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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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OOC: yeah...I'm a jackass now.... not that it isn't what i wanted in the beginning.... ummm nvm.

IC: Kaz hoped along the tree branches without any effort at all. He looked down at his solidary Katar," I need to find a black smith. Wonder if I can go to India from a teleport? Might as well try it." Kaz said and stood on a branch and concentrated so hard that the earth around the tree began to quake, and then with a *POOF* was out of sight.
When Kaz became de-'ported he found himself in a foriegn country, not Japan, maybe not even India. He stood and looked at the souuroundings and found himself looking at a small village that seemed out of place. Upon investigating the quaint little village he indeed found a black smith." How can i be of survice to you my young lord?" the black smith asked.
" I need a new set of Katar, like this one." Kaz replied dropping the Katar into the ground with a loud clang," Just a bit lighter, and sharper. Ohh and sharpen these, too, please." Kaz continued handing over the bloodied Kunai ( Aconite's daggers).
" Very well, Sire." and the Black smith went to work. Kaz decided to strike u a conversation with the guy," So where are we?"
" You are in the Dark realm, Sire. Only those with great dark powers may enter this place, that is why I am making these weapons for you."
" Dark realm? Great Dark Powers? What are you talking about?"
" You did not know? The great Lord Oda Nobunaga opened this realm with the deamon lords, only those of great power come here, that or those with powers that they do not yet understand. So , sire which are you? The Lord or the Child?"
" I'm not real sure, but i'd say the Lord." KAz replied unsure of himself.
Sometime passed and sure enough the black smith, made the new Katar, except these were glowing with a crimson/ black swirl around them.
"What is this arounf the blades?" Kaz asked.
" That is the power of the Dark Realm bestowed upon those who are powerful."
" Really?" Kaz said and gracefully bowed away, walking towards the spot inwhich he came here. Witht he same magnetude of the concetration, he 'ported back to the same tree. nothing had changed, but now the others were looking for him, franticly.
"KAZ! WHERE ARE YOU?" Katana yelled. Kaz teleported behind her and yelled in her ears:" I'M OVER HERE THERE'S NO NEED TO YELL!"
Katana screamed and smacked him several times, " Don't you ever do that again!"
"Sorry, ahh do you wuv me, Kat?" Kaz asked.
" What? No! shut up we have to go." she said. walking off.
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[size=1][color=navy]Heh, sorry Junyi. My new favorite thing to call everyone is a sick bastard, so, no hard feelings kay? ^^ I'll try and make it look like he isn't bad anymore. :p
It was easy to tell Kaz was back by Katana's quick reaction. Kurumi tensed down a bit. She was a little worried about where he had gone, thinking it might have been her fault. She watched Kaz sit in the tree he had reappeared on. Kurumi quietly walked up to the tree and jumped to where Kaz was. She slowly sat down by him. Kurumi looked at him, he was looking straight ahead at the sunrise. "Sorry 'bout before. I just had... a lot on my mind and stuff. I guess I miss home more than I let on.... So, forgive me for acting like an ***?" Kurumi asked unsure. Kaz paused a moment then looked to her.
"No hard feelings. People always have those days, I understand." Kaz replied with a small smile. Kurumi blushed slightly but nodded and smiled back. They both sat there for awhile looking at the sunrise.
After a few minutes Kurumi heard a snicker, picked up a heavy branch and chucked it behind her. It had obviously hit her target since she heard a large bump and an 'ouch'. She turned around to see an unconcious Yuka lying on the ground with a large bump on her head.
"Miss Kurumi, Kaz! It's time for breakfast that it is!" Kenshin shouted out to the two. The others had already headed inside to eat... well, exept for Yuka, who still lay on the ground. Kaz and Kurumi couldn't help but laugh as they passed her. Her experession was rather strange and amusing.
When everyone had started eating, Kenshin came in with the awoken Yuka. She looked iratated but settled down when she saw the food. And so everyone enjoyed a good breakfast... mostly, not counting Kaoru's cooking.[/color][/size]
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I don't care Conna, i rather liked it. Now to play wiht the Cool Katar now! that was repetitive.

