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Have you Role Played Before?


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[COLOR=purple]I'm just curious. Nothing to do with starting an RPG (which I keep thinking means Rocket Propelled Grenade) I just want to know who's done one.
What was it, did you have a cool character? Was it your first time or do you do it on a regular basis? And if you'e never role played do the people who do RPGs make you think about small children playing pretend? Make it interesting.
As for myself. I've only done it once. I played Vampire the masquerade with my husband and some of his friends. There was one guy who we began calling 'Chicken f***er' because he was just inconsiderate.
Doing this made me feel kinda weird tho. I kept thinking why am I playing pretend in my living room and I hope the C,Fer doesn't grind Doritos into my rug.
For the most part I try to stay away from 20 something to 30 something military men pretending to be knights in a garage or vampires in my living room. But on the bright side, it keeps them out of the streets![/COLOR]
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I play Cyberpunk with my family.We started playing back in the summer.We normally play the 1st saturday of every month.We play for a couple hours at time.Back after we first started playing my dad took me to get my very own dice.They're tranluscent purple.^_^
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, when I was a kid, me and my sisters used to role-play just about everything. We were the Super Mario Brothers (I was always Princess Toadstool...), and we did Zelda and the tire swing was the Sanctuary (and me and Brittney were the Zelda twins), and we also did Street Fighter, where me and Brittney were the Chun-Li twins and we made up our own little cheer which I still remember to this day.

As for an official RPG, I've never "played" one. But I've participated in a billion online.[/color][/size]
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I know what you mean, Queen Asuka. When I was around, say, eight, I RPGed Dragon Ball Z with my little brother, Nick, and my freinds Dan, Lewis, and my other freind who sounded just like Krillin when Freiza killed him, but I cannot remeber his name (remeber, I'm in the military, then I would go threw freinds like socks). I would always be Vegata, an they would be whomever. And we'd pretend fight each other in our front yards..

Other fun-time pretend games we would play was Pokemon and Resident Evil (my freinds had obsessed with the game and I read the stratedgy guide. So I was inept.)

Imberessing? Yes. Life changing? No. Nothing but imaginative appetite came from that. But, now I am able to create RPGs of my own on the OBs because of those faithful, yet imberresing days.

As for RPG, like D&D. Never. I would love too, but I don't know who to play with or how, or even get the materials.[/B][/SIZE]
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I role play about once a week
we're in the middle of a Lord of the Rings campaign right now and are reaching the climax

I, my friends, am a role playing fanatic... I bought a book, I write journals, and I'm about to start GMing (Game Mastering) my own Lord of the Rings campaign because our current Game Master(pretty much the God of our RPing world) is running out of creative inspiration.

I sit during class just thinking of ideas for when I take over game mastering, and am currently shaking with nervousness because I'm afraid they're gonna hate my campaign! Not that any of you are supposed to care, but it's just something I had to dump!:D
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I am the same as DBD. I have never played a DD game before but TONS of play RPGs. I still play Pokemon RPGs with my little brothers sometimes, if they give me something in return. Back when I was seven or eight, me him and a few of our friends and cousins would make EPIC movies. VERY epic. We held our own award shows...
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[i][color=lightpink]I have RPGed before. In note books with friends most of the time, but it ended suddenly becuase my friend lost the notebook. It was good times. Well I RPed in chat rooms alot. From Weiss Kreuz to original ones. I remember my first RP character. Quistis. The first day i ever RPG/RPed I got married. And it was Gundam Wing based.

Ok embarressing moment here....I RPGed when i was about 7 with my friend Kristin. We RPGed PowerRangers and got in fights about who would be the Pink Ranger. And we did a couple more together.[/color][/i]
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A long time ago, back when I was about 5, me, my step-sister, my baby brother (who walks), and a few of our friends would role play any character from a Walt Disney movie. It would be any movie with prince and princesses. I'd always loved playing the princess. Then, close to my 10's, I would pretend to be a made up character in any cartoon show. It would be the Magic School Bus, Power Rangers, and other shows. I couldn't remember all of them.

When the years go by, I would pretend to be in Pokemon and other anime shows. Sometimes I would imagine myself talking to characters, making out jokes, and go into any battle.

As for the RPG thing, I don't know what the heck that is, but I've never done it. Last weekend, I tried out for an open cast of a show; or something like that. This was my first time ever auditioning for a role play. I hope I got the part.:D If not, hey there's always next time. :)
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I've never RPed in real life (there's just something [i]really[/i] weird about that combination of words), but I've done many online. Though I only started in, like, early July ... I've done a ton since then, including two online ones that are much more in-depth than the type in the Adventure Arena.

