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Black Horizon [Rated R for Language, Violence, Heavy Gore, Sexual Perversion]


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Ruben gulped nervously as he zipped up the suit. Grimacing slightly as the metal edges of the helmet dug into his ears, he twisted his head and slipped it on. Checking the oxygen tank, he made a test transmission.

<[i]Can everyone hear me?[/i]>

As they all nodded, an idea came to him.

<[i]Sometimes the Event Horizon has been known to.... do things to various people.[/i]>

As various people nodded, he continued

<[i]I think that if someone does get a bit strange, tell everyone and... knock them out. Everyone be on your guard... I don't trust this ship, at all.[/i]>

Patting Van on the shoulder, Ruben indicated that they should all pick up an equipment belt. As he clumsily fumbled with the belt buckle, Ruben wished that they were allowed skintight gloves.

He and Van consulted the blueprints they had been provided with, and separated from the others, heading for the Radio room. Ruben also left his personal communicator on open channel, so that he could pick up any transmissions.

He and Van covered each other with their weapons past each corridor they came to. They reached the radio room without any molestation, and entered. Inside, it looked just like any other... slightly cluttered with bits of paper, and memos tacked onto all the radio equipment.

As he sat down, Ruben happened to glance at the scattered sheets.

They were written in a different language. It was viciously written, and the characters seemed to writhe in pain. Sliding the papers off the desk onto the floor, Ruben selected Chubb's band.

<[i]We may have a problem... or not. All the memos and paper here... they're written in some gobbledeegook. This was an English ship, wasn't it?[/i]>


<[i]Thats what I thought... hhmm. Anyway. Nothing else to report.[/i]>

<[i]Good stuff Ruben[/i]>

All of a sudden, he recieved a rush of radio transimissions on his communicator.

<[i]What the fuck are....[/i]>

<[i]Was that you.....[/i]>

<[i]You crazy fucker[/i]>

<[i]Thats not funny[/i]>

Calming them down, Ruben asked what was wrong. The deadly serious voices came back.

<[i]A PA message came on... it was a snicker. Just an evil snicker[/i]>

Ruben turned to look at Van. What was going on here? Van's eyebrows were raised in shock.
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Trini sat by Sam's door for a little while, trying to get over the bit of lonileness that filled her while she was on the ship. Although she knew the Event Horizon possessed some form of danger, those aboard had each other, a group to belong to.
Here, she was some what a babysitter, keeping the crazy guy in line. Or at least trying to. Ever since Tex walked away Sam was mostly quiet, only a few hyena-like laughs escaped the small opening in his door. No otehr words were exchanded. As she sat on, she began to fiddle with her knife. slowly twirlings and spinning it in her hand. She stopped twirling the knife and looked at her watch.

[I]Ten minutes...its only been ten minutes...[/I]

She stood up and walked to her room, only a few doors down, hoping something good to read would be present.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=indigo][b][size=1]"Here we go," Tex sighed heavily into her headset.

She was now begining to feel it within her breast. Fear, anxiety, and absolute horror. She was entering a ship that was above all evil. It was Fear itself, Horror in its most terrible form, Nightmare at its best. Tex's feet didn't budge.

"Tex, come on now," Allen gave her a reassuring smile and a nudge in the back.

Satell turned around and grabbed her hand,"You'll do fine Tex, you've got the rest of us."

"Thanks," Tex let out a shaky voice and tried to force a smile.

The three entered the [i]Event Horizon[/i]. They entered into the depths of Hell.

Sorry for the briefness, I didn't want to step on anyone's fingers. I wasn't sure if Raiha or KnightOfTheRose had something planned.[/color][/b][/size]
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[color=003333][size=1]The boarding party walked into the main corridor silently. Allen looked at everyone and nodded. They all dispersed. Satell, Tex, and Allen to the bridge. Brooke and Arthur to the engineering section to wait. Ruben and Van to the comm station. Allen was sweating.

[b]Satell-[/b] "You ok?" Satell radioed him with a hint of worry in her voice. He looked at her and radioed back.

[b]Allen-[/b] "No. I'm not."

[b]Tex-[/b] "I agree..." They looked forward, the end of the hallway just beginning to come into view. "God... I can't get my heart under control."

[b]Allen-[/b] "Me either..." They felt eyes. Almost as it every bolt in the ship was tracing their movements. "Let's get this done as quickly as possible..." They slid the door to the front area of the ship open. The large tank that used to hold the ships coolant was broken and empty. It had happened in the prior mission. No one had bothered to repair it when the front portion got back to earth.

A flash erupted from a source in the room. They covered their eyes. A figure stood there and stared at them, wide eyed and naked. Entrails hung down like some kind of demented kind of jewelry. Blood pooled below him in a crimson puddle. It was...