Kaz sat back and pat his stomach and 'ported outside to try out his new Katar,
" Where'd you get those, Kaz?" Kurumi said as she walked towards him.
" A black smith in a town....So? You know what Kurumi? I kinda like you, you're alll nice and I'd like to help you with that family history of yours. Tell you the truth you'd probably be the oinly one i'd ever talk to back in school." He confessed.
" Uhhhh....Kaz?" Kurumi stuttered.
"Oh. nevermind... now watch this." Kaz said looking towards the forest he stared out and stated roaring with power and slammed his Katar blades into the ground. A large quake started erupting in the forest and then a large land formation stood out with trees atop it. Taking the Katar out of the ground he aimed them at te Formation and a large blast of water hit the mass, shearing it in half.
"Wow , that was invigorating. Now to explain to Kaoru what happened to her forrest."
" Uhhh... How'd you do that?" Kit said running out with his sword drawn.
Kaz burst out with laughter," That old man never said anything abbout the se things amplifying my powers!"
" What old man, Kaz?" Katana yelled.
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[size=1][color=royalblue]I am going to fill in for me being a lazy a*s. Also, I have a note at the bottom that pertains to Junyi in particular. ^_~ (No, not like that...)
Katana huffed a sigh, holding herself back from bashing Kaz repeatidly on the head. She merley turned around and walked back to the dojo, her shoulders hunched up.
"What's her problem?" Kaz asked aloud. Katana, pissed off enough already, was in no mood to take the talking. She held up a hand, the palm facing Kaz, and shot out a large beam. It hit Kaz, surrounding him in a thick glacier.
"S-s-so...c-c-cold..." he stuttered, unable to move any part of his body. Kurumi and Kit took this as a good time to finally laugh at him.
Katana opened the door into the dojo. She then snooped around, hoping to see Kenshin. She suddenly had this violent urge to spar with someone, and Kenshin was the perfect canidate to test her amutaer abilities.
"Yahiko," she said quickly to the boy who was passing by. "Have you seen Kenshin?"
Yahiko tapped a finger to his chin for a second. "He's in the kitchen, last time I checked. Why-" He turned around to see that Katana was gone. He scowled.
"Damn good-for-nothing older kids..." He steamed off, mumbling curses.
Katana's sandals beat hard against the wooden floor. A spark of determination flashed into her eyes. Her hair was wrapped tightly into the normal ponytail, the top of her head surrounded by the turban. The two swords clinked at her waist as Katana walked faster and harder.
"Kenshin," she said, peeping her head into the kitchen. There he was, scrubing away at dishes. Katana walked up to him.
"Kenshin? Kennnnnnnnnnshinnnnnnnnnn?" She thought for a moment. "BOO!"
"AHH!" Kenshin dropped the bowl he had been cleaning, which fell into the pail filled with soapy water (they had soap in the Meiji Era, right...?). He turned around, oro eyed.
"Yes Miss Katana?"
"I was wondering if you could spar with me."
"I. Was. Wondering. If. You. Could. Spar. With. Me-"
"Yes yes, I heard the first time, that I did. But why do you wish to do battle?"
Katana shrugged. "I'm bored, I guess."
"You're - bored? Oro?"
She thwapped Kenshin over the head. "Shut up! Never mind, I'll go find Yuka or something. At least she's entertaining." Katana strolled off, leaving Kenshin confused.

"YUKA!" she yelled loudly, heading towards the sleeping quarters. "YO! YUKA! YUKKKKKKKKAAAAAAA?!?!"
"Yah yah, I'm here." The door leading to Katana's, Kurumi's, and Yuka's room opened, revealing a sleepy and red-eyed Yuka. She rubbed her eyes, which had bags under them.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, I feel so great that I can do fifty sprints! I'm tired, dammit. Couldn't get to sleep last night after the police attack."
Katana held back laughter, failing badly as her cheeks puffed out and she giggled.
"Where'd ya get the robe?"
"Hnn? This? Oh-" Yuka yawned, "-Got it from Kaoru. Said it was her's when she was little."
"Mmm. Well, see you later." Yuka nodded and closed the door.
[i]Now what'm I gonna do?[/i]
Alrighty, note to Kaz-y....it's about the whole powers thing. I know you're the heart guy, but I don't think it's fair to the rest of us if you can do each of our abilities. It's like your the best or whatever. So, ah, let's think of something for heart..hnn....*thinks*[/color][/size]
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Note to Kat-y: I never was heart i originaly was wind, you guys gave me the heart thing. You said it yourself about 100 or so posts ago when i teleported and you did the whole Golden Sun thing. Remember? Ahh well.....powers to be with heart? Grrrrr...pbrings back old memories of Captain Planet... I'm not going to ask animals for help damn it!

Hours past before the ice melted and Kaz was able to move again. He was pale and his lips had turned blue," Grr..You guys suck you know that?" he said as he fell to the ground.
" What hapened to Kaz?" Amaya asked.
" He pissed Katana off, and so she turned him into a Kaz-cicle" Kit said laughing.
" Ohh....umm shouldn't we get him warm or something?" Amaya continued.
" Nah! He'll be fine in a little while, he's okay...I think any way." Kit told her.
After another few hours Kaz finally awoke, it had turned dark outside and no one was around. He looked around as he stood up, still he found no one. 'Where'd they go?' he thought.

OOC: bell rang reiteration later. Mean Katana lady.
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Is it just me, or has xxchaosfaeriexx not posted in a while? anywho...

Kit wandered away from the scene, still laughing at the 'Kaz-circle'. He wandered the dojo for a while, the sounds of everyday life continued as if nothing had happened the last week (we been here that long, right?) Kit reached out to Amaya with his mind.
'[COLOR=DarkRed]Amaya? Where are you?[/COLOR]'
'[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'm at the court yard, watching Katana and Yuka spar.[/COLOR]'
Kit grinned, this would be worth watching. He ran to the courtyard, snagging a bowl of rice balls, not noticing that kourou(sp?) had made them. He found amaya sitting in a wooden chair she had moved out there. She looked at him, a smiling light graced her eyes, and light up her face.
'It's great being twiterpatted'

kit sat next to amaya, passing her a riceball. Katana and Yuka were sparring furiously. Katana began with a leaping roundhouse kick. Yuka grabbed her ankle and tried to throw her over her shoulder. But katana kicked into her back as she was being pulled, she then backflipped of her back, sending Yuka sprawling into the rocks.

Yuka got up, fuming. She cartwheeled over to Katana, gathering herself up in a ball on the second spin, and sprung feet first at her. Katana smirked as she easily side stepped, never noticing Yuka's fist till it plowed into her gut. Yuka grabbed hold, kicking katana's legs out from under her, before throwing her to the ground.

