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will: ey man, whats up

tec9: nutn much

will: i need a smoke fool

tec9: ay there go that fool right now!

tec9: hey flash we want some dope

flash: :smirk: how much cheese u got?

will and tec9 look at each other

tec9: snap! i gave the money to steph

will slaps tec9 upside his head

will: guess we betta go

as they walk will gets lucky again and finds a ouce of weed

tec9: thats about enough for the both of us, but i dont got no papers, and i left my bong in my locker.

will: i got it man dont worry

will and tec roll the blunt and take turns exchanging it.

will: *puff puff* here

tec9: *puff puff* here

will: *puff* man this is the shiznite! this would probly run us 3gs! *puff*

tec9: hey man give that up *takes weed* *puff* man whoever lost this must be mad right about now. *puff*

15 minutes later later

will: *smuf* dang man theres only a lil peice of joint left! dang

tec9: man throw that ****!

will: ayo wheres steph anyway.

tec9: **** i dunno. lets go to make donalds.

will: nah lets go to 711 i want some chips, i got the munches bad man.

tec9: man i should start calling you nibbles, you always got the munchies. after we get some chips lets go get that trick...
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[I]As Will and Tec-9 walk towards 7-11...[/I]

Tec-9: O man! i'm still feelin' it from that blunt...

Will: Fe'real...

Tec-9: Ey, man... Where's 7-11 at again?

Will: erm... [i]looks around[/i] i think over there!!

Tec-9: aiite... where we at??


Tec-9: aiite, man! cool it!

[i]Tec-9 and Will start messin' around(tripping, pushing, punching each other[/i]

Will: Aiite, man! chill!! we'r here--

Tre: Will!!

Will: Wat's crackin'?

Tre: I just saw some guys from R13 run off with Steph!!

Tec-9: WTF?!


Tre: Bout half an hour ago!



Will: erm.. heh, i forgot to pay the bill??

[i]Tec-9 smacks will on the back of the head[/i]

Tec-9: Aiite, mann! let's go get her!

Will: Wait up, mann! i got the munchies!!


Will: Aiite man! you comin' or goin'?

Tre: Hell yea, i'm goin! Steph's my girl!

Tec-9: Then y didn't you do ne thing when this shiet went down?!

Tre: Hell naw, i ain't goin' up agianst them w/o my gat!!


Tre: Exactly! [i]runs[/i]

Will: heh

Tec-9: PUNK *** MUTHA****A! come on, yo! let's go!
[to be continued...]
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WILL: now where they at?

tec9: i dunno.

will: eh man got any change? i wanna beep steph

tec9: here man

will goes to the phone and beeps her


will: hello? steph, where are you. oh no. uh oh. we commin jus hold on. steph!? are you alright? steph. STEPH! she hung up.

tec9: where she say she at?

will: at the strip club, there trying to make her show.
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*waits for her homeboys to pick her up*

*Thinks to herself*

Man I can't believe their forcing me to do a stripping dance...:flaming:
All the guys are cheap here! And I'm classy! YOu know what I need? A man that can fight any guy down and save my *** and treat me like i'm his one and only...but most guys are ****ing playas! stupid male kind!

*a thug comes in*

Thug: You're up. You better start stripping...the guys love ya here!

*winks at her*

Thug: Maybe later on you'll do more then strip for me

Steph: WHY YOU LITTLE *****! I'm noit doing **** here! IT's your ****ing fault I came here in the first place! I said I wanted a job and YOU F*CKING BRING ME HERE! WHAT"S YA PROBLEM!

Thug: You're doing it got that! The Mafia boss is here and he requested you ok!

Steph: *gowls* I'm not going anywhere!

*changes into her fighting stance*


*the thugs lunges at her but she dodges him and roundhouse kicks him and shoves his face against the wall*

Stpeh: I'm going to teach ya a lesson!

