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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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[i]Huh?! Arn't those the kids from my school?[/i] Kurumi thought as some other people entered the dark alleyway. Kurumi stepped frowar into the light a little more. "Uh... hi?" She said as she saw some of them flintch with suprise. [i]Yup, definatly them[/i] She thought again as they turned around. She then noticed Sano was with them. Her mouth dropped open. "Oh, wow! It's really you!" Kurumi exclaimed as she walked up to him, "Nice to meet you. My name's Kurumi!" He looked down at her and said an unsure 'hi'.
Kuruki looked to the others. "What's going on? I've heard alot of police officers looking for people that fit the discription of you guys. Obviously I hadn't been spotted before." She explained. Kaz was trying to drag Kit somewhere while Katana was looking dreaming eyed at Sano and at the same time druling. Then Kurumi spotted the younger girl from before, she looked rather embarassed to be standing by Katana. "Eh... ok..." Kurumi said sheepishly knowing that no one was listening to her anyway. She then turned to Sano and asked, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where Kenshin is, would you?"
"Why? Oh, I get it, you guys just want to match your skills and strength against him. Right? If it's in that case, I won't tell you." He replied.
"No! We do not wish to find him, we want to talk to him. Plus we need a place to stay.... If you would be so kind as to show us...."
"Hn, alright, if you put it that way, I guess I can tell you."
"Yes!" All the girls said. Kit was still struggling to get away from Kaz....
"Just follow me ladies." Sano said kindly, "You too guys." He started walking down the path in the dark of the early night. The girls walked closely behind as the boys stayed a little farther back, obviously having a little agument.
Heh, this is getting interesting! ^^
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I did have you in my post...and we better get bad to work. The mods are about to kill us. *fending off angry mods*

"Yessir!" Katana and another girl shouted. She turned and looked.
"Konichiwa," said Katana. The girl nodded.
"Yeah, same to you. I assume that you three are from Katikasha?"
"Yeah," Kuruki replied. "On business, if you can call it that."
Sanouske turned his head to listein to the conversation. "Katikasha? What's that, some new city?"
"No," replied Yuka, "It's the Junior High we all came from, in Tokyo."
"Junior High? What the hell is that?"
The girl sighed. "N-nothing. Never mind, we didn't say anything."
Sano shrugged. "Whatever you say."
They five walked on, drawing strange looks from people on the street. About five minutes after the "confusing" conversation, the girl turned to Yuka, Katana, and Kuruki. "By the way, my name's Amaya."
"Good to have you aboard," said Katana with an outreached hand. Amaya grinned.
"Did you hear that you dudes?" Kuruki shouted back to Kit and Kaz, "Her name's Amaya!"
The argument between the boys stopped. "That's nice!" Kaz shouted back.
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OOC: By the way, my name's Kurumi, not Kuruki. ^^;;
IC: Kurumi watched the ground silently as she walked behind Sano and the other girls. She heard the boys still walking behind her, no longer fighting.[i] What will we do when we meet Kenshin... all I want to know is what our perpose is here.... in the Meiji Era. Even if I am eager to see this time, and the characters from Rurouni Kenshin... still, how long will we be here, and I'm worried about why we are here.[/i] Kurumi thought. There was an akward silence between everyone, Kurumi thought they must have the same idea at least in their mind.
Sano lead them up a large amount of stairs. Once they got to the top, they could see the dojo they were after. Everyone was tense as they walked closer to the entrance. [i]What will happen?![/i] Kurumi thought tensely.
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;_; I haven't been metioned for a while ;_;
Yuki walked along side Sano. "Hey! Where the heck you come from?" He yelled as he looked down. "Sorry...I'm not very noticable I suppose..." Yuki replied softly. She was scared...that's all there is to it. She was it the Meiji era with a bunch of people she barely talked to at school. Her only salvation was that Kenshin was near.
No time, I'm at school!
