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Star over the Dark Soul: Heaven and Hell Chronicals


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Delnoreth stopped in mid-air for no more than a second, comprehending what Nymphanie had just said. This explains why the seemingly eager Gamaliel had acted the way she had. But no time for that now.

"Make it wider! She has been injured!" A resounding cheer went through the horde of Half-Dragons and they instanly began to fly and dip past the wound in Gekanisel's side, trying to get their blades into the cut.

"Artimus, how would we survive without you!"
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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]OOC: I have tried to emphasize on how my character's name is spelt. I've [b]bold[/b] it everywhere in my posts, sometimes even capitalized it, I've spelled the name of everyone else's character correctly. I would appreciate a little more attention. Thank you.

"Artemus! How would we survive without you!?"[/b] Delnoreth's voice belted rejoice and deep admiration.

Artemus simply bowed and gave Delnoreth a smile. He turned to his choir and held up his blade, giving them the go, the angels once more charged Gekanisel. Blades clashing against the dragon's scales, the cries of battle and the dragon, Artemus nodded in great approval of their slowly arising victory. He looked around to find Nymphanie heading into battle as well.

Artemus took to his wings and soared down towards the rampage. Taking aim, Artemus raised his now glowing blade. The dragon swatted furiously, occasionally sending a half-dragon or angel across the sky and head first into the ground. Angered, Artemus dodged and swerved the mighty dragon's claw and headed straight for the breast. If hit a specific way, Artemus could puncture the dragon's heart. One could accomplish this by driving their blade underneath the scales, discovering the dragon's rather delicate, thin skin. This soft skin would be no match for the Blade of Purity and God's Justice (the attack Artemus used earlier).

[b]"Nymphanie! Call of angels away!"[/b] Artemus slashed at the dragon's approaching arm.

Nymphanie nodded and took to gather the angels. Artemus scanned the sky for Delnoreth.

[b]"My friend! Take your army and flee!"[/b] Artemus flipped backwards and rolled mid air, evading the whipping tail.

[b]"What is your plan, Artemus?!"[/b] Delnoreth began to call off his army of half-dragons.

[b]"Just get your men out of here if you do not wish for them to be seared and obliterated!"[/b] Artemus landed gently on his feet and searched the dragon's breast for the best spot.

Delnoreth, with reluctance, gathered his troops and retreated. Once Artemus was satisfied the others were safe, he clutched his blade and rushed the dragon. Swerving and spinning, Artemus grabbed the blade with his other hand and took quickly to the air. Both he and the dragon screamed with anger and determination to kill one another.

The Blade of Purity lit Artemus' face as he rapidly approached the dragon. Dipping from the tail and limbs, Artemus veered straight up in a vertical sweep. This took Gekanisel by surprise and she tried to jump away, but it was too late. Artemus' blade had slid underneath the scales, the burning blade scorched the flesh and insides. Gekanisel yelped and hunched over.

The white light surrounded the two, slowly stretching over the land. Artemus pushed himself away from the convolsing dragon and took wing to catch up to the others. He looked over his shoulder to see patches of pure light bursting randomly from Gekanisel's body. And with a sudden blast of light, a blood curdling cry resognated through the lands.

A powerful gust of wind blew Artemus into a tumbling plummet, he struggled to gain his balance but his efforts proved usless as he slammed into the ground. Dirt rained down on Artemus' motionless body.[/color][/i][/size]
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OOC: my bad...:blush: I'm used to spelling it with an "i" on the rare occasions I have to spell it.

IC: Delnoreth watched in amazement as the great Gekanisel, last of the true Dragons, was destroyed in a great flash of light. Her last dying cry reached their ears a few moments later, and most of them had to cover their ears, not only because it hurt their ears, but becuase they hated to see their last link to their ancestors be destroyed forever.

In the aftermath of the blast, a flourescent glow remained in a sphere, hanging in the air. In the distance, Delnoreth could see [U]Artemus[/U] lying crippled on the ground. Cries of victory, and a few of mourning resounded through out the massive army, and Delnoreth flew as speddily as he could to see if Artemus was OK.

As he approached, Artemus got up onto his elbows, with some difficulty, and looked at Delnoreth.

"Victory is ours, Angel of Chaos!"
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OOC: edited for bad spelling and punctuation, sorry guys.

