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Favorite Anime Fighter and Why?

Lone Bebop

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Hey there, just a thread for people to post who is your fav fighter from an anime and [U]Why[/U] you think so. For me mine is a tie between Kazuma for Scryed an Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho


Kazuma: The reason here is this, his alter is one of the strongest, the Speed Bullet and his 3 bullet attack system is well thought out and very cool. For when Kauma fights he is a total phyco, and demolsih his oppent

Hiei: The reason here is beacues of the way Hiei can weild his katana with style and power, and his shere speed can leave his oppents in the dust. Then you have the Jiegon eye which i think adds kinda a mystries affect for him like who was the first onwer of his eye. Then he has the darkness flame and powerful and desrtuive force that cant be stoped

So what do you people think? who is you fav anime fighter and [U]Why[/U]
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Ooo, I don't know if this is the kinda favorites thread that'll be closed... but for me it would be Hiei.
He has awsome speed and he is good with swords. Plus he's a demon, a [I]fire[/I] demon. Since he is a demon, he has got some really cool powers an' stuff. Does being cute count? No probably not...
I have more reasons, I just don't have them on the top of my head right now.
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My favorite fighter...there are so many!

HieiĀ“s cool, but I like Kurama better because he actually stops and thinks through his plans (a look before you leap kinda guy), and his rose whipĀ“s really cool.

I also like Miroku from Inuyasha, Zelgadis from Slayers, and Youzen from Soul Hunter (even though you donĀ“t get to see him fight much).
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Maybe I'm goin' the wrong way with this, but my favorite would have to be the $$60,000,000,000 man. The one, the only, VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Somehow, in all of his mad capers, he comes out alive. He's a perfect straight shooter (even when he was completely trashed as the Quick Draw tournament). He also has compassion, which, in my humble opinion, is an attribute rather than a downfall. For the most part, he brings out the best in everyone--including his opponents. He managed to convert quite a few ppl. to prevent further killings. I really think he's got it all goin' on. ;)
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Hmm, tough choice. But I have narrowed it down to two. Hiei (YYH) and Spike (Cowboy Bebop).

I like Hiei's style of combat. Quick, easy, and messy. :devil: Not only that, but he also has that "I wont take **** from anyone" attitude, and the power to back it up. The greatest part of all was when he tried to "test" Yusuke before the Dark Tourney, and Yusuke's amusing comment: "Hey, Hiei, I see your people skills have improved."

As for Spike, I like him because of his constant fights with Visious. Anyone that can use a gun like a sword in close range combat has to be good, since there is liitle room for error. And besides, what other anime character has ever walked into a crime syndocate's main office and drop-kicked a grenade while looking so d*** cool? :D
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Favorite fighter, huh? Wow, there's just so many..
Let's start with Goku, from Dragonball Z... How could you not elect this guy? First off, he's pure of heart, something I bet at one time wish we could be. Second, he's the most powerfull fighter in the universe. Third, he gives the bad guys second and even third chances to get their act together. And last but not least, he sacrifices himself for the good of mankind. Who else could you say does that???

Next...it would be a tie between Trunks and Hiei. Both use their swords oh so well, and are also able to kick some major butt without it. Not to mention being fast and really cute!!!

Then...i would have to say Kuruma. What other demon cares about humans so much that he was willing to die for one? And the way he uses plants to fight is really cool too. Not to mention, he's very good looking!!!

And the list goes on...
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Yeah, for me it would be...