"I though you said they were sparing, not killing each other." Amaya grind at Kit's bewildered face.
"This is sparing for them, the only way to get better is to try right?" Kit nodded in agreement, then bit into a riceball, Amaya did the same. Both of them chewed for a minute, then their eyes went wide. Both spat out the Rice, coughing and hacking.
"Gahh! *cough cough*...bleagh...why would...*choke cough wheeze* give me one of Kaouros(Sp?) riceballs! *Hack*"

"*Choke, gack!* I...*Cough cough cough* didn't know! *wheeze* ugh, these things are *Choke* nasty!" both teens sweatdropped when they saw Kouro standing in front of them.
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*bows* GOMENNNNN!!!!! I'm really sorry... I had major writer's block, plus I was kinda confused.... ^^;;;
Kaoru looked hurt. "I'm tired of having people complain about my food!" she yelled.
"We're sorry, Kaoru-dono," Kit mumbled. Amaya nodded nervously.
"That's it. I'm getting Kenshin to teach me. KENNNSHIINNN!!!"
"I feel kinda bad for her," said Amaya. Kit nodded. They looked at each other for a moment and blushed.
"Do you miss the present era?" Kit asked.
"I've had a lot of fun here," Amaya said slowly. "I've met friends and had experiences I never thought I could have... But I really miss my dad. He's probably worried sick about me. I didn't have any friends back home, but I was always happy with him... Not to mention I've been [I]aching[/I] to play Final Fantasy." Kit smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind Amaya's ear. "But if we go back now... at least I have friends." She found herself lost in his eyes...
Wah, I can't write long posts. n.n;;
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Kit leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. Both turned redder than they were a moment before.
"I'll always be there for you, you know." Amaya smiled, still staring into the silver pools that were his eyes, she saw total honesty and twitterpation there.
"I know." To high pitched voices ryhmed in tune...
"Kit and Amaya! Sittin in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes the love! Then comes the marriage! Then Comes the baby in the baby carriage! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"
Both girls had stopped sparing momentarily to watch them, and tease them.
" :flaming: WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT CHILDISH SONG!" both girls leapt up to their feet and sparred even harder with each other. Fists flew, kicks were kicked, hair was pulled, and kidneys killed.

*POOF!* Kaz appeared in front of Kit.
"It's our turn to spar!" Kit sweatdropped as Kaz struck a heroic pose.
sorry writers block now...ow...
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[size=1][color=navy]Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile. My mom had hid the cable to the internet, but I found it. Ah ha! But I can only get on at night when everyone is sleeping.
Kurumi had found another tree to sit in. This time she was watching Kaz and Kit start to spar. Kurumi climbed higher in the tree while watching the two take their first steps. She had reached the top of the tree and gracefully stood on a branch. The boys had both taken out their weapons, Kit made the first move. He hurled himself forward, not making to slash with his weapon, but to hit with his fist. How ever, Kaz side jumped just in time to dodge the blow. Kurumi was watching do carefully that she didn't notice the slight creeking below her. The branch was bending, breaking. Before she could realize it was about to break, it snapped and she fell. She quickly snagged another branch just barely with her left hand. This branch didn't hold long either and snapped as well. Kurumi fell hard onto the ground. She just sat there a moment, holding part of a branch in her left hand.
Everyone, besides Kit and Kaz, looked at her. She did not notice te other girls staring and she slowly got up and wiped the dirt off her back. Kurumi climbed the tree again acting as if it didn't happen.

