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i just got completely b*tched out

Lady Macaiodh

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my mom just came out here and yelled at me for literally about 10 minutes straight saying i was on these boards too much. i just ignored her and kept reading but i did hear one thing, she said i had an "unhealthy obsession" w/ dbz.

well, in my humble opinion, what i do on my free time is my business. besides, dbz never hurt anyone. at least i'm not shooting herion or watching who wants to marry a multi-millionare. there are alot worse things i could be doing, if you ask me.
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yeah, but i'm 21. this reminds me of how i wasn't allowed to watch scooby-doo as a kid b/c of the monsters & they weren't even real. or the count on sesame street.
it's probably b/c i still live under their roof from time to time. i need to get my own place but i travel so much that it's hard.
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D@mmmmit........you know i get so angry when i read stuuf like this...as Otaku official old fart and a parent, what is the prob....??

LM, let me ask ya something is DBZ all you talk about, maybe that's what worries your mom...hey trust me I have been through beatdowns for a ALOT worse... I was no angel growing up, I was Ms. Thug...I think that's why my husband loves me...an ejamacated hoodlum..LOL

Anyways, do other things, ma and work on getting up out of your mom's crib so you don't have people running your life......k...love ya:love:
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thats another 21 year old who likes anime!!!!...i think its cool that older people are still into cartoons and anime....and yah..sorry about your parents having a hisy at you..my parents sometimes say "why dont you do anything other than to do with dbz!!?!?!"..its soo anoying..i say "its my life let me live it the way i want"
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actually, Lady SJ, i make a point of NOT talking to my parents about it b/c they wouldn't understand. they DON'T understand.. my dad walks in while my & my brothers are watching dbz & he always says "i still don't get why you're so enamored with this cartoon."
actually, i do have an "unhealthy obsession" w/ vegeta.. or maybe it is healthy...it's done miracles for my blood flow.
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heh, my dad says about DBZ, "all they do is shout all the time, why are you obbsesed with it?" and i said "....... " and walked into my room to go on the boards, heh!

i get what you mean, my mum makes dinner when DBZ is on and we HAVE to eat in the dining room, which BLOCKS THE veiw of the TV....grrrr...
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My hubby is jealous of Vegeta and he has every reason to be....I made an airbrush on a tanktop of me and Vegeta up on a wall ...kinda...:devil: :devil: anyways it's all good.... it's fun....and as long as you DO OTHER THINGS..........Mind Your Neck(Business)......CAN I get an AMEN!!!!:angel: :babble: :babble:
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I swear, my mom has fits about anime all the time. I'd be watchin' a PG-13 movie on HBO, and she couldn't care less. whereas I'd be watchin' Nadesico (a PG, PG-13 rated show AT THE MOST), and Akito or Ryoko would say 'd@mmit' or something, and my mom would freak out. and it's not like the only thing I do/think about is anime, I just don't watch much tv other than that (which isn't too bad of a thing anyway). she already [i]knows[/i] that there [i]are[/i] animes made for older viewers, yet she still has the mindset to think that anime is supposed to be for 7-year old kids
:flaming:I can't stand closed-minded ppl.... :flaming:
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panny chan---enjoy youth while it lasts. things really start to suck when you turn 18. unless you're in college! college is really fun, as long as you go to lots of parties.

shadow gohan--if i were you, i'd just tape the show if i was going to be at the dinner table. my dad used to make me go to church on wed. nights so i would tape it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]no matter how old you are, most mothers will always treat you that way, they will also always see you as their little baby who needs to be protected from everything,which in turn, can be very annoying, particularly when your 18+.... [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=indigo]No matter HOW old? Geeze, I thought it was bad now!:rolleyes: Why do they need to protect us from the TV though?? [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]from what I understand, they don't want you to be "hurt" from some of the images seen on tv.... [/B][/QUOTE]