[color=green]Gam returned to the battle field in time to be thrown back back in the tulmult created by the detruction of the dragon, Lucifer's ally. She knew at this point she must find some way to bring Delnoreth over or she was doomed. There were no other warriors in sight when she saw Artemus fall to the ground. She knew him to be alive, though gravely injured. To her delight, Delnoreth arrived at Artemus' side. She too out her crossbow and armed it with a black arrow, tipped in poison from her endless quiver. Only a faint smile appearred as the arrow sank itself into Artemus' left wing. Before Delnoreth could rise to defend himself, an arrow found it's way into his right shoulder.

[i]No kill shots today, the poison is slow acting, though vicious in it's pain. Artemus will not be able to fly, and that will only get worse. Lucifer may have need for them later, whether they know it or not. Nymphanie would have to wait... things would not all come together at once. Besides, Legnakrad still has a secret to reveal.[/i] Gam disaapearred into the hellmouth she had recently risen from. [/color]
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[color=indigo][i][size=1][b]OOC: Thank you guys

"Victory is ours, Angel of Chaos!"[/b] Delnoreth's voice echoed in Artemus' mind.

He looked up, blinking and mumbling incoherently at first. His vision blurred and cleared. Grabbing his forehead, Artemus sat up slowly and let out a heavy, relieved breath. He looked over the half-draon's and angels, all wore tired and joyful faces. Artemus smiled and looked at Delnoreth.

[b]"Well fought, my friend,"[/b] Artemus tried to stand, he wavered slightly and leaned on Delnoreth.

[b]"Artemus! Are you okay?"[/b] Nymphanie ran up to him and hugged him close.

[b]"Of course, Nymphanie. I will be fine,"[/b] Artemus smiled softly and stroked Nymphanie's hair.

They began to walk towards the troops, but Artemus heard a twang of a bow, then a snap. A nauseating sting in Artemus' wing sent him to his knees and he crumpled to the ground. Delnoreth then fell beside him.

[b]"Wha-what is happening..."[/b] Delnoreth struggled to climb to his hands and knees.

[b]"Poi..son...''[/b] Artemus trembled violently and watched as Delnoreth passed out, [b]"No!"[/b]

[b]"Delnoreth!"[/b] Nymphanie dropped beside him.

[b]"Is...he..."[/b] Artemus managed to crawl.

[b]"No, he's alive,"[/b] Nymphanie rolled Delnoreth onto his side.

[b]"Angels....."[/b] Artemus looked up to the sky.

All the angels landed around the three and hefted both Artemus and Delnoreth. Nymphanie looked around, she knew who was responsible. She took to the air after the angels and half-dragons.[/color][/i][/size]
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Delnoreth awoke on a long mat made of some silky materiel, and with a splitting pain in his shoulder. He arose slowly, slinging his feet over the side of the velvety bed. Ahead of him, Artemus could be seen in a similar condition, his right wing hanging limp at his side. Medicaly trained angel (most all of them) scurried about, occasionally putting a hand to one of their foreheads, or adding a healing substance to a wound.

Besides his shoulder, Delnoreth's body felt better than it ever had, due to the healing powers of the angels. Artemus turned to face him.

"How are you friend?"

"Fine... your wing is damaged?" he said, motioning towards the limp hunk of white feathers.

"Yes... whoever shot the arrows at us took aim for it... it is questionable if I shall fly again..." at the statement, Delnoreth felt very sorry for Artemus. Any ancient being without his/her wings was a severely depressed one.

OOC: your turn... or whoever else wants to post... ya know, whatever...
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[color=indigo][i][size=1]Artemus looked away, ashamed and greatly hurt. Hurt emotionally, not physically. His wing, painfully laying limp against his cold body. His once bright golden eyes, now dull blonde. His once gleaming cream skin, a pasty white and drained of warmth.

[b]"Artemus.."[/b] Nymphanie reached for the angel.

[b]"I must walk alone, excuse me,"[/b] Artemus slowly exited the room.

His head hung to the side, he tried to move his wing, only to feel a sharp pain. He winced slightly and walked down the marble pathway and sat next to the mirror pond. Casting a shadow look of agony into the crisp waters, Artemus brushed a hand through his injured wing. Tears trickled down his face, knowing that life as an angel may be indangered.