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Kit looked at the door, studying his surroundings at the dojo. Looking at Sano, he said "I'll come back later." He raised his hand up and disappered in a flash, the questioning voices of his classmates disapeared quickly, as he landed on a tree branch yards away. 'I think I'll go find out how much the police want us now. With five dead officers, Dammit Kaz! We're probably on the top of the wanted list.' Kit sprang swiftly through the trees, barely maiking a sound. He never noticed the shadowy figure following, not far behind him.

OOC: (bam bam bauuum)...the plot thickens...
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"Okay," said Sano, rolling his eyes at Kit's sudden disappearance. "Shall we go inside?"
The five kids nodded. Sanouske walked up to the door and slid it open.
From her point of view, Katana saw a small room (I'm trying to go from memory here) with a quarter of it raised up like a stage. There was a table right beside the stage with empty rice bowls on it. In the back of the room was a door, and on the right hand side was a door covered with a beaded curtain.
"I have that," said Kurumi, pointing to the beads, "It's right in front of my bedroom door."
"So do I," said Katana, "Except they glow in the dark."
Sanouske looked at her with confusion, then shook his head. "I'm sure all of this will be explained..." he mumbled.
The back door was generall just a hole in the wall. Sanouske stepped inside the front door and went through the back. It led to a hallway. Turning around to look at the uneasy students he said, "Come in already!" They did, uneasily.
"It's looks just like it did in the anime..." Kaz half muttered, half whispered.
"Yeah," Yuki replied. The five of them were in complete awe, as it could be easily sensed.
Sanouske looked at the kids again. "Don't you know anything? Take off your shoes!"
Shocked and embarassed, they mumbled "Yes sir..."
Yuka slid off her sandals. "Ugh, I hate kimonos..."
Katana now noticed what her sandals looked like. They were basiclly blocks with a large strap over the middle top.
Kaz fumbled around with the boundings around his legs, eventually leading to him sitting on the floor with Kurumi helping him unravel them.
Yuki, who had basiclly strings for shoes, untied them and threw them on the ground. She shrugged at Katana's confused look.
"No big deal," Yuki said.
Amaya, like Yuka, simply slipped off her sandels with no fuss.
Kurumi pulled off what appeared to be normal shoes. To Sanouske's confused look she replied, "I, uh...made these myself. I, um, wanted something to cover all of my foot..." Luckily he bought it without a fuss. Kurumi heaved a sigh of releif.
"C'mon," said Sano once the five were standing up again and in socks, "I'll introduce you guys to the crew."
I dunno why, but the whole part of having to get off the shoes seemed entertaining to me. ^^ It was proving how different Meiji shoes were from present day ones.
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Kit landed silently on the roof of the police station. carefully he crawled closer to one of the windows, and listened in. A stern faced, tall uniformed man with glasses shouted angrily. "I want them found now! How could you let CHILDREN get away!" Kit recognized the policeman as the one that survived the earlier fight. "Sir...they weren't normal children," sweat dripped down the side of face, his lips trembled as he spoke "They were demons, witnesses say they appeared out of bright lights in the air." The cheif's face contorted with disgust at the young man's report. "They fought with the skill of trained assassin's sir, we don't have the training to fight ninjas!"
"That's why you were issued rifles after the murder! How hard are 6 kids dressed as assassins, AND armed to the teeth hard to find in this town! How hard would they be to stop with firearms!" A sudden pain lanced through Kit's shoulder, He gasped with indescribable pain. The policemen looked up in surprise, seeing kit's face in the window. The alarm sounded as he rolled over to see his attacker. A misty figure, all dressed in black stood with a long, bloody Katana, the figures voice was barely a whisper, but still chilled Kit to the bones "You children shouldn't be here." The shadow rushed Kit, who barely had time to draw his katana and block, several gunshots rang out, striking the tiles on the roof. Kit drew back from his attacker, and lept for the trees trying to loose his attacker. 'The others are going to have to know about this!'
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Ish be worried...no one but me and Swordsaint have posted that much...although I find it entertaining that some of you post at school. ^^
Sanouske walked the kids through the hallway in silence. He suddenly turned into a room.