After Kit and Kaz were done with their spar, Kurumi headed inside to find some food. When she had checked the kitchen for leftovers, she found some rice and eggrolls. She swiped the food and placed the rice in a bowl and the eggrolls on a small plate. Kurumi went back outside where Kit and Amaya sat in a more private area chatting, Yuka and Katana were chasing each other, Yuki was eating one of her rice balls with Kenshin and Kaoru, and Kaz was disappearing and reappearing all over the place.
Kurumi sat down on a tree stump to enjoy her food. As she was eating some of her rice, there was a small 'poof' behind her and Kaz snatched one of her eggrolls. He stood on the stump right behind her and bit into the eggroll with satisfaction. "Heh." Kurumi said to herself almost.
"What? You aren't going to fight back?" Kaz asked in a suprised manor, "I guess I'm just so used to those two." He pointed to Yuka and Katana going at eachother's throats. Kurumi let out a small laugh.
"No, really, I don't mind at all. Help yourself for all I care." Kurumi said while motioning to the eggrolls.
"Then don't mind if I do." Kaz replied and took two others. He sat on the other end of the stump behind her. So they were back to back, just eating eggrolls and rice.
Eh, I got nothing more. This may be my last post for a bit, soooo... yeah. I'll try and get on whenever I can![/color][/size]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]Writter's block is evil...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]----------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"Kenshin..how come my riceballs never come out the right shape or have the right taste?" Yuki asked, after biting into her second riceball. "Well Ms. Yuki, I'm not quite sure, but I think the reason for is the same for Ms. Kaoru." He answered. "In any case, would you like to go get some more groceries with me? We're all out because of your and Ms Kaoru's cooking lessons." Yuki nodded. Suddenly she heard a crack and a loud thump. Kurumi fell out of a tree. Figuring that she went right back up again, Yuki didn't bother to ask if she was OK.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yuki started to walk out.[i] We're going shopping for food. If we need anything I'll call.[/i] Yuki thought to everyone else. After they got to the market, they heard an unwelcomed voice. [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"You there! You're under arrest for assaulting numorous Police Swordsmen." [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Yuki sighed, figuring she was the only one there who could possibly be charged with such a crime. "Listen. I don't want to fight you, and trust me you don't want to fight me. So for your sake, I suggest you leave me be!" Yuki told the group of Police Swordsmen. "Now Ms. Yuki, please don't--" Kenshin started to say. "You shall also be arrested for possesing a sword! Give it up, as well as yourself!" Said the Policeman. Yuki pulled out her sword, ignoring both the policeman and Kenshin, and got into a fighting stance. Innocent citizens cleared the middle of the street, but gathered around to watch them.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"This is worse than fights at school." Yuki muttered. [i]Policeswordsman... WHY'D YOU GUYS HAVE TO KILL ALL THE ONES YOU DID?!?!?![/i] Yuki thought to the middle schoolers. [i]Right! We're on our way! Don't have too much fun though![/i] Yuka answered. Yuki took a step forward, broke into a run and started slashing at the swordsmen. Figuring she didn't want to kill them and she wasn't really trying her best, she barely got a bad injury on them. "YUUUUKI!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE HEEEEREE!!!!!" Katana shouted, pushing her way through Kenshin and Kaoru. Right after her came Yuka, Amaya, Kit, and Kurumi. Kaz poofed in right after Katana came into the scene.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]The crowd had spoken a few of their thoughts during the Middle Schooler's fight. Things like, "See that boy, the way he poofs around like that! He's a demon!" and "These children are as good as dead. No one defeats the Police Swordsmen." Yuki sighed when she heard the things. "Amaya, distract them with a circle of flames around them. Then we can escape." Yuki told her.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Amaya did so, and they dragged Katana and Yuka away while everyone else followed. Whe nthey got there, they all sat down near each other. "Well, that's a reason to be anti-social here." Yuki said as she got up to help Kenshin put away the small amount of food they were able to get.[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1][color=royalblue]"Yuka?" Katana asked.
"Do you think you could toast marshmallows?"
Yuka lifted herself up from her slouched position, turning to look at the seventh grader. "Okay, that was completly random, even for you."
Katana rolled her eyes. "I mean, if we had marshmallows, and chocolate, and some graham crackers, could create s'mores. That is, if you could produce heat from your Light powers."
Yuka thought for a moment on this. "I...like s'mores..."
[i]Poof[/i]. Katana looked to see Kaz hanging upside down from a nearby tree branch. "Hey, what's going on? Feminine moment?"
Katana clenched a fist. "Do you wanna be a Kaz ice cream cone this time?"
Kaz waved his arms around. "Okay okay! Gone!" Another poof, and he had left.
Yuka stood up. "Alright."
"Alright what?"
"Let's go get some s'mores!"
Katana sweatdropped. "W-what? Are you even sure they had marshmallows and graham crackers back...ah...here?"
Yuka grinned. "We'll so find out, won't we?"
Katana sighed. "Why is it I don't like the look in your eyes?"
"Let's just say while we're out "shopping" for supplies and everyone thinks we're not doing anything, it'll be a good chance to have some fun."
Katana smiled. "Why is it sixth graders are never smart unless it's for an act of stupidity?"

"Kenshin, we're going out," Katana called out.
"Alright! Would you please bring back some tofu from the market if you have time?"
"Uh, yeah, sure!" Yuka yelled as she and Katana scrambled out of the Kamiya dojo.
As they walked the streets, the comment of "Hey! Those assasins!" or "Those kid killers!" was naturally common. Many shop owners hid in the back room as Yuka investigated marshmallow-like objects and Katana was reading a tag about cocoa plants.
"You have to add sugar...and crush it...and...dance in front of it...on the first Tuesday of May...on the night of a full moon?" Katana looked at Yuka. "What the hell is this?"
"19th century stuff. They were idiots. Hey sir!" Yuka was waving one of the white objects, "Could you tell me what this is?"
The man choked and stuttered. "T-t-that's a-a-a-a m-m-m-m-arshm-m-mallow p-p-plant. Please don't hurt me!" he added quickly.
Yuka blinked, than laughed. "Dude, I'm not going to hurt ya! Maybe Katana here would, but not me!"
"Hey! Shut up!" Katana halfed yelled, halfed hissed at the laughing Yuka. The store owner was laughing nervously.
"How much?"
"20 yen a plant, miss. Will that be all?"
"Nope. Kat! Got what you need yet?"
"Ah...yeah, I think so."
"30 yen please."
Katana looked at the man questioningly. "Why are these so expensive?"
"Their imports. The plant is from India and the cocoa beans are from Spain."
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[color=darkslateblue]Yaayy..Yuka Katana moment. Hey, when do you plan ending this anyway?

Yuka shrugged as she took the marshmellows, and left the store. Everyone stared at them, scared a bit.
"Well, I bet these aren't imported from India or Spain. I bet they are from here except they charged us extra!"
"Well...we killed policemen. Does that make any sense?"
"I dunno."
Katana sighed, and she spotted the market. One thing caught her eye.


Katana tapped Yuka's shoulder. Yuka turned to her, stopping in her tracks, and looked at Katana. Katana pointed to the market with a shelf of tofu. Unfortunately, one was left in stock.
"Damnnnn," Yuka whispered. "Ok, let's go-"
Then someone grabbed the tofu.
"Holy ****," Katana only said.
"MY TOFFFUUUU!!!" Yuka suddenly yelled, as she started to chase after the man with tofu. The man suddenly jumped, then began running. Katana stared blankly as Yuka chased after the man.
"It's for to feed my family! I have hardly any food!"
"Grow crops you dumbass!"
The man kept running, tofu in his arms.
"COME BACKKK HEERRREE!!!" Yuka yelled. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Yeah what is it Katana?"
"We need that tofu!"
"I want to chase a penguin one day."
"So do I."
Katana and Yuka began to run faster, catching up.
Katana reached her arms out, and grabbed the cape on the man. He fell backwards, onto Katana.
Yuka stopped in her tracks, seeing Katana swirly eyed, with the man on top of her. Katana twitched her left eye.
Yuka knelt down, to reach her hand in the man's pocket. She grabbed out a lot of yen, then took the tofu.
"You can use this money you fraud. Stealin tofu to save your own money..YOU'RE ACTIN LIKE ME GOOD FOR NOTIN SISTER!!"
"Yuka, calm down," Katana said, still under the man. "As for me, I CAANNN''TTT!!"
"Get off giant dude!"
The man rolled off of Katana, and Yuka suddenly grabbed the package of tofu out of her hands.
"No! That's a bad boy! You need to learn to buy things on your own!"
Katana sat up, and stared at Yuka.
"Come on Yuka, let's go before we scare any more people to death."