He strived for so long to gain trust from God. Millenia's of agonizing solitude, wasted on an injured wing. Without wings, an angel becomes mortal. All that Artemus worked for, now about to crumble from an arrow.

Artemus lay on the ground, sobbing softly. He began to chant prayers, prayers with all of his soul. His now scarred soul.

[b]"God, please help me,"[/b] Artemus's body trembled, slipping into a ghaunt depression.[/color][/i][/size]
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Nymphanie watched Artemus from a distance, leaning lightly on a velvety white pillar, barely noticable from the pure white background. ((I'm not racist! It's Heaven!))

Delnoreth walked up beside her and looked on as Artemus gently sobbed. It was a sad thing... seeing an angel cry. He was perhaps the mightiest of all the immortals besides Lucifer and God himself, yet such a thing as an arrow had stolen his pride and his immortal title as Angel of Chaos at one time.

Being a half-dragon, and not familiar with being immortal, Delnoreth approached him slowly, doing his best to look comforting.

"Artemus... Friend. There is still hope. You can still live your life." he put a hand on Artemus' shoulder.

Artemus whipped the hand away and turned a knowing look on Delnoreth.

"How can you say that?" he said aggresively. "You can't know what it's like to be immortal! To be the such a powerful entity! Only to have that power, that immortality, stripped away by a peice of wood!"

Delnoreth was flustered for a moment, never having seen Artemus in such a mood. Behind him, Nymphanie was even more shocked.

"Pick yourself up [I]man[/I]!" Delnoreth swiched attitudes to match Artemus'. " Maybe now you'll see what it's like to be at the edge of the Ancient circle. To live like an abomination among the immortals! Have you not seen their stares? The angels... they are disgusted by [I]us[/I]. Worse, they [I]pity[/I] us!"

Artemus was overcome with a feeling he had not felt in many, many years. He struck at Delnoreth, swiping his face. Delnoreth backed off a few paces, and turned back to Artemus.

"You sad, pathetic abomination. Is the former angel of chaos not strong enough to face his reality?"

Artemus was angry now... hatred, the forbidden emotion among angels, swelled towards Delnoreth. He made a motion as if to strike out with the chain on his left arm... but it suddenly hung limp, like his wing.

"Get used to it... [I]mortal[/I]." Delnoreth hated to do this to anyone... an angel no less, but it was neccessary to make Artemus face reality... to face his future. As a mortal.
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[color=indigo][i][size=1]Artemus clenched the chain in his left hand, furious. Hate, an emotion not a stranger to Artemus. Living on the mortal Earth, hundreds of thousands of years, a renegade angel learns to develop such emotions forbidden by God. His eyes glared daggers at Delnoreth, then they trailed to see Nymphanie's horrified face. He released his grip on the chain.

[b]"I will admit that I am acting foolish,"[/b] Artemus sighed, [b]"My immortality is still intact. If I cannot find a way to stop the poison, I will be mortal. Please forgive me, Delnoreth. I wish you no offense. It was selfish of me to act the way I did.''

"Artemus.."[/b] Delnoreth stared, cold and untrusting.

[b]"Please, do not follow. I know someone who may be able to help me,"[/b] Artemus turned and walked across the meadows of Heaven.

Nymphanie started after Artemus, but he turned around and shook his head. Despite his wishes, Nymphanie ran to Artemus and threw her arms around his neck. Artemus held her close and breathed in her sweet, pure scent.

[b]"Please come back to me, promise me,"[/b] Nymphanie's grasp tightened.

[b]"I promise, I will come back to you,"[/b] Artemus closed his eyes, then pulled her away, [b]"Now, I will trust Delnoreth for your protection. Please, obey him as you would God."[/b]

Nymphanie nodded, a single tear streaked her cheek. Artemus leaned into Nymphanie to kiss her cheek ever so lightly. He gave Delnoreth a trusting nod and turned towards the meadow.

[b]How do you plan on getting there, Artemus? You cannot fly..[/b] God's voice echoed through Artemus's head.

[b]I need not to fly, for she will come to me...[/b] Artemus smiled.

[b]This is true....Be careful, and come back safe. It is still very dangerous for a wounded angel to wander alone...Good luck, Angel of Chaos..

