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I need some good advice


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My friend and I were buds since we were young. It change when we get to college. This is how it happen.
I have a reputation of a goody goody,and my friend parent trusted me. They won't let my friend go anywhere without me. Lately, my friend and I make a new friend in college, it is a guy. At first, we go everywhere together.

Now, I find out that they're dating each other, and my friend just using me so her parent let her go out. I'm very angry already, I don't mind helping her, but she never tell me the true.

Last week, the guy and I go over my friend house to eat dinner (I do that every week). I'm so angry that my friend introduce him as my boyfriend. I still didn't do anything about it.

Now, just for some odd reason, that she think I cheated on her. She didn't tell me that, I just hurt from another friend of mine.

Next month is my cousin's wedding, she ask me to be her maid of honor, and the other guy as best man. I don't know what is going on, my friend now just give me the eyes. It is like she wants to eat me or something.

Can someone give me a good advice of what to do.

Please, I'm serious with this so don't joke around.
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First off...you don't have to do what I tell you to...you have to decide for yourself what you want to do based on what me and others say.

Okay, so you have a sort of triangle going on...you can't hide it cause it will get worse...I suggest bringing it out into the open and tell them, or her, how you feel...yeah I know it's old advice, but if they can't understand how you feel about everything, then they'll never know.
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I would just tell her how you feel about the whole thing. Easier said than done, but thats how I'd do it. And if she was really your friend, she'd understand you're feelings. But yeah, just explain to her why you are upset.... perhaps she doesn't know... or perhaps she heard from another firned of hers something else... there's probably many reasons why she might be upset that aren't even true.
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My specialty is pulling cards, and when my "pals" act up and I caught up in it...I set it straight right away...a true friend will never use you or lie to you....I mean covering your pal's a$$ once in a while is cool, but after the umpteenth time, you need to pull her to the side and ask her what's up..Take it easy...enjoy college and remember, never let a man intervene in your friendship cuz' guys will come and go....Tell your friend that...she's the one that needs to be put in check.....Love Ya ...Feel Better..k:love: :smirk: :love:
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the best thing to do is to just talk to her, tell her how you feel about the matter and that there is nothing going on between you and the other guy, that you two are just friends, nothing gets solved by disputes, the best thing to do is just talk to her, you two will be happy when everything is back to normal after you have a good friendly talk with one another....
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