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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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OOC: Sorry Zhang_He, but you are wrong about Talim's weapon. I could tell you the names of them, but I havn't played for a few weeks and I forgot. I only know what they look like, and they are NOT like a night stick. Plus you didn't make the least bit of sence most of the time.... ^^;;

IC: Kurumi woke up very sore. She had a slight headache too. A few minutes later she heard Kenshin call everyone for breakfast, so she headed down to were they had eaten the night before. When Kurumi walked into the room, she saw Yahiko and Yuka fighting. But she just walked past and slipped into a seat to eat, she was starving since she hadn't eaten last night. Soon everyone else was at the table too, finally Kenshin came in with breakfast.
Soon later everyone was chowing down the wonderful meal, it had been obviously made by Kenshin. It was rather quiet, the only interactions were the passing food and Yuka and Yahiko glaring at each other. Kurumi couldn't help but let out a little giggle at their faces. Then she decided to lighten up the atmoshere aroung everyone.... she told a joke. It was one of the only sick jokes Kilick had ever told her, she thought it was very funny. She was surpised at how many people laughed.... it was... almost, everyone! Katana looked at her with suprise, since she hadn't known Kurumi could actually make people laugh. Kurumi smiled and went back to eating as people started to talk.
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Hehehe my cooking in the real world is actually quiet good, but here I've never cooked before...
Yuki looked around wondering when people would start to eat the food she made. She ate Kenshin's food slowly, her eyes still darting from her food to everyone. Soon, she saw Katana reach for the batch of rice balls she made. Katana took a bite, chewed, and spat it out. "EEW! This tastes nasty! Who made these? Was it Kaoru?" She asked rather loudly. Yuki and Kaoru almost toppled over (anime style) Kaoru glared at her angrily and said, "My cooking may not be as good as Kenshin's, but I am a very talented cook! Wait a second, how do you know how my cooking tastes?" The middle schoolers looked around and decided it was high time to tell them what they were in their time. Yuki went first by explaining what a TV was. "A TV is a device you use to watch shows. It's really confusing if you get into detail but if you turn it on, images appear!" She said. "And at our Junior High, you are all one really cool TV show! Everyone there loves to talk about all of you!" Yuka said next. Katana explained even more,"In your TV show, they show all of your adventures! Everyone enjoys watching them!" "It shows us from the day Kenshin defeated that Battousai imposter and started to live at the Kamiya dojo, to the battle with Shishio! We know almost everything you've guys have done!" Kit added. They paused and looked at the Kenshin gang who were staring at them with a confused look.
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See Yuki, you can be fun. ^^

