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Teen Titans


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[COLOR=darkblue]Well,if you don't know,Teen Titans is show on Kids WB and Cartoon Network.It is also a so called "Anime Wannabe" with Totally Spies and Jackie Chan Adventures.

I like this show alot,and is one of the few shows that made me laugh in it.The animation can also be mached with some anime,and is why I like it.It was so good,I turned of my Magic Pengle:And the Quest of Color without saveing it to watch it.The them song is kinnda annoying,and the ending song is just really a remixed verson of it,but both are kinnda chachy :sweat: The story line is ok,and I hope it gets better,but it is really the whole superhero team saves the day,like most superhero shows.The battle seens are cool,and better then some anime....not nameing any names...But we won't see any blood,cause it was made in the good old U.S.A but there is a part when [spoiler]Cyborg took of his arm....but that wasn't in a action seen,but I can't belive it happen.[/spoiler]

Also I think a thing is going on with [spoiler]Beasty Boy and Raven[/spoiler] but that's just me.They seemed to be flerting alot.But Beasty Boy the useless superhero of the five....what is he really good for anyway.....But Raven is cool...And hot...Wait what I'm I saying...It's a cartoon....

Well this is a must see for anyone who needs a good superhero show.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i]
[B][COLOR=darkblue]Well,if you don't know,Teen Titans is show on Kids WB and Cartoon Network.It is also a so called "Anime Wannabe" with Totally Spies and Jackie Chan Adventures.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]
Why is it an anime wanabe?
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People apparently feel certain styles of animation are only allowed to be used officially by the Japanese. Who knows. I don't really think the series looks any more anime than most other cartoons on the station.

Anyway, I only saw some of it... but I didn't like it. It just seemed incredibly stupid in general. Little kid superheroes with attitude! Blah.
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I nevered called it that,people have talked about them and how they look like anime,like the big eyes,and the comic face stuff,like -___- or @.@.I think it's as good as some anime.

Edit:Now I feel stupid cause I like the show:blush:....Say what you what,I like it:)....
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Ohhh...I never knew that.All I knew that some where just younger versons of other characters.Robin and I think Star Fire and Raven are older charactes.And I think they changed Changeling to Beast Boy,but I think Changling could turn into humans,but Beasty Boy looks alot like him.

Star Fire is the air head,like Millie in Trigun.She is always lost and somewheres else.Raven is more as the clam one,Beasty Boy is just well...there,well matbe comic relef,but why when it's funny as it is,Robin is the "leader",and Cyborg is the tough guy....Yah that's all of them.

Edit:Some anime hae really stupid names,Samurai Pizza Cats...yah that makes you think.The Japaness really don't care for names.Take Billy Hacher and the Gaint Egg,they just like stick a name on it.
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People think too highly of anime here. Honestly, there is just as much bad anime as there are bad cartoons. There are plenty of anime with simple titles, although I admit the name of this show isn't exactly thought provoking. In fact, it's right out stupid.

The characters I remember from the show are based on established comic book heroes (regardless of the Teen Titans comic and whatever the hell it was originally about... they are from elsewhere and not creations made to cash in on some anime phenomenon). It's not as if their entire personality could possibly be stolen from some random anime... especially considering the examples listed here so far are so general they could apply to 300 other anime, cartoons, TV sitcoms and people around the world.

They are obviously thieves though. I've never met a teenager that tries to act dark and cool. Oh wait. I have! There's about 3 million of you. How could that have slipped my mind?

Lord knows anime invented klutzes and wallflowers and perverts and magic users and dark brooding types. Come on. Do the Japanese own the rights to every character attitude there is outside of old 60s Hanna Barbara cartoons?

People need to broaden their horizons more. I read so much either saying or right out implying (even if the poster doesn't realize he/she is doing it) that they know so much about anime... but people seem to know so little about what goes on here. Hell, I don't even like anime much and I seemingly know about more random series than most people here do. How much am I going to hear about the same few anime and dozen or so characters? Gah.

This place drives me nuts lol. I am being overly sarcastic and such, but it's 3 AM and it all gets the best of me. Hopefully no one will take that personally, because I don't feel like dealing with it :D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i]
[B]Yes,when I first saw an ad for it i thought it was an anime,until I saw the title...(Hopefully)No anime is going to use a title that SIMPLE.
The commercial annoyed me for some reason,I mean that Star Fire person looked so much like a generic over emotional anime clutz,and Raven seemed like almost an insult to Hiei..."This party is pointless"*Acts all dark and cool*

I haven't seen it yet though..So I plan to see it next time it comes on CN...That song sounds catchy!*Gets in whiny squeky high pitch voice from theme* TEEN TITDANSS!!

And incase anybody cared,there is this old comic that went by the same name,but it had totally different characters,I dunno what happens in it,I just have an ad thing. [/B][/QUOTE]
Did it ever occur to you that the creators of the show just followed stereotypical characters? It's true! Japan didn't invent the airhead, no did they invent *gasp* the punk that's too cool for school. Hell this doesn't even look like anime, it's like saying Batman: The Animated Series was an anime, and that would be just flat out stupid. Stop watching so much anime, it'll make you hate less on "stupid American cartoons that can only copy japanime."
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Guest Fiasco
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i]
[B]I nevered called it that,people have talked about them and how they look like anime,like the big eyes,and the comic face stuff,like -___- or @.@.I think it's as good as some anime.