I think parent need to know that we're grow up and not a kid anymore. Lucky for me, my parent don't care what I watch on TV.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i]
[B]no matter how old you are, most mothers will always treat you that way, they will also always see you as their little baby who needs to be protected from everything,which in turn, can be very annoying, particularly when your 18+.... [/B][/QUOTE]

I don't think I'm bad...and I'm a mommy.......hehehehe:laugh:
As long as there is no hentai going on, my son basically watches mostly everything...when it comes to DBZ, it's uncut....It's all of matter of reminding them....it's fake.....and if I hear you cursing it's on....my son is a good boy, and I'm not just saying that cuz he's mine.......he's the kid you love to babysit......I mean at 3 years old I took him to see the Mummy and he recently saw Jurassic Park 3.....slept through the night...no prob...
I think when you nuture your kids and show them love, they give it back....you have to listen to them, cuz they got minds too, and we compromise alot....but when I say no, he doesn't get mad or anything...it's a matter of listening....
Not for nothing I think now a days kids get away with a h3ll of alot more than my generation did......If I even considered talking back or disrespecting anyone...I got my a$$ kicked.....Kids now a days have no respect...and that's the truth...I've seen kids hitting and cursing out their moms...it's not cute.....Love and listen, but let your kids know that as long as they are in your house there are rules to be followed, you don't like it pay rent...LOL..I understand that concept now, and I use to gig on my mom for it...but really in life all you want is the best for your kids...
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Im my opinion it's about trust and responsibility. My parents respect and trust me so they dont give a d@mn as to what I do on the computer or anywhere else. But they still act and behave like any other parents I know.

Everybody is different and sometimes parents do approach situations with their own point of view sometimes they are right sometimes they are wrong. (Just my opinion). I always do what I believe is right I may be wrong or right.

Not everybody is perfect.

:smirk: Peace:smirk:
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arrrggg...it just happened again you guys! get this...

my mother went to the boards & read all the posts she could--under my name! i mean, what if someone had pm-ed me?? she said she couldn't believe i was talking to the "homosexuals" in here. she said alot of the names people had were demonic. she flipped out when she saw the thread about mr. satan. i was like, "are you checking up on me?" & she actually denied it! i mean, what else could she have possibly been doing in here???
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B]arrrggg...it just happened again you guys! get this...

my mother went to the boards & read all the posts she could--under my name! i mean, what if someone had pm-ed me?? she said she couldn't believe i was talking to the "homosexuals" in here. she said alot of the names people had were demonic. she flipped out when she saw the thread about mr. satan. i was like, "are you checking up on me?" & she actually denied it! i mean, what else could she have possibly been doing in here??? [/B][/QUOTE]
*shrug* i'm 13 and i never give a **** what my parents say, since i am a person, they are above me but i have free will, they can yell at me sure, but i can yell louder than they can...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B]arrrggg...it just happened again you guys! get this...

my mother went to the boards & read all the posts she could--under my name! i mean, what if someone had pm-ed me?? she said she couldn't believe i was talking to the "homosexuals" in here. she said alot of the names people had were demonic. she flipped out when she saw the thread about mr. satan. i was like, "are you checking up on me?" & she actually denied it! i mean, what else could she have possibly been doing in here??? [/B][/QUOTE]

are you talking about my thread? "mr satan is the greatest"? if so, then I find it funny, mr satan is the japanese name of a character called hercule in the dubs, its not the real satan for god's sake....
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B]arrrggg...it just happened again you guys! get this...

my mother went to the boards & read all the posts she could--under my name! i mean, what if someone had pm-ed me?? she said she couldn't believe i was talking to the "homosexuals" in here. she said alot of the names people had were demonic. she flipped out when she saw the thread about mr. satan. i was like, "are you checking up on me?" & she actually denied it! i mean, what else could she have possibly been doing in here??? [/B][/QUOTE]

Are you sign on to the board that time. urrggg. I don't want her to read you PM.
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