[b]Satell-[/b] "Vincent?" Allen stood there, staring. Tex doubled over, hitching, gaging, and trying to take off the helmet. Allen tore his gaze away from the dismembered man.

[b]Allen-[/b] "No, Tex!" She ripped the helmet off just as Allen got to her. Vomit spilled over his front. "Tex! TEX!" He pulled up her head, looking for signs of decomression. "Tex!" She pushed his hands away.

[b]Tex-[/b] "I'm fine! I'm fine..." She looked up. Vincent had dissapeared. "I'm fine..." Allen stood and removed his own suit, carefully. Satell did the same. Allen, after giving Tex another look over, radioed Ruben.

[b]Allen-[/b] "Ruben."

[b]Ruben-[/b] "Boss?"

[b]Allen-[/b] "The ship's pressurized. You can strip." He clicked off his radio and threw his suit into a corner. "We're not done yet guys..."[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Satell gave the entire room one more scan, then shivered. The entire place reeked of anger, fear, a desire to destroy. And the laughter in her ears.... ....it wasn't human. Allen walked over and felt her chest. She looked at him slowly, her eyes half closed.[/i]

"......it's angry we're here..... .....but it's more excited at the thought of killing us."

"What are you-?"

".....we should kill ourselves now and save it the trouble."

[i]Her voice was souless, empty, as if she wasn't speaking. And it was making her angry. ......she knew who was talking, and she wanted to have her own voice back.

"........I am in your mind, you are my voice, now speak as I tell you."

"This is my body, this is my voice, I speak with my own thoughts."

Allen shook her when she didn't respond to his question, and she snapped out of it.[/i]

"We should go now."[/COLOR]
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Ruben was just reaching to take off his helmet, when something caught his eye. Spinning, he thought he saw something slither into an airvent. The airvent casing was hanging on it's side, three screws undone. The airvent was fairly large across, and Ruben had his curoisity piqued. Turning to Van, RUben asked him to tie a rope around his waist.

"And if I start screaming or kicking... pull me out. But I need to know what is in there."

Van nodded wordlessly. Ruben handed him the free end of the rope, and wormed his way in. Using the flashlight on his weapon to guide him, he pushed it ahead in front of him. About 2 meteres down the pipe, he thought he saw it. It was just around the corner of an intersection curled up in a ball. Like a poor frightened cat. It quivered, obviously scared as Ruben got closer. His pupils dilated, trying to get enough light to make out more than just the shape of it. It sprang at him, and before it wrapped itself around his helmet, he caught a fearful glimpse of fangs, claws and tentacles.

Screaming, his body thrashed around inside the narrow confines of the airvent, his neck jerking as he tried to dislodge the creature. Van gave a mighty heave and Ruben's body began to slither out of the pipe. Van gasped when he saw the deformed creature on Ruben's head, and he kicked it back into the pipe. Shoving the limp Ruben out of the way, he quickly shut the vent cover over. Something banged hard against it, and then it restreaterd slithering into the maze of pipes and conduits.

As Van turned to administer to Ruben, he almost tripped over Ruben's weapon, which he must have been holding in an irongrip when he was attacked. Ruben looked at him blearily

"What the fuck was that Doc?"

[OOC: Note to KOTR, but everyone should read it-lol, I know classic horror stuff. I never understood why the stupid idiots had to go and look exactly where the monster was but... it makes good material. If you don't like the idea of having monster type things onboard, tell me or just mention it in your next post... and we'll say it is just a figment of our imaginations. Depends what you want to do. Also, after this Ruben will issue a speech that all onboard should keep an eye on airvents as there are monsters about.]
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[color=indigo][b][size=1]"Are you sure you're fine?" Allen rubbed his hand along Tex's arm.

"Yes, I'll be alright. What is going on with Satell? That's the third time I've seen her become someone else," Tex cleaned her face with a bandana.

"I don't know...." Allen's voice filled with concern and worry.

"What are you looking at? Shouldn't we keep on the move?" Satell spun around on Tex and Allen.

Tex nodded and motioned Allen to follow. They were about 50 feet down the white corridors when Tex began to hear laughter. She froze in her tracks. Allen and Satell stopped to look at her. Tex shook her head, no longer hearing the laughter. She began to walk with Allen and Satell, but the laughter rang through her head.

"Damn it, do you guys hear that?" Tex was growing frustrated.

"Hear what?" Allen stopped to listen, Satell as well.

"I hear nothing," she stated and continued to walk.

Allen gave Tex a curious glance but followed Satell. Tex ignored the chuckling, thinking she was still a little shooken up on Sam.

[i]Pretty eyes........You've come to grace me with those pretty eyes..How delictible...I shall have your eyes, will you give them to me?[/i] The voice roared with insane laughter.

