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Role Reversal

Solo Tremaine

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I've often wondered what my life would be like if I were female.

This might sound weird, but I had a dream in which I was female, and I was going out with my best friend Dan. It seemed quite an attractive idea at the time, but I'm not sure in what context it was, being a dream.

Anyway, what do you think your life would be like if you were of the opposite sex? Would you have the same friends/school/interests? How different do you think you would be?

As for me, I've no idea whether I'd have still broken my hip or not- as the cyst's been there from birth there's still a chance it could develop, and me smashing it was definately the turning point of my life.

Assuming I had, my personality would probably be fairly similar, although I think I'd have had more friends at the end of Primary School than I did, and that would have put me in more securely at High School. Having said that, I might not have bought the N64, as my friends reading N64 Magazine was what made me interested in getting that, and that probably laid down the lines for a lot of anime, too (I started on Pokemon). So then I might not be here... Most of my interests stem from things I've done with my friends or heard them talking about.

Which raises something interesting- even though your friends are different, if you have more or less the same personality you're likely to hang around with the same sort of people, so you might get into that stuff anyway... although I've no idea if that would work for certain- being a different person leads to different life events. If nothing else, my Transformers collection might not be so big *shrugs* I don't know any girls my age who collect toys, I don't think it follows too well past the adolescent years. I could be wrong.

Anyway- your thoughts, please.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]That is an interesting thought. I have NO IDEA how I would be. I already have a tendancy to like things that are usually considered "Guy things" such as videogames, anime, and stuff like that.

All I know is that I would make sure my hair was sexy looking everyday. I see some guys who really do this and I wish I could just tell everyone of them thank you. I love pretty hair. That is why I am so fussy about my own.

I couldn't imagine being a guy, though. It is so much nicer to be a girl. It seems as though it's easier to have your way. ;)[/color][/size]
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I've thought about what life would be like were I a guy. This probably stemmed from the fact that the majority of my friends in high school were guys, and the closest ones gave me the nickname "semi-girl" ... Mostly due to the fact that I can beat them at some video games and that I had a really sarcastic sense of humor. (Now that I'm in college, my two best friends are girls, and I've lost the title of "semi" with even my high school friends, if you were curious. Though I don't know why, since I'm still just as interested in video games and sarcasm.)

Anyway, I've never thought about being a guy for very long, because like Queen Asuka, I really love being a girl :D. I think for me, the weirdest thing about being a guy would be the different way of communication. My best friends and I can spend hours talking about nothing in particular, and have a really great time. My close guy friends and I can do the same. But as far as I know, a pair of guys will seldom just sit around, chatting about nothing in the same way. I could be very wrong about this, but I feel like being a girl gives me that venue of communication that I'd miss a lot if I were a guy.

even though your friends are different, if you have more or less the same presonality you're likely to hang around with the same sort of people, so you might get into that stuff anyway...[/quote]
The way you choose your friends and how much they influence you is always an interesting point to me ... My two best friends and I lived really near to each other freshman year, and we've been living together since. I wonder if we would've been friends if we hadn't just been living in such close proximity. And if I weren't friends with them, I might be quite a different person today, since I spend a ton of time with them and they really shape my personality. Or, would I have found friends similar to them, and still evolved in the same way? ...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i]
[B]My best friends and I can spend hours talking about nothing in particular, and have a really great time. My close guy friends and I can do the same. But as far as I know, a pair of guys will seldom just sit around, chatting about nothing in the same way. I could be very wrong about this, but I feel like being a girl gives me that venue of communication that I'd miss a lot if I were a guy.[/B][/QUOTE]

I will, hehe. Although you do have a point- the discussions I have with girls are often a lot longer and easier to carry on- guys' talk has a tendency at times to be very 'economical', in that what needs to be said is said and that's about it. Small talk can be fairly difficult, but it's not always the case.

I get the idea that it can be easier to socialise if you're a girl- correct me if I'm wrong, heh. It would be nice to be able to settle into conversation and be accepted more readily into social groups.