"Hey Kenshin!"
"Hello Sanouske. Miss Kaoru was wondering where you've been."
Amaya whispered to Yuki, "Kenshin? He said Kenshin, right?"
Yuki nodded. "Yup. At least, that's what I heard."
"I was just hanging out with the guys and then, suddenly, I, uh...was attacked!"
Kenshin made a small gasping noise. "By who? The Jupongatina (sp?) have all been defeated, that they have."
Sanouske rubbed the back of his head. "Well, it wasn't by an enemy...more like..a kid."
Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko, and a few other people broke out in laughter. "A kid?" Yahiko shouted through laughter, "That's all?"
"B-b-but...it wasn't just a kid! Some girl, with two swords! There were five others, two guys and three girls, all armed like assassins! The girl was pretty freaky though...she held on to me and wouldn't let go for a million zen (trying to think of Meiji currency...)! And then she drooled and fell over, and then got back up and danced around as if she had eaten fifty sugar cubes or something..."
"Yup," said Yuka, sighing, "That's Katana for ya."
Kaoru laughed. "A girl? Clinging on to you and wouldn't let go for anything?"
Kenshin made a strange face. "Sano, you said they were armed like assassins..."
"Yeah, that's the strange part. You know those police swordsmen who were killed? The two boys did that while the girls watched. And it gets even stranger. People on the steet say the appeared out of nowhere, out of bright lights, like demons or something."
"How old were they?" Kaoru asked. "They're dead, right? No child could survive the police swordsmen and live to tell about it."
Sanouske shook his head. "They're alive. And well. They weren't much older than Yahiko, younget being about 11 and oldest being around 14."
Kaoru gasped. "W-what? How...how is that even close to possible?"
"It is. They also say they came from this thing they call a 'Junior High'...what was it? Katikasha, I think. And they said it's in Tokyo."
"They're not telling then truth, that's for sure," spoke up a voice. It was Megumi. "There's no such thing as Katikasha Junior High, whatever that's suppoossed to be."
"Sano," said Yahiko, "You said that they're alive and well. What do you mean?"
"Well...er...uh..." Sanouske looked for the answer. It suddenly popped into his brain. "I'll show you. Guys, come on in."
Kaz, Yuki, Katana, Amya, Yuka, and Kurumi walked in nervously. Their weapons clinked lightly in their sheaths as they bowed and mumbled "Konichiwa."
Everyone except Sanouske gasped.
"How...how is it possible?" Kaoru asked. "Children? Carrying swords?"
"We don't know either," said Kit, having the gut to talk again. "We just came from school, that's all."
Everyone was watching them: Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko, even those of the remaing Oniwaban, including Aoshi.
Yay...whoever chooses to tackle the next post in this place should have lots of fun to explain everything. ^^
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yay I get a hard job!!! :)

The middle schoolers looked at one another waiting for one to start the whole story how they got here and what had happened. Then Kurumi, tired of waiting, began to talk.
"It was a very weird thing..." she began. The others (Kenshin, etc.) began listening closely.
"I was at my locker...if you don't know what a locker is, it is a metal box to put your things in. Anyway, I was sucked up into an air void, and then I landed in a dusty road, in this era. I met the rest of the people here, and then ended up here!" Kurumi said. Then Yuka stepped up.
"We have no idea why we are here, and have no idea why we are wearing what we are wearing..." Yuka said, while glaring at her nice looking kimono. *to the others (Kenshin, etc.) it looked pretty nice*
"And what is this, 'Katikasha Junior High School?'" Kaoru asked. Then Amaya stepped up.
"And you know what a school is, and...uh..well you might not have heard of it...but we have an elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college. Those are our 'school years' learning things. We would probably finish our school years by the age of 30," Amaya said. The others were surprised on how long they had to learn, but kept listening. Kit began to talk.