"Shut up you mother fucker!!" Tex growled.

Allen spun around, Satell stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"Tex, what the shit are you screaming about?!" Allen was getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Allen. Someone's messing with me," Tex tapped on her headset,"Who is this?!" the chuckle came back," I swear, if this is Sam, I'll kill you myself! And don't think I won't!"

"Tex, calm down. It's just the ship, remember? Don't let it get to you," Allen grabbed her wrist,"Now, ignore it and let's go."

Tex took in a deep breath and followed reluctantly. The voice went away.[/color][/b][/size]
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It didn't take long for Trini to find herself a good book, nor her pack of cigarettes that she had hidden amoung a few articles of clothing. Although there was supposed to be no smoking, she thought that one couldn't hurt anything and took them along with her.

As she walked a few doors down to Sam's door she could feel the emptiness of the ship. But for some reason she felt as if someone was present as well. She shook her head of the thought and kept walking towards his room.

Inside Sam was talking, either to himself or to however heard him, but the conversation was laced with delirium.

"I'll have you..... all to myself. Soon the rest will be dead..and you....you will be with me..."

Trini sat down listening to his conversation, when she heard footsteps coming towards them. She had to go through her head to remember who was on the ship with her.

"Kenneth, it that you." As soon as she spoke, she heard a slight laugh from Sam's room.

"It truly starts...." he said it loudly and he bagan to luahg again, this time cackling.

The footsteps she heard still came towards them, ad she looked down the hallway she saw a figure step into view. It was someone she didn't recognize.

"You stop right there, state your name and business now," she stood up quickly and drew the pistol she had in her pocket. She intended to use it on Sam if need be. She fiddle around for the communitcator, still holding the gun with one hand."Kenneth get down here now, we have a stranger on board and I need you pronto."

No reply was heard back from Kenneth. "Shit," The figure still came closer. "I said stop."

As she looked on the figures face became clear, and he kept moving towards her. Trini's eyes widened with shock as she saw his eyes, looking back at her, with the same love that she saw when they had first met.

"Keith, is that you," The figure held its hand out as he came closer to her, "No, no stay back, you're dead I shot you, 3 years ago, I... I shot you....I saw you buried.. I saw you die....."

"I'm here Trini," he said softly to her as a clear smile came on his face and he came ever closer. " I'm here to take you back with me."

"I said stay away," Sam's laughter had now quieted, and Trini began to step back from the man in front of her. But he kept moving closer. "Don't make me do this again," she yelled, don't make me kill you."

As she stepped back once more she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned, shooing towards the floor, both Trini and the man behind her jumped. As she looked up to his face she saw it was Kenneth.

"Give me this," he said snatching the gun away from her. "Now what's going on here."

Trini realised who it was and caught her composure, she remembered who was on board and turned around quickly, speaking before she had looked behind her.

"I heard footsteps, and there was some...one....here." to her shock Keith had disappeared.

"Well there's no one here now," he said.

Trii turned her head to and fro trying to see if she could spot him again. Nothing, the only thing to hear was Sam's hideous laugh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=#707875][size=1]Sorry I haven't been around for a while guys but my PC has gone totally screwy and I have to go to a damn internet Cafe anytime I need to post something.

[i]Van pulled the machine-pistol from his hip holster and activated the flashlight on it, he scanned the room for any signs of any more activity but saw none. Van was thoroughly creeped out by all this freeaky crap that was going on, he looked down at Ruben with his gun pointed squarely at his forehead, he had not idea what that thing had done to Ruben but he was in no mood to find out. Carelfully he checked Ruben's helmet for any signs of a puncture or any anomaly that might lead to something going funky. He seemed alright and asked Van to help him from the ground, Van complied and using one arm lifted Ruben off the floor onto his feet, Ruben thanked him and Van asked what he'd seen whe he was in the vent.[/i]

[b]Van:[/b] Now Ruben, think very clearly, what exactly did you see when you were in the vent ?

[b]Ruben:[/b] [i]Breathing fast[/i] Shit Doc I dunno, it was like some fuckin' monstrosity, I thought it was a cat or something and when I got close it sprang onto my fucking helmet and started to dig into it with it's claws. What did it look like when you got it off me ?

[b]Van:[/b] It was a sort of a liquid when I kicked it back into the vent, let's just hope the damn thing stays away from us until we can figure this whole fucking mess out.... [i]Speaks into headphone[/i] Captain this is Ambrose, have you encountered any strange phonemon while onboard the Event Horizon ?

