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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]"Somebody better let me loose before I cause a tornado to come by!" Yuki roared. Kaz, Kit, and Kurumi looked at her in horror...they knew she was serious. "On two conditoions. First, don't run off. Second, only attack Kaz." Kurumi demanded. Yuki pondered for a moment and reluctantly agreed. "Fine..." She muttered. Kurumi slowly untied Yuki and she got up. More and more people started to look into the shop. Yuki stood in front of Kaz, evil-eyed with flames behind her.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]"GET OVER HERE DEMON DUDE!!!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"SOMEBODY GET HER AWAY!!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"NO WAY! YOU HIT ME WITH A FRIGGEN FISH!!!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"IT WAS A JOKE!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]"IT HURT!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]Yuki was chasing Kaz all over the shop, waving a fish herself. Finally she whacked him upside the head. Yuki sat down again, wiping her hands. "There, that outta teach ya to mess with me!" She said to the unconsious Kaz. She started to move him with her foot. "Yo, Demon Dude, wake up. You have to go get everyone else for thee darn photo." She said."And don't forget the cat." [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]-----------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#2e8b57]That was fun! That's my new weapon: A Abnormally Big Fish *Runs around hitting Kaz on the head with a fish*[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked around the shop boredly. She then dug out the necklace she had bought a few minutes ago before the Yuki and Kaz incident. She stared at it's nice designs, as it shined in the light of the day. She finally put it around her neck and fastened it on. Kurumi threw her hair over one shoulder and went up to Kit. "Ummm... shouldn't we be leaving?" She asked quietly.
"....." Kit just looked at the passing croud.
"Kit?.... Kit?" Kurumi repeated. Kit shook his head as if shaking himself back into reality.
"Oh.... ummm... yeah--- I wonder what is taking Kaz so long...." Kit replied in a plain, soft tone. He sighed and turned around to sit on one of the chairs. Amaya had fallen asleep on her chair again, Kit just stared at her, a slight smile replaced the frown on his face.
"I'm sure you're happy that you'll still have her around when we get back to our time, huh?" Kurumi asked staring at Amaya.
"... Yeah..." Was the only thing Kit could say. Kurumi could tell he was tired from the days work, as was she.
"Do you want to go back, Kit?... You know... back to our time?" Kurumi asked as she sat in Yuki's old chair(she had chased Kaz away to get everyone else).
"...That's... difficult to answer. I want to, but I don't." He said as his eyes landed on Kurumi. Their eyes met and he asked, "Are you... do you want to go back?" Kurumi looked away from his gaze.
"I have nothing to go back to."
"What about your friends? Family?" Kit asked, but got no reply.
Suddenly Katana and Yuka came to the fish shop. "Uh, yeah! We saw you guys over here... but uh, we had to get some stuff first! Yeah!" Katana yelled nerviously.
"Great. Now we just gotta wait for everyone else." Kurumi said dryly.
And there was Kaz, along with everyone else.... accept Yuki and Sano. "They refused..." He explained quickly.
"Well, go back'n'get um Kaz!" Kit said excitedly. "We are so close to that picture!!! We need to do this!"
"Aww, be quiet Kit! Kaz'll get them, won't ya, Kaz?" Yuka said and spread a disturbing grin on her face. Kurumi took a fish and nodded. Kaz screamed and poofed off.
Aw, c'mon guys, the end is soon! Don't give it up now! The more and sooner you post, then it will be done and you won't have to worry about it! So please, lets finish this thing!!!![/color][/size]
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*holds up fish* Yeah! That's the spirit!
Katana looked around and grabbed Kit's arm. "You're commin' with me!" she cried, and ran out of the shop, leaving everyone sweatdropping.
"Why me? Oh God, why me?" Kit whimpered, running behind Katana with heavy legs.
"Shuddap! If Kaz can't get them, then we can use good ol' powers, right?"
"I...guess so - WAGHHH!"
Katana had jumped over a fence, somehow with Kit still gripped tightly to her. However, he had received some unpleasant scrapes in some uncomfterble areas.
"There it be! Da dojo!" Katana let go of Kit's wrist and ran inside.
Kaz loomed over both Sanouske and Yuki, the two glued to the ground. Yuki was clutching Sano's shirt, shaking in fear but her jaw set firmly. She (or Sanouske for that matter) wasn't going to get a picture taken, no chance in hell.
"C'mon you guys! It's a frekin' picture!" Kaz said.
"Yuk...i..." Katana's voice as low as she noticed Yuki gripping Sanouske's shirt. Her eyes began to glow a furious blue, her fists were turning white, and vains were near popping in her head. "YOU LET GO OF SANOUSKE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I KILL YOU WITH SOMETHING VERY PAINFUL!!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT PAINFUL THING WILL BE, BUT IT'LL BE PAINFUL!!!!" She then roared, her teeth now large and pointy. Suddenly, a powerful streram of ice gushed from her palms.
"BWAHHH!" Yuki went flying, distracting Sanouske. Kaz took the opportunity and nabbed him, then poofed away. Yuka ran to Yuki, caught her, and returned to Katana, Yuki tied up in ropes that had come from nowhere.
"Let's go! Picture, here we come!" Yuka yelled cheerfully.