"If you're telling the truth," said Kenshin, "About how you've seen...you know...about everything that's happened to us, then..."
"Yeah?" Kaz asked. "Ask us a question, any question at all, and we'll answer it with percision."
Katana clapped at Kaz's vocabulary along with Yuka. Everyone looked at them, making them stop.
"Okay, let's see...what was Sano's name as an assassin for hire?"
"Oh! Oh!" Amaya cried out. "I know! It was Zanza!"
Yuka grinned and yelled out, "Ding ding ding!"
Kenshin blinked. "Oro?"
"I have one," said Yahiko. "What's my favorite nickname for Kaoru?"
The middle schoolers looked at each other for a moment. In unison, the replied "Ugly."
Everyone excpet Kaoru burst out in laughter.
Sanouske suddenly thought of a question. "Okay, if you know about Shishio, then...what was the name of the group he led?"
"Lemme take this one," said Kaz to the students. Turning to Sanouske, he said "Juppon Gatana."
Sano shrugged. "Doesn't mean anything. Here's the ultimate question: How long could Shishio battle?"
"Fifteen minutes," Katana said. Sanouske whistled.
"Wow, you guys really do know your stuff. But...if what you say is true, that we're nothing but a show...then does that mean we don't even exist?"
"Stupid question," Yuka said. "If we're here, then you guys must be real."
Sanouske shrugged again and went back to stuffing his face. Soon, everyone joined in, Katana still commenting on how bad Kaoru's food tasted. After the seventeenth complaint, Yuki stood up, slamming her chopsticks on the table.
"I made those!" she yelled at Katana, who jumped. Suddenly, Yuki blushed and sat down, picked up her chopsticks, and began to eat again, embarassed.
"Well, we know who made them, at least. Still...Kaoru, you're cooking really does suck," said Katana, in a slight matter-of-fact voice.
I can cook pretty well in this world...
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Yuki kept blushing from her little 'breakout' and started up the 'we know everything' conversation again. "We really do know everything," she said with a smirk, "even the time Kenshin ran into the bathroom while Kaoru was taking a bath." Katana and Yuka sniggered while everyone else looked at the blushing Kenshin and Kaoru with a grin. "Geez Kenshin! They know more about you than we do!" Yahiko said, still grinning. "That's none of your buisness!" Kaoru yelled at them. Yuki just sat there, supressing her laughter. Megumi was still weary (sp?) of the newcomers. "How do we know they just haven't spied on us from start to finish?" She asked. "Because I don't think these to could spy well. They're too loud." Kit said pointing to Yuka and Katana. They both glared at him. "Who are you calling loud?" Katana asked with a scary look.(white semi-circle eyes and the open mouth that doesn't move)Everyone just laughed and started to eat again. Kaoru was soon interested in Yuki's riceballs and took a bite, just to see if they were as bad as hers. "Hey! These aren't half bad for your first try! Katana, you're probably just not used to the taste of riceballs. " Kaoru said encouragingly. Yuki scratched the bak of her head and blushed. With two different opinons everyone wanted to see how they actually tasted. As soon as everyone took their first bite, there were various comments around the room. Yet, there were too many 'yucks.' A anime sweatdrop appeared behind her head. Soon they all finished eating and they all got up.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Everyone got up from their table and walked outside, and the middle schoolers, Megumi, Kaoru, and Sanosuke sat on the porch while Kenshin was teaching Yahiko to fight.
"Makes me wonder..." Yuka said, staring at her two Sai sheathed. Katana shrugged.
"Ooh what do you have?" she asked.
"Two Sai, I play Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance a lot. My favorite is Li Mei!" she said. "She kick ***."
Katana chuckled, and started watching Kenshin and Yahiko again. Man now what was she to do?
"Katana?" Yuka asked. Katana looked over to Yuka.
"They don't have...soda here do they?!?!" Yuka said. Katana nodded, and both began to cry. Kurumi looked over to them, puzzled.
"Why are you two crying?" she asked. Katana and Yuka hugged each other.
*whack* *whack*
"That'll make them shut up..." Kat said as he stared down at the swirly eyed Yuka and Katana. Yuki sighed at the two, and Kit shook his head slowly.
"So it's pretty amazing how you all come from the future, how is it like?" Kaoru asked. Yuka frowned.
"It is GOOD in some ways!" she said.
"But BAD in other ways!" Katana finished.
"We occupy ourselves very much with new technology!" Yuka said.
"But we have to go to SCHOOL!" Katana said. Yuka nodded.
"And in the future, school sucks!" she said. Katana nodded.
"WE DON'T HAVE TV EITHER!!!!!" she yelled. Yuka began to cry again, before Kat, as honors, bonked both of them.
"I'm innocent!" Yuka yelled. Kat sighed, with Kurumi, Yuki, Amaya, and Kit.
"Hey, I have a great idea!" Kaoru exclaimed. "Why don't we go out and go shopping?" Kaoru said. Kurumi, Amaya and Yuki squealed, but Kit, Kaz, Yuka, and Katana moaned.
"What's the matter?" Kurumi asked.
"I don't like shopping..." they all said in unison. Yuka after screamed.
"Dude we just said something at the same time."
"Shut up I was paranoid!!!!"[/size][/color]
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Kit sighed as Katana Yuka kept blubbering on about all the things in the future. He glanced around, everyone was doing something. Kit just sat back against the wall, in the shadows watching. A slight grin played on his lips, seeing everyone happy. Yuka and Katana looked over at him. Both ran up to him, saying in unison"What's the matter?"
Kit gave them a funny look, "Nothing I..." both girls grabbed an arm each and pulled him with them "We're going shopping!" they sqeauled happily. Kit sweatdropped, and winced in pain as Katana pulled on his wounded arm. "I'll think I'll stay." He said quietly. He pulled his good arm free, raised it up and dissapered. He reapeared on the roof, in time to watch Katana fall on her face. Yahiko and Sano started laughing. 'I think I'll follow them, they seem to be forgetting about the police and that shadow that attacked me.'

