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Star over the Dark Soul: Heaven and Hell Chronicals


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O.C.C: Sorry I haven't been posting, but I am now...
Legnakrad was sitting in the corner of her one-roomed hut, her arms resting limply on her knees. But while her body was limp, her mind was active with thoughts.

[i]Where's Nymphanie? She should be back by now. I certainly hope she hasn't repented to Lucifer yet, I'm looking forward to fighting at her side, not at the tip of her blade. Heh, oh well. Whatever she wants is fine.

Heh, GOD, what an ignorant fool. Not only did he lose much of his army, he practacly handed the rest over to us! Certainly Lucifer has sent someone to convince Delnoreth and his army to join us. That Delnoreth was right, but that simple-minded fool GOD is too concieted to listen to anyone but himself. At this rate, Hell will rule all in no time. Then maybe I can get a decent home. Not only that, but I can actually spread my wings a bit and fly where I want. I haven't seen the world in a long time, I wish to fly upon the fresh air. Smoke gets kinda boring after a while, one needs a change in the air they breathe after over five thousand years.[/i] Sarcasm. [i]Heh, I'd better be careful or before long I'll be turning loop-de-loops in the air.[/i]

After waiting four hours, running all thoughts possible at that time through her head, and practicing her fighting techniques, Legnakrad finally snuck out of Hell and into the world, greeted by a blinding sun. She would look for Nymphanie and find out more about Delnoreth.

O.C.C: This is just for my character, so Annie you can still fill Noelle's request.
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[color=indigo][size=1][i][b]OOC: I will see what I can do..

[u]ARTEMUS[/u] sighed slightly and closed his eyes. He thought about this woman. He knew she would leave at the drop of a hat. He wanted her to, but he knew she could not be accepted into Heaven. Her sould belonged to Lucifer, and he would not release it. Nymphanie would be a souless wanderer. But then the thought crossed his mind.

[b]"Nymphanie, you did not give your soul to Lucifer, right?" *Please say no...* Artemus[/b] thought.

[b]"I pledged my allegiance, not my soul. Why?"[/b] Nymphanie's silky hair danced in the breeze, which made him smile.

[b]"Good, I can help you...sort of. I cannot get you into Heaven. I cannot even come close to the gates. But I can tell you that you have a chance to join God. He can see what I saw," Artemus[/b] rubbed the back of his hand on Nymphanie's arm.

She blushed and looked into Artemus's eyes. Artemus winked at her. He didn't know why, but he liked Nymphanie. Her smile, her skin, her lavender hair, she more resembled an angel rather than a follower of Lucifer. But that was an incorrect statement, she did not follow him.

[b]"So you are saying I have a pretty good chance?"[/b] Nymphanie smiled with hope flashing through her eyes.

[b]"Yes, you do. But the problem is, how to get you to the gates..I cannot step foot on the grounds and in the eyes of the other angels, you are an enemy.." Artemus[/b] sighed.

[b]"Um, Artemus...Would it be too much to ask if I could travel with you...Just until we can figure out how to get me to the gates. If I'm going to be a problem, don't worry ab-"[/b] Nymphanie was cut short by Artemus's hand.

[b]"You are of no problem. I would be glad to have you beside me," Artemus[/b] moved his hand over her cheek and withdrew,[b]"You can travel with me. I would be honored."[/b]

[b]Artemus[/b] took Nymphanie's hand into his and squeezed it gently. She smiled, relief washed over her face.

[b]"Thank you, Artemus,"[/b] Nymphamine squeezed back.

Both sit on the grass and allowed the sweet breeze caress their wings and skin. They watched the clouds gather in grey puffs, God was at unease. Artemus smirked and shook his head.[/color][/size][/i]
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[i][color=lightpink]OOC: I have to redo this post...it didnt work becuase I wasn't logged in. I hope its good.


Nymphanie smiled softly and looked up at the sky, letting the wind brush against their wings, feathers, and hair. She loved the feeling of the wind, finding it so soothing and calming. She noticed the clouds becomming puffy and grey, raising a brow looking over at Artemus. "Why are the clouds grey and puffy?" she asked softly full of questions.

"Becuase God is not at ease." Artemus responded, shaking his head slightly.

"Is it becuase of something you did?"

