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Fun Bunny Game


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Hey, a long time ago like 4 or 5 years ago I played this game where you play as a bunny. And the object of the game is to jump on other bunnies's heads and when you do that they would get crushed and explode. With tons of blood and flesh :devil: . There was platforms you could jump to and get higher. I forgot the name of that game and I wanted to play it again. Would you guys happen to remember it?
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I don't feel that there's actually a point in keeping this thread open; its purpose could have been fulfilled in a signature or something. And, even if some kind of actual discussion were to result from this thread, it really wouldn't be practical to hold it in Otaku Lounge, anyway. The discussion, after all, appears to be PC gaming related.

If anyone has the answer to this question, they can private message DBZM_Brolly.
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