"But so far...we only are in junior high, and I'm 14, Amaya (black hair with red tips) is 14, Yuki (the girl with the brown hair in ponytail) is 14, Kaz (the guy with spikey white hair) is 14, Kurumi (blue eyes and orange/blonde hair), Katana (dark bown hair in ponytail), and Yuka (dark brown hair and gold tints in braid) is 11," Kit said. Yuka sighed.
"I feel so young..." she mumbled.
"So which one attacked you Sano?" Yahiko asked. Sanosuke pointed to Katana, who was staring into space. Courtesy of Yuka, Yuka smacked Katana on the back of the head.
"You really never learn!" she told Katana. Katana glared at Yuka.
"What I was staring at a fly!" she told her. Everyone sweatdropped, and Kaz was about to bonk himself on the head.
"Yeah, that's definitely her!" Megumi mumbled. Luckily Katana didn't hear, and began staring into space again, looking for the fly. Then grumbles from stomachs were heard again, and Kaoru giggled.
"I guess you all are hungry!" Kaoru said. Yuka nodded.
"Well at our school we have a full hour of exercising and then we have to do schoolwork then when we get out of school, we have to go home and do work from school and it REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCKS!!!!!!!" she said. Kaz rolled his eyes.
"You make it sound so horrible! It isn't really all that bad...lunchtime is great!" he said. Yuka stuck out her tongue.
"Cause it does suck and before I was warped here I was gonna get out of school and go home and listen to music and act like a lazy bum!" she said to Kaz. He ignored her, and then Kaoru got up.
"Well more food to make, we were about to eat ourselves!" Kaoru said happily. The others nodded, and the middle schoolers group smiled. Yuka looked at Katana, who was still staring in space.
"LOOK IT'S ORLANDO BLOOM!" she yelled, pointing to the other side of the room. Katana quickly looked, and Yuka kicked her leg. Katana cursed, and then punched Yuka.
"Stupid no good 11 year-old!" she said. Yuka grinned wildly.
"OH YEAH I FEEL SPECIAL!!!!" she yelled, spinning in circles at the same time. Katana smiled, then began going in circles too. Kurumi, Amaya, Kit, and Kaz stared at the two girls like they were maniacs. Then Yuka, stopped, and then Katana. Yuka whispered something in Katana's ear, and Katana giggled. Then both sang:
"Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........cookeracha! La cookeracha! Da da da da da da da!" the both sang really loud. The rest of the middle schoolers whacked them on the back of the head each, and Yuka and Katana pouted.
"I just wanted to have fun..." mumbled Katana.
"Go to hell..." mumbled Yuka.
I hope that was good! ^_^

[b]P.S.[/b] Katana, can I be your official "bonk Katana on the head if she really acts stupid" person?[/size][/color]
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God, that was the best! I laughed so hard...(and I don't like Orlando Bloom, I like Johnny Depp. ^^) The ending was the best. *re-reads post and laughs like crazy again*
You forgot to put my age! I'm 12!

After the strange mishap between Yuka and Katana, eveyone sat down at a table. Everyone was squished in, Katana and Amaya sat on either side of Sanouske (and appeared extremly happy), Kaz was in between Megumi and Kaoru and was blushing, Yuki and Kurumi sat next to Kenshin and looked pretty happy, while Yuka was beside Yahiko, the two arguing on who was getting the last bowl of rice. (Whew, long sentence.)
"You say you came from the future," said Kaoru. "But how?"
"I'sh dunno," said Katana, then swallowed her rice. "I don't know. I was just heading to Science and popped in here. In fact..." Katana put her hand on her chin and recalled her argument with Iva, "Me and my freind were arguing who was cuter, Sanouske or Kenshin. I went with Sano and she went with Kenshin..."
Kenshin was smiling nervously, a sweatdrop on his face. Sanouske gave him a sarcastic grin.
"I'm not sure how the rest got here, but pretty much the same way as I did."
"Well," said Megumi, "Why do you think you were brought here?"
The students thought for a minute.