"Most likely it is." Artemus looked over at Nymphanie smiling softly to her, leaning over to her some, brushing some of her bangs from her eyes.[/color][/i]
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[color=indigo][size=1][i][b]"Do not worry about it," Artemus[/b] smiled at Nymphanie.

[b]"Why would God be upset with you?"[/b] Nymphanie tilted her head slightly,[b] "I'm sorry. I should not be asking you all of these questions."

"You can ask me anything you want," Artemus[/b] sat up, [b]"God is unease because he has no stable plan. His status on this war is poor. I do not think he has an army even forming. Heaven at this time is already being taken over by Lucifer, just not in a way that one would think..."Artemus looked off into the dark horizon.

[b]"I don't understand. How is it that Lucifer has already begun to take over Heaven?"[/b] Nymphanie brought her knees to her chest and hugged them close.

[b] "It is becoming Hell itself. Unorganized, occupants are becoming untrustworthy, everyone is losing faith up stairs. They are begining to doubt God and turn on eachother. That's what just happened to [b]Delnoreth[/b]. God turned his back to the half-dragons. The angels in choir have seen this and are questioning themselves if they're going to be next..God's losing his grace....Lucifer has begun to reign, and he didn't have to send his armies in..God has done the dirty work.."[/b] Artemus twirled a blade of grass between his slender fingers.[/color][/size][/i]
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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie listened to Artemus and nodded when he made a point, almost finding it unblievable that Lucifer was winning and he didn't even acknowledge that. That is what she hated about Lucifer, he never took notice to anything besides himself. She saw him as an unfit ruler the whole time. Shaking her head a bit looking up at Artemus. "I really dont want Lucifer to win. He is the most unfit ruler I have ever seen in my lifetime. You....would make a great leader Artemus..." she said softly, blushing a bit when she said the ending part, but believed in what she said. Hugging her knees closer to her chest starting to float on her own.[/color][/i]
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Already, hundreds of half-dragons had answered the call to arms, and had gathered in the west. Delnoreth hovered before them, looking over the vast, but insufficient, army. Gekanisel must be hundreds of yards long and taller than the biggest steaple on the mortal plane that half-dragons have become accustomed to.

Delnoreth watched them fly about and sharpen blades, confidence gaining inside him. He became aware of another half-dragon flying in from behind. Turning, he watched her pull into position beside him.

"You are here to fight?"

"Yes. I will join the cause. Gekanisel won't stand a chance."

"If only it were so..." Delnoreth turned back to face the masses, and waited for the new recruit to take her place among them. He noticed that she took a place near the front of the group, with a clear veiw of himself... strange.

Indeed, they did not stand a chance against the soul of the last Dragon, but more were coming.. and as long as they kept coming, they might win.
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[color=green]Gam reached the encampment for Delnorath's army. He had taken slight notice of her, but not as much as she would like. She joined the ranks, near the front where she could see him, try and manuvuer close the him...perhaps save him at an opportune moment.

She looked around her at the swelling ranks and found herself very uncomfortable. Never before had she been in the company of so many who were sworn to God. She shrank inside, not knowing what to do with herself. She felt as though they all knew she should not be there...they were all staring at her, she could feel it.[/color]
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[color=indigo][size=1][i][b]"You think that I would be a good leader?"[/b] Artemus turned his head slightly.

[b]"Yes, you are strong and wise,"[/b] Nymphanie smiled, her face flushed at Artemus's stare.

[b]"Well, I'm glad you have confidence in me,"[/b] Artemus stood up and stretched his magnificant wings,[b] "Come Nymphanie. We shall leave now," Artemus began to walk.

"Where are we going?"[/b] Nymphanie stood and followed by Artemus's side.

[b]"I want to see my boundaries on Heaven's grounds. I want to get you to the gates. Hopefully, God will allow me to walk you there,"[/b] Artemus took Nymphanie's hand.

[b]"Do you think he will ever let you back inside?"[/b] Nymphanie stared with concern.

Artemus stopped and looked upon the tainted earth. The wind whipped his golden locks around his eyes. His white clothing rippled over his lean figure.

[b]"I wish I knew the answer to that. I have preyed for that answer for many millenia,"[/b] Artemus gave a faint smile and motioned Nymphanie to take to the air.