OOC: 2 days till christmas! :D:):D I wish you a merry christmas (Gets whacked over the head by Inuluvr1's giant squeky hammer as katana runs by)...ouch
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Sorry Swordsaint, I meant to hit dear old Katana. I wish you a Merry Christmas too! ^^
Note: Hey, I just realized Kyoto is also Tokyo spelled differently!!! *whacks herself with hammer*

Everyone was walking along the streets of Kyoto. Some people were staring at them because of their weapons, and luckily no policemen were around. They didn't want to run into them after the incident either.
"So Kit, how ya feeling?" Amaya asked. Kit smiled.
"Much better thanks to Megumi!" he replied. Then Yuka and Katana made little oohs, and after being whacked on the heads by Kat.
"She's a good doctor!" Amaya exclaimed. "Hey, what job do you want?"
"Uh...haven't really thought about it!" Kit said.
"Ooh! I wanna be...somebody who goes on a choo choo train!!!" Katana said. Yuka bonked her on the head, and chuckled.
"I wanna be a vet for obvious reasons. I think blood is cool!" she exclaimed. Kenshin seemed a little disappointed what she said.
"War is a bad thing, that it is!" he said. Yuka nodded.
"I know it is I JUST SAID THAT I LIKE BLOOD!!!" Yuka yelled while hitting Kenshin on the back of the head. *Great start, eh?*

Suddenly, Kaz heard a policeman yell, pointing to the middle schoolers. The middle schoolers panicked, but stayed in their spot. Then about 20 policemen were surrounding them on each side.
"Crap!" Yuka yelled, taking out her Sai. The middle schoolers took out their weapons, but Kenshin told them to stop and talk first.
"You are under arrest for murdering police and carrying weapons!" one policeman said. Yuka chuckled.
"You can't arrest me! I am the Queen of Britain!" she yelled. Katana immediately started laughing, and Yuka looked 'oh so very proud.'
"Queen?" one policeman said. Yuka nodded.
"I have...uh...done good things! I have created...the...uh..." Yuka kept stuttering, and finally the policeman figured she wasn't a queen.
"You are a liar!" another policeman yelled. Yuka bonked herself on the head.
"I'm not THAT stupid..." Katana said.
"Now what do we do?!?!" Kurumi exclaimed. What would they do? They can't be arrested, that's for sure![/size][/color]
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Geez, this is turning out to be hilarious....^^

The policeman said again, "You're all under arrest for carrying weapons and for the assassination of seven officers!"
"Hey!" Katana yelled, waving her arms around. "Those two killed them, not us!" She pointed to Kaz and Kit, who sweatdroppped and muttered "Traitor".
"We don't care who! And by the way you've all been acting, I doubt any of you can tell the truth!" The policeman who spoke unsheathed a sword and turned it on it's flat side.
[i]He doesn't wanna kill us...strange...[/i]
Yuka, Katana, Amaya, Yuki, and Kaz all prepared to fight. Kenshin stopped them.
"Listein," he told the policemen, "These children do not come from this era. They do not know of the power they posesse. Look at them. They are no older than 14, that they aren't-"
Kenshin was stopped by a police swordsman, who had his blabe tip up to Kenshin's chin.
"Idiot..." he mumbled, "How can you believe such stupid, farfetched things?"
"They speak the truth, that they do, and I believe them, that I do."
The head policeman, without warning, swung his the flat of his sword, delivering a blow to Yuki in the head. She quickly fell over, her eyes completly white.
"You...you...you..." Katana huffed, her voice much deeper. This made the policeman jump.
"Moron..." hissed Yuka, finishing the man's sentence. The two grabbed their two weapons, making that nifty little sound when swords are unsheathed. Kaz sheathed his sword while Kurumi drew hers. This fight was reserved for the girls; Kit could tell by the evil glint in their eyes.
The five girls began to attack, their blades flying around like crazy
as they attacked. Bodies flying in the air, uniformed bodies landing on the ground, both were common sites in this battle. Kaz and Kit leaned against a fence, watching.
"Quite interesting, huh?" Kit asked.
"Yup. Sure beats the heck out of The Matrix."
The two laughed.
Yay, violent post! ^^
*hides behind Kit, who gets hit in the head with Yuka's squeaky hammer. She apologizes quickly and runs after me as I make my great escape. ^^*
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[color=chocolate][size=1]Yeah let's bonk everyone with my squeaky hammer!!!!!

