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White Haired Super Humans.


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Okay, there is an overly used stereo type in anime characters too show indivduality, but now, you can't throw a rock in any direction in the anime industry without hitting at least three characters with it. It is the white or yellow haired super human.

Yellow Hair- Super Sayains, Naruto(yes he is, FOX DEMON!), Vash the Stampede (Although its probably because he's not oreintal-asian like most anime characters).

White Hair- Sessomaru and InuYasha, Sephiroth(FF7), Meier(Vampire Hunter D), Zentradi (Macross Saga). and many, many others.

I want too know if anyone else was getting tired of this over used stereo type. It was created to show indivduality, but now you can barely tell the difference between characters.

Is it just me?

P.S.- there is also an abbundance of Purple haired Bad guys and bad boys (Zelgades, Some Zentradi.)
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Yeah, i guess your right. But it would blow me away if i saw an anime that contrived the anime look, but with more realistic story and characters. I would actually like to make a manga that is like a Bruce Lee film. If i saw that, then i would totally buy it. Bruce Lee is my all time hero.
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Hold on. Actually the only goodies i've seen with white hair are InuYasha who was actually pretty bad before meeting Kikyo. What about Sesshomaru (although he does ahve a good core) and Sephiroth. Or Meier and the Zentradi. There all pretty evil too me.
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White Hair=albino

albino= rare in humans

albino=common in anime

anime= opposite of real life

And..the yellow hair..it's the mark of the race. So you know

I don't mind the white hair/red eyes/red lips albino stereotype. *wishes he was an albino*
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[quote]Hold on. Actually the only goodies i've seen with white hair are InuYasha who was actually pretty bad before meeting Kikyo. What about Sesshomaru (although he does ahve a good core) and Sephiroth. Or Meier and the Zentradi. There all pretty evil too me.[/quote] It just seems to me, with the examples you've presented, that white hair represents a person who is beyond humanity (or his own humanity). Looks like either they have some inhumane (yes, with the "e") thing within them, putting them in a category outside of "Man/Woman," or they're just plain evil.

Yellow seems to show just the opposite: being/becoming human because of one reason or another. Simply, an original evil growing out and cleansing itself to enter the level of humanity, but, at the same time, not necessarily [I]falling[/I] to that level. Instead, it's a rise, because starting evil and climbing to good is a bigger leap than transcending humankind.

EDIT: [I]In my opinion[/I], it's a rise, not a fall. Yeah, you might say that losing that "greater superiority" that made the character inhuman would create a fall, but that's really open to discussion. :) Still, the main point is that the character aims for humanity.
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Guest TriGunMaSta68
Yo, i like it wit yellowish/blondish in animes.i think half the reason Vash looks like a badass when hes serious is his hair, i think it looks kool that way. Anime Hair is my escape from Carrot Top's Hair, who/and his hair r pretty old. I MEAN ITS A WHITE CRACKA WIT A RED FRO?! WTF!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i]
[B]Hold on. Actually the only goodies i've seen with white hair are InuYasha who was actually pretty bad before meeting Kikyo. What about Sesshomaru (although he does ahve a good core) and Sephiroth. Or Meier and the Zentradi. There all pretty evil too me. [/B][/QUOTE]

Sephiroth was a good person in the beginning though, just that the little bit of evil that was inside of him took control over him. Ill edit this later and list a few of the white haired good people tomorrow.
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Guest Tical
usually white hair is bad. Kenshin is a red haired superhuman. Inu and sessho and zentreadi arent humans. Saiyans arent humans, foxes arent humans, and vash isnt fully human. none you named are super human.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i]
[B]Hold on. Actually the only goodies i've seen with white hair are InuYasha who was actually pretty bad before meeting Kikyo. What about Sesshomaru (although he does ahve a good core) and Sephiroth. Or Meier and the Zentradi. There all pretty evil too me. [/B][/QUOTE]

Meier wasn't really all that evil once you think about it. He was just protecting his love. As cheesy as that sounds. O.e Anyway.

Oooh...and also let's lookit Haru from Fruits Basket. He has black AND white hair. And a killer split personality. His nice and quiet side..and then his 'a tad on the sadistic' side. Heh heh..
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I think it is because in Manga characters have either white or black hair. The artists got tired of making everybody have black hair, or wanted to portray blondes. Then the white hair stuck. If you think about it, you can only come up with SO many original ideas...
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to tell you the truth I never really noticed, other than the fact that Pegasus(Yu-Gi-Oh), Viscious(Cowboy Be-Bop) and Xion(Bloody Roar, okay it's a game but meh) all kind of looked the same to me *shrugs*. However, I think it is usually used to denote someone of evil, or not completely good intentions primarily because black is always used for evil and this puts it on it's head. Just look at Muraki in Yami no Matsuei, he wears all white and is evil, plus the ones I've already mentioned.

In truth, I just think it makes suave bad guys look more suave to be honest. ^_~
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