Both soared gracefully, Artemus thought deeply on Nymphanie's question.

[b]"Artemus, would you go back?"[/b] Nymphanie broke the silence.

[b]"Without hesitation. I am vexed at God for allowing Heaven to crumble. I want to bring back serenity and faith back, and I want you to help. Your heart and soul is pure and full of love. You will be of great help to turning this war around. With you on God's side, Heaven may stand a chance,''[/b] Artemus smiles softly and brushes his hand over Nymphanie's face.[/color][/size][/i]
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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie smiled back to ARtemus, feeling so happy now. She could make a difference in this war. She tthought it was over a dumb reason that not even people knew the truth about the real reason. She reached out a bit, running her fingertips along his left cheek, loving the fell of his skin.

"So I could help make a difference in this war...as a greater help to God...?" Nymphanie said softly making sure she was correct or not.

Artemus nodded to her lightly. "Yes you would be a great help..."[/color][/i]
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[color=indigo][size=1][i]Artemus shuddered at Nymphanie's touch. He had never been touched by a woman and fell nearly numb from the warmth and comfort of Nymphanie's soul coursing through his body. Artemus quickly grasped Nymphanie's hand and closed his eyes for a second, taking in every little sensation as he possibly could. Nymphanie smiled softly and they continued to fly.

Minutes later they reach the portal to enter the Realm of Heaven. Sheer magnificance. Pearly white gates towered before Artemus and Nymphanie. Her eyes glittered and drank up every inch of the beauty of the entrance to Heaven. Artemus took her hand and admired her face. He lead her to the gates to meet two angels.

[b]"Artemus, you are not permitted to enter, nor step on the grounds of Heaven,"[/b] a male angel with silverish hair held out his metal blade.

[b]"Of course not, but I am not here to enter Heaven. I am here to inform God that he has a strong allie, Nymphanie,"[/b] Artemus gently pushed Nymphanie infront of him.

The angels looked Nymphanie up and down. She blushed in embarrassment, uncomfortable at the stare of the angel's skeptical eyes. She slowly backed up towards Artemus. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

[b]"She wishes to speak to God and pledge her allegiance?"[/b] the other angel spoke softly.

[b]"Yes, search her soul. You will get your justified answer, Merrium,"[/b] Artemus spoke in full confidence.

Nymphanie shrunk back against Artemus as Merrium took Nymphanie's face into his hands. Artemus held Nymphanie's shoulders and squeezed reassuringly. She relaxed somewhat and looked into Merrium's bright green eyes. He smiled at her and then looked to Artemus.

[b]"She may enter, but you shall not,''[/b] Merrium took Nymphanie by the hand and lead her to the gates.

[b]"Artemus.."[/b] Nymphanie looked over her shoulder, panic flashed through her loving eyes.

[b]"Do not worry. Merrium will escort you. You can trust him,"[/b] Artemus waved her off.

[b]"You have feelings for her,"[/b] the silver haired angel broke the silence as Artemus held onto the gate.

[b]"Yes, she is special,"[/b] Artemus gazed after Merrium and Nymphanie.

He sighed and looked down. He wanted to walk with her and support her as she faced God.

[b]"Why did you have to defy God? You could be with her now,"[/b] the angel placed a hand on Artemus's back.

[b]"I did not trust his beliefs and actions. He has lead Heaven on a course for Hell. Surely you see this, Darious?"[/b] Artemus turned to look at Darious.

He blinked and his face softened,[b] "I serve my Lord without any doubts. I am sorry Artemus, I wish that you could have faith in God. You are a good man and were the best angel of the choir. It would be nice to have you on our side in these times of darkness."

"Do you honestly believe that I wished to defy God? I was trying to look out for Heaven and all of its glory! And what did I get? Rejection of my existence and cast from Heaven! All because of God's pride!"[/b] Artemus spun on Darious and smacked his hand away.

Artemus's gold eyes glazed,[b] "God betrayed me...H-he.."[/b] Artemus fell to his knees and clutched his chest,[b] "Darious..why? 'Forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us..' Why will he not forgive me?"[/b]

Artemus stared up at Darious with pain. Darious looked sympathetically at Artemus and dropped to one knee beside him. He took Artemus in his arms. Artemus began to sob.