I am happy with who I am- there are some aspects of being female I'm not sure I'd want to experience first-hand.

Mind you, female bodies are far more attractive than males'... [/hypothetical narcissism]
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[color=darkblue]I think it would be very interesting to be a guy. Many things involved with it strike my fancy. I do admit, I can be a bit of a tomboy at times, but only because it makes things easier in some aspects. True, it may line up a whole new venue of problems, but to be able to get rid of some current ones would be awesome, lol.

I find it easier to talk to guys, myself. They're just a lot more interesting to speak with. With me, it's mainly because the things I'm interested in girls usually want to have nothing to do with, at least where I live. --; It's a pain sometimes. That's why all my closest friends are guys. I couldn't stand it any other way, lol.[/color]
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[color=crimson]At the least, expierenceing this would be quite an amusing and dream fulfilling event. It stems from a sorrow-filled melodramatic story, but basically I have always dreamed about this in my own mind.

I would more than likely, scarily enough, be about the same [unfortunately? ^_-]. There would be a few quirks- I can only imagine. Maybe a bit nicer, less arrogant- or more careing to those I trust, but retaining the arrogance. Maybe less fanatical about basketball, more fanatical about anime or games. The games part might sound odd, but my biological mother was a fanatical gamer- and, actually, still is. I would care more about my appearance for sure. Little things like that.

I get along with both genders and many different people as a guy, so as a girl my friends would be the same I would judge. With the added charisma from not being as much of an *ss I might be more popular, lol.

The problem with that is that more than likely as a female I might have had more.. problems.. with my stepfather. I can imagine some scenarios that might have caused critical problems mentally down the line.

But it would be lovely if you could just peer through a window to see how you could be in so many infinate ways. Maybe in some other dimension, there is a female James or a male Tori.

Hahaha. That would be a fun thing to see. >=D

[Kenna will live, yet.][/color]
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I as a man would be something very funny. The biggest influence in my life is my sister and she's as feminine as they get. I don't know if I had been born a boy I'd be into the same music or art style. I suspect, the biggest influence would have been my brothers and if that were that case I would have turned out rotten to the core. :rolleyes:

My best friend is nothing like me and I love her dearly none the less. We're exact opposite really, except we both have insane mothers and I suppose that's what brought us together.
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To be a girl, or not to be a girl.... That is the question....

Sorry, I could not resist that.

Girls always seem to mix and make friends easier, but then again, they are also bitchy (apparently). Plus the Cycle, giving birth etc. With the birth thing there is pain, but on the flipside you have a very intimate connection with the child. Women aren't treated as well. So many variables. I do not know if I would be different if I was a female. Well, as in personality-wise anyway o.0 .... Hey, at least I would have a girls body. lol. But then I probably wouldn't be so interested in it. Hhhmmm. And guys would perve on me if I was hot *gags*. Nah, I'll just stay a guy I suppose.
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[color=#404040]I don't think my life would be [i]too[/i] different...at least as far as friends go. I've always had about a 50/50 split between male and female friends.

And at school, there are more women in my class than men. So I have mostly female friends at this point. But even then...all of them are very different people. They're all very down to earth and fun to hang out with.

Although, it's possible that my interests would be different. If I were female, I may not have become as interested in Nintendo and such...and without that fundamental interest, I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't be following the career that I'm in and I probably wouldn't be learning graphic design.

So, yeah. *shrug* I don't really know what else would be different. As I said, I've always had about a 50/50 split between male and female friends. I enjoy the company of female friends just as much as male friends...so, from that point of view, I doubt there's much difference.[/color]
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[size=1] Who knows.

All I can say is I really wouldn't care. I'd be something...but I'm not going to sit here and say what I believe I would be like, because it would be bent in some areas to improve all the flaws I see with humans as themselves really.

Of course I have thought about it. I've thought about how much more pleasure a woman gets from sex, how much easier it would be to just be a woman. Other such pointless things.