"Are you guys ready? Um...why are those two tied up to poles...?"
Kurumi spoke up. "One: Yes, we're ready. Two: Those two are tied up because they hate cameras. They think it'll suck out their souls." This caused everyone except Yuki and Sanouske to laugh. "And three: Hang on a sec, lemme fix my hair..."
The cameraman sweatdropped, along with everyone else. The middle schoolers were dressed up like they normally were, except for the fact that they were clean (courtesy of hot baths by Amaya and Katana), as well as the Kenshin-gumi. Kaoru was forced to wear her training clothes and have her wooden sword, along with Yahiko (even though he usually carried it).
"And 1...2...3-"
"ANIME!" the middle schoolers yelled, making everyone around them sweatdrop.
"Okay...once more!"
"One...more?" Kit gulped. "We don't have the money!" he whinned.
"Don't worry, it's a freebie," the cameraman replied, smiling. Kit heaved a sigh of relief as Kurumi sweatdropped.
"Let's make this a good one!" Yuka shouted.
The scene was chaos, although it could be described as:

KENSHIN: On the ground, being sat on by Kurumi, with oro eyes.
KAORU: Punching Yahiku in the face after he called her 'Ugly'.
YAHIKO: Being punched in the face by Kaoru after calling her 'Ugly'.
SANOUSKE: Crying his eyes out in panic, hoping his soul hasn't been sucked out.
KATANA: Blasting a stream of water at Kaz, who had poofed and landed on top of her.
KIT: Kissing Amaya.
KAZ: Five feet from the ground, being blasted by a jet of water from Katana.
YUKI: Crying heavily, sniffling, whimpering...etc.
YUKA: Grinning mischeviously, both of her hands making bunny ears on top of Kit and Amaya.
AMAYA: Kissing Kit.
KURUMI: Sitting on top of Kenshin, blushing and sweatdropping.
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked at the pictures blinked and started laughing, mostly at the second one. The first one was pretty funny too, if you looked at it long enough. It was as follows:
KENSHIN: Standing, smiling happily by Kaoru.
KAORU: Facing Kenshin with a scowl on her face because Yahiko was pulling on her ponytail.
YAHIKO: Smiling in an evil way while pulling Kaoru's ponytail.
SANOUSKE: Same expression as in the first picture.
KATANA: Smiling a full tooth smile with making a peace sign.
KIT: Smiling toward the camera with his eyes closed while having his arm around Amaya's waist.
KAZ: Standing by Kurumi slightly blushing because she had her arm around his neck.
YUKI: Almost the same expression as in the second picture, but she had put more of an effort into smiling.
YUKA: A large evil grin on her face while she held up her sqeaky hammer.
AMAYA: Smiling slightly while looking lovingly at Kit.
KURUMI: Having a big grin while having her arm around Kaz's neck, pulling him more towards her.