"Because...uh...whoever wanted us to be here did?" asked Kaz. He shrugged and went back to eating. It appeared to be his hobby.
"Because we're special!" cried Yuka, holding up her chopsticks. Everyone sweatdropped and mumbled "You're very special."
Kurumi thought. "I'm not sure," she said finally, "But it got me out of school."
"Got me out of Science," said Katana. "Good thing too. We were going to continue watching some video made in 1983..."
Yuki shrugged. "Not sure. Whoever controls time was bored, I suppose."
Amaya pondered the subject and came up with an answer:
"Umm...." came Kaoru's response. Kenshin spoke up.
"Do you think you'll be able to get back?"
"Nah," said Kaz. "And it's not such a big deal." He reclined the best he could on a pillow seat. "Nothin' back home for me."
"Mee'n either," said Katana.
"I don't care," said Yuka, "Family isn't the biggest thing on my agenda."
"I miss my dad, that's about it..." said Amaya, staring at her bowl.
"That's...kinda said," said Kurumi. "I miss my family and friends. I don't know how you three-" she looked at Kaz, Katana, and Yuka, "Don't miss your social relations."
"It's because we don't," said Katana. "I don't have that great of relations, so buzz off."
Yuki nodded. "I go with Kurumi. I really miss my family..."
There were a few moments of silence. That is, until Kit came crashing through the window.
"Woah!" cried Kaz, looking at Kit. His shoulder was dripping with blood. Kit looked at Kenshin, then passed out.
"Megumi!" Katna yelled at the Fox, "You're a doctor! You hafta help him!"
Megumi looked at the girl, schocked. "How did you know..."
"No time!" said Kurumi, "Just help the dude!"
PS: Yes, Yuka, you can. ^^
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Kurumi was picking at her food, not being very hungery, when Kit was smashed through the window. "Huh?!" Kurumi let out as Katana yelled out for help to Megumi. Megumi looked puzzled that we knew she was a doctor but quickly went to work. She had Kenshin carry Kit to a bed. Kurumi and the others looked after them. Then Kaoru said, "Well.... I guess that ends our meal. I think I have enough room for you guys to stay here. People will have to share rooms though. Kaz, you will stay with Kit. Kurumi, you will stay with Yuka. And Katana, Yuki, and Amaya will be in a room. You three may be a little stuffy in there, but you will live." She then lead the girls to the rooms as Kaz went into the room Kit had been carried into. Kaoru gathered some things they needed and left them in there rooms.
"Thank you." Kurumi called softly after Kaoru. She turned around, smiled, and bowed in reply.
"Why do you need to be such a goody-goody?" Yuka asked as Kurumi walked back into their room. Yuka gave her a starnge look.
"I'm not... I'm just showing a little graditude for what they are doing for us. Is that so wrong?" Kurumi replied flaty. She took her blankets and made her bed on the other side of the room. Kurumi didn't heard another word from Yuka.
Kurumi just sat on the bed for awhile, thinking about everything. She couldn't, but didn't, want to sleep. She could tell the kids from school didn't really like her much... she didn't blame them. Kurumi had never really liked herself. Kurumi sighed and went to the door in the room, opened it, and stepped outside. She could feel the cool night breeze brush against her... it was nice. She sat down on the little porch area and looked at the stars. "What will happen to us?" She said quietly to herself.
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[I]Great, I get stuck with the hyper kids,[/I] Amaya thought to herself. [I]Oh well. I'll survive.[/I] She sat on her blankets and meditated.
"What are you doing?" Yuki asked.
"Expanding my aura. Now go to sleep."
"How do you do that?" said Katana.
"I'll tell you later. Go to bed." said Amaya without opening her eyes. Katana grumbled and reluctantly scrambled under her blanket. After Amaya had cleared her mind, she took her hair down and fell asleep.
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By the way, Yuka and I are the hyper ones, not Yuki. ^^
[i]Dude, how'd I get stuck with these two? Amaya, the meditating freak, and Yuki...ah...I guess Yuki's okay.[/i] (No offense, Amaya)
It was nighttime. Katana, restless, kept turning over in her blanket.
