroth suddenly erupted in a burst of energy, the force so strong it began to send almost everyone out of the ring, finally there were only 20 people left standing, sephiroth, craig, sabir, claire, neil, andrew, dbzman, the soul reaver (whom we do not know his name yet raiha ;) ) and the rest who had survived were unknowns, the battle to get 4 more people eliminated didn't take long, as they were forced out of the ring with sephiroth's telekenetic abilities, finally the last 16 warriors remained]

seph: the battle royal, is over, will the remaining fighters please go to the desk and give their names, so that the matches can be made....

to be continued....
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[COLOR=royalblue]*shrug* Whatever.....I'm a psychic ;)
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: .....

Shinouku: !!

[i]She jumped out of the ring silently and walked up to the desk, behind Claire...[/i]

Claire: :smirk: Something wrong?

Sabir: ...Nothing's wrong....[/COLOR]
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HAHA! Seph, its times like this im glad u and i both live in england! :D This means I'll get to be in the first match! And...Get my butt whooped...-_-...



Dude: Ok ok...Your name plz?


Dude: Uhhh...Thats a little long. I'll just put "Dbzman!"


Dude: Ok you are now signed up! :)

Dbzman: WOO HOO!
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Andrew walked up to the desk. He stood infront of it and looked down at the sign-up guys.

S-U guy 1: Your name please sir.

Andrew: Andrew

S-U guy 2: Your signature here sir. *points at sheet*

Andrew quickly scribbles down his name and then walks off. As he walks towards the cafetaria he sees Sephiroth and Clare. He takes a quick glance and carries on walking through the crowd and evetually bumps into Neil and Craig. He raises his hand.

Craig: Hey.


Andrew just shrugs and continues walking towards the sweet smell of food.
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Craig: Jackass.......

Neil: :laugh:

Craig walks over to the sign up table.

Guy: Name please sir.......

Craig: Edward Elizabeth Hitler.......

Neil: :laugh:

Seph: Stop screwing around Craig.......

Soul Reaver: *thinking* Infidels...... I will crush you all!

Craig: Okay...... it's Craig...... now can I go?

Guy: Sure..............
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Seph, I would be able to read your posts IF YOU BROKE THEM UP INTO PARAGRAPHS!!! :whoops:
=== === === === ===
[size=1][i]Neil's silent thoughts focused on the Soul Reaver(DON'T MOCK RAZIEL!). His telepathetic readings were shrouded, blocked by this being.. What was he? Neil would find out, or kill him trying to do so.

Smirking at his ideas, Neil's eyes closed, as he crossed his arms again. With a evil, Vegeta-type chuckle he opened his eyes again.[/i]

Neil: My name? Must you know it?

Guy2: Well, ya.. You need to sign in.

Neil: Sephiroth! Am I here?

Sephiroth: Ya! Why?

Neil: This guy over here wants my name!

Sephiroth: Neil, stop being an *** for a single second and give the dude your name! :laugh:

Neil: Bleh.. *turning back to Guy2* My name........is Neil.

Guy2: Thank you............... Now can you please sign this?

Neil: Certainly not!

[i]Extending his right hand, he evaporated the pad of paper that the guy had held out for him. The guy ran off, screaming in terror.[/i]

Craig: Jeez, Neil! Chill!

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[COLOR=royalblue]Sabir: ......oh bloody moon...

Neil: YAYAYA!! :flaming:


Neil: Ugh...*wiggles a finger in one ear* ......

Sabir: ........:demon: *stalks away*[/COLOR]
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[sephiroth stepped into the middle of the arena and raised his hand, there was silence, he held a clipboard in his other hand, which had the names of the people who were fighting]

seph: ladies and gentlemen, the matches have finally been made, we picked out the names out of a rolling circle thingy, and now we finally have the list....

for the first match, I, sephiroth, shall be facing Suzaha

second match is craig versus giant bob

third match is soul reaver versus crush

fourth match is sabirsing versus renegade

fifth match is neil versus wretch

sixth match is andrew versus hyuka

seventh match is aj versus aj

and the eighth match will be dbzman versus claire

[sephiroth cleared his throat]

seph: stay with us, please, the first fight will begin momentarily

[and with that, he walked back into the fighters lobby]

to be continued....
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Craig leant against the wall inside the trainers circle. The "Giant Blob" approached him...... laughing.

Giant Blob: Puny vittle wealking..... I vill crush you like vorm!!!

Craig: That's great.... now go away.

Giant Blob: You just vait until our match vittle man...... zen you vill see dat size really does matter.

