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TheOtaku.com suggestions. . .


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OK, I have a few.

As for an anime site, I've suggested it before, but I seriously think that [B]Big O[/B] should have its own site at theotaku.com. It's an anime that deserves things like a character listing and episode guide, and it would definitely be a visited section. I also agree with the person who suggested a [b]Ruroni Kenshin site[/b]: I'd find it very helpful since all I know about Kenshin is the characters. . .and I think a lot of other people would as well. Coverage of Kenshin and Big O would round out the Anime Shrines section very well.

As for the upcoming fanfiction section, I'd like to suggest some things that would be good ideas. (and no, none of these are related to my anti-yaoi activism)

First of all, you need to find a ratings system and insist that writers use it. While [i]some[/i] people might self-rate or self-warn, others won't bother to do so unless compelled. The MPAA movie ratings system, the ESRB game ratings system, or the TV ratings system could be used as either the ratings system or starting points, and if people are going to be allowed to post lemons, they should also be mandated to warn for them.

Secondly, I request that works already posted on other sites or addenda to said works be allowed to be posted on one's myotaku.com site. For example, I should be allowed to post a story that I already have posted on fanfiction.net to myotaku.com, or at the least post a link to it.

If I think of anything else, I will post it. . .
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I agree with the ratings ideas for the upcoming fanfiction section, although it's not so much the ratings that bother me (PG, PG-13, R NC-17 etc etc) more the lack of summaries that seem to adorn many websites. It isn't all that difficult to put a summary before a fic but many people just don't seem to do it. It makes it easier for people looking for things to read if they don't just have a title to go on. Therefore I suggest that, like archives such as Fanfiction.net, you put up guidlines such as 'Author, Title, Rating, Warnings, Summary etc) so people know what they're looking at.

On the topic of the Kenshin and Big O ideas that really doesn't concern me since I don't usually frequent theotaku.com much, in comparison to the boards.
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