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Blue suede shoes.

Guest Soft mush

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Guest Soft mush
Have you noticed the way a lot of my threads get either;

1. Closed
2. Deleted

I never knew why this was. Until last night . . .

I was pondering the situation in the tub, late last night, when it hit me. If all my threads get closed, I must be missing something. And so I pondered about this too. And as I pondered, my body started to soak up loads of water, and went all wrinkley (as it tends to do ). As I noteced this it, I realised what I was missing.

EUREKA! I cried! I know whats missing; Blue suede shoes. It was so obvious, staring me right in the face the whole time! I mean, think about it. Have you ever seen a thread about blue suede shoes get either;

1. Closed
2. Deleted


It was so clear to me at that point. But then I wondered, how can I incorporate Blue suede shoes into EVERY SINGLE thread I make, to avoid closure?


Again I let a cry out. I didn't have to incorporate it into everything, as long as I write the words Blue Suede Shoes in each thread. It's a perfect, completely unflawed plan. But to have to write the same words over and over again would get boring.


For the third time. I'd put it into my signature. No one ever reads signatures anyway, but the fact that it's presence is there, will make sure that my threads stay open FOREVER!

And so I patted myself on the back, unpluged the plughole and dried myself off. I then watched some television. And then I fell asleep.

While I was asleep I had a dream. And in this dream a monkey said to me ; " Tell the people. "

At first I didn't realise what that hairy little, unevolved relative of ours was talking about, and as I was brushing my teeth this morning, and pondering the moral of the vision, I realised my goal.


Tootpaste and saliva spat from my mouth, onto the mirror. I wiped it off with some tissue paper.

And so, without further delay, here is this all important thread, proficised by a monkey, which may have a huge effect on the way you live your lives from today onwards :

Albert Einstien didn't actually figure out the theory of relativity! He was so upset, he wrote some letters and numbers ( E=mc2 ) and passed them off as a scientific equasion. The other scientist guys didn't understand it either, but each was to embarrased and afraid of the others taking the p!ss, that they all agreed and rubbed their chins, while smiling and nodding their heads. To thise wants to admit that Einstien and the other guys were full of bull, because it would throw our society into turmoil. People would be so disillusioned, nothing would seem relavent anymore.

And so, I tell you this, in hope that it will make you realise, that nothing is relavent, unless YOU make it so.

Thank you.
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Guest Soft mush
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flik [/i]
[B]What does this all have to do with anything. I didnt bother to read that giant post [I]who would!![/I] :laugh: :p [/B][/QUOTE]

Just shows you're not an intellectual!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soft mush [/i]
[B]And so, I tell you this, in hope that it will make you realise, that nothing is relavent, unless YOU make it so.

There's your answer....

Apparently alot of people find everything you post irrelevant, because they don't make it relevant, and thus it is closed... and frankly everything you post is a load of BS.... yet it gets closed, and yet you post more.... you make no sense... apparently it doesn't get through your thick skull.... do we need to write it in big letters with seaseme street characters for you to understand?
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Guest Soft mush
Alright. Never mind. It's in the past. Now, back to my thread. OOH!

I actually had something amazingly mind boggling to say but I've forgotten what that is. Oh well.
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