Yes, m'Lord....[/b] Artemus looked to the soft clouds..[b]Mother..[/b][/color][/i][/size]
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[color=green]Gam Revelled in the slight victory she could claim for herself. She had put the Angel of Chaos out of commission, at least for a short while. She may even have claimed his immortallity. She smiled to hersele. Even Lucifer would have to be happy with that.

She made way to the Palace. As she walked, she greased her bow string. A rustle to her side made her stop. It was Legnakrad. "I saw her at the bettle.... She was with that [i]Angel[/i]" Legnakrad Spat the word. "She has abandoned us, Gam."

"All the reason you should tell Lucifer how to overthrow Heaven, Legnakrad. We are in dire need, and your secret may be our only hope. They have defeated the Dragon."

"You are here, even with the failure of your mission?"

"My mission has not failed, Legnakrad. I gathered the information I was told to, and I have put Artemus temporarily out of commission, along with Delnorath. His faith is strengthened and there is no chance of turning him now."

The two of them continued together to the palace, both with news they hope would turn the tide of the battle in their direction.[/color]
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[size=1]OOC: I deeply regret not posting very much in here. This story has evolved so much.

[b]IC: Tilion knew not of the return of Artemus, nor the triumph of the Angels and Half-Dragons. He and his hunting group of angels had infiltrated hell.

For the taste of his angels and himself, hell was a painful place to even look at. Before him were rivers of mixed lava and blood; the never quite able to die strewn about. The sinners were moaning, the demons were going about, punishing and torturing. Behind him were bodies of demons, the rivers drained, sinners released from their torture for the time being.

As his party had done the whole way towards the palace, they waited for a group of demons to pass. That is when they would slaughter the foul beasts. As they got closer to the epicenter of evil, it grew harder to slaughter without notice. He and his men would kill a patrol, only to attract more demons than before.

He started losing men. With every angel killed the area would darken and grow in heat. This continued until Tilion was alone. Fighting off the unholy horde, Tilion became overwhelmed. He was beaten to the ground. He remained there until picked up by the demon captain.

The grip was tight around his neck. The demon's face was sickening and twisted.

"Let go of me, demon scum." Tilion's eyes glowed defiantly. The demon spit in his face.

"We have our trump card."[/b][/size]
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[color=green] Just as Gam and Legnakrad were about to reach the castle, they heard a loud ruckus. They ran to the other side of some rocks and saw a full-on battle in progress. They arrived just in time to help dispatch some angels and see Tilion captured. Gam turned to face Legnakrad. "Well, more good news!"

They were now part of a large group heading for the castle. Upon Entering Lucifer already knew of Gam's exploits. "Good work, Child, thought it would have been better if you had killed Artemus. He shall heal, you know. Then you will have to dispatch him, if you get another chance."

After this Tilion was presented before him. "A good catch. He will be useful. Were all the others killed? I find the thought of Angels eternally resting here supremely amusing." He smirked to himself. "There is much to be done, and He will need to be contacted about his fallen soldier here." Lucifer pointed to Tilion at this point, "You will tell me things. Things I need to know about what is going on in Heaven." At this point Tilion was dragged away.

