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Guest Crimson Spider
In each wave of games, it has a different effect. For the one Specifically for Ru/Sa, it doubles the EV points recieved from fighting a poke. i.e. instead of getting 3 defense EV points from fighting a golem, you would get 6 instead.
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Guest Crimson Spider
[b][u]E[/b][/u]ffort [b][u]V[/b][/u]alues. It is a little bonouse that your pokes get when you defeat a poke. Like I said, a Golem would give you 3 effort points in defense.

You see, each stat, including HP, has a hidden value, which is the EV. When more points are added onto this EV, the corrosponding stat goes up a certain percentage. You ever notice how on the RMT topic, how people talk about EV training 255 in 2 different stats? Well, having an EV of 255 for any stat would max it out. Meaning that that stat is as high as it could ever be for that specific pokes genes and perso. The catch is that your poke can only have a total of 510 EV points in all stats combined, meaning that you would have to think hard on where to put all those points.

Now, besides battling pokes, the other way to get EV points is through Vitamins. Each time you give your poke a vitamin, it raises the corrosponding stats EV by 10. However, you can only raise it up to 100 EV points by using vitamins. That means you can only use a maximum of 10 vitamins for each stat. However, if the stats EV is already over 100 when you use the vitamin, it will not work.

Now, every poke that takes place in taking down the opponent will recieve the same EV points. So if you used your whole team agains an opponent, and none of your pokes fainted, your whole team will get the same amount of EV points as if only one poke fought the oponent. Using EXP. Share will automatically give the poke EV points of the battle, regardless if it was in the battle or not. The item Macho brace doulbes the EV points recieved for each stat, but halves your pokes current speed. The reduction is not permanent, nor does if affect the EV points recieved.

Now, once you have the pokerus, the best thing to do is infect every single poke on your team, and in your box with it. You see, the Pokeruses effect is permanent. Once your poke gets it, the EV points it recieves will be doubled for as long as that poke exists. Now, if you give that poke a macho brace as well as the pokerus, it will recieve Quadruple the EV points.
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Guest Crimson Spider
Well, they are all wrong. I have tested it out myself. I tell them, and they do not listen.

Well, they are refering to stat exp. You see, in RBYGSC, stat exp was a bonous that was added onto a stat from defeating a poke. Very similar to EVs. Now, these points that were added on were the base stats of the poke that you fought. They would max out at 65535, or FFFF in hex value. This formula could be seen in the GS ball thread. Vitamins would raise the Stat exp level to about 20,000. And no higher, similar to EV.

Now, the Pokérus DID have an effect on Stat Exp. but it did not double what you recieved. What it did was max out the Stat exp for Hp, Atk, and Special atk and Special defense, which is the special stat split. As you can see, it leaved out defense, and speed.

Now, they said that the effect of the pokerus was permanent because it is impossible to lower the Stat exp. after it was maxed out.

Now, in Ru/Sa, its effect is permanent. It is shown somehwere in your pokes description. Where, I do not know. Bad Memory. But it will permanently double the EV points recieved in Ru/Sa.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Crimson Spider

You can get the the pokérus from any wild battle in the game for as long as you have it. The game, I mean. Similar to shiny pokes.

I got mine from the desert.
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