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Did you know it was possible to piss off 5 people in 50 minutes?

Phantasy Freak

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I fond that out in 4th period today....
I got 5 people mad at me...They were making fun of my friend and they did it yesterday too..I told them to stop but they didn't and I told them today...but they didn't listen again...I told the teacher..and they got mad at me and one might try and "beat" me up..But she prolly can't cause she is a stupid sissy girl...I have had a sucky week considering I got several people who don't like me..They prolly hope I die....I could careless what the do to me but if they piss me off to a certain point I will go flip mode on their @$$es...and when I do my friends will have to hold me back.....:devil: :flaming: :devil: :flaming: I hate people who think they are better than anyone and I hate people who think they can pick on people who didn't do anything to the person....Thats prolly why I like animals better than people....:mad:
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Guest Master O Beans
Animals eh?
...hmm :D

...no, just try to play it cool, it's no use getting in trouble because you got in a fight or anything...
...just not worth it.
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Animals cause they never mean any harm towards you...they act on instinct.

Well, take it easy though...and stick to what you have right now...no one deserves to be treated that way. They'll eventually realize that along the line when they have no say to you cause there'll be others like you who you'll band with.
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So i be none of you screwed up the first dance of the year 25 seconds into the first slow song. Boy, did i get a lot of death threats in the 5 mins that it took them to fix it up...
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Guest Voodookanaka
I beat you down when it comes to pising ppl off by like.. sooooo much. I dont have the patience for ppl (Im arragant or whatever the hell u wanna call it, big motherfin whoop)
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i pi$$ed off, (counts) 120 ish ppl during a school play practice, i was outside, talkin, and then i went in and Mr.Clowes threw a bottley at me!!!! alot of ppl were pi$$ed at me, i got alot of this:

(-\/-) "grrrrrrr"

and then i had to do this stupid a$$ dance!!!!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i]
[B]I fond that out in 4th period today....
I got 5 people mad at me...They were making fun of my friend and they did it yesterday too..I told them to stop but they didn't and I told them today...but they didn't listen again...I told the teacher..and they got mad at me and one might try and "beat" me up..But she prolly can't cause she is a stupid sissy girl...I have had a sucky week considering I got several people who don't like me..They prolly hope I die....I could careless what the do to me but if they piss me off to a certain point I will go flip mode on their @$$es...and when I do my friends will have to hold me back.....:devil: :flaming: :devil: :flaming: I hate people who think they are better than anyone and I hate people who think they can pick on people who didn't do anything to the person....Thats prolly why I like animals better than people....:mad: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Congrats!!! Pising people off is fuN!! Well done! :D[/SIZE]
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]
[B][SIZE=1]Congrats!!! Pising people off is fuN!! Well done! :D[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

Hehe, I think I've pissed some people off by defending Goten :) heh, it's definitely FUN! :)
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Cool, french... but not to be out done...I went to every AohelL(LOL)(AND YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE!) chat room in 3 hours, and friggin cursed out about, oh, [SIZE=4]10,000[/SIZE] people!!!!!
It was fun, and my screen name wasn't deleted
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I don't usually piss people off. It's usually like this:
Someone tries to piss me off, I didn't pay attention and didn't hear it.

10 seconds later they start apoligising and I get really confused.

They keep on apoligising for a few hours and I tell them to shut up.
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