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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]

SILENCE! THIS DAMMED COMPUTER HAS BEEN DOWN SINCE SUNDAY! And I have an idea planned out, so I'll (hopefully) post it today. Jeez.....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i]

SILENCE! THIS DAMMED COMPUTER HAS BEEN DOWN SINCE SUNDAY! And I have an idea planned out, so I'll (hopefully) post it today. Jeez..... [/B][/QUOTE]

Seph eat j00 up!
Seph eat j00 up!
Seph eat j00 up!

ahem, sorry about that, but please please please post up your fight as soon as you can!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]

Seph eat j00 up!
Seph eat j00 up!
Seph eat j00 up![/B][/QUOTE]

No.......No..NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WE'VE LOST SEPPY TO MAJIN BUU!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Well, I made up this post in English class so, ..O.o;;;;;;
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[i]Neil slowly sauntered down the walkway to the ring. About thirty seconds later, he was standing in the center of the ring, when the world went grey-scale. Everyone and everything suffered a severe motion blur. With an airy swoop, everything returned to it's norm.

Neil crouched, hands clutching his skull. His screaming voice sang throughout the now-silent arena. His yells gave off his barest feelings: fear, anger, struggle, pain..

His opponent, Wretch, stood on the steps of the ring. His face shared everyone's confusion. Craig ran to the edge of the waiting area, seeing the mouth of the passage shatter with extreme force, viewing Wretch thrown into the audience. He listened as the people up above howled in fright. They all stormed for the exits.

Pure energy bounced off of Neil's form, making small divots in the heavy, stone ring. The individual tiles began to quake, lifting a few feet up. A blinding, white flash ensued, blinding all.

After a solid minute, the searing light ceased, leaving a figure revealed to the others. Sephiroth slowly creeped up the steps, as the stone slabs thundered back to their original places. His quivering mouth drooped as he gazed upon the person. His hair spiked upwards, a deep blonde. His eyebrows followed suit, while his eyes focused a deep, hunter green.

Sephiroth reeled backwards, feeling his emence power.[/i]

Seph: [size=1]"It-It-It's impossible."[/size]

?????: "............"

[i]Craig causiously powered up, pulling his hands back, just in case.[/i]

Seph: "No way! He's only Level One, but he's as strong as a Level Three!!"

Craig: [i]("Seph, should we defend ourselves?")[/i]

?????: "There is no need for that, Craig!"

Everyone: ":eek:"

[i]This powerful warrior spoke like Neil, but he sounded older. He looked it, too.[/i]

Seph: "Who......Who are you?! And what have you done with Neil?!"

?????: "He's right here; there is no need to worry."

Craig: "BUT WHO ARE YOU?!"

?????: *makes face in attacment* "I am....SUPER BLANK!"
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Call him Blank for short. I'm also basically ripping off Buu vs Vegetto. lol! And the attachment is his new look.
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Craig: "Blank? Bring Neil back, NOW! Or suffer the consequences!"
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]

If dbz man can get his butt here then he can post his fight against claire, whom I will be controlling.... [/B][/QUOTE]

Incase you didn't notice Seph I already posted my fight!
Andrew looks towards the confused ring. His head up high as usual he continues to look at Neil......or BLank.

Andrew: *thinking* Show-off! We'll wait and see when everybody powers up, Then I'll show them how my training has made me powerful.

Andrew smirks as he continues to watch.
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[i]Blank's eyes narrowed at Andrew, his voice growing dark.[/i]

Blank: "Andrew, you are the fool. You don't even know who I am..."

Sabirsing: "Then why don't you enlighten us?"

Blank: "Right. Well, around 200 years ago, I was killed by a Changeling named Frieza. I was cast into Hell for my crimes of killing for profit. After many, many years, I became stronger. Every day, I fough with a certain creature named 'Cell'. Day by day, I grew stronger. To the point where he was no challenge.

Due to the amount of.....'control'....I had over Cell, I was set free of Hell. I was given a chance to particiapte in every AfterLife Tournament there was, on the Grand Kai's planet. Until about three years ago, when I was granted a single wish. To come back to life.

But this plan was jinxed. I didn't specify how I wanted to come back to life. so I came back as a ghost-like creature. Unable to interact in any form. But, one day, I came upon a warrior, thrown aside on a rock. He was nearly dead; easy to merge with. As it turned out, Neil is my very own descendant. Strange, isn't it?"

Craig: "........Why do I suddenly feel the need to slink away?"

Blank: "Because you are not use to hear such tales."

Andrew: "Well, you don't seem too strong. I mean, yeah, you're powerful, but you're still just Level One. And we have other various transformations."

Blank: ".......Did you know that I'm only at fifteen percent of my power in Level One? Hmm? Did you?"

Andrew: "........."

Blank: "Now, I'm not here for a scuffle with you people; there's bigger fish to fr--WHAT THE?!"