[i]Van cursed as static interfered in the communication, he turned to Ruben and asked him to follow Van as the attempted to join up with the Captain, he should have told them not to split up even if it meant more ground was covered. He took his crucifix in his hand and said a quite prayer as he took his gun and pointed it back towards the vent, "fucking shit heap" he thought as they left the room...[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]About the same time Reuben was attacked, Satell's eyes dialated and contracted visibly. She screamed like a banshee before dropping to her knees, clutching her head.

Tex and Allen caught her and tilted her head back to look at them. Blood was slowly dripping from her eyes, like tears. It covered her face, sliding down onto her chin and neck. Allen hauled her to her feet, and then realized that she was sobbing. Whether it was pain or fear, he couldnt' tell. Her eyes were closed.

Upon closer inspection, Tex saw her lips moving, coated with blood as they were.[/i]

".....let us go in peace....please. Please don't kill them."

[i]Her sorrow, her pleading, nobody could hear. They could only guess by lipreading that she was begging for life. Begging, pleading, for something to remain unharmed. Allen shouted at her, but she flinched away and sank back to her knees.

Then she began to moan softly to herself and rock back and forth. Tex made the sign of the cross over Satell, and she responded with more tears.[/i][/COLOR]
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"How are they doing over there," Trini started, speaking to Kenneth, on ther way to the deck. Seeing that Sam was well confined with his room, they decided to leave him alone for just a little while. And with how Trini freaked out Kenneth didn't want to leave her alone.

" I'm not sure yet," he started, ' havent received anything from either of them yet. Hopefully things are going smooth, if they weren't I'd think they would have returned by now."

Trini listened to him speak, and was happy to have a decent conversation with some one normal. Sam was just too crazed to hold any real conversation.

As they kept walking she thought she heard his voice again, and she turned around, nothing but the corridor.

"Something the matter," Kenneth asked.

"No, I'm fine,"she started turning forward again, then it pooped in her head," I'm sorry about earlier, about almost shoting you."

"It's fine," he said quickly and kept walking. No words were exchanged for a few minutes. He stopped in the hallway in front of the deck and turned towards he handing her the gun, "Just next time be a bit more careful."

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[color=003333][size=1][i]ack... I've forgotten about this. Now I feel all bad, but nevermind. I want to play this out till the end people. How about making it a goal to be one of the few RPG's on OB that finish. Oh, and Baron, monsters are fine as long as you link them to the chaos dimension and they don't get too out of hand.[/i]
Allen rushed over to Satell, after Tex had crossed her.

[b]Allen-[/b] "Satell! What's wrong? Tell me!" Her eyes fluttered then locked onto him. There were small trickles of blood coming from her mouth.

[b]Satell-[/b] "Allen... I can't... stay... here..." She hitched and coughed. "I need to get back to the Bladerunner... Soon... Need to... heal..." Her eyes demanded understanding. Though he didn't, Allen stood up.

[b]Allen-[/b] "Ruben?"

[b]Ruben-[/b] "I'm hearing way too much from you, Boss. What's up..." Allen looked back at Satell and Annie. Satell was crying small rivers of red, and Tex was holding her. He blinked away tears of sadness and fear.

[b]Allen-[/b] "You and Van will meet Satell and Tex in the main corridor. Take them to the Bladerunner and give Satell to Trini. Have her treat Satell. Bring Tex back and stay with her in the Radio room. Monitor me at all times when you get there. I will make my rounds up here, and come and get three of you. We'll go down to the engine room, together... Understood?" A long pause.

[b]Ruben-[/b] "Yes sir. We're coming sir."[/size][/color]
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[size=1][i]OOC: Ok, KOTR, I'll do my best to keep this thing afloat as long as possible.

Also, all my posts now will be kind of wierd, seeing my character is now insane. So if you don't understand some things, or some things don't really seem relevant to some extent, just remember that I am insane. Also, Tex is not really present, she's just like the voice in Sam's head. Think A Beautiful Mind.[/i]

IC: [b]Sam was sitting on his bed. It was nice and comforable. Fluffy. Tex was sitting there too, talking to him. She said that he could have her soon, but he had to wait until that bad lady and that mean man outside of his room were gone. Soon enough, they were.

Tex went over to Sam, and wispered to him. "There's a lock-pick in your mouth. Use that to get out." Sam went over to the mirror. Looking in, he saw it. But it was stuck in his gums. He started to pull at it. It still wouldn't budge. Tex told him to try hitting it against the bed-post. Maybe that will get it out. She is so smart, it only took two tries to get it out. There was red stuff coming out of it, though. She told him to wash it off. He did. She told him to sharpen it. He did. She told him to use it to pick the lock. He did.

He went out into the hallway. Tex ran past him and down the hallway.

"Wait, where are you going?" Sam started to cry. She was leaving.

[i]I'm not leaving, you just have to keep up, silly.[/i]

"Oh, you're so smart. Where are we going?"