"Aw thanks! All we need is slow motion!" Yuka exclaimed, slashing another blow at a policeman, but he blocked it with his sword.
"Oh yeah, they did that in Shrek!!!" Katana yelled. Yuka chuckled, and both kept on fighting with talking to each other and laughing. *Oh yeah, we're weird!!!*
"They...were...more amazing then I thought..."Kaoru said, amazed at what these...preteens and teens could really do. Yahiko was pretty amazed too; at the same time feeling a little jealous.
"Aren't *clash* you kids ever going *clash* to give up?" a policeman said.
"Why would we?" Kurumi said, clashing her weapon against a policeman's Katana.
"Because children aren't meant to fight!" the policeman replied, drawing Yuka back a little. She was becoming a little tired herself.
"Yuka, can you hold on there?" Amaya asked. Yuka nodded, but weakly. The policeman beating her pushed her backwards, and she crashed into a vegetable stand in the street. People were staring at them fight suspiciously.
"Yuka!" Katana yelled, as Yuka crashed into the stand. Yahiko ran over to Yuka, but Yuka got up and dropped both of her weapons. She looked very, VERY angry.
"Dammit!" she yelled, as she charged the policeman with full force. She punched him in the face with a very hard punch, and he fell into a concrete wall. They all stared at Yuka's blow, as with all of the other policemen. The Yuka put out her hand in front of her, and a purple sparkling disk appeared in her hand. She held it with her fingers and threw the disk to the policeman...
The head of the policeman rolled onto the ground, rolling past the others, as they were horrified at what she had done. She was even horrified herself.
"How...and why..." "It wasn't...meant to be..."
I murdered somebody...uh oh......[/size][/color]
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Yuki put her hand on her head. "What happened?" She muttered as she opened her eyes. Kenshin and Megumi were standing over her, but staring at Yuka. "Why are you all staring at Yu--" She asked, but without seeing the dead body. Yuki's eyes widened. [I]I love to see fighting as much as the next Kenshin fan...but this is too gruesome![/I] She thought, not daring to even gasp. "Yuka...what have you done?" She asked quietly. There was no answer though, because the police resumed fighting. Yuki took out her sword, almost subconsiously, and charged at the one who knocked her unconsious. After being slashed by him once again, she hit him just like he did her. "How does it feel?" She spat at the white eyed policeman. "Enough!" Kenshin and Sano suddenly yelled.
Hehehehe bad Yuka! *steals her queky hammer and hits her* No disk thingies for you!
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((Hehe this is fun! ^_^ *avoids squeaky hammer of doom*))

"Please stop this senseless bloodshed," Kenshin huffed. The girls stopped fighting and lowered their heads in shame.
"This is ridiculous," said Sano.
"We're definitely in for it now," muttered Kaz.
"Ow," Amaya had just realized that there was a deep cut in her stomach. She looked at the blood on her hands and started coughing.
"Amaya!" Kit yelled.
"I'm ok," Amaya coughed.
"Ok?!?! You're bleeding everywhere!!!" Kurumi exclaimed.
Amaya used her sword to keep herself standing up, while she held her stomach with her other hand.
Megumi quickly ran over. "We have to take care of that wound-"
"I'm [I]fine[/I], Megumi," Amaya said stubbornly.

((Why do I always end up making my character get hurt?!? And this one has to be stubborn too. *runs away from Yuka*))
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[color=chocolate][size=1]*cries* I want my SQUEAKY HAMMER!!!! Once I get it, I'm hitting everybody on the head!!!

Yuka stared at her hands, that the disk appeared from. It wasn't meant to be this way...she didn't mean it...and yet...she felt good...
Yuka walked over and picked up her two weapons and sheathed them. The crowd was staring at her, and children with their parents were crying by the sight of the head of the policeman on the ground. Yuka looked at the crowd, and they looked very frightened. They moved out of her way, and began walking away from the others without them noticing. Yuka disappeared into the crowd.
Suddenly, Katana looked around.
"Where's Yuka?" Katana asked. Amaya covering her wound shrugged.
"She probably walked off..."
"That was gruesome..." Kurumi said, staring at the head. "But what gets me is the fact about the disk she had made. How did that happen?"
"Mystical powers I think..." Kaz said as he tried to comfort Amaya, but to no avail.
"We need to save her from this, that we do..." Kenshin said. "She reminds me of myself when I was the Battosai. Not good."
"We have to find her..." Yahiko said. "And figure out how she got that power from. I have never heard of that before."
"All right, we'll go now!" Katana said, determined. [i]Yuka hope you're okay.[/i]

