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My photography :)


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[color=deeppink]Well, I know that there are at least four of you peeps here that already know I love photography. You see, my photography skills are far more advanced than my drawing skills (or so I like to believe!)...

But anyway, I can't remember ever seeing any photography posted on the Boards (lots of art, but never photos) so maybe I'd take a stab at posting mine? Er, there [i]has[/i] to be other photographers around here, I just know it (heh). It'd be cool to see others' work too...

But if you could just give me some feedback on my photos, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


[i]P.S. This particular photo was taken in Germany's Black Forest, most of my Europe photos are my favorites ;) [/i][/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
I've seen a lot of things that suck in my day, but that was just plain suck. suckity suck, suck. I mean, could it suck anymore more? (heh, this reminds me of a particular Simpsons episode...)

Heh, but of course I'm merely joking! it's definitely a nice picutres!Better than nice actually...just can't think of any words at this late of night...so if I had to sum it up with only one word, it would be "beans" no, no wait, that's not right... ... "MosDefinitely" ...there we go!

Hehe, tomorrow I'll scan some of my pics from my photography shop...the ones that almost got me kicked out of the class! Muahhaha!:eek:
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[COLOR=purple]:eek:WOW....That's a great photo! The location is awesome, and the flowers are beautiful:). However, I would've waited until the sun started to set a little, before taking the shot. I think I noticed a [size=1]small, and hardly noticeable[/size] amount of glare off the camera lense. Of course, the photo is still stunning...I'm just a stickler for details...:rolleyes::D[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sailor Meike [/i]
[B]I'm trying to photograff pretty things too, a month ago i've got an digital camera, and since then i'm take photo's with it. Now i draw and i take photograffs. Here's an photo of a place here in Belgium. I like that place very much. This pic has been taken in the village Zoutleeuw. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]That's a rather good picture! Though it would be better if you didn't catch the wall or whatever it is at the very bottom..[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Heh, I have two others I would like to post, just because I think that our Australian companions could perhaps appreciate them...:D

Here's one...it's a very famous Harbour of a very famous city...heh :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Crikey!(lol, I've been saying that all night) :eek: That's really awesome! VERY VERY well done. You seem to be in the right place at the right time a lot..[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]
[B][SIZE=1]You seem to be in the right place at the right time a lot..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Actually, sometimes I believe that I miss a LOT of oppurtunities, and it makes me sad. But that's okey, for your comments make me happy :D.

Here is the other one...this one should be a little more recognizable...

[i]by the way, sorry, these photos are a little scratched up...i don't know how they got that way...but they're also kind of old...and so it was also before i really became interested in photography, and before i knew i actually had a talent for it...that may explain some of the lack of quality :D (heh, i keep having to edit this stupid post :rolleyes: )[/i][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]

[color=purple]I second that!! Can you say, Eye candy? That photo is [b]sooo[/b] pretty! The colors fade so perfectly.....and contrast so well with everything else. I give you an A++.........Oh, wait.....this isn't a test....:cross:[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Well, I know that there are at least four of you peeps here that already know I love photography. You see, my photography skills are far more advanced than my drawing skills (or so I like to believe!)...

But anyway, I can't remember ever seeing any photography posted on the Boards (lots of art, but never photos) so maybe I'd take a stab at posting mine? Er, there [i]has[/i] to be other photographers around here, I just know it (heh). It'd be cool to see others' work too...

But if you could just give me some feedback on my photos, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


[i]P.S. This particular photo was taken in Germany's Black Forest, most of my Europe photos are my favorites ;) [/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=royalblue][b][size=1]Very nice picture, BabyGirl. I did some photography in High School...which I really enjoyed. Except ours was all black and white; we were using really old manual cameras.

Still, it was a lot of fun. Great shot. :)[/color][/b][/size]
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You......are good. Those are some nice pics. I like photagraphy myself although im just now really getting into it. I have a couple of pics Ill post in a minute(ill have to scan them). What kinda camera do you use? Im just wondering cause I would like to have an idea of what to get.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]
[B][color=deeppink]Well, I know that there are at least four of you peeps here that already know I love photography. You see, my photography skills are far more advanced than my drawing skills (or so I like to believe!)...

But anyway, I can't remember ever seeing any photography posted on the Boards (lots of art, but never photos) so maybe I'd take a stab at posting mine? Er, there [i]has[/i] to be other photographers around here, I just know it (heh). It'd be cool to see others' work too...

But if you could just give me some feedback on my photos, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


[i]P.S. This particular photo was taken in Germany's Black Forest, most of my Europe photos are my favorites ;) [/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=blue]You go girl with ya bad Self!!!!!!!Hey Tell me what you think of this..this is one I took from my mom's house....It's the day after the attack..LES ROCKS!!!![/COLOR]:D
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