[i]To find me.[/i][/b][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Reuben found both Tex and Satell in the hall and obeyed his orders. As the two remaining sane people helped her down the hall, she limped ever so slightly, like her entire body had taken a severe beating. As soon as they had cleared the airlock and set foot on the Bladerunner Satell gasped for air like she had been holding her breath the entire time. Her whole body seized up and her knees buckled. Reuben and Tex muscled her onto a nearby bed and examined her. Aside from the blood on her face, they couldn't see anything.

Tex touched her body and she cried out. Slightly confused, she reached over and undid her shirt. The crucifix over her heart was still there, but the rest of her body looked like it had been thrashed, flogged completely. She wasn't bleeding, but the bruises began to rise at an incredible rate.

The two exchanged a look. She leaned over and gently touched Satell's face. Her eyes opened slowly and the blood stopped.[/i]

".....I'm home."

"What happened to your body?"

"The ship..... .....it hates me."

"But we didn't se-"

"Doesn't matter."[/COLOR]
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Ruben spun, going for his weapon as the sound of slapping feet echoed down the corridor. As he was turning, he was knocked to the ground. Looking up he saw that Sam was pinnning him down. Satell kicked him in the ribs, and the sharp retort of splintering bone eachoed loudly in Ruben's ears.

Ruben leaned forward to get up, and screamed. He was nailed to the floor. Nails through his wrists, nails through his feet. The pain flooded through him. Spreadeagled on the floor, his limbs pinioned to the metal deck, his mind screamed in agony.

Satel was stanidng limply against the wall, almost hanging. Her bonds were invisible, yet when Ruben's flashing eyes landed on her, he saw the thorny crown dug deep into her scalp.

Tex screamed as Samn advanced on her.

He was a shadow within a shadow. An illusion... he flickered between Sam... and a horrible red creature. Simultaneously, as the one being, they advanced on Tex.

[Ruben and Satell aren't really pinned... it is more of a psychological thing. They aren't really pinned to the wall/floor]
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[size=1]OOC: By psychological, I think you're trying to say it's the ship that's holding them back. I guess that means my character is becoming a creature of the ship.

IC:[b] [i]You almost have me Sam, just a little more[/i]

Tex was on the floor now, crawling away from him with a teasing look on her face. Playing hard to get.

"Oh no you don't," Sam said playfully as he jumped on top Tex. She was all over him with her hands and feet, scratching and hitting him. "You're bad," Sam moaned as he began to remove her clothes. He could hear people yelling in the backround.

[i]Get of of her you sick son of a bitch![/i]and[i]I'm gonna kill you if you don't get off of her![/i]

These voices continued as his mouth moved down from her mouth to her neck. He moved his way down to her breast, and began biting like a savage animal. He wasn't doing this for very long when he felt a terrible pain in his back. He looked down the hall and saw two figures, one with a strange rectangular object in his hand. Sam's eyes turned red, as did his vision. He looked back to Tex.

[i]You can have me later, but you have to go now.[/i]

Sam nodded and jumped back. He ran off toward the airlock, which led to [i]his[/i] home.[/b][/size]
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]She could feel the crown pressing down, the blood trailing down her temples, into her mouth, filling her with that metallic cold taste. Nobody realized she was screaming until she broke herself free and ran after Sam. He was about to clear the airlock when Satell caught him in a flying charge. The two hit the ground full force. He twisted around underneath her, only to see her eyes flash bright with both blood and energy before she brought her fist down into his chest.[/i]

"You bastard."

"......you........ ....agh..."

[i]Both of them coughed up blood at the force she expelled, and Reuben broke himself lose as well. Satell howled in rage at the Black Horizon's strength and let it surge through her system. As she did, an energy burst flashed through the entire ship and Sam cowered in fear.[/i]

"I am the ship, you are my prey."[/COLOR]
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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]OOC: I'm lovin' it!! Call me crazy, but I love this psycho, twisted, sadistic crap! Radaghast, I bow to you, that was awesome how you made Tex his mind![/b]


Ruben dropped to his knees to help Tex to her feet. She scrambled for her sweater but couldn't find it, and struggled to pull up her pants. Ruben found her sweater and slipped it over her head, he also handed Tex her glasses.

[b]"Are you alright?"[/b] Ruben brushed Tex's hair from her bloodied face.

[b]"Yes..I'll be all right, thank you,"[/b] Tex hugged Ruben and ran over to Satell and Sam.

[b]"Ah, my love. You've come to save me from this bitch?"[/b] Sam smiled up at Tex.

[b]"You're out of your fucking mind,"[/b] Tex dug her heel into Sam's face.

