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otakuboards has been a desert.

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Guest Master O Beans
Haha, I don't mind, the boards actually load up fast when there is only 3 people on! ! YOU, ME , AND FINAL FLASH. WOOHOO! We're just too cool!
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kittie [/i]
[B]it's always like this at night...

and i'm always on at night...

i'm just babbling...as usual :babble: [/B][/QUOTE]


...late night conversations are weird....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]episode 5 of Queer as Folk.... [/B][/QUOTE]

i Love that show!!! :wigout: i've seen every episode...more than once!!! :love:

[b] "Let's get soaking wet!!" [/b] <--- i also Love the song!!!
i Love Emmet!! i just Love everything right now!! :tasty: :babble:

and on a lighter note: it's not the late night convos that are weird...it's the people! :smirk:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kittie [/i]

i Love that show!!! :wigout: i've seen every episode...more than once!!! :love:

[b] "Let's get soaking wet!!" [/b] <--- i also Love the song!!!
i Love Emmet!! i just Love everything right now!! :tasty: :babble:

and on a lighter note: it's not the late night convos that are weird...it's the people! :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah I really enjoy the show myself... only seen up to episode 5... I downloaded up to episode 9.... my boyfriend has the rest of the episodes on tape but he let his friend borrow them, so I'm waiting for those to get back so I can watch them.... because frankly I'm tired of downloading each QAF episode which is 400+ megs a peice.... My boyfriend loves the show... unfortunantly i don't get showtime so I can't see it when and if it returns.... or if it playing currently.... That show is good... for some straight people... hehe.... they may not like the explicit sex scenes hehe but he the straight guys would like the lesbian scenes.. well some would... but the plot is great.... and Hal Sparks is in it!... poo on whoever doesn't like Hal Sparks!.... Justin's so hot... my boyfriend actually got to meet the guy who plays Justin when he was in Toronto... to my disappointment he was straight... and so are alot of people in the show I hear.... one can wish can't he?.....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]

*sephiroth drops out of his chair laughing his a$$ off* [/B][/QUOTE]

*Flash tries to follow the trend, (even though he doesn't know what Seph is laughing at,) but falls off the wrong way, hitting his head on the computer desk, and then severly injuring his back...*
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i]

*Flash tries to follow the trend, (even though he doesn't know what Seph is laughing at,) but falls off the wrong way, hitting his head on the computer desk, and then severly injuring his back...* [/B][/QUOTE]

get it? justin? as in justin from the boards? as in justin who used to be called kamakazi....
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Guest Mr. Shiny Happy
Whats the weirdest late night conversation you ever had? I think mine had to do elephants. Seriously.

My middle name is Justin, named after my uncle.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Shiny Happy [/i]
[B]Whats the weirdest late night conversation you ever had? I think mine had to do elephants. Seriously.

It all depends who I'm talking to... if I'm talking to Poo-chan, it mostly deals with chocolate elves, whoring, How evil SMAP is, her insane friends and the boys at her school and how they are evil... it's rather ammusing actually...
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Guest Mr. Shiny Happy
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

It all depends who I'm talking to... if I'm talking to Poo-chan, it mostly deals with chocolate elves, whoring, How evil SMAP is, her insane friends and the boys at her school and how they are evil... it's rather ammusing actually... [/B][/QUOTE]

lol, I know what you mean. That kinda stuff sounds very familiar. Although sometimes they are comforting. Just to chill and talk with your mates. Doing nothing. I think it's the most intimate times friends can have.
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