"Hahahaha!" Kurumi burst out as she looking across the picture at everyone.
"Lemme see! Lemme see!" Everyone else yelled.
"There! WE FINALLY GOT THE PICTURES TAKEN! NOW CAN YOU UNTIE US?!" Sano yelled to everyone. Kurumi giggled, but then nodded and untied Sano and Yuki.
Kurumi suddenly felt a pang of sadness as she watched everyone happily make comments on the pictures. She turned around and walked slowly off. "Hey! What's wrong?" She heard a voice called out to her as someone jogged up beside her. It was Kaz. she looked at him, he looked at her. She signed.
"Well... it's just that... we've had such a great time here. And I don't want to leave..." Kurumi let out.
"Yeah... I know what you mean. But we can't stay here forever. Besides, look at all the new friends you've made, we will still be there when you go back. So it's not like you have to leave us as well." Kaz said in a comforting tone.
"Yeah... I guess you are right." Kurumi replied looking down at the ground. Then she quickly lifted her head and the frown was quickly replaced by a smile. "C'mon! Lets enjoy the time we have left here!" Kurumi said cheerfully. Kaz smiled and she grabbed his hand and they ran back over to the others. It seemed that their adventures had finally come to an end, Kurumi had highly enjoyed them, but she knew that it was time to return to their rightful time.
When they got back to the others, they had stopped talking cheerfully and they were soaking in the moment. They knew that after the act of the picture, they had to go. Kit was the first to break the uneasy silence, "What now?" He asked quietly.
Whoo! It's almost over, but it kinda makes me sad to tell the truth, I've had so much fun with this RPG as I'm sure all of you have. All we have to do now is send 'em home! ^^[/color][/size]
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WAAAAH! *Sob* That's so beautifull *SOB SOB SOB* I can't believe it's nearly over, and it's been such a great rpg * Tips his hat to Conna, still sobbing* ON with the show

Kit looked at the other middleschooler's, their eyes were all downcast. All of them knew everyone elses unspoken answer: We go home. Yahiko kicked the dirt in dissapointment.

" Aww man. Wierd as you guys are, your a lot more fun than ugly over there."
"Hey! I'm not ugly!" *whack* Yahiko fell to the ground, a large lump grew on his head from Kaouru's wooden sword. Kit grinned, albiet a little sadly. He was going to miss this place, they all were.

Yuka stood up striking a galant pose, holding her fish aloft.
"I Say we take the few hours we have left and..." she turned her head to look everyone in thier eyes, to let them all know she was serious. " WE PAR-TAHY!" the middle schooler's cheered in assent, Kenshin and the other's sweatdropped. Though they didn't have long, the time they had left here would be a blast.

Sano Clutched one of the photos, bawling over his 'stolen' soul
Tis short but I be at school, thank you conna, it has been extremely fun! *Does the happy dance*
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" I don't know about you guys but i'd rather watch the sun set before we go home; however, dull it might be. Have we even watched the sun set the entire time we've been here? Besides, I really want to get away from Yuka and the large fish." Kaz told the others. He looked at Kurumi and grabed her hand and 'ported out of the room.
" Where do you think they went?" Katana asked.
" Who knows he does that often though, doesn't he?" Kit replied.

" Kaz where are we?" Kurumi asked him.
" We are on the Emporer's castle ( btw: does anyone remember/know what time we're in?) and the sun is setting soon, I think. Besides, I haven't be able to be all romantic, nd this is the most opertune time, don't you think?" Kaz told her blushing slightly.
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked around, her eyes gleaming. It took her a few seconds to soak in the amazing view from atop the castle. "Kaz..." She just barely managed to let out. He smiled at her. The view was magnificent, the light from the setting sun spilt out across the sky in a wonderful arragement of colors. The sun left an orange neon like glow on the castle and they sat right on top of the roof, in the soft breeze, taking it all in.
"What do you think?" Kaz asked her, even though he already knew the answer.
"It-- it's beautiful!" Kurumi exclaimed, acting as if she just got back to reality. She looked at him smiling. "It's amazing!"
"I'm glad you like it." Kaz replied, smiling back at her. Kurumi couldn't keep it back any longer, she finally threw her arms around him. Kaz blushed, but slowly put his arms around her as well.
Aw, so sweet. ^_^[/color][/size]
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"My sooouuulll..."
"Poor Sano," Amaya and Katana said in unison. Amaya shrugged. "Katana, you can have him, ok?" She grinned at Kit, who blushed.
"Ooh, can we take him home with us?!?" Katana asked excitedly.
"NOO!!!" Sano shrieked. Katana's eyes became watery.
"We're finally going home," said Amaya, squeezing Kit's hand and looking at the setting sun. He put his arm around her waist, and Yuka groaned loudly.
"You guys are gonna make me sick!"
"You wanna be burnt to a crisp?!"
Kit sighed loudly as Yuka started chasing Amaya with the giant fish, and dodging random fireballs.