Legnakrad stood before Lucifer, knowing that he must know the secret to bringing down Heaven, but thoughts of Nymphanie came to mind instead. Gam was leaving when Legnakrad turned from Lucifer to ask about Nymphanie. "You know as well as I, Legnakrad, she has betrayed us. She must pay, not only with her life, but watching me take the life of her new love." Gam then turned to leave. [/color]
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[i][color=darkblue]Legnakrad stood silently as Gam left the room.
"Well? What did you want to see me for? Come on, I don't have forever." Lucifer said impatiently.
"I came here to dis-cuss your victory, sire. I-I believe I know the weakness of Heaven." Legnakrad said. There was no turning back now. She had to tell him.
"Yes, and? What is it?" Lucifer asked as a small child would when they wish to know the contents of a wrapped present.
"It's- well..." Legnakrad sighed, she didn't want to bring suffering to her best friend, but what other choice did she have? "The weakness is GOD. He doesn't really want to fight. He may act like he does, but inside he doesn't. He's hoping that this war will not go on long. So I think that if we formulate a plan to draw back for a little while and let them think the war's over and we surrender, than GOD will order his troops to pull back as well. After that we wait until they're off their guard and slaughter their army. After their army is slaughtered, we sould be able to get at the residents and GOD easily and not even the great "Angel of Chaos" will be able to stop us."
"Yes... yes... wonderful!" Lucifer exclaimed, quite happily (for him, at least). Then he was serious again as if a new thought crossed his mind. "Legnakrad, that's al wonderful, but how do you suggest we get into Heaven in the first place?!"
"Easy. There's a secret entrance in the clouds about a hundred kilometers east of the main gate. The residents use it to either hide in the mountains during war, or to get supplies during war. They haven't stationed any guards there in case we noticed it."
"Well, how do we get through that? Surely it's monitored by someone." Lucifer said as if nothing would ever work out for him.
"Easy, again. Send Gam to the front gate and have her bow and tell the guards how she's repented and what not and how she wishes to follow GOD and not you. They will let her in. Then she can find the angels monitoring the entrance and take care of them, if you know what I mean. She can then let our forces in and all we'll have to do until then is organize a surprise attack on Heaven's troops to kill them right away and then the only thing standing between you and Heaven is GOD and perhaps Artemus, but they should be easy enough for you to handle, especially since Gam is going to take care of Artemus, so it only leaves GOD to you. What do you say, my lord? Are you willing to try it?"
"Hmmm... yes. Call back the troops and send in Gam. I wish to tell her of the plan to make sure she agrees. You're desmissed."
Legnakrad bowed. "Yes, my lord." And she left, feeling baad as to betraying her friend, but also feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders with the slam of the heavy iron doors.[/color][/i]
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[color=green]Gam returned to the palace at the command of Lucifer. The plan was concisely relayed to her. "It may work, my Lord. It is a good plan. I just have one worry. Nymphanie must assume it was my arrows that fell their heroes. She will be in motion to guard against me. Also, Angels can read your soul, and they will know I am not to be trusted at that point. I shall try though, Lord, if it is your wish."

"It is my wish, Gam. If you fail, they will kill you, and just as well for me."

"My Lord, why have I fallen into such disfavor? How have I failed you that deeply?"

"Gamaliel! You were to gather me information and bring me a young half-dragon general. Your information was sketchy, at best,and now, your cover is blown, the half-dragon's faith is stronger than ever, our strong ally is defeated and the Angel of Chaos has returned to Splendor! The Pride of God is now our best weapon, the pride of God and his willingness to forgive. No go from here, and if you cannot succeed in this mission, you may as well throw yourself upon the blade of Artemus, and save me the trouble of killing you myself."

[i]Well, if he's trying to help my repentance performance be realistic, it may work. He's never been so angry at me before, or treated me so harshly. Shall I ever win his favor back, or shall I follow Nymphanie? Join the ranks of our enemy... Stop it, Gam. You will make it into Heaven, and from there, you shall win the war! But for which side?[/i][/color]
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OOC: at this point, I would like to say that I do not wish for this RP to end with God or Satan dying, the main reason being that I wish to make a sequel... with different characters and everything.

You'll see. Eventualy.

IC: After Artemus walked away, heading for uncertain liberation, Nymphanie seemed to sink into the soft ground. Depression for Artemus was one thing, but Nymphanie was not as strong as he.

Delnoreth did his best to comfort her, but she was obviously uncomfortable around half-dragon, wich she had undoubtedly slayed many of.

She had probably heard Delnoreth talking with Artemus, speaking of the half-dragon's unimportance in the world of imortals. It was true, that as far as imortality went, even demons were higher up then they were.

But it couldn't be helped. Maybe that's what kept them all going.
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"Artemus....Artemus, Angel of Chaos....wake my son....wake..."[/b] a marvelous, soft voice rang through the silver mist.

Artemus lay on a bed of white roses, his wing and roses stained with stark red. The voice of sheer magnificance danced in Artemus' ears, his eyes flittered open. Not knowing where he was, Artemus quickly stood up. He lost his balance, due to the rendered wing, and fell into the golden waters.

[b]"Artemus, you know where you are?"[/b] the angelic voice chuckled.

[b]"I-I am home.."[/b] Artemus stood on his knees and gazed about.

[b]"Yes, home,"[/b] a soft glow appeared infront of Artemus.