[i]Geez, this pillow's as hard as a block...well, it is a block...[/i]
"Hey...Kat...you awake?" Yuki asked.
"You wanna go raid the fridge?"
"There isn't a fridge."
"I meant the...uh...pantry, or whatever they use for a food storage place."
Quietly, Yuki and Katana rolled out of their blankets and slid open the door (the wooden frame covered in tissue paper ^^). They were about to go into the kitchen when they heard a voice.
"Hey! You two!"
Yuki and Katana, aka 'You two', turned around to see Megumi's face. She had an eyebrow raised.
"And just what were you guys doing in the middle of the night?"
"Umm..." said Katana, stalling.
"Well, what about you?" Yuki challenged, nudging Katana.
"Uh..yeah! What about you?"
"I was getting some ice for Kit," Megumi responded in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Anyways, would you mind getting some ice? I need to take careof Kit...his wound's been infected, and I must tend to it or else he'll die."
"Oh," 'you two' said, hurrying outside.
"Where are we gonna get ice?" Yuki asked.
"I have no idea! A store?"
"But we don't have any money!"
They stopped. "Dammit!" Katana yelled.
"You like that word, don't you?"
"Well...well, you think they have an ice pit or something?"
"It's worth a try."
Katana and Yuki ran back to the dojo and began inspecting the yard.
"Hey! Hey! I found it!" Katana yelled. Yuki ran over.
"Yay! Now let's get some ice!"
Within five minutes, the two were back in the house, ice blocks freezing their fingers. Megumi was waiting.
"You two certainly took long enough. Oh well, can't expect uneducated children to know what to do..."
They followed Megumi to a dimly lite room. Kit was sprawled across a cot, covered in blankets. His face was pale.
"He's lost a lot of blood," Megumi said softly. Yuki handed her the block of ice. She took it and chipped the ice with a pick, then placed it around Kit's shoulder, which was bandaged heavily.
"I managed to clean out the infection...however...there's only so much I can do. From here on, Kit's strength and will to live will be the only things keeping him alive. We can only numb the pain."
Yuki and Katana knelt down (like the do in Japan, on thier knees with their ankles behind them) and waited besides Kit, just in case.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Thank you Katana! ^_^ Ooh by the way, I had to pick...Orlando or Johnny...Orlando or Johnny...CRAP!


Kit was very still, since he had lost so much blood. Yuki and Katana stayed by his side, making sure he was okay, although Megumi was there too.

Meanwhile, Yuka suddenly woke up from a horrible nightmare. She looked around, and saw Kurumi. She went over to Kurumi and patted her shoulder.
"What is it Yuka?" Kurumi asked.
"I just had a bad nightmare," she said. Kurumi sweatdropped.
"I JUST WANTED...oh freak forget it!" Yuka asked. Then she heard some talking from the other room, and got up. Kurumi interested followed, and they both walked into the room Kit, Megumi, Yuki, and Katana were in. Megumi looked up to Yuka and Kurumi, and sighed.
"All right, how many more people are invited?" she asked angrily. Yuka stuck out her tongue, then knelt down beside Kit. Kurumi did the same, and they all watched Kit in silence.
"Can I poke him with a stick?" Yuka asked. Everyone except Katana looked at her in horror.
"No!" Megumi shouted to her. Katana snickered, and Yuka stuck out her tongue at Katana.
"All right...can I poke him with a "chop" stick?" Yuka asked. Megumi was now very frustrated, and Katana was deeply trying to hide her laughter.
"No poking! He has lost a lot of blood and you don't want him dead, do you?" she asked. Yuka sadly nodded no. Katana began to calm down, and then Kit suddenly moved. Megumi looked at him, as he opened his eyes slowly.
"Me...Megumi?" he asked. Megumi nodded, and placed her hand on his forehead. His head was very hot.
