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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i]

She's weak enough for even Aj to take out..... Hell, like she can keep up with a Saiyan? :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]*flips off Neil* How do you know? She's never had an "officia" fight.....and she trains with Sephiroth occasionally....so ....:p[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
[B][b]Of all people, I gotta fight myself....hmmm...toughie...who's a win?
^_^[/b] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]LOL, make it a draw.......or I could just deactivate the Clone spell and .............make your red half disapear............:D[/COLOR]
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heh, claire certainly isn't weak, she's the only one sephiroth usually trains with, she's more than capable at getting far into the tournament, you guys just haven't seen her in action yet :p
announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our second match, soul reaver versus crush!

[the crowd erupt into cheers, as a second later reaver is already standing in the middle of the arena, about 6 minutes later, crush appears in the ring]

announcer: looks like we'll have a real slobberknocker here folks, lets start!

[the bell rings initiating the start of the fight, crush runs at soul reaver, who remains there with both arms crossed, he shakes his head, and before anyone can blink an eye, an arm shot out and went right through crush's chest, reaver then took his arm out, and threw the motionless crush to the floor, there was silence in the arena]

announcer: it looks like.....crush is gone, soul reaver is the winner

[there were no cheers or claps this time, the whole crowd remained silent as soul reaver made his way back to the fighters lobby]

to be continued....

craig, your fight is next :p
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Announcer: And now..... last years finallist Giant Bob, will take on the mysterious Craig. This should be a very good fight.

Craig walked straight to the ring, ignoring the cheers of the crowd. Giant Bob however, decided to showboat for the crowd. He took his time, pausing every few seconds to do a pose. After some time..... Bob was finally in the ring.

Giant Bob: Now you go down you vorm!!!

Craig: Lets just get on with it!!!

Announcer: Let the match begin!!!

As soon as the bell rang, Craig started walking towards Bob. Bob was mocking Craig, by turning his back to him and mooning him. Craig walked right upto Bob, grabbed him, lifted him above his head, and threw him out of the ring. Cheers echoed through the crowd. Craig raised on hand slightly in acknowledgment, then walked back to the trainers circle.
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Andrew continues looking at the ring as Sabir is about to enter.

Announcer: The next match is about to begin folks, stick around, it's gonna get good.

Andrew: *thinking* Curse this slow tournament! There's more important things a foot then showing off our power levels to each other! That Soul Reaver guy, There's something about him.

Sabir walks past Andrew towards the arena.
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[i]Back in the lounge, Neil paced back and forth, hovering in the air, every now-and-then charging a ki blast, barely restraining himself from blasting the arena.[/i]

Neil: BLAST IT! This takes TOO DAMNED LONG! Sephiroth, why do you continue with this nonsense?! I mean, yeah, right. Renagade can beat Sabir. Mhm.. That's right. AND I'M A FLYING BOX!
Seph: Neil, just chill.
Seph: Yeah. Chill: To cool it, to calm down.
Craig: Damnit, Neil, JUST WAIT!
Neil: :flaming:.....................Fine! Sephiroth, who will I fight once I beat Wretch or Wrench or whatever?
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing took a running start, then leapt high into the air, twisting powerfuly, then coming down less than an inch from Neil's head.[/i]

Sabir: PLEASE!!

Neil: What?!?

Sabir: Stop pacing! You're driving me nuts!

Neil: ...Sorry...

Sabir: Yeah, and if you try it again, you're going to be more than sorry....:demon: I'm sick of people pacing...

Seph: Maybe you're just sick of people.

Sabir: You could be right...[/COLOR]
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[color=red]AJ: Why? C'mon! You let me enter[/color]

AJ: NO! I refuse to fight you! I will not hit my own bro in a real match!

[color=red]AJ: Just think of it as one of our sparring matches..[/color]

AJ: That's just the problem! It's not a spar match! There'll be a bazillion people out there watching us two brothers, fighting it out, like greedy dogs, fetchin for meat...It just ain't RIGHT!

[color=red]AJ: Oh! So it's OK for me to get beaten by a total stranger, but not OK to be knocked outta the ring by a friend and brother?![color]

AJ: I will not fight you! You'll see! When we get into that ring, you can hit me all you want, but I will not defend myself! How'd you like that?

[color=red]AJ: :( Don't, please. I don't wanna hurt you an embarrass you in front of those people....fight back...[/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]In an act of pent up rage and fustration, Sabirsing whirled around, and slamed her palm against the wall, creating a huge crack that stretched from the floor to the roof.[/i]

Sabir: :demon:

Craig: Cool it.

Sabir: I'm sorry..............[/COLOR]
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Neil: Sabirsing, you have a ****IN MATCH! GET OUT THERE NOW AND KICK SOME ***! Jeez..............
Craig: *on the ground from all the recent shouting* O.....k.....................That was unexpected.
Sephiroth: *burried in the wall* No kiddin.....I sounds like Neil was rootin fer Sabir...............Slightly I might add.
Sabirsing: Were you Neil? :D
Neil: :twitch:
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[COLOR=royalblue]Go get stuffed by your mother Andrew. :demon:
[COLOR=seagreen]Sabir: Oh what the hell........I'm going.

[i]The announcer returned to the arena and grabbed his microphone.[/i]

Announcer: And now..........our next match.......Will Sabirsing please come to the ring?

Sabir: Laters.....Neil. :smirk:

[i]Moving with infinite calm and grace, Sabirsing walked towards the ring, her hips moving to an unheard beat. She climbed the steps and surveyed the crowd.[/i]

Announcer: And.......RENEGADE!

Renegade: *pop* *appears in the ring* Hey cutie.....wanna blow this and come with me?:smirk:

Sabir: .....:demon: Don't hold your breath.[/COLOR]
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Neil: Andrew, you seriously need to chill.
Craig: *managing to get up* [size=1]You should talk, Neil...................-.-;;;;;;[/size]
Neil: *looming over everyone, flames behind him, anime-style* WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Craig, Seph, Andrew: :twitch:
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[COLOR=royalblue]Here.......ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!?!
[COLOR=seagreen][i]Sabirsing stared at Renegade for about two seconds, then hurtled forward, fists changed into claws.......She hit him dead on with her shoulder, cracking his ribcage back. He flew into the air, then came down, only to land outside the ring.[/i]

Announcer: Wow......RING OUT! This match goes to...SABIRSING!

Sabir: *looks down* Loudmouth....

[i]She walked out of the ring serenely, not batting an eyelid at the cheering crowd, and smiled at Andrew's simmering face.[/i][/COLOR]
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announcer: ok ladies and gentlmen, half the matches have been fought, and now time for the other half....

fifth match is neil versus wretch

sixth match is andrew versus hyuka

seventh match is aj versus aj

and the eighth match will be dbzman versus claire

so would neil and wretch please make their way down to the arena so that we can start the battle!

Meanwhile, back at the fighters lounge, sephiroth has had a serious look ever since soul reaver won his match....

craig: whats wrong seph? you look troubled

seph: .....nothing

sabir: hmm....is it because your facing soul reaver next?

seph: ....yeah, I don't know what the result of that match will be, and if I get killed this time........I won't be able to be brought back from the other world....

to be continued....
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