*screams* I want hammer! SQUEAKY HAMMER!!![/size][/color]
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*edges away from Yuka* Sheesh, you'd think that hammer was a Christmas gift or somethin'...speakin' of which, read the bottom of my post for a special event tomorrow! ^^

Katana ran into the crowd of people, still parted from Yuka. She panted, waving her head around wildly, looking for some sign of the sixth grader.
[i]Where did she get that disk from? It makes no sense.[/i](PS: What is that disk anyways?)
Suddenly, a man spoke. "Children as assassins. It's like the Battosai coming back..."
Katana looked towards the direction where the voice had come from. "Oh, thanks," she said, edging into the crowd, looking for the man. She found him, looking directly into his eyes. He was covered in black, even his face, the only things showing being his eyes and nose.
Suddenly, he vanished.
"Geez, so much for a warm welcome...and on Christmas Eve too!" (This has to do with my special thingie. ^^)
This caught someone's attention. "What's...Christmas Eve?"
Katana blinked. "Uh...um...let's see..." She put a hand on her chin and thought. "Well, it means the day before Christmas! Tomorrow's Christmas, where you get presents and junk. And drink eggnog. I personaly think eggnog is bad, the thought of it makes me throw up, but yeah."
There was a murmer in the crowd about this strange thing. Katana took this time to slip away.
"Hey! Kat!" Kaz's voice rang out. Katana turned around and saw him, along with Amaya, Yuki, Kurumi, Sanouske, Kaoru, Kit, Yahiko, Megumi, and Kenshin.
"Konichiwa!" Katana yelled.
Yuki came over, huffing. "You like that word, don't you?"
"Yup. Along with dammit, gomen, baka..."
Yuki laughed. "Yeah, I know. You call that guy in History a baka all the time."
"And he doesn't have a single clue what it means," replied Katana, grinning.
"That's all nice," said Sanouske, "But what about that Yuka kid? Shouldn't we find her?"
"Yeah," said Kurumi, "We have to, I guess. Okay, just look out for a kid with short swords and is kinda short..."
"HEY!" came Yuka's voice. "I heard that!"
Kurumi smiled. "Well, whaddya know; she does exist!"
The group went over to the voice. There stood Yuka, her face red.
"Sheesh, what happened to you?" Yahiko asked.
She didn't respond.
"Hellllooooo! Earth to sixth grader!" Kit yelled in Yuka's ear.
"YEOW! That really hurts you jerk!"
*crying* Half of my post got deleted somehow...and it was really good! *sobbing*
Well, since tomorrow is Christmas, I figured when can have some sort of little party in this. I know lots of you guys have relatives (luckily, mine came over on Sunday ^^), but I think it'll be lots of fun to teach the Kenshin-gumi what X-mas is. Oh, and if you celebrate Hannukah, we could have a little party for the sixth night (I believe it'll be the sixth night tomorrow...). Have fun and Happy Holidays! ^^
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OOC: I don't think I'll be able to do anything tomorrow, but maybe we could extend this party, as if it was an all day Christmas special but it would be shown 5 days straight *shudders at the thought* I mean...a lot of us are gonna be real busy on Christmas. Maybe we should start it the day after, when more people could get on...just a thought though!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Katana, that sounds great! I can join in the party! All right, this post isn't based on Christmas Eve or Christmas kay?

On and you can trust me with weapons, can you?