Edit:Now I feel stupid cause I like the show:blush:....Say what you what,I like it:).... [/B][/QUOTE]

Except that it's nothing like an anime. ;) That could be the main problem, must might see it as trying to become anime, but isn't, and they must not like that.

I saw the show last night, I thought it was incredibly boring and stupid. I really did. I did not like this show, and I don't think I'll be watching it anytime soon.
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Sure the show may have a few aspects of the anime, but I consider that a good thing.
I think it adds a little something to the show's overall appearance, and style.

After seeing the first episode I have to say its pretty good, and has a good sense of humor. I mean they have blue fuzzy food in their fridge.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i]
[B]Yes,when I first saw an ad for it i thought it was an anime,until I saw the title...(Hopefully)No anime is going to use a title that SIMPLE.
The commercial annoyed me for some reason,I mean that Star Fire person looked so much like a generic over emotional anime clutz,and Raven seemed like almost an insult to Hiei..."This party is pointless"*Acts all dark and cool*

I haven't seen it yet though..So I plan to see it next time it comes on CN...That song sounds catchy!*Gets in whiny squeky high pitch voice from theme* TEEN TITDANSS!!

And incase anybody cared,there is this old comic that went by the same name,but it had totally different characters,I dunno what happens in it,I just have an ad thing. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=indigo]First off, every charecter in the Teen Titans television show was a member of the Teen Titans comic book. Second, Japan doesn't have a license on dark, brooding charecters; if I remember correctly, Batman had been around for quite some time before Yu-Yu Hakusho was even a concept.

I thought the show was okay. It had a decent mix of humor and action, and I like the whole theme of the show...despite the fact that I never enjoyed the comic book. I still think it pales in comparison to X-Men: Evo (of which I am a pretty big fan). [/color]
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I really didn't like it much.. First time I saw Raven give the irked anime expression with the little blood vessel thingie in the temple I fell off the couch and died..

The plot is a simplistic formula.. 5 main people, a lot of different bad guys, they fight and there's comic relief.. Heh.. That is too generic for me and a catchphrase like "teenage superheroes fighting for truth, justice, and the last slice of pizza" isn't very throwing, IMO..

I don't know what it is about this show, along with Totally Spies and Jackie Chan, but the shows don't feel right if it's not Japanese, for some reason.. It's strange. Maybe they overdo the freak-out expressions too much and use them too frequently. I don't know..

Oh well. I shouldn't gripe, I've still got my trust anime and manga which cannot do any wrong. (joking about the trusty can't-do-anything-wrong thing)
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After people kept comparing this show to different anime, I thought I'd hit Google and do a little research...

The original Teen Titans comic book was made in the 1960s. Starfire, Raven, and this current incarnation of the Teen Titans came about in the year 1980.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho wasn't made until the early 1990s, and Trigun was made in the mid/late 1990s.

If anything, Hiei and Millie are copying Raven and Starfire. But nobody is copying anyone. These are all coincidence. Dark, brooding characters & ditzy airheads have been around since Shakespeare. Get over it.

The animation itself is inspired by anime in some ways, but the show in no way attempts to be an anime in itself. The frame-rate is much too smooth for it to be an anime. :p

I like the show. They don't try to be too serious, but they know when to get the job done. Sure, they're superheroes, but they're still a bunch of teens. I think it's a good show, and I can't wait to see how they'll deal with the blue stuff growing in their fridge, and what romances may bloom between Raven & Beast Boy and Robin & Starfire.

aYokano, Changeling and Beast Boy are the same person. It's another one of those cases where superheros change their names.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i]
[B]Wow,people..I didn't know all this info so please don't slap me in the face for stating my opinion!
I never said it was trying to become an anime,I said it looked like one and I LIKE that.I never said Japan owned dark cool acting characters,now did I?No.I didn't know Raven and Star Fire came first,so now I do I like the idea.

Excuse my under-exposed mind for a minute,I haven't seen the show and I don't really know how Star Fire and Raven act,so I was stating what I thought they acted like..I didn't know Teen Titans was originally made way back in the 60's..So please excuse the hell out of me.

I wanna see the show so badly now that you people say it is so good.

And stop picking on me for stating an opinion! [/B][/QUOTE]
That's what you get for saying an American made cartoon based on American characters is an anime wanabe because they have pointy chins and stereotypical personalities.
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Guest Crimson Spider
Well, I don't really care how anime-looking it is, or how anime-looking Jackie chan is, or how any of them look. Anime is just a style of drawing, which incase the japanese just happen to like to use. No more! It is just a frikken drawing! Get over it! It is not copying anyone (Not pointing finger at Chou Long Kai. NOT, mind you). Even though I have to say the blue moss was funny.

I just hope the characters get better at acting, or it will be a modern day Charlie Brown, except with one or 2 good points. I also hope that they go more indepth into exactly what the show is about. I mean: Why is there a huge tower in the shape of a T, with all of these kids in it. Why are the kids in it? How did they get round up in this.

I also think the "T" tower was kinda lame. If any person, lets say Osama Binladin, wanted the teen titans dead, they would know exactly where to find them.
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[size=1] I thought the little anime version they threw in there was nice.

It's my opinion that America is going to start making more anime-based cartoons, and this is just the beginning. I mean...I don't think Japan is going to be the only country that supplies anime. Korea and China has its fair share of anime as well.

So anyways, I watched the show and the theme song bugged me...a lot. But other than that, I thought the show was ok. The characters are a bit overused, but hey, which characters aren't? I thought the personalities were weak, though. Very weak plot, just a buncha teens fighting bad people...[/size]
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