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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i]
[B]What kinda camera do you use? Im just wondering cause I would like to have an idea of what to get. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]I currently use a Canon Rebel EOS 300...it's a pretty basic 35mm and good for people who aren't too aquainted with photography yet. Before my Rebel, I used an Elf, which was a nice point and shoot, it used Advantix film and took surprisingly good pictures.

If you want to use vintage cameras (manual focus, manual rewind, etc.) then I suggest a Ricoh. I used my mom's for a while, hers was from the 70s and still took incredible photos.

But, basically, if you aren't looking to spend a lot of money, get a simple point and shoot. The 35mm cameras can get quite expensive. I ended up paying around $500 for the camera body and the 28-80mm lens...so keep that in mind :).[/color]
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No body laugh. This is a picture I took yesterday at the airshow. Im using just a regular, low end, polaroid. Its nothing special, remember that im just now starting out. Your opinion would be great babygirl since your probably the most experienced. Oh and thanx for the camera info. Im looking to spend anywhere from 400 to 600. well 600 is my budget. :)

BTW* This is of the Aeroshell team. They kick butt.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Saiya-jin [/i]
[B]Sorry for the spam darlings......:love:
Here's the pic, see all the smoke..looks like clouds...Manhattan Bridge.....Baby Girl your opinion is important hon, you got the eye....:D [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]It's a beautiful photo that tells a story...to have a picture that documents 9/11 is definitely awesome. The part that catches my eye is the sun coming through the smoke...like hope :)[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i]
[B]No body laugh. This is a picture I took yesterday at the airshow. Im using just a regular, low end, polaroid. Its nothing special, remember that im just now starting out. Your opinion would be great babygirl since your probably the most experienced. Oh and thanx for the camera info. Im looking to spend anywhere from 400 to 600. well 600 is my budget. :)

BTW* This is of the Aeroshell team. They kick butt. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ohhhh me likes..I'm a Blue Angel fan.....woo-hoo!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i]
[B]No body laugh. This is a picture I took yesterday at the airshow. Im using just a regular, low end, polaroid. Its nothing special, remember that im just now starting out. Your opinion would be great babygirl since your probably the most experienced. Oh and thanx for the camera info. Im looking to spend anywhere from 400 to 600. well 600 is my budget. :)

BTW* This is of the Aeroshell team. They kick butt. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Heh, I'm just becoming the little advice gal around here, huh? I love it :D

But anyway Seifer, I definitely like the way the color darkens from the bottom left to the top right corner. The formation of their trails is also nice...though I think that the planes may actually be a little too dwarfed by these things. Maybe if it was taken from a different angle, or if it was framed by something (like a tree branch...but that's just an example of course :) ) then it would definitely make for an awesome picture :D.[/color]
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Yeah, I understand what your saying. It was kinda hard to make that a good shot since they where so high up and it was a clear day. If I could have zoomed a little more on the planes it might be alright. Of course the camera was pretty low end, it is just about a 85 dollar polaroid 35 mm.

Also the wind was blowing the smoke so that made it drift and puff up some, usually its not that big.

Thanks for your insight though. :)
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[color=deeppink]I believe it was Sailor Meike who posted a picture of a church or something of the sort...and it was a gorgeous building. This goes along with my little "different angle" thing...try looking for new ways to shoot plain old objects. Such as this one, taken in Seville, Spain.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Boy Wonder~ [/i]
[B]I wanna post some of my stuff up here, but I've yet to figure out how. Anyone care to explain so that I might participate in the sharing of our works? [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Erm...I'll try to explain :)

*Scan work
*Remember where you save it (save as .jpg/.jpeg, that's what I suggest...) and make sure it isn't too big of a picture! I usually size mine around 600x800 pixels or something like that...I've made the mistake of them being too large...believe me...
*Respond to this topic, write a little message
*look at the place that says "attach file" and click on browse
*locate file, click open, and it should work

If it says the file is too large, try resizing it...yep...that's how :D[/color]
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