Yuka was very VERY made at Kit and Yahiko for their comments. The group were walking back to the dojo.
"Hey Yuka..." Katana asked her. Yuka turned to Katana, and looked up, for her sadly, being the shortest of the middle schoolers.
"How that disk thingy appear?" she asked. Yuka shrugged.
"I guess...hey maybe it's that when we came to this era, our favorite weapons and powers were transferred to us ourselves! It makes sense! I like Li Mei from Mortal Kombat with her Sai, and I like Krillin with his flying disks from DBZ!!!" Yuka said. Katana made an "o" shape with her mouth, and nodded.
"Well, this is my favorite weapon!" she said.
"It all makes sense!" Kurumi said. "That has to be it! Our favorite weapons and maybe powers were transferred to our bodies once we came here!!"
"Yeah..and I think I made that disk from anger!" Yuka said. "I never knew I could do that...but Kenshin, I'm sorry for cutting...that guy's head off.."
"It's alright Miss Yuka, that it is!" Kenshin said. Then Yuka turned red from anger. Kenshin became scared, and Yuka whacked him on the head.
"What did I do?" Kenshin asked.
"YOU DON'T CALL ME MISS!!!!!!!!" she yelled at him with anger.
"And Yuka you don't say sorry!" Katana said. Yuka turned around angry as ever, and Katana and Yuka started arguing.
"Yuka! Katana! Shut up!" Yuki yelled. Kaz and Amaya didn't care, they wanted to stay OUT of this fight.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yuka yelled. Katana giggled.
"Speak whale like Dory!" Yuka smiled.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.............................." Yuka said. Katana began bursting out loud laughing, and everyone were not surprised.
"So the hyper ones...Katana and Yuka..." Sanosuke said.
"CAUSE WE'RE SPECIAL!!!!!" Yuka and Katana yelled in unison. The others sweatdropped, and Yuka suddenly began afraid.
"No we just said it in unison!"
"Shut up I am still paranoid!!!"

Hey! *grabs hammer* GOT ME WHACKER MA BOBBER BACK!!! *starts chasing after Kaz, Kit, Yuki, Kurumi, Amaya, and MAINLY Katana* Come back here!!![/size][/color]
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Yuki walked along with everyone else. "So where exactly are we going again?" She asked. It seemed everyone lost their train of thought because of the battle. "I believe we were going shopping, that we were." Kenshin answered. "SHOPPING!" Yuka and Katana said together. "THE VOICES ARE BACK!" Yuka said. This time nobody said a word but everyone but Yuka sweatdropped. "Yuka, they told me they wanted to suck out your soul through a camera then go after Sano!" Kaz taunted. Katana, Kurumi, and Yuki snickered as both Sano and Yuka looked afraid. "Hey kid! That's something you should make fun of! Camera's really suck out your soul!" Sano replied, his arms crossed. At this point everyone but Sano started to laugh. "Wait a second! How are we going shopping if we have no money?" Katana asked. She and Yuka soon got in front of Kenshin and did the puppy dog pout. They looked as though they were one the verge of crying. "Ok you two. I'll give you some money, but I don't have a lot." Katana and Yuka sprung up into the air. "WHEE!" Katana yelled as she ran around Kenshin. Everyone then sweatdropped and Yuka smacked her. "Wha--what'd I do now?!" Katana asked quietly as the group lef ther on the ground. Yuki, Kit, Kaz, and Amaya merely shook their heads and hid their faces in embarrasment.
*doges the new hammer she game Yuka for Christmas* SAVE ME!!!
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"Are you still bleeding?" Kit asked Amaya out of nowhere.
"Why do you care?" snapped Amaya, who was still clutching her stomach.
"Just... wondering..." Kit blushed slightly.
"Look he's blushing!" Katana teased, poking him. Kit sweat-dropped.
"It's just a little cut, I think I'll be ok," Amaya said. "Besides, I've hurt worse. My dad beat me once, but not on purpose. He was really drunk and stressed out."

((SPASTICNESS!!! Wahahaha, I have created a new word. I have no idea where it came from, but that happens a lot, so whatever... *avoids squeakiness again*))
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Merry Christmas all! (I got a moped and a gamecube!)
They all soon returned from shopping and Megumi wrapped up Amaya's 'cut' in bandages. Soon they fell asleep afterwards, since they took most the day shopping. In the morning, though, all the middle schoolers got up early. Katana and Yuka especially. They went into everyone's rooms screaming "It's Crhistmas today!" Soon, because of that, everyone was awake and rubbing their eyes. "What's a 'Christmas'?" Yahiko asked, streatching(sp?) The middle schoolers dropped their jaws. "You honestly don't know what Christmas is? You have got to be kidding!" Amaya said.
just thought I might start it...merry christmas once again...*gets hit on the head with the squeky hammer of doom* EEK *falls to the ground all swirly eyed like Kenshin does*
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I gots a TV! Yay! ^^
"How could you not know about that great god called Christmas?" Yuka asked, shaking Yahiko.
"What's Christmas?" Kenshin asked. Yuka forgot about Yahiko and, with Katana, fell over.
"Um..." Kenshin asked Kurumi, who had walked in. In some way, a Santa hat was on her head. "Yeah?"
"Well...what is Christmas?"
"Christmas is...Christmas is...uh...a big holiday!" Kit said, who appeared from nowhere. He was bouncing around, acting more like Katana than his normal self. "Where you exchange gifts and get presents! And you also, uh, eat a lot!"
"So...so, it's like a feast?" Kenshin asked.
"Yeah, I guess you could call it that..."