He smiled and slowly bowed. From the silver mist and soft glow, a woman appeared. Her silky, creamy wings spread into what seemed neverending. Her dark brownish-golden hair flowed down her back and floated atop of the water. Her smile filled Artemus with splendorous joy.

[b]"Shalynndria, Mother,"[/b] tears swelled in Artemus' eyes.

[b]"It has been far too long. You are injured,"[/b] her soft eyes glistened with worry and she dropped to her knees beside Artemus, looking over his injured wing.

[b]"Yes, if I cannot mend my wing....I will become mortal, and lose everything I have struggled to get back........and I will lose Nymphanie,"[/b] his voice trailed off in despair.

[b]"Nymphanie, a new rank for God's army? I have seen this Nymphanie in my dreams, she is very loyal and very beautiful,"[/b] Shalynndria pulled a strand of her hair from her head and dipped it in the waters.

[b]"Yes, she is. Nymphanie captured my heart the moment we looked into eachother's eyes. Never have I felt such a way before. I was frightened at first, but her smile....her smile settled all uncertainties, set aside all fear, only to fill my heart with pleasure in just being in her presence,"[/b] Artemus looked to his mother.

Shalynndria then wrapped the golden strand of hair around Artemus' wing. She smiled and took Artemus' face into her slender, smooth hands. Artemus held onto his mother's hands as she drew closer. She planted a gentle, light kiss on Artemus' lips. Her comforting warmth spread throughout Artemus, his wing began to tingle with both heat and chill. His body engulfed with Shalynndria's aura. She released Artemus and stood, took his hands, pulling him to his feet.

[b]"Go now, my son. I feel this war is about to procede into darkness. You must hurry back to Delnoreth and Nymphanie. Here, take this and give it to Delnoreth, for his wound,"[/b] Shalynndria traced her son's face with a delicate finger, then handed him a blue vile filled with a healing tonic.

Artemus bowed and kissed his mother on the cheek, [b]"I will come back..and with Nymphanie. Thank you, Mother."[/b]

Shalynndria smiled and faded along with the surroundings. Artemus spun around to find himself standing within the city. He ran to the house where he left Nymphanie and Delnoreth. Stretching his wings, he smiled. His injured wing felt as if it hadn't even been touched. He reached the house and burst through the doors. Nymphanie jumped from the bed and ran to Artemus.

[b]"Your wing,"[/b] she threw her arms around Artemus.

He held her close. Her smell so light and soothing. Running his fingers through her hair, Artemus looked to Delnoreth. Delnoreth nodded as if to say "welcome back''.

[b]"Delnoreth, drink this,"[/b] Artemus tossed the blue vile at Delnoreth.
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[color=green]Gamaliel sat in the woodman's cottage, planning her approach of the pearly gates. [i]This is a fool's errand[/i] she thought to herself. [i]He wants me to die...Ha! He'd have to deal with me for eternity then.[/i] She took the opportunity to laugh at her own bad joke. She was pacing. She had not been able to stop moving since she was given her new mission. She was really frightened. It was a fairly new concept for her.

"I just have to suck it up and go, soon," she said aloud. She armed herself with her knives and bow. She left the hellish quiver in her house, though. Gam walked to a human cathedral. [i]This seems like a sincer start.[/i] Gam entered the building and felt rather nervous, she had never been in a church before. She looked around, rather impressed at the design and beauty of the building.

She didn't know what came next. She just kind of stared until she hear a voice behind her. "Is there anything I can do for you?" She turned to face a man she could only assume was some kind of clergyman.

"I wish to serve God." It was the only response that she could think of.

The man smiled at her. "Dear child, that is admirable. In what capacity do you wish to serve Him?"

"Father," she hoped this was the right title for him, "I am a sinner, and am not worthy to serve Him." She said it with such sincerity, she almost believed herself. She just hoped that he wouldn't ask her to confess her sins.

"Child, that is a large step in the right direction, just admitting so. Do you pray, ask for redemption?"

"Never before, Father. I have never had any thoughs of such a thing until recently."

"Pray with me, then."

Gam followed the the clergyman to a pew and knelt beside him. She could not help but envy the simplicity of this man life, all he needs, he believes his God will provide him. She watched as he bowed his head and folded his hands and did as he did. "Lord, help show this lonely child the way to you. She has made the first step and looks to You help to her find her way to You." She listened to him as he prayed for her. She wondered where inside himself he found the capacity to care for others like that. She had never felt such a thing.