I really don't want to be like this anymore, though. Going over things and wishing they could be some way. I'm just going to live with what I have.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]...despite the fact I kinda am but aren't...[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Er...::tries to decipher this confusing wording::...silly TN, has me all confuzzled :D

I've often thought about the fact that I love being a girl. I think that it gives me certain advantages not only in life, but also in photojournalism.

The one down side to being female is getting cat called constantly -__-;. Like I NEED that extra attention to tell me I'm good looking, [i]psh[/i]. Hehe, I'm kidding about that, but it just gets annoying. Some people may think it's flattering, but sometimes I just want to blend in and become a part of the crowd. It's hard to take pictures unnoticed when there are men staring at you!!! As if the camera doesn't already make me the odd person out...[/color]
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If I were a girl, I'd be a sexy thang, and know it!! Ow! :D

I know I would've been rasied differently, because my mom (who never had any daughters) talks about how she'd treat a daughter if she had one, and how she can't wait for me to have kids. Like I need that kind of stress.

I'd probably be a little the same. I'd probably be hanging out with my "just friends" gal friends a lot more. I know I'd party a lot more. I'd still be a level-1 novice gold digger, like I am right now.

I just couldn't handle all of the drama girls go through. Girls hold grudges longer than guys, especially when it comes to losing friends. Two girls could get in a fight and refuse to talk for the rest of their lives. Two guys could get in a fight and order a pizza 5 minutes later.

And let's not forget the horror of my genitalia bleeding every month. Pre-menstrual syndrome, Post-menstrual syndrome, and Presently-menstrual syndrome. Getting hit on by wolves. Putting on pants so tight, I'd need the jaws of life to get out of them. :D

Ah, I kid. I'm sure being a girl has its ups and downs. I'm just happy being a guy.
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I don't know what I would be like if I was a girl, but I can tell you now what I WOULD NOT be like. I would not be like those girls that go up to other girls and scream,

"[B]Like OH MY GOD!!!! You look soooooo cute today!!!!!!!!![/B]"


"[B]OH MY GOD!!!! Didn't he wear that shirt LAST month??? What a loooosserr!!!![/B]"

or even,

"[B]Like OH MY GOD, I wanna get drunk so badly! Aren't I cool???[/B]"

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[size=1]If I were a girl, I would probably be sitting here wondering what it would be like to be a guy.

I think I pretty much already am pretty girly, lol. I get along with girls a lot easier than I do with guys. I think I worked it out one time and I have about a 4:1 ratio of girl friends to guy friends.

I have been told several times that I would make a "hott" girl, and I really do not imagine myself being much different aside from just having to deal with feminine problems.I should really get someone to help me out and totally dress me up like a girl with make-up and everything and then take pictures. It would be fun to see how hard it is to tell that I am actually a guy.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i]
I just couldn't handle all of the drama girls go through. Girls hold grudges longer than guys, especially when it comes to losing friends. Two girls could get in a fight and refuse to talk for the rest of their lives. Two guys could get in a fight and order a pizza 5 minutes later.

And let's not forget the horror of my genitalia bleeding every month. Pre-menstrual syndrome, Post-menstrual syndrome, and Presently-menstrual syndrome. Getting hit on by wolves. Putting on pants so tight, I'd need the jaws of life to get out of them. :D

Ah, I kid. I'm sure being a girl has its ups and downs. I'm just happy being a guy. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royalblue]That first bit isn't exactly true. I don't hold grudges unless it was something really heartless and cruel and insane. Most people know me as a somewhat stern but altogether lovely girl.

Oh come on, you big baby! It's not like you get cramps up the wazoo and back pains to kill from. And I don't wear tight pants if I can help it! They shorten your life span, increase the chances of varicose veins, and make you look like a complete and total whore. I find it rediculously repulsive. Especially if they're obscenely overweight and slutty. But we have enough of those at our school already. The spike heels and hideous sneaker fashions this year don't help.