[i]In that instant, a black lightning bolt smacked Blank rather stupid, driving him into the arena seats. Dust clouds dashed through the air where Blank had burrowed in. After about thirty seconds, a yellow rift of energy made the section burst in a rage. Blank hovered in the air, face emotionless.[/i]

Blank: "So, he's already here...."
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing whispered her spell, and her shield sparked around her. The attack bounced around her barrier, then disipated. She stood up, stretching.[/i]

Athen: What was that!?!?

Sabir: Chaos Wall.

Athen: Chaos..........

Sabir: A wild uncontrolable magic. Only works for me.

Athen: Oh. Right.[/COLOR]
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[sephiroth followed blank's stare, and ended up looking at the soul reaver, hovering in the air, with both arms folded]

blank: I had not expected you to be here already

reaver: you are a fool, to bear a grudge against me for all these years, true you have gotten stronger, but your strength is nowhere near that of mine

blank: oh is that a fact?!

[both fighters began to power up, causing the arena to shake, they were ready to go for each other's throats when suddenly a huge power was felt in between them, they looked on in surprise to see sephiroth standing in between them, eyes white, his ssj3 hair now covering twice as much length as it had before, his muscles bulged, and he had a look of fury on his face]

seph: if you two even think about starting a fight in MY arena without being in a match, then now only will I disqualify the both of you, but I won't hesitate to beat both of your azzes!!!!! this is my mega ssj3 form! I don't care if I even have to face BOTH of you, just f***ing cut this out!

[sephiroth's eyes for filled with fury, none of his friends had ever seen him like this, even the two fighters were becoming intimidated, and began to power down]

reaver: hmph, very well, have it your way sephiroth, but in the next round, your mine!

to be continued....
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[i]Blank's eyes narrowed once again, seemingly evil.[/i]

Blank: "Sephiroth, it isn't wise to intervine...."

Seph: "Well, I've had enough of this shi+. I'm tired of it!"

[i]At that moment, Blank lost it..[/i]

Blank: "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE PREPARED FOR THIS?! HOW LONG I'VE WAITED?! JUST TO SAVE YALLS LOUSY ASSES! AND YOU GO IN GET IN MY WAY! ......... ..........Now, I was trying to go about this nicely but apparently you need a lesson. Now, LISTEN. That Reaver character is powerful......VERY powerful. I'm not sure if I can defeat him......Or all of us, for that matter......

Now, I DO know, if you face him just with that Mega Three Level, you will get annailated. If you could just somehow get stronger..... Like, a temporary power up..... Something.. You'd need to multiply your power several times....... Blast, this is annoying.."

Craig: "What are you implying?"

Blank: "Nothing really. Just dropping hints to what he needs to do.."
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[sephiroth looked at blank, as a grin formed on his face]

seph: oh my, you think what I showed you there was my maximum?

[sephiroth begins to laugh, a cold, evil laugh in which his wife, claire had never heard from him, she was becoming worried]

seph: what you just saw was nowhere near my maximum, and want to know what else?

blank: .......

seph: this new level, mega ssj3, is NOT my final transformation

[blank and soul reaver's eyes suddenly shot up]

reaver: are you implying that you have a form even more powerful than that which you are now?

seph: you shall see when you face me, now blank, I know exactly about what you are implying, but why should I do it? I prefer to get stronger by using my own power, my own training, what you did to neil was cheap, the real neil would have never done it

blank: perhaps, but I do not care

seph: I advise you all to get back to the fighter's lobby, aj v aj will be starting soon, or perhaps it will be dbzman v claire, we shall see, now get yourselves inside before I lose my temper....

to be continued....
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Blank: Whatever.....

[i]Slowly lifting into the air, the Powerful Saiyan detransformed, but keeping some of his power known. To keep the others in check.[/i]

Blank: Oh, and Sephiroth? Wondering why I was able to merge with Neil so easily?

Sephiroth: Now that you mention it, it is a bit perplexing..

Blank: We are the same bloodline...

Everyone: :wow:

Blank: Yes.......... Indeed.... Now, let the remaining matches continue..

[i]With that, Blank zanzokened high above the arena, diving downwards again, landing right at the destroyed passage way to the waiting area. Soon, the sonic boom that was caused by the extreme speeds clashed with the debris. With a bang, the items evaporated into nothing. Blank continued to walk along, taking a 7up, sipping it at his leasure.[/i]
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Athen: *thinks*[I]dammit. .wheres the weakspot, everyone has a weak spot. .[/I]

*Athen twitched nervously, and immediatly was knocked into the ground by Sabir, he had stayed there too long*

Athen: *lies on the ground, arm at a odd angle, very lifeless too* Ugg, broken *he gets up and stares defiantly at Sabir*

Sabir: what? want to give in?