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  • 2 weeks later...
[size=1][color=navy]Jeez, I'm gonna have nothing to write, but someone has to get this thing moving!
After Kurumi was done with her eggrolls and rice, she got up from the stump and stretched. Kaz had disappeared again after he was done eating. Kurumi had started some simple stretches when Katana and Yuka ran back up to the dojo with the groceries. They jumped over Kurumi and ran inside. She shrugged and went back to stretching. There was another poof and Kurumi looked up to see Kaz in front of her, he was holding a small grey cat. Kaz set it down beside Kurumi and said, "I found this 'round back. You can have it." and then disappeared again. She watched the kitten lick itself, it was being careful to get every single spot. Once it stopped Kurumi picked it up and started to pet it.
"Pet the kitty, pet the kitty, pet the kitty...." She said in a funny voices as she rubbed under it's chin, it started to purr very softly. Kurumi then noticed she was the only one outside still, so she got up quietly with kitten in arms and walked toward the dojo.
Eh, I don't know what else to write.... but I hope people start replying again! ^_^[/color][/size]
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[color=seagreen][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]"Oh my gosh! Its a kitty!" Yuki yelled as she saw Kurumi walk in with the kitten. "Its so cute! Awww! Kurumi, where'd you find it?" She asked. "Um...Kaz found it. He gave it to me." She answered, suprised by Yuki's sudden lack of shyness. "Kenshin! Do we have a small fish?" Yuki asked Kenshin who just happen to be behind them. "Um...yes I belive so. but its for dinner that it is." Kenshin told her, eying the cat suspiciously. "You're right. Ok then. I'll just go to the river and catch my own then!" She told him, starting to walk out. Kurumi and Kenshin watched her leave.[/size][/font][/color]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"Kittens need food. And I know that. I have three cats back home. But since this era hasn't invented cat food, we have to improvise." Yuki told Kaoru as she was making a deformed fishing pole. "Hey Yuka, have you found the worms yet?" Yuki yelled. Yuka came from behind a tree with a small bowl of worms. "I've got the bait. You've got the fishing poles. Lets go!" Yuka said smiling. Yuka and Yuki ran off without another word.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]When they got to a decent place on the shore of the river, they ploped themselves down and put the bait on the hooks. They cast out and waited.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]------------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]I've got no more time[/color][/size][/font]
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Hey Katana? When were you thinkin of ending this, considering we've killed off lots of evil things in the area. :D

Kit wandered the courtyard by himself, his dark clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb in the daylight. He breathed deeply, stretching his arms back, his little spar with Kaz had been fun. Rememberign their match, he rubbed his swollen jaw. Kaz had landed a solid kick to his face, then he paid him back in full with a 2-inch punch to his gut.
Kit laughed a little to himself, then sighed again. They would be leaving this place soon, but Kit wanted something to remember it all by, a soveinier or something like that. Kurumi yelled that dinner was ready. Kit grabbed his food and at by himself, atop the branch of a tall tree, looking over the dojo.

'[I]I'm really going to miss this place, and all the poeple here. I want something to remember this place by...wait a minute.[/I] He scarfed the rest of his food, and leapt from the tree, landing on the dojo wall. It would have been a perfect landing, had the roof tile not been loose. He waved his arms, fighting to keep his balance. Kit toppled off the roof, and onto a surprised Katana.

"KIT!!!! :flaming: What the hell are you doing!" Katana kicked Kit, sending him bouncing into the wall. Recovering his shattered pride, he stood talking excitedly.

"KATANA! I got a great idea! WOOHOOO!" He ran out of the dojo, laughing excitedly. Katana stood there and sweat dropped.

"That was...odd." Kit dashed into the kitchen, nearly knocking over kenshin.

"Kit! What's the matter!" Kit giggled excitedly.

"Do you have extra clothes!"

"Yes, but why?" Kit dashed out of the kitchen shouting:

"I'll explain later!" Kit ran into Kenshins room, dragging out a pair of clothes. He changed out of his black clothes quickly, dropping his sword their too.