((I have a knack for short posts, don't I? ^_^))
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi opened her eyes, still embracing Kaz. He gave her a little sqeeze and then they parted. She looked up at him and he looked down apon her. She smiled quickly at him and then looked at the sun set again. "Thanks. Thanks for bringing me up here." Kurumi said happily as she looked dreamily into the sky.
"Anytime..." Kaz said softly, gazing at her. Kurumi turned back to him.
"So, you think it's about time to get back to the others?" Kurumi said kind of sadly, she was hoping he would say no. Kaz studied her for a minute and then looked directly into her eyes.
"No, not yet." He whispered. She smiled slightly, glad to hear that answer. He paused a minute and there was a short silence between them. Kurumi's heart pumped a little faster as they just gazed into each others eyes. Finally Kaz made the first move, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and he pulled her closer. He moved his head forward, they both closed their eyes. Then it happened, Kaz placed a soft kiss on her lips. They both slightly blushed. They parted and opened their eyes. "Not bad, huh?" Kaz asked with a grin on his face. Kurumi just laughed.
"Nope, not to shabby." She replied. They both smiled and he put his arm around her.
"[i]Now[/i] I think we can go back." Kaz said. They took one last look at the sunset and they poofed off.
It was bound to happen! And it finally did! Whoo! ^_^[/color][/size]
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*sighs sadly* Alright...here we go.
Katana heaved a heavy sigh. "Alright, I suppose it's...that it's time for us to go." She choked out the last part, not wanting to leave. This era had been so much fun; excitement everywhere she went. And she had made tons of friends, not to mention gained cool powers and killed two guys.

Yet, in their hearts, the middle schoolers knew the could not stay in the Meiji Era. The belonged back home, in the 21st century, with their families and studies (no matter how dreadful they were).
They had been gone for what seemed like months, but had only been a couple of weeks. They were sure people were worried about them - but what if they weren't? What if they were just fragments of dust, not mattering?
[i]Poof.[/i] Kaz and Kurumi appeared out of nowhere, landing on top of Kenshin.
"Ooops...sorry Kenshin." Kaz quickly got up, but Kurumi didn't. She suddenly snapped out of her trance when Kaz offered her a hand.
"You guys...I think it's time...we go." Yuki said the phrase so quietly, the rest had to listein hard in order to make out what she was saying.
The entire group was down and depressed. They had all faced hard things in their lives that dramaticlly changed them, but this one was the one that would change them the most.
"It's...time," Kurumi announced, her voice choked.
"How will we get back?" Yuka asked. For once, she actually sounded serious.
"Our powers. They haven't failed us before," Kit replied.

The all shuffled out of Tokyo, trudging slowly as if their feet were stuck to the ground by an unkown force. It was the force of not wanting to go anywhere, to stay in that time period forever.
"I think this is far enough," Kenshin said. The middle schoolers nodded and formed a circle. It went: Yuka, Katana, Yuki, Amaya, Kit, Kaz, and Kurumi, each clutching one another's hands.
"Focus on your powers," Katana ordered next. "Try and find your centers, where they are held. Think of our abilites as one. We can communicate to each other. Let's do that again. To get home."
They all nodded and closed their eyes, searching. Kaoru and Yahiko looked on with slightly bewildered faces while Kenshin and Sanouske gazed upon the students with stone faces.
"Let's...go home!" the seven shouted together. Auras surrounded each of them - Purple for Yuka, blue around Katana, lavender surrounded Yuki, red engulfed Amaya, brown around Kit, while for Kaz, and yellow for Kurumi. The energies began to spin and combine, forming a shade of various colors. They glimmered and shone brightly, until they finally twisted together in the center of the circle, forming a temporary portal in time on the ground.
"I love you Sanouske!" Katana yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Bye everybody!"
"Me too!" Amaya shouted, sniffling.
"We'll miss you!" Kurumi cried, her eyes turning red.
"See you guys!" Kit and Kaz yelled together in unison.
"We'll never forget you if you never forget us!" Yuka shouted, sounding slightly humorous.
"Until next time!" Yuki cried, her voice trailing off slightly.
"We will never forget you, that we won't!" Kenshin said. "Farewell."
"Later you weirdos!" Yahiko yelled.
"If you can come back - then do!" Kaoru shouted.
Sanouske waved at Katana and Amaya. "You two take care of youselves. And...love ya too." He muttered the last part, blushing furiously.
The kids nodded and grinned, taking one last look at their anime-to-real-life friends before they took a step into the portal of time.