[b]"I prey that I knew the answer to that, Artemus. If it was up to me, I would bring you back. I know you did why you did, I know all of what happened. God does indeed have too much pride...He has sinned..Lucifer has won that battle..But he will not take over the world and Heaven, I promise you that,''[/b] Darious held Artemus closer.

[b]"God sinned, Heaven is no more unless he can overcome his pride....Darious please help me..I want to come back,"[/b] Artemus pulled away and pleaded.

[b]"Artemus, I cannot..."[/b] Darious's eyes began to rim with tears for Artemus.

Artemus stood and swayed slightly. His hair fell over his forehead and his wings hung limply. A few feathers fell from the majestic wings. Just as Artemus turned away, an earthquaking rumble began to rise from the Heavens.

[b]"Artemus, why are you here?"[/b]

Artemus wiped the tears from his face and searched the clouds, [b]"I am here to inform you of a new and powerful alliance.."[/b]

[b]"I know of Nymphanie, she has a good, kind heart and soul. She will make a strong allie. You have feelings for her, yes?"[/b]

[b]"Of course I do,''[/b] Artemus knelt.

[b]"Your wish for her to become my allie was with the full intention of helping Heaven and all angels, rather than to bribe me for your desire to enter Heaven?"[/b]

[b]"Of course, Heaven needs all of the help it can receive. Nymphanie can help restore faith and trust to Heaven and all occupants. That is why you cannot gain an army, there is little faith in you and the angels. Nymphanie believes in you, my Lord,"[/b] Artemus placed a hand over his heart and bowed.

[b]"She does. She also has strong belief in you."[/b]

Artemus looked to the clouds, [b]"Indeed she does. I believe in her as well."[/b]

[b]"Artemus, arise."[/b]

Artemus stood and looked to the gates. A wave of warm, sweet wind burst from the gates and crashed againg Artemus. His hair danced in the wind, his feathers ruffled and some fell at the mercy of the wind. A tear streamed from the corner of Artemus's eye. He breathed out and fell to his knees.

[b]"Now, Artemus, Angel of Chaos, rise and go to her. Come home, my angel,"[/b] the resounding voice drifted into the wind.

Darious rushed over to Artemus. Artemus started to cry, his body overwhelmed with joy. God had forgiven him. [/color][/size][/i]
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[color=green]Gam looked up to Delnorath. She was on a mission. She spread her wings and broke rank. She flew up to meet him.

"this is quite a gathering in a short time, Sir. All of these are God's faithful in this war?"

"This battle is not in God's war. This is a battle for our kind." Delnoreth was rather short with her. She persisted to him.

"I came here under the impression that this was an effort to help the side of heaven in the war. The Spirit of the last dragon has turned to darkness. So, we are fighting for God?"

"It is true, what you have heard. We are trying to defeat her to help ourselves, though. God will not give us assistance in our own fight against the demons because of her."

"Has He told you this?"

"He would not see me." Delnorath looked shamed at these words.

"Sir, my name is Gamaliel. I wish to be helpful, to serve you, and God to the fullest extent. I am a skilled fighter. I wish to work close by your side."

"I shall think about that. Thank you for your dedication." With that Delnorath turned and flew away from her. Gam had once againbeen put off by this male...Twice in one day...it didn't happen often, and she was rather vexxed by it. She had missed two obvious opportunities, and if something didn't happen soon, she would be punished.[/color]
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Delnoreth flew for some time, observing the mak-shift army. Many able-bodied, young half-dragons also soared through the sky, enjoying the wind, or trying to impress the female soilders.

He was abruptly interupted by a loud horn, coming from the east. At once, every soilder was alert and ready. As the un-named leader of the horde, he flew to the "front" of the encampment to see what was happening. A ragged bunch of half-dragons were wearily trudging into the midst of the group, looking as if they had escaped death.

Delnoreth landed beside them and told a half-dragon next to him to get them some water. "What has happened?"

"Dragon... east... killed... all of us." one of them said between gasps.


"Yes... we... were coming to join... the effort... she came at us from... above."

"We must leave immediately. Everyone prepare for battle!" instantly, everyone within earshot cried out to others that could not hear Delnoreth.