*gets the chair and smashes it over his head and he's knock out*

Steph: I got to get out of here...I'm not waitinf for will, tec9, or tre to come..they'll probably be TOO high to fight or even find there way here. lol

*runs out of the strip club without being seen*
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will and tec bust through the door with on 2 mortocycles they stole



alot of people with scarfs on there head come busting in with shirts off and swanging them like a helicopter

will: take em out.

tec9: im gonna start busting caps, you get steph

will:ite foo catch up wit me in 20 minutes at the club.

tec9: ite! *bust caps*

will runs and bust caps looking for steph.

all half the people in the strip club run and the other half stay and bust caps.

will looks for steph but through the gunsmoke he can smell some of her sent twords the exit.

will: wtf, she left?

will leaves the strip club and finds a sweaty tired exausted steph a half amile away..

will: woah steph its alright i gotcha now, its 9:00 lets go the club.

steph: another club? let me go home and think about.

will: ite girl, peace.

will goes into the club and finds shaniqwa

shaniqwa: hey baby, where you been everybodys been waiting for you?

[aww wait a minute - ray j]

will: shut up and lets dance

they dance for awile

[feelin on yo booty- rkelly]

shaniqwa: wheres steph and tec9

will: im not sure about steph but im certain tec was coming.
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*As she walks all exhausted towards her house, she cusses out WILL*

Steph: That ****ing good for nothing ***** is going to pay! He could have given me a ride....I need a ride! I'll just hitchhike!

*sticks her thumbout and almost immedialty and FINE *** BLONDE BLUE EYED GUY IN A CONVERTIBLE MUSTANG PULLS UP NEXT TO HER*

Stranger: You shouldn't be hitchhiking ya know. Especially at night.

*Steph glares at him*

Steph: You telling me what to do? I'm tired and I want to go home....are you going to give me a lift or what?

Stranger: er...I'll give ya a lift..but do you trust that I won't do anything?

Steph: You do anything I don't want ya to do....you're good as dead ok!

*The stranger smiles at her*

Stranger: I'm being nice enough to offer a ride and you're threatening me? hehehehe That's rude. hahahah

Steph: You know something! I'LL WALK! **** YOU!

*As she starts walking, his smile dissappears and he follows slowly in his car*

Stranger: AH..come one..i'm sorry..I was just teasing..let me give you a lift...I won't do anything.


Stranger: You have got to be kidding. I would never leave a damsel in distress at 9 in the night!

*Steph stops walking and glares at him*

Steph: Well you know something else? I'm not in DISTRESS! I'M FINE!

Stranger: You're tired and anyone can take advantage of you.


*Steph continues to walk and the stranger continues to follow*

Steph: BACK OFF! I'll call the cops!

Stranger: Now you won't...You're too tired...

*He smiles again*

Stranger: Look my name is Nick and I want to help you. Woman!

Steph: Look NICK..I don't want yo help anymore. ok?

Nick: Aren't you going to tell me your name?


Nick: Look Steph, I want to help...look you're tired..how about I drive you to a fast food place so you can get some nutrition and I'll drive you straight home. I promise I won't try anything! I just can't drive away when you're alone and tired and who knows how long from home you are.

*Steph realizes she's really hungry and she knows it's A LONG way from home*

Steph: er...ok but but I want to go home right after eating ok!

Nick: OK..then get in.

*Steph gets in and he drives them to Mcdonalds*
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will: dang man, tec9 aint here yet.

shaniqwa: me and ma girls bout to bounce anyway, peace.

lavandra: and tell him i said hi.

will: guess its time for me to leave too.

as will leaves the club he gets in his car and drives by mcdonald where he notices nick and steph french kissing .

will: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaang looks like she got more than frys with that order!!!

will drives more and he goes by that same strip club looking for tec9,

will: dang theres alot of police here! is that tec in the back of that police car, **** man!

will gets out the car and walks around
will sees tre in a stretcher

will: you allright trendrick?

tre: (in low voice) they got me dawg... they g-

will: tre, tre!

hospital dude checks his pulse and confirms hes dead

will: tre... you was ma boy man *:( ima get thoose bitches... they **** with ma peoples, ima bust there heads...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i]
[B]every thank tec9 for ruining the story now its all ****ED UP!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]

umm... wat r ya talkin'bout, mr. "igottaleavemyhomieswhenthey'reintroublejusttogodance?"
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