Sam laughed wickedly,[b]"I love it when you beat me!"[/b]

[b]"Satell, are you okay?"[/b] Tex ignored Sam.

Satell merelly looked up at Tex. She looked back at Sam. Tex leaned over and grabbed Sam's shirt, he giggled. She pulled him to his feet and slammed him against the wall.

[b]"How did you get out?!"[/b] Tex was furious that Trini had not stopped him.

[b]"You helped me, babe. Don't you remember?"[/b] Sam looked at her confused and amused.

[b]"Shut it!"[/b] Tex elbowed Sam in his mouth.

He just laughed. Tex growled and began to drag him back to his quarters. She yelled for Ruben to help. At this time, Trini ran into the room.

[b]"Where were you!?"[/b] Tex threw Sam to the ground and squeezed a foot to his neck.

[b]"I..I just disappeared for one minute,"[/b] Trini stumbled.

[b]"Take care of Satell..or is that too much to ask?!"[/b] Tex clutched Sam's shirt and began dragging him.

[b]"Hey! Let me up first!"[/b] Sam chuckled and stood up, obeyingly following Tex.

Trini looked away and walked to Satell. Tex left the room with Sam in her grasp and Ruben behind them. She thrust Sam into a spair room and entered after him. She looked around the room and removed anything that could be of use. Sam came up behind Tex and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and began to kiss her neck. She dug her elbow into his diaphragm and kicked him to his bed.

[b]"Ouch, babe. Why do you have to hit so hard?"[/b] Sam rubbed his stomach and blew a kiss at Tex.

[b]"Shut the fuck up,"[/b] Tex pulled out a .45 Colt from a back holster and aimed it at Sam.

[b]"Tex, don't,"[/b] Ruben placed a hand on Tex's hand.

[b]"Why not? He's insane anyways, he's not fit to pilot us back,"[/b] Tex kept her condoning stare on Sam, who was laying on the bed with arms folded underneath his head and smiling at Tex.

[b]"Don't lower yourself to the Event Horizon. It's what the ship wants. Don't let it get to you,"[/b] Ruben squeezed Tex's hand.

She sighed and reluctantly lowered the gun. She looked at Ruben and nodded. She looked back at Sam and shook her head. Ruben lead Tex out of the room and they locked the door. Tex punched in a code in the panel by the door.

[b]"What are you doing?"[/b] Ruben looked over Tex's shoulder.

[b]"Running a code that freezes the security code. He'll not be able to break out so easily this time..nor will anyone be able to break this code,"[/b] Tex entered the last digit and turned around,[b]"Now, let's get back to Van. I don't like leaving him or Allen in that hell forsaken ship."[/b]

[b]"Yes,"[/b] Ruben followed.[/color][/size][/i]
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[color=003333][size=1]Allen watched them go with a sence of deep despair. He probably saved a life. But probably ended his own. He was the captain, though...

[b]Allen-[/b] "The crew first... Then you..." He looked down. not quite surprised to see his hands shaking. Gooseflesh had erupted on his arms. He set off to the bridge at a quick walk. Maybe he'd be able to meet them at the airlock when they got back. Too much shit... Too much shit and they haven't even gotten to the Gravty Drive yet.

The door to the bridge opened. The room was silent, well lighted, and clean. No blood. Nothing. He ran to the controls, glancing over his shoulder every few seconds. Paranoia was grand. He punched up the ship status and found everything to be ok. A light on the upper panel pulsed steadily. Almost like a-

[b]Allen-[/b] "No. I can't accept that." He puched in the commands for thruster prep, and listened to the slo-trans engines to hum to life. Maybe they could salvage it after all. All they had to do was bring it back to earth. Not that hard at all. He set a course for earth and hit the button. The thrusers quieted at once. "What the..." A pulse reverberated through the ship. A screen popped up showing the powering up of the Gravity Drive. "No!" He looked back down at the thruster systems.

[b]Allen-[/b] "No..." His stomach plummeted. They weren't the thrusters... They were controls for the Gravity Drive. And he had activated them. The screen read two percent charged. He slammed the controls with every possible reversal process he could think of. Nothing. The ship had locked him out. He needed to get to the core... To stop it. To save his crew.[/size][/color]
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As they were heading through the rooms section Ruben tapped Tex on the shoulder.

'I just want to head into my room and grab something, OK?'

'Sure' she nodded and leant against the wall, ready to wait. Ruben went into his room, rummaged around in a drawer and pulled out his mp3 player.

Coming out he grimaced slightly and waved it at her. 'Sorry, but music always calms me down'.

Ruben hooked the earclip over his right ear and turned it up nice and loud... yeah that was it.

Heading back to the radio room with Tex, Ruben called Chubbs over the system. No response, just the faint hiss of static in his ear. Hurriedly turning his music down, Ruben tried once again. From the snarl of the static Ruben faintly heard three words. Gravity, Engine, Room.