"I'll make extra money so we can get a picture!" Kit's grin widened to his ears. He'd never been this excited in his life...ever.
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[size=1][color=navy]People, please start posting again! I at least want to get to the end!
Kurumi watched questionally as Kit ran of mumbling happily to himself with the biggest smile she has ever seen ANYONE have. She slightly raised her eyebrow but went back to eating the yummy stirfry they had all made. The kitten was right besides her, eating a fish, and it looked as if it was rather enjoying itself. Kurumi scratched the cat lightly on it's head when she was finished and she handed the bowl over to Kenshin, who was washing the dishes once again.
[i]Now to follow Kit[/i] Kurumi though gleefully. Kurumi loved to spy on people. She ran down the path that Kit had gone, some parts were muddy, so she could easily see his footprints. As she walked farther into the woody area, she had a good hunch at where he had gone. Very soon she found herself right, the footprints that she could see went out of the woods and down the path to town. She smirked and ran down the path to town.
Once she entered the town, she kept a sharp look-out for Kit. She spotted a fish shop, shrugged and walked over. "Might as well get more food for the cat while I'm here." She said to herself. Kurumi picked up about five small fish and reached into her pocket to scramble for some money. Once she grabbed what she needed, a young man came up with a large smile on his face. She soon realized who it was. "KIT!! What are you doing?!" Kurumi yelled. He was kind of shocked to see her, but then the grin was quickly slapped onto his face again.
"You're here just in time Kurumi! You can help me make some money!" Kit exclaimed. He threw a white apron and a funny little hat at her.
"Wha--?!" Kurumi was confused.
"You can help me make money for... a picture! It's the perfect way to rememeber out good times here! So-- what do you think?" Kit explained.
"Ummmm---" Kit was staring eagerly ay her, "Uhh-- great idea Kit!" Kurumi said unsure and put a small smile on her face.
"Great! Now get your work clothes on! We need to sell some fish!" He said happily. Kurumi reluctently put on the apron and hat, but did it for Kit since he was so ecxited about it.


"Oh fun fun fun! We have been working at a friggin FISH SHOP for three hours!" Kurumi said sarcasticly.
"Now you've got the spirit!" Kit said cheerily. Kurumi just glared at him. "Oh stop being such a piss ant, I know you were being sarcastic." Kit replied to the glare. He grabbed her around the neck suddenly and said, "C'mon! Be happy! These are some of the few last days we will be here. I think it's great that we are working toward something to remember this by!"
"Yeah, me too... but why did it have to be a FISH SHOP?!" Kurumi asked angrily. Kit shrugged.
"Maybe because it was the only shop that needed people to fill jobs." Kit said.
"I couldn't imagin why...." Kurumi mumbled


"I wonder where Kurumi and Kit went?" Kaz asked as he poofed into the room where everyone was. All he got for an answer was a group shrug. He frowned and then poofed off again.


"LETS SING A SONG!" Kurumi yelled out of nowhere. Kit sweatdropped.
"Uhhumm--- alright then..." He said.
"Ok, I'll start: Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom MUSHROOM! Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mush-a-MUSHROOM!" Kit sweatdropped while Kurumi still sang, "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger ARGH! It's a snake a snake ohhhhh it's a snaaake!!!"
"STOPP!!! When does it end?!" Kit yelled over her.
"It doesn't stop, it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on---"
"I GET THE POINT!" Kit screamed, which casued many people to look there way.
"Good, then we have an understanding." Kurumi said and she went on with the song. Kit once again sweatdropped and covered his ears.
Haha, I love the badger song. :D[/color][/size]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]Yuka and Yuki came back. Yuka, soaking wet, was heaving a huge fish with a big grin on her face while Yuki was carrying two tiny fish. "KENSHIN! WE'RE BACK WITH THE FIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH!!" Yuka yelled happily. Kenshin came out of a room, and at his first sight of the fish he gasped. "You see it went like this: I felt a slight pull on the line--" Yuka started. Yuki laughed. "Yeah right! You were practically pulled into the river!" She said. Yuka glared at her and went on with the fish tale. "Anyways I started pulling it in. It put up a struggle when suddenly Yuki's crappy escuse for a fishing pole snapped! And so I jumped into the river and started wrestling the thing. Then Yuki came and well, she stabbed the fish right here!" She said pointing to a gaping hole near the dorsal fin.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"ME? YOU'RE THE ONE THAT MADE FRIGGEN BATTLE CRIES YOU OVERACTIVE 6TH GRADER!!!!" Yuki yelled. The two went into a glaring contest. Yuka suddenly turned away and gave her huge fish to Kenshin. "There's dinner." She said as she walked outside. Yuki walked into the other room, calling the cat and holding out the cat. Kenshin stood there, dumbstruck, almost tipping over in the weight f the fish.[/color][/size][/font]
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Kit Sweatdropped as kurumi's song continued while several customer's stared.

"Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom MUSHROOM! Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mush-a-MUSHROOM!" Kit sweatdropped while Kurumi still sang, "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger ARGH! It's a snake a snake ohhhhh it's a snaaake!!!"

'[I]at least it's attracting people over here...[/I]' They had, surprisingly made a lot of money, they'd get a percentage from their boss. Kit grinned at the prospect of getting a picture taken of them.

"Hey Kurumi. I think we have just about enough between the both of us to get a picture, maybe even a copy or two." Kurumi's face lit up in delight.

"Does that mean we can stop selling fish!" It was kit's turn to grin.

"Nope! We still have two more hours to go before the job's done, and there's still plenty of fish." Kit chuckled as Kurumi nearly exploded wiht frustration. She went back to singing the badger song, this time with a harsh edge to her voice.
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi had stopped singing the badger song, but had moved on to resiting some lines she knew by heart from flash movies she had seen on the internet. "Why hello there Billy! Hey, whatcha got there? Ohhh, a magic ring have you? You don't know! Well then, set it to a flame Billy, don't worry, it's quite cool. Well then! It looks like you have The One Ring!" Later on, "But remember Billy! Never put the ring on, if you do, ring wraths will come and stab you with knives! Pointy knives, that burn with the fire of a thousand evils!" Even later on, "So now that you know how to take care of The One Ri--- Hey! Where's Billy? UH OH BILLLY! Mmmmmhhhmmmmm......." Kurumi performances happened to draw even more custumers in. Kit only laughed or sweatdropped from time to time, but you could tell he was getting happier with every fish they sold.