When he was finished, they rose. "Thank you, Father. I am feeling much better now. I will be back to see you."

"I shall look forward to it." The man showed her to the door and watched as she flew away into the sky. She was heading for the Gates. When she arrived, she was met with emnity form the guards. She surrendered to crossbow and arrows without promting. The angels were rather confused by this.

"I am Gamaliel. I am sure by now you know of me. I am a messenger from Lucifer. I carry a message for God. I have surrendered my weapons, and I request an audience with God."

[i][b]She shall be permitted.[/b][/i] A voice rang out in the air. Gam was led to the throne room. She was not left alone, which was to be expected.

"God, I am sent with a message for you from Lucifer. We have taken Tilion, an Angel in Your service. He is now a captive of hell. There are also the bodies of other angels now stuck in Hell, having been killed there. I am here to notify you of them and see what kind of deal you may wish to strike for them." Gam knew this was not the mission, and she would probably burn for it, but what else could she do?[/color]
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Delnoreth caught the vile and observed it's contents for a few moments. He was going to ask what it was, but seeing Artemus and Nymphanie in such bliss together swayed him away from disturbing them. He gulped down the fluid and felt on the verge of passing out a moment. Then he realized that what he was feeling was not pain, but pure excstasy(sp?). He could nearly feel the angelic medicine traveling threw his body and into the wound the arrow had made.

Then, Artemus stiffened, and turned his head in the direction of the gates. Nymphanie seemes to shudder like a person remembering an old pain.

"Evil enters the gates." and with out further word, Artemus flew off. Nymphanie and Delnoreth followed, right up to the netrance to God's throne room. They could almost see through the velvety doors.

Artemus spoke, "A demon?" But Delnoreth recognized the foreign form immediately as one like himself. A female no less.

But as they watched, the doors opaqued, and it was obvious that God did not want them peeking in on their conversation.
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[size=1]Tilion hung shackled by the wrists. His wings hang limp, as if too tired to carry on. Sweat gleamed on his forehead from the constant inferno that is the underworld. His naked chest bloody from constant lashings from whips held by the demons. Every few hours, which felt like eons to Tilion, a demon would come by and try to interrogate him. But Tilion would never give up his secrets.

They had piled his comrade's bodies in front of him. The sight at such splendour destroyed made Tilion extremely weak. [b][i]They all fought and died for what they believed in.[/i][/b] This was his only comforting thought at the sight.

[b][i]That is how I will leave also, fighting for what is right: Justice.[/i][/b][/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[color=green][b][i]You were in my house earlier. The priest asked me to help you. Now you are in my realm. You were not sent here to talk to me about Tilion. I have already been sent a messenger about Tilion, and you have no power to negotiate. You are here for other reason, Gamaliel. I am God, Child, and I know that you are a servant of evil. What are your intentions here?"[/b][/i]

Gam was struck by the candidness of God's comments. She almost laughed at the way He conducted Himself. He acussed her of evil, and yet made her feel alright with that, all in one sentence.

"God, I apologize for my informality. I do not know how to adress you."

[b][i]God will do.[/b][/i]

"I am here, God, with intentions to end this war. I am falling in rank in Satan's army, and it is due to the inclement war. I wish to regain my rank and I cannot do that if this war continues. I am here on a mission that was meant for my death. I am surely going to be killed if the war continues, adn I am looking out for myself by coming here."

[b][i]I do not want this war either, Gamaliel. I will only fight to save My peoples and and My realm. Lucifer will not corrupt Heaven.[/i][/b]

"I look to end this war, by any means," Gam said resolutely.

[i][b]Any Means? You are not to be trusted, by my side, or even your own in such a case. Why would you think that I would help your selfish ends?[/b][/i]

"If you don't help me, I can beome quite a thorn in your side...or the side of some of your servants and allies..."

[b][i]DO NOT THREATEN ME, GAMALIEL! If I felt you to be that much of a threat, you would never leave this room...Not a bad fate for one such as yourself.[/b][/i]

"I am just one mortal, but you do not want this war, and neither do I. I bring you an Aliiance of need and desperation, not one that I want to happen to want.[/color]
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