Swearing, Ruben turned away frm the table and ran out of the room. As Tex followed uncertainly, Ruben was yelling into his speaker

<[i]The Captain's in the fucking Gravity Drive Room. He... may be in... trouble. Get your fucking arses dowen there... he needs our help.[/i]>

Something caused Ruben to slow to a stop. As Tex bumped into him and began to ask questions, Ruben just put his hand over her mouth. In the distance he could hear boots on mesh, but he could also hear an increasingly louder whine. And wheezy breathing. Which wasn't him or Tex.

Placing that aside, Ruben continued running, yelling into his mike.

<[i]Be careful... there may be trouble. I think the Gravity drive has been engaged[/i]>

Ruben unhooked his pistol from his shoulder holster and checked that a round was chambered. One way or another, he was going to use this. Whether he would have to use it on one of the crew or himself was yet to be seen.
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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Trini heard the announcement, but didn't stop treating Satell. Her wounds weren't critical, and the bruises dissapeared easily enough when rubbed with another salve. Satell's face was almost expressionless. .....they could all hear the running, and she could taste the fear. It was like a poison slipping through their veins. Trini leaned over and brushed her hair back out of her face.[/i]

"What's wrong?"

"I think .......somebody's going to challenge me for the right.....to be here."

"You're just a human."

"No- not a human anymore. ....I can't remember before, I feel a presence inside me that takes my rights away, I can't be just myself."

"....the ship then."

"And we're in deep shit. Something might not like me alive, and something will stop me."

[i]She looked away, disturbed. Satell's face was starting to brim with energy. The bruises and lacerations slowly closed themselves. She sat up and touched the scars over her heart. They were visible, and she smiled thinly. Trini handed her another shirt. She zipped it up, letting the cool fabric brush against her recently healed skin. Then she stood and reached into her locker. ....a knife. She pressed it into her thigh sheath and turned around.[/i]

"Take me back."[/COLOR]
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[color=003333][size=1][i]Sorry, Outcast. I just got here first.[/i]
Allen ran down the corridor at full speed, leaping over debris and the occasioal beam. The Gravity Drive... It couldn't be activated. Something tripped him. He went sprawling. A slight pressure gripped his neck, then was gone. He picked himself up and began running again, dispite the slow return of breath to his lungs. The door was in sight, but something was wrong...

[b]Allen-[/b] "No time... *puff* No time...." He collided with the door, unable to keep himself from stopping, and fell again. He stood slowly, gaping at the blood splashed over the walls. It was running ont the floor in small streamlets. "Wha..." Two bodies dropped stonily from the cieling. They landed with a sickish plop, spraying blood everywhere. Both were badly mutilated. He leaned closer. One was a woman. Half of her scalp was hanging loosely over her face, matted hair clinging to red skin. Half of her left breast had been removed, leaving a gaping half mound. The one eye he could see was frozen with horror.

The male had been stripped of all clothing. His genitalia had been removed, making him look sexless. His chest had been sliced open, ribs spread like a makeshift cage that had long been broken out of. Blood was pooled there, like a crimson well. Allen tore his gaze away and walked forward.

The two had been Brooke and Arthur. He should never have sent them here alone. They should have all went together. What a fool he had been!

[b]Allen-[/b] "Dammit..." The doors slid open. He started to walk through then stopped. The halway leading to the engine room, and the Gravity Drive, was spinning. Giant spikes jutted out from the walls. It looked like... "... A meat grinder..." His mind snapped back to him, roughly, and he remembered this was simply a containment measure for the power of the Gravity Drive. The catwalk swam into view, it had seemed like there was nothing there before, and he bolted across it. The door closed behind him.

[b]Allen-[/b] "Oh God..." The three rings of the Gravity Drive were spinning at a sickening speed. Every time they lined up, he was pelted with bright lights. He held his arm up to his eyes and ran to a nearby wall panel. The rings spun faster. The screen read 98% charging. It blinked off. "What? No!" He punched the screen, breaking the glass, but bringing the display back up. It read 100%.

[b]Event Horizon-[/b] "Gravity Drive at 100%. Commencing singularity incursion." The rings stopped, all perfectly lined up. The center sphere lit up with thousands of lights. Allen shielded his eyes and dropped to the floor, crippled. It seemed like forever. The light penetraited his arm... his eyelids. They burned into his vision. Then...