"Sir, we havn't enough warriors!" Gamaliel appeared next to Delnoreth.

"Wha...? Ah, you. We have no choice. Gekanisel has obviously sensed our intensions. We must slay her now, or die."
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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie smiled softly hearing what God had done. A wave of joy and happiness ran through her body. She had never felt this way ever, but it was new and strange but she liked these new feelings. Out of the burst of happiness she hugged Merrium tightly, smiling happily. She turned around and bowed to god gracefully.

"Thank you God. You have done a wonderful thing. So kind indeed." Nymphanie smiled softly and spoke with truth in her words. She was truely sincere about it.

"I have a question for you though. You have feelings for Artemus do you not?" God asked her simply knowing that Artemus had feelings for her but did she know about it.

Nymphanie blinked and nodded, blushing lightly. "Yes I do."

"Well Do you know Artemus has the same feelings for you as well?"

"No I didn't. But I do think he does....does he?" Nymphanie replied a bit, she seemed shocked by the news.

"Yes he does. You both share the smal feelings for each other." God spoke lightly, seeing the look on Nymphanies face made him smile with joy.

"May I go to the gates?" She asked lightly, wanting to see Artemus come back into heaven.[/color][/i]
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[color=green]Gam was torn. Just by coming, she knew how many of her kind were loyal to God. What's more, she could let them go off to battle and all be slaughtered by her ally, Gekanisel, and rid her master of a plight, going beyond her call.

But these were her brethren, her own kind... and what if the battle goes awry and the dragon is defeated? She would have disappeared, making her untrustworthy to her target if he survives the battle...

Gam went into the mountain to start a fire... She was trying to contact Lucifer. [i]Lord, I am amongst the army of God. There are at least 3000 half-dragons here, in the span of a day... They are marching on Gekanisel... Be warned! Defend her. I march with our enemy, but to further our cause.[/i]

She doused the fire and joined ranks and flew into battle on the side of her enemy. She did not want to fight Gekanisel... It would be a losing battle, she knew already. Even with another 1000 half dragons, they were no match for the immortal soul of a full dragon. [/color]
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[color=indigo][size=1][i][b]"Yes, my dear child. You may go to him,"[/b] God smiled and waved Nymphanie off.

She smiled widely and bowed before spinning around and took off towards the gates. Her feet lifted from the ivory marble and she took to the air.

Artemus leapt to his feet and gave Darious a quick hug, then rushed to the gates. His body trembled with overwhelming ecstacy. The gates swung open, painfully slow. As soon as the there was a big enough gap, Artemus bolted inside. He searched around for Nymphanie. He was greeted by the other angels of choir, they welcomed Artemus with smiles and bows. He did not stop running. He looked left, right and finally infront of him to see Nymphanie landing lightly.

[b]"Nymphanie.."[/b] Artemus breathed heavily.

[b]"Artemus..Welcome home,"[/b] Nymphanie's face washed over with sheer happiness.

Artemus ran to Nymphanie and embraced her tightly to him. He lifted her slightly and twirled her around, holding her slightly higher above him. Artemus carefully set Nymphanie on her feet and lay his forehead against hers. The two sway side to side, softly, as if they were dancing to an imaginary waltz.

[b]"Artemus, Angel of Chaos,"[/b] a soft, child-like voice flittered through the air.

Artemus looked down and to his left. A small, female angel smiled up at him. He knelt down beside the young angel with bright gold hair curled around her face.

[b]"Serenity, my how you have grown. The last I saw you you were just a new born,"[/b] Artemus kissed her forehead.

[b]"I am glad you are back,"[/b] Serenity handed Artemus a single, white rose.

Artemus took the rose gratefully and placed his graceful hand on the girl's shoulder. She nodded and looked up at Nymphanie.

[b]"Welcome to Heaven,"[/b] Serenity spoke gently.

[b]"Thank you,"[/b] Nymphanie smiled.

Artemus stood and stretched his wings. He took in a deep breath, taking in all of the sweetness of the glowing environment. He looked to Nymphanie and took her hand. Serenity smiled then flew away.

[b]"So, do you like it?"[/b] Artemus motioned with his free hand.

[b]"I love it all,"[/b] Nymphanie's eyes sparkled, overjoyed.

