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See you, Space Cowboy

Shinji v2.0

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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Heh heh heh, too good to be true! Cowboy Bebop has been canceled on Adult Swim, forever, all because of the episode with the intergallactic "ship-hijacking." Also, both Gundams have been postponed indefinatly, cause of their war-nature. That's my bit of news for the day. CN teased you all, eh?

Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i]
[B][b][color=darkred]there goes my sig lol[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Speaking of which you need to make smaller... emencely...

Anyway, I don't care... i never watched the show to begin with... Maybe peopel will actually buy the subs... eh nevermind, i'm dreaming...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Maybe peopel will actually buy the subs... eh nevermind, i'm dreaming... [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]No man! Don't do that! That's called illegal. Buy the official DVDs, or maybe the dubbed VHS. SUPPORT BANDAI :O

Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]No man! Don't do that! That's called illegal. Buy the official DVDs, or maybe the dubbed VHS. SUPPORT BANDAI :O

Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

Eh same thing... but, I don't buy Anime DVD's... hell I don't buy or watch anime anymore.... but thats just me....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i]
[B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Heh heh heh, too good to be true! Cowboy Bebop has been canceled on Adult Swim, forever, all because of the episode with the intergallactic "ship-hijacking." Also, both Gundams have been postponed indefinatly, cause of their war-nature. That's my bit of news for the day. CN teased you all, eh?

Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]
you left? bwah. hi.

how sad, really. :( heh. in come the clowns. sigh. i think in the philippines something like that happened, they took off a show because the country was going through some stuff....i read it somewhere.....because the anime hit too close to home.
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[color=darkblue]I think it's kind of annoying that everything is being censored/banned because of the tragedy in NYC and Washington...

I mean, this is what terrorists want -- for people to stop living normal lives.

I think it's kind of insane to actually either postpone or ban something like Metal Gear Solid 2...but it's even more insane to ban/block something that contains a reference to war...

If people don't like it, they can always change the channel.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]I think it's kind of annoying that everything is being censored/banned because of the tragedy in NYC and Washington...

I mean, this is what terrorists want -- for people to stop living normal lives.

I think it's kind of insane to actually either postpone or ban something like Metal Gear Solid 2...but it's even more insane to ban/block something that contains a reference to war...

If people don't like it, they can always change the channel.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
well put:D
if they're trying to keep ppl from getting funny ideas, then they shouldn't have ever shown those shows in the first place, since even if this whole bombing thing never happened, there's still ppl who would've gotten ideas from it either way anyway

.....okay, I dunno if that's gonna sound right. hopefully y'all will get the jist though...
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yeah this is dumb! i want to hear there englishes voices again. boy how am i ever gonna live up going to the mall and actually paying for cartoon videos again. how embarrasing :o especially if your going with the sophmore cheerleaders. o well. i can always illegally download the subs even the quality wont live up to the tvs or a dvd's.

but what the hell there was only 26 episodes, it wasnt gonna last that long. right shinji :smirk:
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well, the UK was never going to show bebop in the first place, no adult swim, you see, and everyone watching toonami in the UK are still watching repeats of gundam wing, no mobile suit gundam, and the cell games on dragonball z, heh, UK gets everything last, and now were gonna have to wait even longer for MGS2....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]well, the UK was never going to show bebop in the first place, no adult swim, you see, and everyone watching toonami in the UK are still watching repeats of gundam wing, no mobile suit gundam, and the cell games on dragonball z, heh, UK gets everything last, and now were gonna have to wait even longer for MGS2.... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue]Yep, it's like that here too...I mean, the anime stores are fantastic, but as for anime on television...that's a whole different story.

However, I don't think you have to worry about MGS2 being delayed/cancelled in the UK.

It really seems to be the United States which has this overzealous censorship...

I don't think that MGS2's content would be particularly offensive to European or Australian audiences. So I'm presuming that the local distributors in both those regions wouldn't be delaying the game.

The only way there'd be a delay, was if Konami actually changed the game itself...and let's hope that they don't bow to pressure to do that.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i]
[B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Heh heh heh, too good to be true! Cowboy Bebop has been canceled on Adult Swim, forever, all because of the episode with the intergallactic "ship-hijacking." Also, both Gundams have been postponed indefinatly, cause of their war-nature. That's my bit of news for the day. CN teased you all, eh?

Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

DAMNIT I KNEW THAT EPS WOOD BE A PROBLEM!!! GRRR AND I WAS COUNTING ON CN TO FILL ME IN ON THE LAST 13 EPS I HAVENT SEEN YET. *sigh* the hunt for those eps. continues. i saw that eps. right after the hijacking. and i was like "oh $#!T, what are they going to do about that episode?". O well...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i]
[B]how embarrasing :o especially if your going with the sophmore cheerleaders. o well. i can always illegally download the subs even the quality wont live up to the tvs or a dvd's.
1) i no wut u mean, ppl just cant goto the mall to buy anime, cause u get ragged by other ppl u no. its even worse when u bump into girls on the way out.
2)Do u streamload ([url]www.streamload.com[/url])? i can send u Eps. 1-13 High-Quality (TV quality), Dubbed, Uncut. Theyve got stuff on there even CN woodnt have shown. if so, give me ur username.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i]
1) i no wut u mean, ppl just cant goto the mall to buy anime, cause u get ragged by other ppl u no. its even worse when u bump into girls on the way out.
2)Do u streamload ([url]www.streamload.com[/url])? i can send u Eps. 1-13 High-Quality (TV quality), Dubbed, Uncut. Theyve got stuff on there even CN woodnt have shown. if so, give me ur username. [/B][/QUOTE]

no i havent, but ill check it out and give you my screen name. i saw the begging of ep 5 off this anime site.
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[color=purple] hmmm well Im not so sure I agree with the whole not censoring thing...what if your relative or close friend was involved in those trecherous acts would you want to see some images that closely reminded you of how you lost them?

But then again I see the other side of it all its unfair to give in to the terrorists but in a way I think we are standing proud with all the american flags all over the country and such so many people are proud to show off patriotism now that this has happened [/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by luvbug [/i]
[B][color=purple] this is true! I'm sorry I was just merely saying that some scenes from any show could be offending sorry to go off topic :blush: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
hahaha, i thought so. its ok, tho, i see ur point, and its a good one.
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