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[color=sienna][b][i][font=comic sans ms]If one nigh, when your parent are asleep and you get your hands on a can of bear, what's the first thing you'd think of doing with it? Make an action figure out of it, of course. Ayways I got this idea when I saw how bottom on a beer can looks like a round shield, I cut that out and build a crude armored body around it. Hands are disproportional and my attempts at colouring didn't work out since I needed sticky tape to be colourless and keep the figure together. So, what do you think of my beer can art?[/color][/font][/i][/b]
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[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Thats pretty funny. Here is proof of what people will do when they are bored. Well anyways I'll give it a 8/10. For being funny. Its a good figure it must have taken forever to make that.[/color][/size][/i]
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[color=silver] [size=0] O_O...woah..that's actually pretty good for making it out of a beer can...but my question is...did you use any certain tools, or did you just bend and form it with your bare hands? Well that's pretty funny...i give it a 9/10 for creativity, funnyness, and just for the overall difficulty of the project...[/color] [/size]
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