Artemus leaned over and lightly kissed her cheek. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the two walked along a silvery pond. Artemus looked into the water and stopped abruptly. Nymphanie looked up at his face, it was serious and filling with anger. She followed his stern stare and gasped.

[b]"Artemus, what is going on?"[/b] God suddenly appeared by the pond.

[b]"The half-dragons, m'Lord. They are becoming aggressive,"[/b] Artemus looked to God.

God nodded and observed the images on the mirror-like water. He sighed and looked back at Artemus, his eyes brimmed with sympathy and torment.

[b]"Artemus, gather your army of angels. It will not be long before we will have to defend Heaven from that dragon. If she enters this realm, Lucifer will follow very shortly. She is the key, only she can penitrate the Heaven's Realm. You must destroy her,"[/b] God stood straight, his voice firm.

[b]"Are you saying you want me to help the half-dragons, after you turned down their plea for help? Would you make up your mind?"[/b] Artemus squinted one golden eye.

[b]"Help them Artemus,''[/b] God nodded.

[b]"Why did you reject Delnoreth's request for help?"[/b] Nymphanie stepped in.

[b]"Because, I have no army..I had no angel worthy enough to assemble Heaven's defense. Artemus is the only angel strong enough,"[/b] God smiled, [b]"Now, I wouldn't want to send Delnoreth into a battle against an immortal dragon without backbone, right? I would not make that promise to him, that's why I waited for you two. I see and know all, you forget. I came to my senses and my pride about you, Artemus. I knew you were right and I finally saw what you saw. Now that I have you back, assemble the finest of angels and reign down your fury, Artemus."[/b]

Artemus bowed and turned to head towards the Realm of Choir, the angel's home. Nymphanie followed at his side.[/size][/color][/i]
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Not but thirty miles East, the army of half-dragons could see a great form, wreathed in flame, shimmering on the horizon. A collective shiver went down the spine of every last one of them.


The bodies of half-dragons and demons litter the flaming ground. It was three hours later, and the fight wasn't near to being over. The soul of Gekanisel flew in the midst of hordes of demons advancing on the out-classed half-dragons. A great gash ran through the ground where demons had been pouring in from Hell. Delnoreth felt a trembling on his wing as a demon blade clashed with rough dragon-hide. Spinning around, he made a lucky guess and and slashed out where the demon's head was, instantly decapitating it. A great pillar of flame could be seen while Gekanisel spit fire at half-dragons.

All seemed lost.

Lo and behold, angels began to rain down from Heaven, and joined the half-dragons in the struggle. As a fresh wave of demons began to pour out of the gate, a legion of angels swooped down and flew the gate's length. As the flew past, it sealed itself and trembled where demons were stuck in the ground. Delnoreth found himself face-to-face with Artimus.

"Hello friend dragon."

"God be praised friend rogue."

"Get used to calling me Angel of Chaos."
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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie thought all of the things going on, trying to sort everything out, figuring out what the secret was. Gam could persue heaven and start to take over so Lucifer could follow. She thought of Lucifr as a spinless prick. She spat at the ground whenever she heard or thought of his name. She followed Artemus to the half-dragons, looking a bit afraid of Delornth, hiding behind Artemus, peeking around him.[/color][/i]
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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]"Get used to calling me Angel of Chaos,"[/b] Artemus smiled and bowed slightly.

[b]"God has forgiven you?"[/b] Delnoreth smiled and held out his hand.

[b]"Yes, and we are here to help the half-dragons,"[/b] Artemus took Delnoreth's hand and shook it firmly.

[b]"Thank you..I'm..speechless.."[/b] Delnoreth's eyes began to glaze with tears.

Artemus smiled softly and turned to face the ruin. He glared over the scorched Earth. Bodies lay scattered about the land, patches of fire spat and crackled. Artemus's breast armor gleemed in the glow of the flames, the reflection bounced from his hard, condoning gold eyes. He clutched the [b]Blade of Purity[/b] in his right hand, the [b]Chain of Decadence[/b] curled around his left arm and the top half of his upper torso.

He lifted his diamond blade and pointed the tip towards the hordes of demons. The blade began to glow and radiate white light. Artemus slowly raised the blade vertically infront of his body, he closed his eyes and took in a slow, deep breath.