I'd like to play in real life as well, but very few of my friends (maybe one?) would enjoy it, most of them would just think it's weird. I see why other people view it as odd, and I feel like it'd be odder in real life. Maybe that's because online you can sort of already feel like an anonymous player who can create whatever background and personality you want ... But anyway, I don't find it that strange because I view it basically as collaborative writing. And there ain't nothing wrong with that.
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When I was younger I roleplayed at break time, and as for internet - the most er, serious roleplay role I played was Jinnifuru .. I have forgotten her surname unfortunately... since then I attempted to join another but stopped due to lack of net access. Still have some lack, so I haven't roleplayed for quite some time. I have also been known to roleplay for personal projects but things have gone downhill and that had decreased dramatically.

I miss my roleplaying... ^^;
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[size=1]I have just recently picked up playing Dungeons & Dragons. I had played it a few times before several years ago, and had forgotten how fun it could be. ^_^ This time I have a really cool character, too. It probably helps that the Dungeon Master kind of helps out, lol. Currently, I am a 5th level Rogue Halfling with the option to be unseen except when attacking (Ring of Invisibility), the ability to move extremely silent (my current Ability Modifier is at 29; I can roll a 2 and still have more than enough for most things not to hear me, heh), and at the very end of the last game I attained a Necklace of Fireballs.

I have yet to level myself up to the 5th level, though. That happened at the very end of the last game after we finished fighting an Iron Golem. The main thing I hope to do is learn how to set traps, and possible buy a better hand-to-hand weapon than my current sword with some of the mass of gold pieces we found inside the Golem (items totalling to about 106,100GP if I remember correctly).

I have high Dexterity, which is pretty much what we shoot for with my character. We have about four guys, and each has their own specific purpose.

Although, I have done a very tiny bit of more "live-action" role-play. Similar to just acting as a character with your friends as some of you have been describing, but it has a bit more structure. For example, if it were to come to a battle (we shall just to one-on-one for simplicity), each contestant has another neutral friend next to them as they stand about ten feet or so away from each other, but facing the other. The two neutral friends meet in the middle and simply talk between themselves deciding on a number between whatever set of numbers, then has each fighter guess as to what the number is. The person closest to the number gets to go first on the offense. So the battle commences. It does so by each fighter telling to their neutral friend in secret how they plan on attacking/defending. Then the two fighters act out upon each other what they had planned to do. Obviously if the one on attack gets a hit, then points are taken from the defender; should the defender manage a successful block or dodge, then nothing is taken away. There is also the chance the defender might manage a hit, like I did so once with a forward roll. It is a dodge technique, but if the offense does not get out of the way, then they get hit fair and square.

I do not remember what happens if someone does not do what they say they were going to do. Whether they just received a deduction or if they went back to the last position the two fighters were in and the defense gets a chance to counter-attack.

It is kind of a complex way to role-play, but it gives more of that turn-based feeling to the game instead of just acting freely.

Not saying acting freely is any less fun, of course. ^_^[/size]
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[color=midnightblue]Yes, I do role play once in a while, in different forms.

Most of my role playing is done in the form of video games, though I do like to play pen and paper stuff when I have the oppurtunity. But, sadly, nobody around me ever has taken interest in such things. They're rather buy a video game or actually be social (Now why on Earth would they do [i]that?[/i]) than sit in my dining room writing things down..

Actually, I have never played a pen and paper RPG other than Dungeons and Dragons.. And even then, that was only with two people who knew nothing about how the game works. And, because I have barely ever played, I am also very new to D&D. I only have that cheap little starter kit you sometimes see in stores that came with pre-made characters and some simple little scenarios.

In fact, there is only one person I know who is actually interested in playing the game. He lets me borrow the rulebooks, but they are somewhat outdated, with very few character classes. It's nice that he wants to help, though.

If I had, oh, maybe a couple hundred bucks to blow on something, I would buy all the standard rulebooks and maybe a couple of guys on the street who would be willing to play RPGs with me for money.

But, when I do play, I normally am a Halfling Thief.. I'm at pitiful level three and have very little gold. Why is this cursed town full of nothing but people who hate what I enjoy?