Two hours later, Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanouske, Yahiko, Megumi, Katana, Kaz, Kit, Yuka, Yuki, Amaya, and Kurumi (whew!) were sitting down in the front room (the room with the stage). Plopped on the stage were tons of gifts, most of them being from the middle schoolers.
"Okay," said Amaya, who was on the stage. She picked up a gift and squinted to read the tag. "Um...hmm...what's "K-N-S-N" mean?"
"That's Kenshin!" said Kaz, ripping the gift out of Amaya's hands. He was blushing furiously.
"Welll, that was chicken scratch!" she yelled at him. "I can't read stuff chickens wrote!"
Kenshin took the gift, his mouth in an "o" shape. Carefully, he opened it up.
"Oh! It's a....uh...what is this?"
Kaz sighed. "It's a sword handel! It's meant for the wooden swords, but it'll fit just fine."
"Umm...thank you." Kenshin curiously investigated the handel. He was clearly confused, but didn't say anything.
"Let's see..." Amaya said again, picking up another gift. "Ah geez, it's heavy...um...it's to...Yuka!"
Yuka came up and grabbed the box, eagerness written all over her face. "You're not kidding!" she groaned, "It is heavy!"
Yuka opened it up and pulled out a stick. However, attached to the stick was...a mallet.
"RUN AWAY!!!" Katana yelled, scrambling to get up. "IT'S THE HAMMER OF DOOM!!!"
Just [i]had[/i] to put that in. ^^
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Katana, you rock. I had to say that.

"IT'S DA BIG HAMMER!!!!!!!!" Yuka yelled as she ran around with her giant mallet. Katana started screaming, and Yuka ran after Katana trying to bonk her on the head with the giant mallet.
"RUN AWAY!!!!" Katana yelled, and the Kenshin gumi all sweatdropped.
Then Amaya picked up another present, except it was light.
"This is to...Yuka?!?!" she said. Yuka sqeualed and ran up and took the present. She opened it, and gasped.
"What is it?" Katana asked, not looking in the box.
Then Yuka grabbed out what was in the box. Katana almost fainted.
BB Gun.
Yes...don't get me ANY weapons for Christmas...[/size][/color]
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OOC:Eh, sorry i havn't been posting, busy time, no computer at dad's either... so I'm at the school he works at. Phew!