Yeah you could say that. Every 14th day after the cycle is an up, every day before and during the cycle is a down.[/COLOR]
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If I were a guy and had the same sort of mentality that I have at the moment, I'd probably be kinda feminine or just wear make-up. Cause I'd love to wear make-up if I was a guy. [I have weird veiws on this]

Although I'm not sure if I'd be friends with the people I am currently friends with, because I go to an all-girls school. If I were a guy I wouldn't of. And so I probably wouldn't be as into the things I like right now because of that, or I might not of even bothered to try and get into them.

Also if I was a guy I'd probably have the crap beaten out of me by other guy's due to my make-up wearingness... but maybe not, I don't know too many guy's these days.
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[color=darkblue][size=1]I would [i]love[/i] to be a guy for a little while. I wouldn't want to make a permanent switch, but I'd make a temporary one a true adventure.

I would be such a dog. I'd be just like Christian Troy from "Nip/Tuck". I'd be picking up hot chicks left and right. I'd be really macho.

I'd work out and get a tan. I'd be really narcissistic. Then, I'd go around all James-Dean-like, you know, a black leather biker jacket, white t-shirt, tight jeans, and black biker boots. I'd always have a cigarette in my mouth. I'd drive a sweet Harley. I'd be just like James Dean, I tell you.

But I'd probably have some of that Humfrey Bogart from "Casablanca" thing going on too, where you don't care about anything because there's this one horible pain that always eats away at you. I'd be tragic, and since I'm a woman, I'd know just how to play it right if I were switched. Oh, would I have fun with the ladies. And I'd be really wild, wilder than I am now, which is a little scary.

But, like I said, it wouldn't be permanent. Woman have too much power. I wouldn't want to give it up.[/size][/color]
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[color=indigo]I'd probably be about the same if I were a girl. I've always been the type to do what I want and ignore what's "normal" or "popular," and I can't really see that changing. Heck, I already have the long hair anyway, lol. I imagine I might take better care of my looks, though, since I have a feeling I'd enjoy the guilty pleasure of toying with guys' minds. :toothy:

And I'd have about the same friends, just "flipped," I guess. I'd probably be better friends with the girls I know, and not as good friends with the guys I know; the opposite of now. I'm a bit shy when it comes to girls, so I imagine it'd be about the same with guys, if I were a girl.

As for the whole thing about it being easier or better to be a guy/girl, I imagine there's plusses and minuses on both sides to even them out. Really, I don't think I'd mind being a girl any more than I mind being a guy. Now, if I could be some kind of third sex, that would be awesome. :whoops:[/color]
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I'm don't think that quite what Des meant, heh. Having one too many sex chromosome isn't really something I like to joke about, either, seeing the physical and emotional problems it causes. There are relatively few documentaries that disturb me, and that was one of them.

I'm not sure you'd be able to have a true third sex without having interchangeable parts and a more or less neutral personality. Being male or female is what makes things interesting.
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Interchangeable parts... hhmmm. ACCESSORISE! BRIGHT NEW STYLES FOR EVERYONE! BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! The glorious commercialism of Sex gets taken to a whole new level...

Not necessarily a neutral personality, but more of a duel-compatible one. Wouldn't that be interesting though?

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]That is an interesting thought. I have NO IDEA how I would be. I already have a tendancy to like things that are usually considered "Guy things" such as videogames, anime, and stuff like that....color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Me, too!!! I do all that stuff and all my other friends that are girls don't understand what my fasination with anime, videogames, and stuff like that. Like when I talk about that, they're all lookin at me weird... I'm a geek like that though!!! Nerds forever baby! lol... no seriously though.

If i was a guy that would creep me out... I'd prolly be a normal guy, seeing that i never knew that I was a woman and all so...

I'd prolly be the typical guy, but I would still love anime, that's for sure. But i dunno...i guess id finally find out why guys are weird sometimes, and do what they do.

TO answer your post.... I guess I would still be me, but male version. So minus the long hair, female qualities and mannerisms, and skirts...and I would be a guy....But i wouldn't want to be one... now or ever. Guys don't think with thier head, they only think with their ...*yeah..* so i wouldn't want that weakness.
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