"Kit, get some rest. You need it," she said. Kit smiled, and then drifted back off to sleep. Katana and Yuka started giggling, and Megumi turned to look at them.
"What's so funny?" she asked. Yuka and Katana ignored her, but stopped giggling. Yuka stood up from her kneeling position, and walked out of the room, going to bed again. Her back was numb from being on the hard floor, but had to put up with it. Katana, Kurumi, and Yuki still were kneeling beside Kit, and Yuka sighed.
"Hope you'll be fine Kit..."[/size][/color]
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[I] Kit....I wonder if he'll be ok.[/I] Yuki thought. She sat there, with Megumi and Katana. "I wanna go home..." She muttered, though it went unnoticed. She got up. "Where are you going?" Megumi asked, as if she thought Yuki was going to go kill another officer. "I need some fresh(sp?) air." She replied as she walked out of the dojo. She went out and sat, leaning against a wall, with her face hiding in her legs. [I] Why am I here...[/I] she thought. No sooner than 2 minutes after she got outside, Kenshin appeared next to her. "What are you doing out here, Miss Yuki?" He asked her. She blushed at him when she heard 'Miss Yuki.' "I just wanted to get my head straight. Besides, I don't like to stare at a person with a seriously wounded sholder in a room with a crazy, hyper girl and a somewhat snotty doctor." She replied to him quietly. "Kenshin, you believe us don't you? About us not coming from this era, you believe us right?" She looked up at him. "I can't quiet tell if you're being truthful, but I do think that you do not belong in this era, that I do." He responded to her with a smile, making her blush more. "Now I think you should go back to bed." She got up, "you're right. Goodnight Kenshin!" She ran off and back to her room and got nestled in her blankets. [I] Kenshin's right. I should get some sleep[/I] she thought as she drifted into a peaceful sleep.
In case you haven't noticed by now, Kenshin's my fav. and I'm one of the more serious characters!
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((Well there's Yuki and Yuka! To me, that is confusing. @_@))

Amaya had trouble sleeping. This place was so strange and unfamiliar to her, no matter how many times she'd observed it in the TV show. She was still trying to get over the realization of where she was. It was like some strange dream she couldn't wake up from. She wanted more than anything to see her father again, to let him know she was safe. And she longed to know whose blood she had shed, for her shuriken could not have been stained without slaying someone.
Amaya stood up from her bed and tiptoed into the darkness of the hallway without making a sound. She slowly edged along the wall until she saw where Megumi and the others were. Hiding in the shadows, she watched silently. She fought back a gasp when she saw Kit. He looked so bruised. [I]That boy's got nerves of steel,[/I] she thought.
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Yuka and Katana started giggling after awhile when they were sitting there. Kurumi just couldn't take it anymore, someone was hurt... and they were... giggling?! "OH! GROW UP YOU TWO!!" Kurumi finally snapped, "I'm getting outta here, I can't stand the giggle busters over there!" She got up and left. As she walked down the hallway, she saw Kenshin walk in her direction.
"Why hello miss Kurumi, are you up to see Kit as well? I was up to do the same, that I was." Kenshin said in a friendly but soft voice. He then gave her a smile, which made he blush a little. She had never really had the hots for him in the show.... but it was different when you were [i]with[/i] him.
"Well... at first I couldn't sleep, so I was just looking at the stars when Yuka woke up and we came to see Kit." Kurumi replied.
"I see... Well, I had better not delay any longer. I promised Miss Megumi I would help he, that I did. Goodnight." He said cheerfully.
"Goodnight." Kurumi whispered. After Kenshin went into Kit's room, Kurumi went back to her own and tried to sleep.
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OOC: Sorry I'm late, been at a friends house. Lots has Happened I see. SWEET! :D

Kit's eyes flew open, he gasped and sat forward, not recognizing the place, he reached for his sword, and to his horror, it wasn't there. He heard faint voices, familiar voices, urging him to relax, and lay back down. He glanced around in wonder, the faces were familiar...