Craig: You obviously didn't hear me the first time....... PISS OFF!!!

Giant Blob: Yah, big attitude for such a vittle guy...vell, I vill teach you some respect......

With that, the giant blob walked off, parading his muscles to the others.

Seph: Guy doesn't have a clue what he's getting himself into....

Craig: Bah..... let him have his moment..... then I'll pummel him when it really matters.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i]
[B]Whoopsy doodle. My bad.

Seph, who's fighting first? Because if my fight is first then I'll edit this and put my fight in here. [/B][/QUOTE]

I have changed the order, instead of you fighting second, it will be soul reaver, you'll still fight the same person though....
seph: I guess my fight with suzaha will be starting now, I should make my way

craig: I'd wish you luck, but you ain't gonna need it, heh

seph: yeah, things aren't going to get interesting until the second round, oh well, should get going now

[sephiroth made his way into the corridor to the arena floor, he could hear the shouting of the crowd, and the banging of feet, they were getting impatient, they wanted to see a fight and they wanted to see one now, the light to the end of the corridor appeared in front of him, as he stepped through it the crowd erupted in cheers]

announcer: ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to our first fighter, the creator of this tournament himself, sephiroth!

[the crowd erupted in even more cheers, and they now awaited the arrival of suzaha, who arrived shortly afterwards]

announcer: and the fighter whom sephiroth will be facing, coming to us all the way from sector 8 in the north islands, suzaha!

[the crowd erupted in more cheers, as both fighters walked towards the middle of the arena, and faced each other in a stare off, suzaha looking at sephiroth with a confident look on his face]

suzaha: not a bad show at the rumble, though I didn't think you were a magician, I'll beat you black and blue before the first minute even passes, your nothing to me

[sephiroth closed his eyes and gave a sly grin]

seph: oh is that so? I'll tell you what....

[sephiroth turns his back to suzaha, and folds his arms]

seph: to make things fair for you, I wont even look at you, you can get the first hit done on me, do whatever you want, I'll also fight you without using my hands, how does that sound?

suzaha: you bastard, trying to mock me?! I'll show ya!

[just then the bell for the match to start rang, and suzaha ran right up to sephiroth and gave him his hardest kick, landing on the back of sephiroth's head, he immediately pulled his leg away, rubbing it from the pain]

suzaha: aaah! my leg feels like its broke, like I just kicked a concrete wall or something!

seph: ....are you done yet?

[sephiroth cracks his neck and turns around]

seph: oh my, you seem to have broken your foot

suzaha: you bastard!

[he then erupts on sephiroth in a flurry of punches, sephiroth merely stands there, unfazed]

seph: what....are you doing? if thats the best you can do then there really is no point in me fighting you

[using his telekenetic powers, sephiroth raises suzaha high into the sky]

seph: look at this man people, for he is a fool! and this sucka is about to crashland into that garbage can over there

[and true to his word, sephiroth released his grip on suzaha, who landed out of the ring, in a garbage can]

announcer: ladies and gentlemen, sephiroth is our winner!

[the crowd eputps in cheers, as sephiroth makes his way back to the fighters lobby]

announcer: stay tuned, next match, reaver versus crush, shall begin momentarily....

to be continued....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i]
[B]Ok first question whos Claire? :confused: And what personality does she have? Sorry, its just I like knowing what my opponent is like so I know what they would say in the fight! (ie would they go "HA YOU ARE WEAK!" or would they say "Wow youre good!") [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]ROTFLMAO!! Claire is Sephiroth's Wife! She's tough, smart, clever....a MOMMY! And she's also not weak........nice personality, sometimes....very hopeful...lalala...so yeah.[/COLOR]
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Andrew stands at the door of the changing rooms and looks out at the arena. He turns around and looks at the soul reaver guy.

Andrew: *thinking* Who is that guy? He's got great strength, enough to destroy all of us if I'm not mistaken.

He turnns his glare bback to the arena. He looks up into the stands and then back at the arena and Hyuka stands infront of him.

Hyuka: Your Andrew right?

Andrew: Who wants to know?

Hyuka: I am Hyuka, greatest fighter in my village.

Andrew: Well hello Mr. Fancy pants! You ain't leading but 2 things, Jack and ****. Jack left town.

Hyuka: We'll see if yoou keep that attitude in the ring.

Andrew: Yes we will. I'll be done with you as soon as that bell rings.

Hyuka: We'll see.

Hyuka walks off and Andrew looks back at the arena. The announcer was about to call Soul Reaver and Crush for their match.
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