*sigh* So much to do, so little money..[/color]
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[color=indigo]Live action RPGs are refered to as larps. I know this because my husband tried to participate in one in Texas. I say tried because it was extremely badly run.
Lincoln does way more role playing than I do, actually, anyone who's played more than once has done more than me.
Well, unless you count when my friends and I would pretend to be reporters. We'd go outside in the winter and pretend to be at a ski resort. You know fun stuff like that.
I forgot to mention my character from vampire the masquerade. I played a Brujah named Emilie. Coolest thing I did was diablorize my sire to move down a generation. Our friend Red would joke about the fact that my husband was the game master so I'd probably have it easy. Well, I didn't. And I got to beat on the C.F's character.
Best thing about my character was that she was a real beyotch and it was expected of her. Some day I mean to scan the picture I drew of my character. I'll do it when it comes up here![/color]
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Well, like I said, I would love to play an RPG in real world, like D&D. But they don't have the freedom of Online ones, which I participate in very often. I'm into the more action oriented, but I'm not into the whole medievil Wizards and Warriors thing. Are there any RPGs like that?

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i]
Well, like I said, I would love to play an RPG in real world, like D&D. But they don't have the freedom of Online ones, which I participate in very often. I'm into the more action oriented, but I'm not into the whole medievil Wizards and Warriors thing. Are there any RPGs like that?

[/B][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=violet]I'd recommend playing [b]Vampire the Masquerade[/b] for someone like yourself. Okay, so it's the [i]only[/i] official RPG I've ever played, but let me explain why this would work.
Masquerade is based in Modern times and with vampires. Therefore, you already have the medivel theme out of the way. Also there's action and stuff like that. Provided you have a good story teller/Game master you can get into all sorts of stuff. We ended up having Werewolves and someone who was trying to assasinate the prince when my husband had it going in our livingroom.
There are also RPGs centered around movies an example I can use here is Star Wars because that's what my husband's gaming friend was going to do in his garage before 4th ID went to Iraq. I don't know much about it tho becuase they never got around to playing it.
If you want to get to shoot at people on line try NEverWInter nights.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i]

Well, like I said, I would love to play an RPG in real world, like D&D. But they don't have the freedom of Online ones, which I participate in very often. I'm into the more action oriented, but I'm not into the whole medievil Wizards and Warriors thing. Are there any RPGs like that?

[/B][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

"GURPS" - Generic Universal Role-Playing System

It can be used for any scenerio, so you can have guns, swords, martial arts
and they're more logical and stuff then LOTR (which is actually based on the D&D system) and Dungeons and Dragons (etc)

Don't be discouraged if you're confused at first too, especially if you get the book, we got 8 ppl in our role play group and we're still trying to find everything!

It's really cool and this thing called Gurps Lite is an easy way to get started without buying a book, but ya, I got a book and it's got 10x more stuff in it!

But ya... it's a really cool system and we're about to start a modern-esque Demon and Vampire game...and we love it!

*Edit- oh ya...this is the site
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I am afraid of LARPS... sometimes the people there are just a bit too serious. Especially concerning vampire the masquerade.

I play vampire the masquerade (or try to) almost every sunday with a group of friends. I'm the storyteller so I can't say i have a "favorite" character out of the myriad i roleplay. The experience is always fun, and i really connect with the people I'm roleplaying. It's fun to get a group of people who actually try to imput into the game as much as I do, and we create an environment that sucks away hours of our free-time.
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I RPG'ed a lot on GiveUpAlready, but I stopped lately, but I want to start again soon. I have 4 characters. The first is Ricc, 16 years old, a gypsy/Piratelookalike/Random Sith Lord who is a king of an Elven Kingdom, the second is Tenaka, a 16 year old Merc. I forgot whats special about him, but I have a stat sheet on the site so I'll look it up. The third character is a 16 year old girl called Carola. The fourth is an 8 year old boy thief called Wolf.
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[color=009966]I've never had the chance to play an RPG in [i]real[/i] life. No one else in my family likes RPG's....:grumble: Tasrai, my brother, and I tried playing something similar to D&D, but it was somewhat watered down due to the fact that we didn't have any of the dungeon manuals and it was a first for us. Ironically my brother, who has NEVER played, was the dungeon master....o_0 Anyway, we had only been playing for about an hour when we became rebelious. That's the last time our brother is controlling the game....>_>

Then during Algebra Algebra my friend Josh "happened" to brings some gaming manuals and we started to set up for D&D, but class ended before we even finished our stats. V_V

I've done alot of online RPG's though. ^__^[/color]
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My brother and I were both inroduced to RPGs by a friend of mine who has since gone to colege, though we play whenever he's around. :) I have played Werewolf:The Apocalypse, (another good game if you don't like wizards and what not) Vampire: The Masquerade LARP, Dungeons and Dragons 2nd and 3rd editions, and am currently playing a satyr named Patrick Harper in a Changeling:The Dreaming LARP called "Book of Dreams". :D Lots of fun.