After awhile Kit finally nagged Kurumi to stop. "Look, buddy, I'm only doing this for my [i]own[/i] amusment.... not to get us more customers!" Kurumi said irritibley.
"Well... we are almost done, just another twenty minutes to go! I was thinking you could... umm.. work [i]normally[/i] for the rest of the time." Kit told her.
"ONLY TWENTY MORE MINUTES?! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I'LL BE FREE FROM THIS WORKING HELL!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!" Kurumi yelled joyfully, causing more people to stare their way.
"Uhh... does this mean you'll work like a normal human being and be [i]quiet[/i] for the remaining time?" Kit asked spreading a slight smile on his face.
"Yeah, sure... whatever..." Kurumi said less inthused.
"Good..." Kit muttered under his breathe.
"You're welcome." Kurumi stated simply. Kit was kind of startled that she heard him, but nodded and went back to work.
And yes, I'm a Newgrounds freak. ;)[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=royalblue]When...is this going to end? How about, uh, by the 20th page, hopefully...? *dodges rotten fish*
Katana stood up, recovering from Kit's fall on her. Inside the dojo she heard Yuka and Yuki bickering about a fishpole.
[i]A fishpole,[/i] she thought, [i]Really. Well, it's weird. In this era, I've grown so accustomed to being with them all that I forget that Yuka's younger than me, Kurumi's older, and I'm...the same. They're like mein buddies, I suppose. You know, I think I would be taken German class right now in the Present but, ah, don't quote me on that. Hey, who am I talking to? Myself? Sheesh, I'm werid. Okay, mental conversation...STOP! Did it stop? Agh, dammit![/i] (I've always wanted to put that in typing...and now I'm glad I did. I think. ^^) She looked up as a bird flew by. The peaceful silence was soon interrupted by one all-too-familiar song.
"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cokaracha! LAaAaA cokaracha! Da da da da da da da! Something some-thing! Something some-thing! Da da da da da da da!" Yuka came parading out of the dojo, singing her lungs out. Katana sweatdropped and instinctivly said the magic words: "Shut up."
"Geez, when did you become such a butt, huh? Oh Kat! Have you seen the kitty yet? Kitty! HERE KITTY!" Yuka cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled loudly again. A small black cat emerged from the open back door to the dojo. It slowly crawled towards Katana, who picked it up.
"It's...a guy, I think," Katana said. "And - WAIT! I have the perfect name! You shall be known as..."
"KURONEKO-SAMA!" Yuka and Katana shouted out in unison. The poor cat, frightened half to death, made a nervous 'mow'.
"He even sounds like KNS too!" Yuka exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"I've always wanted to name a cat Kuroneko-sama. Hmm." ("There! A dream fufilled!" "More like a dream wasted." - Tomo and Yomi, Azumanga Daioh - whoops, going off track there! ^^; )
"Hey Yuk, have ya seen Kurumi? Or Kit?" Katana asked, putting the newly named Kuroneko-sama down. He scurried away quickly, running back into the dojo.
"Nope. Well, actually, Kit got some crappy clothes and headed down towards the market, but that's about it."
"Market...? Well, let's go check it out."
By the time the two got there, Kurumi had broken out in what sounded like a renindition of Heart of Sword. The crowd around the fish stand only grew as Kit and Kurumi were into their final ten minutes of work.
"Kanpeki to chau, jinsei no shuushi! Puramai zero da nanteba honto ka na!" Kurumi half sang, half yelled out.
"The thing...can sing!" Yuka said, pointing at Kurumi, sounding astonished.
"And in Japanese!" Katana finished.
Whew, haven't been here in long time...hehe. Glad to see it's alive. ^^
Kuroneko-sama Copyright to Yasohiro Togashi. WOO! I can spell the man's name by heart! (Mein thinks)[/color][/size]
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OOC: I'm really sorry I haven't posted! I wasn't sure if this was still going. ^^;;
Amaya sat under a tree and yawned, the light wind warm on her face. [I]Wonder what the others are doing... Maybe they won't mind if I take a little nap.[/I] She pulled the black tie out of the tight knot at the back of her head. She shook out her raven hair, the scarlet ends flying, feeling very relieved of her headache. "I dunno why I bother wearing it like that," she mumbled, leaning back against the large sakura tree. She felt her eyelids get heavy as a few soft pink petals floated around her. [I]I'll miss the Meiji Era... It's been great fun here. It's not every day you get to meet your favorite anime stars! But of course, when I get home, I can see Dad again. And I have friends now... very... odd... friends...[/I] With that last thought she drifted off to sleep.
Yesh it's short. >_<
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OOC: Yeah.... I'm gonna do something you guys might not like, I'm not killin' off my char' but more like makin' him the bad guy now. It might be good having a 'live' bad guy instead of us makin' it up as we go along.