Hiei: Speed, power, and attitude. He has it all, and can blow his opponenets to ashes...and their ashes' into ashes...I like fast characters, because it gives that mentality that strength isn't everything. Plus speedy characters kick ***, and its cool to see him disappear one moment, then reappear the next moment, seeing his opponent on the ground all sliced up. He also uses a sword, and appears to be very skilled, interesting to watch him fight his opponents with such speed an skill with a sword. Overall he has a good combination of attacks; speed, skill, sword, powerful oblivion attack, and much more. He doesn't take **** from anyone and is loyal to himself and his friends (although he would never admit it...)
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It would be a tie between Hiei and Kenshin

Hiei because he's so fast, he's very intelligent, and he uses these skills to his advantage, manipulating most of his opponents and wraping them around his finger

Kenshin because he is the ultimate badass in Battosai mode :devil: It's not like they call him Hitokiri Battosai for nothing. He's quick, he's deadly, he's vicious and he holds nothing back. Watching him fight as the Battosai is like watching a rabbit kill a kitten.
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Favorite fighter will go to... I suppose its a weird choice, but I choose Eva. Unit 01. Best mech fighting scenes in anime if you ask me. Human like form, flexibility, soul... Evangelion takes the cake for me.
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[size=1][color=crimson]Hmm Mine would be Himura Kenshin.

Due to his personalities. Some times he is serious and when around Kaoru he acts like a dufus. His sword fighting style is amazing. Also he is not so much as invincible he axually loses some times and takes hits from opponents.[/size][/color]
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Hmm...tough one...it would be a tie between Aoshi (Rurouni Kenshin), Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho), and Spike (Cowboy Bebop).

Aoshi: aside from the fact that I just love him, I really like the fact that he uses two swords, and that they're shorter than normal and not usually used for offense. It's more original than most of the other characters on RK, and the fact that kodachi are usually used for defense can make people underestimate him. And, most importantly, he kicks butt with them.

Hiei: because I love all of his attacks. Every one. After seeing the Dragon of the Darkness Flame for the first time I just loved him. Plus, once he starts fighting he doesn't screw around, he just kills whoever he's fighting (or tries to, anyway) and gets it over with. Quick and to the point.

Spike: I admire Spike's ability with a gun. (And with a grenade or flamethrower on occasion :devil: ) And even without it, he can fight several people at once and usually win, though he does tend to get beat up during the process. Also, I would think a close-range fight against someone using a sword while you're using a gun would be pretty hard, but Spike wins against Vicious.

And while this has nothing to do with Spike as a fighter, I enjoyed the part in Toys in the Attic (Session #11?) where he tried to light a cigarette with the flamethrower. (Hint: it didn't work :D )
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Guest Drakelord186
Mine would have to be Vash The Humanoid Typhoon. He rocks. He is the ultimate gunman. Even though he doesn't like to kill, he is still cool. When he gets pissed, he'll take out anybody. He has amazing speed AND accuracy. He is definitly my favorite.
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Guest Anime_Forever
The best anime fighter is definetally Yusuke Yuremeshi. He beats the crap outa everyone and in the first movie he and Kuwabara are about to clober 50 people. Even though when he sees a big demon the first time his reactions are "holy cheese" and later "holy cheese on rye".
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My choice would have to be Hiei. He's incredibly powerful, but he has serious style. Plus, he's mastered multiple weapons, from his fists to his (very cool) katana. And who wouldn't love the Black Dragon Wave? Pulverizing your enemies into oblivion.... definitely the way to go.

When it comes to Yu Yu Hakusho, Hiei's fights tend to be the shortest and the cleanest. In Maze Castle, he killed his opponent in about 5 seconds. It was almost anticlimactic.

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Guest Nerv-connection
mine would be the one-hunderd-man-slayer, yup kurokenshin or by name gutsu from Berserk

my reason is simply: this guy never knew anything except the first rule of life : survival!
But when he joins Griffith's group he changes slowly.

Even though the anime abruptly stoped the manga that is going to be released will finish the story for me soon
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The best to me is Domon from G Gundam. He was a good Gundam fighter and could also handle himself out side of the Gundam. The only problem is with all those punches none of them actually hit. That totally sucked him and master Asia had to have hit each other with all those many blows thrown.
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Guest Trowa Barton
Im gonna have to go with... Shinomori Aoshi...i love those mysterious types...hes really efficient...and a magnificent fighter! Of course there are so much great fighters...i might change my answer a couple times...
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