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5p34k L33T w17h Fl45h!!


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That's right everybody! It's my very own 'Learn to 5p34k L33T' course! If ya wanna learn to speak L33T, read on!

AIM Conversation w/ Warlock

ApocalypticFlash: I've been taking lessons in speaking L33t
SSJ2Warlock: I see...
ApocalypticFlash: yup. 5p34k1n9 L33T m4k35 y4 f33l 50 c00l
SSJ2Warlock: It does...
ApocalypticFlash: w4nt 4 qu1ck l3550n 1n b451c L33T-5p34k?
SSJ2Warlock: Sure...
SSJ2Warlock: L33T away..
ApocalypticFlash: Okay
ApocalypticFlash: well, first off, you type all Letters lower case, except for the L and T L33T
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: secondly,
i is 1
r is |2
e is 3
a is 4
s is 5
b is 6
t is 7
g is 9
o is 0
ApocalypticFlash: 8 can also be B.
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
SSJ2Warlock: 907 17
ApocalypticFlash: y is j
ApocalypticFlash: and anything with a 'ou', or 'u' is changed to '00'.
ApocalypticFlash: hence; 'j00'
SSJ2Warlock: Yep..
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: So; 'Yo' would be 'j0'
SSJ2Warlock: Yes...
ApocalypticFlash: That's all about the Alphabet
ApocalypticFlash: now onto vocab.
ApocalypticFlash: as we all know, 'j00' is you.
SSJ2Warlock: Heh...
SSJ2Warlock: Yep...
ApocalypticFlash: there are some other important words you should know;
ApocalypticFlash: hax0r - usually refering to Hackers
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: 0wnz - Meaning that you 'own' someone. Usually an expression used to emphasise ones greatness, or power. i.e; 'President Bush ownz the U.S.'
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: It can also mean that someone is completley imersed in something... i.e;
ApocalypticFlash: '****! Unreal Tournament ownz Connor!'
SSJ2Warlock: Heh...
ApocalypticFlash: Also, it can be used to show that someone is good at something;
ApocalypticFlash: '****! Connor ownz Unreal Tournament!'
SSJ2Warlock: Ok...
SSJ2Warlock: Warlock ownz Half-Life, and Unrealt Tournement, and Quake, and The Sims and ect, ect...
ApocalypticFlash: also, if you beat someone at something, it is understandable for you to tell them that you "ownz'ed" them.
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: 'Wow, you beat me in Quake 2 again!'
ApocalypticFlash: 'Yeah, I ownzed j00'
SSJ2Warlock: Got it (again)...
ApocalypticFlash: And finally, for this lesson;
ApocalypticFlash: L33T - (short for 3L33T/31337, elite) something/one who is hardcore
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: for example, if you were a 'L33T gamer' you'd be an elite gamer...
ApocalypticFlash: i.e;
ApocalypticFlash: 'Woah! Connor is a Quake 3 L33T f|24993|2
ApocalypticFlash: (That's L33T fragger)
SSJ2Warlock: Got it...
ApocalypticFlash: That's all for todays lesson. cl455 d15m1553d!

Congratulations! You're now on the road to speaking Advanced L33T!
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[color=purple]Heh, heh.....my friend was trying to teach my to speak l33t.....ROFLOL........ok.......calculator jargon.......::ahem::...80087355......Har har har......okay, punch that in, then turn it upside down......LOL......I'm having a [i]really[/i] immature moment right now; it'll end soon...:rolleyes::)[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i]
[B][color=purple]Heh, heh.....my friend was trying to teach my to speak l33t.....ROFLOL........ok.......calculator jargon.......::ahem::...80087355......Har har har......okay, punch that in, then turn it upside down......LOL......I'm having a [i]really[/i] immature moment right now; it'll end soon...:rolleyes::)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

That says 'SSELBOOB' ...I think you spelt it backwards... :p

Nice work, Rico... :D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Why can't you just speak Intelligently like the rest of us? [/B][/QUOTE]

Uhh do you think Flash is the brightest tool in the shed if you get what im saying Flash isnt exactly a rocket scientist....:p :p :D :D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]whats a L33T? surely you mean a leech? or you need a leak? god, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.... [/B][/QUOTE]

It means "Elite" which they spell "leet" which is just dumb I think...

Anyway.... yeah.... I don't like it.... because it's like you sit here trying to figure out what it all says.... kinda like if I just talked in Japanese every post.... or well.... maybe a slightly different situation but you get the point...
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L33T 5uck5 4l07. ju57 5p34k n0rm4L!!!
y34h 7r4n571c, 1 w15h y0u w0uld 5p34k JAPANESE 7h47 w0uld b3 k00L. 1 kn0w THREE w0rd5 1n JAPANESE:


does everyone find it hard to speak LEET, it sucks big...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i]
[B]j33z, 7h15 wh0l3 7h1n9 w45 ju57 4 j0k3. d0n'7 74k3 17 50 53|210u5ly!! j00 9uy5 4nd 91|2l5 4r3 ju57 j34l0u5 7h47 j00 c4n'7 5p34k L33T. l0053n up 4 b1t.

Fl45h 0wnz j00... o.O [/B][/QUOTE]

I got the last part!!!! Flash does not own me!!!
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[SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]im sure it was started by people who wanted to cheat in some game you know...
make up a code that no one can understand and then you can talk in game and help each other win ya know... lol
pretty much just a bunch of loser speak it... i ran across it at college my roommate was into it... trust me.... losers speak it...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i]
[B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]im sure it was started by people who wanted to cheat in some game you know...
make up a code that no one can understand and then you can talk in game and help each other win ya know... lol
pretty much just a bunch of loser speak it... i ran across it at college my roommate was into it... trust me.... losers speak it...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

lol! hehe yeah.... it's just more of that internet lingo that lazy people do so they can annoy intelligent people.... or whatever reason they do it... it's not L33T, it's ?Î?©?Î?©?µ?¢ (figure it out with your "L33T" skills)
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