1st up is my Dungeons and Dragons character. He's a half-elf cleric, named Nasan Galonodel who has never known his Elven father. He grew up with a highly religious mother, and became a cleric. He met up with an elf fighter, named Legolas (lego-lis, not lego-laas :p ) and they tromped up and down the land doing good. Most recently, Legolas acquirred a large plot of land, along with a tower, and after a few bumps, we have quite a nice little community going.

Next, Patrick Harper,my Changeling LARP character, a satyr jack-of-all-trades who drinks too much and is far too nosy for his own good. He has become a pistole at his court ( a group who's duties are to protect the county of Toad Hollow from outside threats. ) They're next expedition will to find an army to assist in this purpose.

Anyways, I love roleplaying, roleplaying loves me, and it's just great fun all around.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]
[B][size=1]I have just recently picked up playing Dungeons & Dragons. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Wow, so have I! I played it once before and had a supercool character! Too bad it ended after a day or so because most of the characters died... I had really good stats, starting with an intelligence of 22 and a wisdom of 19. For one of my abilities, when you rolled a die you could add as much as 10 points to it with the modifiers and levels. (Cool, huh?) Oh well, I'm planning of starting a similar and simpler RPG and using the same character--stay tuned!

In my school, we have a Game Club, and in it, we play a lot of video games and to a lot of RPGs. I really have fun in that club; we do all sorts of things! (Too bad the first two RPGs we did had to end early...) The other members of the club are kinda crazy and immature, though, and that's the reason one of the RPGs had to end early--too much chaos. Oh well...

I fell in love with RPG gaming, and it all started here on this site. (hee hee!) Yeah, I've been in a lot of RPGs here before... (I'm in about three now!) I like to use a lot of characters that I used in the RPGs at the Game Club. (I once roleplayed a girl named Celestia in an RPG in the club, and I also am using her here in an RPG!) I'm even thinking of making up my own RPG to use in the Game Club, some sort of pet monster-like RPG. I'll post a simpler version of it here soon so you guys can join!!

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I've roleplayed lots, in lots of different games, and I still do!
I play Dungeons and Dragons 2nd and 3d edition of it, Vampire: The Masquerade, Modern (it's a lot like DD 3d edition, just modern!) and one my friend came up with: Soldiers (he's trying to think of a better name)

My coolest Character out of the whole mess would be Kirin Du'gre from DD 2nd edition. He ended up becoming a demi-god, and ruler of a small but wealthy merchant kingdom.

And for people trying out RPG's for the first time, yes it may look/be confusing at first, but give it a few sessions, and it starts to click, usually. Good Luck!
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I'm with sword saint! First role playing I went to, I just sat there the whole time and smiled...for I had no idea what was going on!
But I paid a lot of attention, so by the third session I pretty much had it down.
Skip to today and I'm about 3 weeks away from Game Mastering my own campaign, amazing what a half a year can do!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Swordsaint [/i]
And for people trying out RPG's for the first time, yes it may look/be confusing at first, but give it a few sessions, and it starts to click, usually. Good Luck! [/B][/QUOTE]
[color=violet]I got lucky, my first RPG was at my house my husband was the game master and a mutual friend of ours was co-game master since he had both age and experiance. They both agreed that I could have really high points (is that the correct term?) for common sense. and that since it was my first time if I started to do something stupid, Lincoln could ask me if it was what I really wanted to do.
It was a bit confusing and I was the only female there (aside from the cat). It did start to click after a while. But then everyone started to get gate guard and deployment. Hey, that's what happens when you game with the military. :rolleyes:
Almost forgot, I did try to do an online RPG on TAATN once, but it fell apart with too many people and no story line.
My husband once RPed (Terra's right that [i]does[/i] sound bad) a knight at his friend's house. The couple's chiuaua (my friend is this guy's wife BTW) ended up playing the part of his character's noble stead :rotflmao:.
The thing that really turns me off about RPG people is when they take the game too seriously I mean, when you've got kids to watch and feed at the same time you're playing, that takes precedence over the game.[/color]
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