[b]"And God said, 'Let there be light. For it is good and pure.'," [/b]Artemus opens his eyes and flicks his wrist.

The blade resognated a blinding light. Artemus crouched and raised the humming sword above his head. With a smile, Artemus swiftly swung the blade in one, fluid sweep. Searing heat and light washed across the land, charing every demon in path. Screams and blood curtling moans of pain filled the sky, along with the blinding light.

Delnoreth shielded his eyes, as did everyone not of angelic power. The light faded and all that was left was the land, unscathed. Every demon in the path, vaporized. Artemus stood straight, he held the blade to his forehead. He knelt and held the blade to the ground.

[b]"Forgive us, All Mighty, for our sins,"[/b] Artemus stood, majestic and strong.

[b]''Th-that was...awesome.."[/b] Delnoreth whispered, breathless.

[b]"You have no idea how long I have waited to do that,"[/b] Artemus patted Delnoreth on the shoulder.[/color][/i][/size]
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[color=green]Gam had been in the fray, though not being overly active for either side. She saw that they demons were taking the upper hand and was welling with joy. Just a the momentum was with them, the clouds opened up and revealed Angels, legions of angels. Among them she was surprised to see Artimus, the rogue. Not just among them, but [b]leading[/b] them. Gam was staring up at at the sky and she thought she'd caught of glimpse of Nymphanine...[b]It was Nymphanine![/b]

At this realisation, she dove into the Hell-Mouth before it closed. Her destination was the palace. Her Lord must be informed of this turn, God has given his support to the Half Dragons, and he had been betrayed![/color]
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"Proof that angels can do what mortals cannot!" Delnoreth flipped in the air with excitement.

"I'm rather proud of that one." Artimus relaxed a moment.

"Now, we must... oh, hello..." Delnoreth noticed Nymphanie for the first time. "And who is this?"

Nymphanie came out from behind Artimus and shyly (sp?) held out her hand.

"This is Nymphanie, she has been accepted into God's eternal family."

"Ahh, quite an honor I suppose?" Delnoreth hesitated, unfamiliar with the custom of hand shaking.

"Yes... I was surprised I got to the gates." Nymphanie put her hand back to her side.

A stream of raoring flames reminded them that Gekanisel was still at large. "Artimus! Gather your angels! Tell them to get in formation and attack from Gekanisel's left flank!"

"I assume you will do the same from the right?" with no time to reply, Delnoreth set about calling to the half-dragon troops, getting them into a large inward curving crescent formation, while Artimus got the angels into a magnificent flying "v".

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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie sighed deeply and looked at the fire raising up, she backed away from the spouts of fire, looking a bit afraid. She really never liked the fire, looking down at the ground and saw Gam, her eyes widened a bit, floating down infront of her and stood there for a moment. She smiled softly and scenrenly to her.

"Gam...don't you see the nonsence in fighting? Lucifer is wrong with his ways, as [b]was[/b] God at one time. He saw the error in his ways and corrected them. Lucifer has too much pride for himself to understand what is going on up here. He can't even control a rioting pack of demons. How does he plan to control Hell, Heaven, and the mortal realm?" Nymphanie spoke to Gam, being peaceful about it and felt a strong passion behind what she was saying, knowing it was the honest pure truth. She seemed a bit woried for Artemus hoping that he would be alright.[/color][/i]
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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]"Angels of God! Gather your strength!" ARTEMUS[/b]'s voice bellowed as he soared to the left of Gekanisel's forces.

All angels of choir obeyingly followed behind [b]ARTEMUS[/b]. The force of the pure and faithful lit up the darkened sky with soft, white light. [b]ARTEMUS[/b] flapped furiously, his army of angels raised their weapons. Anxiety rushed over [b]ARTEMUS[/b]'s body. He was estatic to be in action again after millinia of loneliness and dormancy. His skin tingled in excitement, his golden eyes cold with seriousness of battle, his mind clear and collective.

[b]"ARTEMUS! Shall we attack?!"[/b] an angel called out.

[b]ARTEMUS[/b] spun around and stopped, facing his emmense army. He smiled, pleased.

[b]"Angels of Choir, ATTACK!!" ARTEMUS[/b] thrust his sword towards Gekanisel and last of her forces.