Athen: no way:flaming: *he flies up to her and starts it all over again*
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[i]Just as Athen was about to throw a powerful left hook, Blank appeared next to him, using the inside of his hand to nearly completely crush his windpipe. Athen crumbled into the ground, twitching slightly. But still alive.[/i]

Blank: Sabirsing is far more powerful than you, so I suggest you sit down now and be quiet. If you're nice, she'll heal you. *picking up Atehn by the shirt and drawing him close* [size=1]Listen to me you little ****. I've trained for this day for a good two hundered years, and I will not let it be fouled up by some bumbling IDIOT! Now chill out, or get a hand through your skull. Nod once if you understand, twice if you don't.[/size]

[i]Athen nodded once, before Blank let him fall the three feet to the ground. Leaving Sabir very stunned, Athen tattered, and Blank even more primed for a fight.[/i]
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Andrew continues to look out towards the arena still with a slight smirk on his face.

Andrew: *thinking* If I'm right I should be facing this Blank person in the next round! This should get interesting, I'll test my power against this 'supposed' great power of his.

He turns round and laughs to himself awaiting the upcoming challenge with excitment.
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[i]Blank's eyes narrowed at Andrew, reading his mind like an open book.[/i]

Blank: [i]Little fool. He doesn't even understand. From my caculations, Sephiroth would get whipped even if I only fought at Level Two! Brat doesn't know who he's dealing with here...[/i]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
And Andrew, it's true. You DON'T know what you're dealing with. Ask Raiha..... I don't ever stop, and I'm a psycho. And strong.....and stuff..
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing could feel red mist rising behind her eyes, and let it cloud her over. Flying forward swiftly, she rammed her hands against Blank's chest, knocking him back. Seizing him by the collar, she brought his face inches from hers and let her temper vent.[/i]

Sabir: WHO I FIGHT IS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!! I can handle my own battles! And I'l thank you to stay out of them!!! SO PISS OFF!! :flaming:[/COLOR]
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[i]Blank managed his anger quite well, but some steam did rise.[/i]

Blank: I'm sure you heard what I told that boy.... Those are my reasons. I want to end this quickly; I want to keep it as clean as it can be. Now let.....Go......Of......Me......NOW.

Sabirsing: Just stay out of my dammed way! *lets go, walking off.*

[i]Blank sat in the waiting room, quietly meditating. He ignored the fact that if he attacked now, he could maybe take out the Soul Reaver in a second.[/i]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Sabirsing tensed, she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck prickle dangerously. Blank watched her go and she turned and looked at him over her shoulder. For an insant, her face was the face of Varris, not Sabirsing.[/i]

Blank: :therock: The hell....?

Sabir: :demon:[/COLOR]
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*Athen sighs and powers down, annoyed from his loss of experience in battle, annoyed at the one who stopped it. He stopped and looked at his arm, the pain ebbing away*

Athen: I need a rematch, mine honour has been taken. .
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*wipes tear from eye* Ah, a good old ego war. How I have missed them.
Oh, and Seph, who am I fighting in the next round?

Craig said or thought nothing through all of this. He simply stared at Blank. Blank soon noticed this, and turned towards him.

Blank: What's wrong...... too scared to speak?

Craig said nothing, but continued staring at Blank, that same look of extreme focus, and slight anger in his face. He stayed with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall, one foot crossed over the other.

Blank: Hmm......... I can see from Neil's psychi that your one of the strongest in the group. But your too afraid to say anything, let alone fight me. How am I suppose to get a challenge off any of you.

Craig finally motioned. He stood perfectly upright, and beckoned towards Blank. He stood about an inch away from him, toe to toe, looking slightly downwards, Craig's eyes meeting Blank.

Craig: Keep talking. I'm gonna Fu.ck you up.

With that, Craig walked out of the small waiting room, and into the grassy training room behind it. Suddenly Blank shut up. He felt intimidated by Craig....... those few words, that left so much mystery...... had struck a frighteingly clear blow to Blank, and everyone else.
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Andrew continues smirking regardless of what goes on around him. He looks around at the other fighters and then firmly planting his eyes on the Soul Reaver. The Soul Reaver notices this and approaches him. Andrew's grin grows wider as Soul Reaver grips him by the throat and begins to whisper to him.

Soul Reaver: I don't like you boy! Your to cocky!

Andrew: What do you expect? I'm a Saiyan warrior.

Soul Reaver looks very angry as Andrew's grin grows wider. The Reaver draws his fist back.

Andrew: Careful now! We wouldn't want to upset Sephiroth again now would we?

The Soul Reaver looked at him seriously pissed off. He takes his hand from Andrew's throat and goes back to where he was standing.

Andrew: *thinking* That's one hell of a power level! This is gonna be one of the best tournaments I've taken part in.

Andrew's face lights up as he continues to grin evily.
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