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isnt this on theotaku.com? if it isn't:
(dubbed version)
Heero Yuy - Wing zero
Duo Maxwell - Deathscythe
Trowa Barton - Heavy Arms
Quatre Winner - Sandrock
Wufei Chang - Nataku

Uh, all I know is that deathscythe has a scythe...i know there are others but i dunno em.
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Heero Yuy- Wing Gundam, Wing Zero
Duo Maxwell- Deathscythe, Deathscythe Hell
Quatre Raberba Winner III- Sandrock
Trowa Barton, a.k.a. Triton Bloom- Heavyarms
Chang Wufei- Shenlong, Altron

First D-Scythe from GW

Standard armament /
vulcan x 2
machine cannon x 2
beam scythe x 1
buster shield x 1
hyper jammer x 2

D-Scythe Hell in GW

Standard armament /
vulcan x 2
buster shield x 1
hyper jammer x 2
twin beam scythe x 1

Deathscythe Hell in EW

Standard armament /
vulcan x 2
beam scissors x 1
hyper jammer x 2
active cloak

If you want weapons for the other Gundam Wing mecha, just ask.
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heero yuy-Wing Gundam, Gundam Heavyarms (at one stage), Gundam Epyon (for a while) Wing Gundam Zero, wing gundam zero custom (endless walts)

duo maxwell-deathscythe, deathscythe HELL, deathscythe HELL custom (endless walts)

trowa barton-heavyarms, heavyarms custom (endless walts)

quatre rabarba winner-sandrock, sandrock custom (endless walts)

chang wufei-gundam shenlong, gundam altron, gundam altron custom (endless walts)

zechs marquise-tallgeese, wing gundam zero (for a while), gundam epyon, tallgeese 3 (endless walts)

and thats it, from what I can remember....
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death scythe hell has a scythe with two laserblades.
Deathscythe hell custom has a Double laserblade scythe, but the laser's are red instead of green. Custom also has like, devil wings, that it can wrap aroun itself to go hyperspeed. and it is a shield.

Originally posted by Zero

I though WuFei gundam is the Shenlong.

He names a lot of things doesn't he? Maybe thats his sword...Im not sure.

No, he calls Gundam Shenlong Nataku, cos he talks to it.
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