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Homecoming week


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Hot ****....we lost our first game in about 23 games.... :( :( This kid from the other team was just awesome... he's the #1 Running back in Wisconsin and has a FULL schoolarship to Michigan... I got a couple of big hits,but eh..it was horrible..... we're 5 - 1 and now are currently in 15th place.. still ranked FIRST in the conference.. we were ranked 5th in state.... we lost 27 - 14.. :( - Today's the dance....... eh, i don't even feel like chattin no more... bye bye
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i]
[B]homecoming week is okay. the homecoming pep rally sucked! the dance is tomorrow nite. im not goin wit any1 :( i feel like such a loser. o well. [/B][/QUOTE]

You don't need a date in order to go to homecoming, just go with your friend.
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