They stopped. He opened his eyes slowly, carefully. There was a large, gaping, black sphere floating inside of the rings. He stared at it, fixated at that one mass of nothingness. A hum began filling the air. He covered his ears. Small tears of blood squeezed themselves from his eyes. He screamed soundlessly. The humming stopped abruptly. He opened his eyes and looked out. The blackness was still there. And there was a person. He had no sexual organs, though it was obvious that it was, or used to be, a man. The things face was carved. Long, deep lacerations stretched across ihs body. His eyes glowed a bright blue, an errie contrast to his bloodied body. Allen knew that man...

[b]Allen-[/b] "Weir?" The naked man laughed. The sound sent chills down Allens spine. "Are we still-"

[b]Weir-[/b] "Yes, Mr. Chubbs. We're still in your dimension. I could not activate the gateway myself. The rules of my 'game' have... Changed. Slightly."

[b]Allen-[/b] "Why... How are you here?" The man laughed again and began moving toward Allen.

[b]Weir-[/b] "I died once. The Event Horizon brought me back. Captain Miller killed me again." He chuckled as though recalling a particularly funny moment. "My master brought me back."

[b]Allen-[/b] "Satan?" He cringed as Weir brushed his face with one deeply cut hand.

[b]Weir-[/b] "Such names are meaningless. The biblical version of the Devil has him obeying rules. Life. Death. Such things are meaningless when I've been." He walked about the room, caressing outcroppings of equipment. "I think you have some idea of why I'm here."

[b]Allen-[/b] "To corrupt earth..." He laughed again.

[b]Weir-[/b] "Corrupt? Enslave? No. All I want... my master wants is death. But unfortunately, someone has interviened." His face turned to one of disgust. "This is why the rules have changed Mr. Chubbs. Their presence had put a kind of lock on the Gateway. I needed one of you to op-"

[b]Allen-[/b] "Just kill me Weir..." The man smiled.

[b]Weir-[/b] "No. I think I'll let you watch. Now come with me." He gripped Allen by the arm, breaking it in several places and ripping the skin off, and carried him back into the main corridor of the Event Horizon. Allen was tossed into a corner, screaming and crying. "I'm waiting my dear!"[/size][/color]
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"Take me back," Satell was kicking with a new vigor. And not wanting to be left out of thie either she grabbed the small gun Kenneth had handed back to her a wile ago.

"What you do think you are doing?" Satell asked, Trini kept digging for another clip to put in the gun,

"Shit I gotta go to my room," she said out loud still ignoring Satell's question.

"I asked you what are you doing."

"Trini turned around facing Satell, it wasn't fear that was now in her heart, it was anger.

"What does it look like."She said grabbing Satell's arm and leaving the medical bay quickly.

"It looks like you're walking into death.... I said take me back, you're not staying...."

Trini put a little smile on her face, seeing how brave Satell was, once remembering how she had that same bravery with in her.

"Now what would, Allen, Van, Tex and Rueben think of that," Trini looked stoutly at Satell, using her condition against her. The walk they had been on was brisk and the sidelined to Trini's room before heading to the dock.

"Allen told me to take care of you and look after you."

She searched in her dresser and found another clip, as Satell looked on in the room for a minute.

"Ready," Trini said finding the clip and turning back to Satell.

"Let's go...."

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[COLOR=royalblue][i]Satell's voice rose to a keening pitch and she roared out her own answer. Trini covered her ears as her scream reverberated and shook the ships. Both her own emotions and her will to survive overpowered Weir's voice, putting it to shame.[/i]

"I'm coming!! Not for you but for Him!"

[i]Trini blinked. She had been walking with Satell, but she had dissapeared.

Satell stretched out her right hand and reapeared in Weir's presence. Her entire body seemed to be giving off a slight radiance, her skin was becoming more transparent by the minute, showing the veins and arteries beneath and the blood pounding through them. Her clothing was gone, nothing but her hair sliding down her back and her bare hands and feet. Her knife was still in the sheath, the only thing on her body.

Weir grinned and gave her what could only be called a "once over." She showed him feral teeth in response.[/i]

"I'm here."[/COLOR]
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Ruben grabbed Tex by the arm and tugged. She let out a muffled gasp as her arm almost wrenched from it's socket. The two of them literally flew down the corridor. Tex drew her own pistol and checked that it was ready. Ruben let go of her wrist and waved her off down the left branching of the corridor. Taking the right, his feet were moving as fast as his pulse. Sweat was breaking out along his brow.

Reaching yet another intersection, Ruben took the left. This seemed to lead in the general direction of the Engine Room.

Over the steady slap of his feet against the grating, Ruben could hear voices. Hoping the thick material of his overalls would be smooth enough he thrust his legs out in front of him. Skidding along quote literally 'by the seat of his pants' Ruben's legs bent and then pushed. He easily stood, using his momentum. Aiming along the barrel of his gun, it took Ruben's mind a few seconds to comprehend what he was seeing.

What the hell was this?
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