IC: Kurumi jumped as Yuka came laughing with the mallet AND BB gun. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Kurumi screamed, but oddly enough laughing. "Eh?" Someone had grabbed her and forced a present into her lap. She saw Katana in front of her smiling. "Thanks."
"Well, open it first! Duh!" Katana said back. So Kurumi ripped it open to find.... EGGNOG!
"WO! I love eggnog... last year I had so much I got drunk off of it." Kurumi said with joy. She opened it and chugged it down. After downing it in a few gulps, she let out a big burp and started running around laughing. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She screamed as she jumped onto Yuka. They came down with a thud. Everyone started laughing. Kurumi grabbed Katana and Yuka and they all started to sing.
"Never knew you could be so wild Kurumi!" Katana said rather suprised. Yuka nodded in agreement.
"Well, goes to show ya how different a person can actually be!" Kurumi replied. For the rest of the morning everyone continued to exchange gifts.
Haha, I wanted to make Kurumi lossen up and be crazy, so there it be happinen!
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Ah God...yeah, eggnog....
"Well, that was quite an...interesting...party, that it was," said Kenshin as he picked up some wrapping paper.
"Yeah," replied Kit, "Who knew Kurumi could get drunk? And with eggnog?"
"Who knew that a sane soul on this planet liked eggnog?" Katana added. "Course, we now know Kurumi isn't that sane."
The three laughed as Kurumi walked in, her hand up to her head.
"Agh...it's like I have a bad headache or something..."
"Probably a hangover," said Yuka, who was lying on the stage.
"HEY! GET BACK TO WORK IDIOT!" Yahiko yelled in her ear.
The two started fighting as they had so many times before. Everyone just laughed nervously and went back to work.
"Christmas...what an interesting celebration," said Kaoru. "You future people have a lot of neat traditions."
"It's not a tradition!" said Kit, who seemed still hyper on the subject of Christmas. "It's a HOLIDAY!"
"Yes, that's nice..." said Kaoru.
"By the way," said Sanouske, who just walked into the room, "We're going back to Tokyo tommorrow." (Remeber, we're in Kyoto!)
"Ah nuts," said Kaz, "I was getting used to this place..."
"We've only been here three days!" said Katana, waving her arms around.
"That's enough time for me to get used to something, okay?"
Heh, short post. When we leave to go back to Tokyo, the train ride is gonna be fun. *remembers the episode with Sano and the train and laughs*
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Kurumi walked around the room... in circles and circles singing, "NA NA NA NA CH CH NA NA NA... CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!!!" While doing a little dance as well. Her head was pounding, but she didn't care. Kurumi toppled over a pile of presents.. her pile of presents. "Oh yeah... forgot 'bout them bein' here, now didn't I?" She picked them up and took them back to her room. She sat down and looked at them. [i]Ahhh, it was so nice of everyone to get me gifts. That was the most wild Christmas I've had![/i] Kurumi thought. Yuka soon came in with her pile of presents too. "Wazzup homie fried skillet?" Kurumi asked Yuka. Yuka started laughing, Kurumi smiled.
"Hahaha, that's a good one!" Yuka said laughing.
"Yeah? Well.... your mama!" Kurumi replied.
"Eh!? What about my mama?! Come 'ere!" Yuka yelled chasing Kurumi around with her sqeaky hammer. "I'm gonna bonk you for that one!"
"Ahhhh! Just joking, just joking! Have mercy!" Kurumi half yelled half laughed.
"No way! I shalt not show any mercy for the! I WILL get you!" Yuka yelled again as she jumped and landed on Kurumi's shoulders and started bonking her on the head.
"Oh owoowowowow!" All of a sudden the door opened to reveal Yuki standing in the doorway. She didn't look pleased.
"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP??!!! Some of us are trying to sleep! Jeez!" Yuki screamed at them. Big anime sweatdrops formed behind their heads. Then Yuka stuck out her tongue.
"Well, why don't you mind your own beezwax and stop ruining our fun!" Yuka fought back.
"HMPH!" Yuki sad and slammed the door.
"Man... what was her problem?" Kurumi asked. Yuka shrugged.
"I dunno." So they continued to fight.
Lol. I guess I like my person to be more goofy. ^^
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Oh and Kurumi, yes you can be VERY fun too! I wanna get drunk off of eggnog one day! You inspirer!

Yuka grabbed her BB Gun and mallet. Bam!
"Hey let's see what this baby can do!" Yuka said, holding her BB Gun. The middle schoolers screamed, and Yuka smirked, and fired the BB Gun. Nothing.
"It's...it's...FAKE!!!!" Yuka yelled, as she ran around screaming. Everyone sweatdropped, and Yuka started to cry. Everyone gasped.
"Yuka's...crying?" Kurumi said.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ME BB GUN...is fake!!!" she said. She ran out of the room, into the next room where there was a fire in the fireplace. She threw the BB gun in it, and then 3....2....1....
"BB Gun go BBBBOOOOMMMM!" Yuka said smiling. She ran around like crazy around the whole room. Everyone walked in and scratched their heads. One moment she's crying..and the next she's hyper again!!
"Courtesy of Playing the Simpsons Hit and Run. Homer go boom!" she said childish like. Katana nodded, and looked at the "destroyed" BB Gun in the fire.
"You were upset..."
"Yep, I wanted a real BB gun. Not a fake one. Oh well still got me giant mallet!" Yuka said as she ran out of the room, fetching her mallet. Katana screamed, and Yuka began chasing after her.
"I WANNA BE JUST LIKE HARUKO!!!! I WANNA KICK PEOPLE'S *** WITH A...wait...she uses a guitar...dammit...OH WELL WITH A GIANT THINGA MA BOBBER!!!!" Yuka yelled. Kit, Kaz, and Amaya started chasing after Yuka, while Kurumi stayed with the Kenshin gumi watching the "tag."
"Ahhh! What did I do to you?!?!" Katana said to Yuka. Yuka shrugged, but kept chasing her.
"Uh...you...uh...I don't know this is fun!!"
Everyone sweatdropped.[/size][/color]
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