Kaz came poofing in and out of the dojo, looking for something to drink, like SAKE!
[I]I wonder if they even have any Sake... I know! Kit! where are you man?[/I]
[I]At the market, selling fish so we can get a picture taken, why? Do you want me to get you something?[/I]
[I]Yeah, some Sake![/I]
[I]You aren't old enough to drink![/I]
[I]I'm older than you! I think.[/I]well now that that's over. time to go find a photographer for the Kitness.
Kaz 'ported to the middle of the market, seeing Kit and Kurumi he waved and went on to find the photographer. He saw an old man standing in an alley-way," Hey old man! Do you know where i can get a picture taken?"
The man looked up, with an eriee expression on his face, the face was remarkably similar to the nether world blacksmit.
" Do i know you old dude?"
" No you don't for i know no Demon. I can take the picture that you wish."
" REALLY?! Okay." [I] Kit, get everyone over to this corner. It's by the grocery store thingy. I got you a photographer![/I]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]Yuki's eyes widened. [/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen][i]Pi-pi-picture? I'm not going anywhere near a camera! And you can't make me! I hate to sound like Sano, but those things are just plain evil! besides...mine always turn out wrong!!! [/i]She though. Yuki ran into a closet, hoping to one would find her. "Ok, I officially feel like Yuka now..." She said aloud. Suddenly, there was a poof. "Come on Yuki! Enough games! Kit and Kurumi worked hard to get the money for a picture and we're all going to be in it!" Kaz said, looking for her. [i]I'm not going Kaz. If you teleport me there, I swear I'll send the camera back to Kyoto with a tornado!![/i] Kaz sighed and opened the closet door.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]he reached out his hand, about to grab her arm to teleport her, when Yuki bit his wrist!She took the oportunity to run, and she ran straight into Sanosuke. "Sano keep the demon dude away! He wants me to take a picture!" Yuki yelled, grasping the back of his shirt, as if he were a shield between the two."What? A picture? Better you than me, I say!" He told her weakly as he handed her to Kaz. "There ya go demon boy." He said as he walked off. "Oh no you don't Sano! You, Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yahiko are gonna be in the picture too!" Kaz demanded, giving Sano a strange look. "No way! Those things will suck out our souls! I'm outta here!" Sano yelled, running off in the opposite direction.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Kaz sighed and transported Yuki to the fish place next to Kit and Kurumi. "Make sure she doesn't run off!" He said. Yuki sat down and held herself. Everyone on the street looked at her, since she was the only one shivering in the the middle of the street. Kit and Kurumi took a few steps to the side and waited for everyone else.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]----------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Cameras ARE evil...[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Uhhh... Junyi? Why, may I ask, would you bother to make your character evil if this is almost over? I mean, after they have the picture taken they are gonna go back to their own time and that pretty much it buddy. But you do whatever floats yer boat man.
IC: Kurumi took off her fish market work clothes and sat down by Yuki. Kit was selling a few last fish even though their shift was over. Kurumi sighed and then yelled, "I'M NEVER WORKING WITH FISH AGAIN!!" Yuki sweatdropped and then remembered about the picture. She gulped slightly and tried to sneak away. "OH NO YOU DON'T MISSY!!! I DIDN"T WORK AT A FISH SHOP FOR ALL THIS TIME FOR YOU TO JUST WASTE THE MONEY!" Kurumi yelled and she got up and tackled Yuki. She heard Kit laughing at them. "AND YOU!" Kurumi yelled, "IF YOU [b]EVER[/b] TALK ME INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN.... YOU'LL BE A DEAD MAN! SO JUST SHOVE IT!" Kit stopped laughing dead on, he knew she meant it. But all this had only made Yuki struggle even more. Kurumi picked Yuki up and slammed her into the chair. "You sit!" She commanded and then grabbed some rope. Yuki screamed and tried to run for it. Kurumi smirked evily and threw her lasso and caught Yuki. Kurumi dragged her in and tied her to the chair. "There you go! All nice and comfey!" Kurumi said semi cheerfully. Then there was a poof and Kaz emerged with a napping Amaya, he placed her on the chair next to the tied up Yuki. Kaz eyed Yuki and started to laugh with he disappeared again. Kurumi went over to Amaya and poked her in the head untill she groggly said 'What?!'.
"I'm outta here for now, call me when Kaz comes back with everyone else... I'm gonna browse the market, okay buddy?" Kurumi told Kit. He nodded and removed his work clothes.
So Kurumi started looking at all the stores and what they contained.[/color][/size]
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Kit chuckled as Yuki tried to get loose from the chair, Kurumi had done well tying the ropes to the chair.
"Shut up Kit! When I get loose from her, you both are gonna get dunked!!!" she fumed. Kit laughed all the louder, yelling happily.
"Hehe...See ya yuki!" and stepped out the door before she could rant again. "Hmmm...I wonder how long it'll take her to realize I didn't really leave." He leaned against the heavy wooden door. The sun could be seen hovering a bit above the horizon, they still had a few hours light left, long enough to get their picture taken here with the friends they'd made.
[I]I wonder where Amaya is? At least where going to the same place...[/I] he heavy thud came from inside the shop, Yuki had probably tipped her chair. Kit opened the door and saw Kaz waving a large fish about like a club, he had knocked yuki on the back of the head, knocking her forward and her eyes had trunde white with rage.

"KIT!!! CUT ME LOOSE SO I CAN KILL EM!!" Kaz 'poofed' everywhere laughing gleefully and making a pest of himself.
"Kaz knock it off or I'll hold you while she beats you."
"He hit me with a fish!" Kaz stopped teleporting. a few of the locals were looking inside to see what the comotion was. All of of them sweatdropped.
"Uh...nothing to see here...ummm...we were...ahh...Practicing! Yeah, practicing our ummm...lets see... " Kurumi sighed as kit stumbled over his words.
"Play, we were practicing a play." The people gave them all odd looks, the kind of look that would be given to a hyperactive pill popping squirell screaming about needles.
Kit couldn't help but think [I]Know everyone thinks we're nuts...[/I]
OOC: Instead of being 'evil', I though trouble maker would be better, seeing's how this'll end soon.
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