The middle schoolers sat on the stone steps of Katikasha Junior High. They were dressed as they had been at the beginning.
"Are...we really back?" Kit asked, investigating his clothes that seemed abnormal to him.
"I...think we are," Katana replied, pinching her cheek. "Ouch. It certainly feels like it."
"I can't believe that really happened," Yuka said. "I mean, they seemed so real..."
"That's because they were real," Yuki said. "We weren't in our world back one hundred and thirty years or so. We were in their world, in the Meiji Era. That's why it seemed real. Because it was real. It was true."
They sat on the steps in silence, until Kurumi glanced at her watch.
"What the...I don't belive this!"
"What?" Kaz asked.
"It's only 8:10! We've only been gone for five minutes!"
"Wha-what? How can that be possible?" he stuttered out.
"Magic," Yuka said through a grin. "We're just that awesome."
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Kaz stood staring at the clock, " I really don't feel like being here today. Do you guys?"
They all looked at each other and then the smirks appeared.
" I hear that there's a new arcade in the shopping center." Kaz told Kit
" I think I like that idea, do you think we still have our powers?" Kit asked.
" I don't think so, ummm why is everyone staring at us?" Katana asked
The school children had been looking at the seven children who had been walking along one minute and were now talking to each other as though they'd just come back from someplace, if only they knew.
" I think we should get going..." Yuka started
" Going to class right Ms. Yuka?" the madam principal asked
" Of course madam principal (spl?) where else would we go?" Yuka smirked at her, the other six children had begun sneaking off to the front of the building, leaving Yuka behind.
" YUKA! RUN!!!!!" they alll yelled at her, when the lady principal walked away.
The seven children ran out of the building only stoping when Kaz realized he was being stabbed in the chest.
" What the hell is stabing me?" he yelled. he lifted his shirt and the Aconite's daggers were still with him. " I guess it was real."
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*blubbers uncontrollably* That's so beautifull...*sniffle* Kaz and Kurumi are hooking up! btw junyi, ACONITE IS DEAD! THE DAGGER'S HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM YOUR BODY! how in the heck are they still stabbing you? anywho...

Kit ran with the group easily, though not as fast as he could in the meiji era. They stopped outside the large double doors of the school. They breathed heavily, they were all in the shape they were in before they went to the meiji era. Everything was back to normal. Kit looked over at Amaya, her cheeks had turned red from the run.

'[I]well, not everything's back to normal...[/I]'

" Amaya?" she looked at him, a wry grin on her face, as if she had read his thoughts. She leaned forward, kissing him gently. she pulled back, her grin growing from ear to ear.

"Proof enough for ya?" Kit smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist.
"Yeah. So? you wanna go to the arcade, or wait till after school?" Kaz stepped forward, pointing vaugley in the direction of the arcade, stricking a rediculous, gallant pose. Amaya looked from were kaz pointed, back to kit. The other middle schooler's jeered in excitement, all wanting to go to the arcade.

"After school, don't have any money." kit nodded in agreement as the other middle schoolers dropped to the ground, realizing they didn't have any money either.
Kit kissed Amaya again, this one they made a little longer than the others. They both pulled away, stareing into each others eyes that seemed to be filled with winking specs of starlight.

"I'll see you after school." Kit walked reluctantly through the double doors to his class, waving to the people he had come to call his friends.
There's Kit's ending I'll no longer post here, unless there 's more to do, what I don't know. But end the story as you will, It's been fun, and it almost seems to short a time to have been posting with such great and imaginative people, see you around, and may Dragons forever Fly in your dreams. * tips his hat cooly to hide the unmanly tears* :laugh:
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[size=1][color=darkblue]This, sadly, will be my last post. But it has to end sometime. Anyway, after this post, I'm outty. It's been great guys.

Kurumi checked her pockets again, still, not finding anything. [i]Damn...[/i] She looked at everyone else. She frowned, "Well, I guess we'll meet back here in a few hours. We shouldn't come back right after school though, It'll be packed if we do." Kurumi said. They all nodded in agreement. Kurumi smiled at everyone and waved. "Bye guys! See ya in a few hours!" she yelled to them as she started walking away. Someone grabbed her hand first, Kaz. He smiled and hugged her, she smiled back and pushed away. "Anyway, I'm outty. But, I can't go home, mom'll kill me if she finds out I'm skippin. I think I'm gonna go to the mall and get a bite to eat. Anyone with me?" Kurumi said, but didn't wait for an answer. She started to walk in the direction of the mall, "I'll just leave you guys behind if your slow." She yealled behind her shoulder while smirking.[/color][/size]
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