A wave of pearly white wings plummeted towards the ground. [b]ARTEMUS[/b] lead the way, the Blade of Purity beaming with heat and light.[/color][/i][/size]
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O.C.C: I've been real busy, but I'm going to start posting more if I have time.
[i]Darn it, where could she be?[/i] Thought Legnakrad. She was soaring above even the highest branches of the trees, looking into the distance, but she still couldn't see a place Nymphanie might go. She hovered a bit and looked around, surveying each horizon. She caught a glimps of a light in the distance. [i]That looks promising.[/i]

As she drew nearer, she could see that the light was surrounded by flames. [i]Maybe Gam is there. I'm sure she'll know where Nymphanie is.[/i] As Legnakrad neared the light even more, she saw it was a blade. But not just any blade, the Blade of Purity. She looked at it's weilder and saw him; Artemus. She guessed he had regained his name Angel of Chaos on account of he was leading other angels to battle. [i]Looks like GOD forgave him. Lucifer won't be happy, years of trying to find a way to get him on our side, wasted.[/i]

Legnakrad suddenly caught a glimpse of silvery wings leading away from the battle, soaring into the clouds. As she looked closer she saw that it was Nymphanie. All she did was smile. She knew it was coming, but it still hurt to know her friend was now against her. [i]Heh, Angels of Hell need no friends.[/i] Legnakrad thought to herself, flying towards the battle. But inside she knew she was wrong. She hovered over the battle, surveying it to inform Lucifer of how it went so she could have an excuse for leaving without permission. The Angels of Choir hit the dragon on one side while the half-breeds hit on the other. The Blade of Purity seemed to have penetrated the skin (if there was any O.O) and into the side of the beast. The others continued to fight, but Delnoreth stopped to look at what Artemus had done. Never had there been a blade powerful enough to penetrate the skin of a dragon. Legnakrad was also amazed. [i]Hm. I see that the tales are true. Maybe now would be a good time to inform Lucifer of the weakness of Heaven, before Artemus can block the attack.[/i] And Legnakrad turned and flew away from the half-dragos and angels being burned by the dragon spirit. She smiled at such destruction and headed towards the Hell Mouth.
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[color=green]Gamaliel could not listen to Nymphanie. "You have betrayed your own kind, Nymphanie. How could you? Just as we were to have an edge as well!" With that Gam took flight through the fissure. [i]I must make it to the palace. Lucifer must hear of this.[/i]

[b][i]Gamaliel, what are you doing here? There is a battle to fight in![/b][/i]

"Sire, Nymphanie has turned against you and Artemis has been allowed back into Heaven. He now leads the Choir of Angels into battle against the Dragon-Spirit. There are 3000 Half dragons on the side of God at only hours notice. The tide may have turned against us at this juncture. We must restrategize!"

[b][i]This is grave news indeed. Come to the palace at once![/b][/i] Gam made way quickly to the palace. She arrived in the throne room in moments. "This disappoints me, Gamaliel...You have not succeeded in your mission."

"Sire, what mission was that? I have told you the numbers of the half-dragons loyal to God. Was there another that I was not made aware of?"

"You were to turn Delnoreth. You failed..."

"Sire, I have not yet failed."

"God has returned to him! His faith restored! How have you not failed?! We now have not one, but three dangerous enemies! You have FAILED! Go, fix things, now...or it will mean no good for you."

Gam slinked out of the throne room. She didn't know what had gone wrong...She had gathered the information, but evidentally her mission had been more than that. She must return to Delnorath before Nymphanie could tell him who she is. As she took flight from the castle, she was already scheming ways to kill Nymphanie.[/color]
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[i][color=lightpink]Nymphanie shook her head remembering the mission Gam was given and her eyes go wide with shock. She flew quickly to Delnorath, pulling him away from battle for a moment to tell him what would happpen if he talked to a dark angel named Gamialiel.

"Delnorath..you need to be warned of a woman named Gamialeil...she is a dark angel and going to try to turn...you to Lucifer's side. You must not accept it at all costs. I have warned you now please do as warned. Heed it. Please." Nymphanie spoke to him thoroughly trying to get him to understand the importance of what she said. Continuing to fight the dragon with Artemus and Delnorath.[/color][/i]
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