" Me...Megumi?" that brought a slight, concerned smile from the face he stared at. He started, feeling the pain screaming in his shoulder. He laid back moaning with pain.
"Just stay still Kit." megumi said. That brought a few snickers from Katana. Kit opened his eyes slightly " I was attacked by some kind of black shadow. It said 'you children shouldn't be here." questions were raised by the people with him, but he didn't hear as he drifted back into darkness
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Morning came, and everyone who was asleep woke up. Yuki yawned. "I wish I had my pillow..." She said as she got dressed. She looked at Amaya. "They don't have toothpaste here do they?" She asked dissapointedly. "Nope." Amaya answered. "At least there's a bath..." Yuki muttered. She walked out, wondering when breakfast was. Suddenly, she remembered Kit. She ran into the room she was in last night. Megumi, Katana, and Yuka were still there. "Megumi! Is he ok?" She asked rather loudly. "He woke up last night, so I'm pretty sure he is." She said. Yuki smiled. "Ok. Thanks." She said walking out. She walked back to her room, but while rounding a corner she ran smack into Sanosuke. "Ow! That hurt!" She said rubbing her head, while getting off the ground. "What'd I hit?" Sano asked himself looking down at Yuki. "Oh it's the future girl. You ok?" He asked her, helping her up. "I'm fine. Say...when's breakfast, Sano?" She asked as her stomach growled. "When they're done making it. If you're so hungry, maybe you should go help 'em" Sano replied, pointing to the kitchen. "Alright...but I cook probably worse than Kaoru." She said quietly. Sano gave her a puzzled look as she walked into the kitchen.
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I haven't posted in a bit because...uh...because I felt that I've posted too much. Yeah, that's a good excuse...wait..are you still reading this? Oops...

Katana yawned. "That's the first time I've pulled an all-nighter without ten cans of Coke," she told Yuka, who snickered.
Megumi looked at Katana, horrorified. "Coke? You mean...cocane?"
"Huh? What? Hell no lady, I don't smoke!"
Yuka burst out in laughter, getting another questioning look from Megumi. "I'd really like to know...what is so funny?"
"Dunno," said Yuka. "I think it's because, well, Katana and I can related to each other a bunch, I guess. We're the youngest out of the group. I'm 11 and she's 12."
"Or maybe it's because you're idiots."
Yuka, Katana, and Megumi darted their eyes towards the doorway. There stood Yahiko, slouching against the frame.
(Be preapred for...er...sharp teeth scene.)
"AHHH! YOU BRAT!" Yuka yelled, bolting up from her seating poition. Yahiko stuck his tongue out at her.
"Nah haha! You come and get me idi- AHHHH!!!!" Yuka ran up to Yahiko and began to attack. (Imagine when Yahiko attacked Sanouske by biting his head). She clamped on, not ready to let go.
"AHHH!" yelled Yahiko, who began to run around the room, Yuka still attached. Sweatdrops appeared behind Megumi and Katana's heads.
The fight ended when Kenshin's voice rang out, "Breakfast!"
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Guest Zhang_He
OOC: i fell so damn lost it's unfathomuble(if that's a word or not i don't know).

stares at kenshin for long periods of time.
" Umm, Kaz?" Kit notices. " Why you starin' down Kenshin?"
" 'cause i don't like him. I never have actually. I always liked Shishio (spl?) Never have i liked a good guy." (OoC: you what's sad? I feel like everything the girls posted on meh char. is actually true, it's disturbing in fact) So how's that arm of yours?"

Iknow it's short and makes little scence if any. It's 11 something in the evening and i'm hungry. ( Work is evil, never get a job as a mall survey interviewer person, it sucks like HELL!) Oh yeah, thing about you guys. Talim uses a blade Tonfa type of weapon ( the night stick that cops use and stuff) and the way that people sat during this time is know ( in akido classes) as Sezia. sorry if i sound like a smartass or a know it all, i have tis thing that i have to educate people somehow.
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