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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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It amazes me how we are back with everyone when we where in our rooms... eh oh well. MAGIC! *Throws little sparklies* Whheeee!
Kurumi held Kit in front of her to dodge getting hit by Yuka's mallet. Yuka hit Kit and a huge lump appeared on his head.
"Ah! OW! Why did you have to go and do that! Huh Kurumi?!" Kit questioned angrily. He then took the mallet from Yuka and hit Kurumi with it.
"HEY!" Kurumi said as a huge lump formed on her head too. Yuka took her mallet back, giving Kit a dirty look while doing so.
"Hey! You see this?! THIS MINE! I can only hit people with it, ya hear?! ONLY ME!" Yuka screamed at him angrily, giving him another pound on the head. Kurumi couldn't help but laugh. She then danced around the room singing, " NA NA NA NA CH CH NA NA NA!.... CAN'T TOUCH THIS!" Again. Everyone looked at her... she looked back. "WHAT?! I'm free to do what I wish."
"Yes.. but we are not used to you like this." Said Amaya.
"Ah... oh well, get used to it!" She replied as she continued to her "Can't touch this" dance.

After awhile it started getting late, some people where in corners talking, others fighting quietly, and some enjoying their presents. Kurumi say Amaya and Kit talking in a corner. She went over and said, "Aw, if it isn't the cute little couple?" (Or was it Yuki that we are deciding Kit is liking? I dunno... I'm blonde ya know. ^_~) Kit blushed, but Amaya just rolled her eyes. Kurumi got sad but starry eyes. "I wish someone would love me... but alas, who would be crazy enough to fall for a nut as myself?" Kurumi said sadly as she stared off into space. "Ah, well... I guess it doesn't matter..... bye guys." She waved and headed back to her and Yuka's room for the night. Time for some shut-eye.
Ahh, yes... that is the way I feel but many times. Why can someone not have love for me. I hope a character turns up in this RPG for Kurumi... hehe, that would be nice. :p
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Poor Conna's a blonde.

Yuka was in her room, sitting in a corner by the sliding door to get to another room that lead to outside the dojo. Suddenly, Kurumi walked in, and Yuka screamed.
"DON'T SCARE ME!!!" she said, but she realized Kurumi was totally ignoring her signing the "can't touch me" song. Yuka smirked.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......KATANA!" she yelled. Then suddenly, Katana walked in, and Yuka made a signal for her to walk over. Katana did so, and Yuka whispered in her ear. Katana smiled, and Yuka stood up. Then they ran out of the room, singing:
"Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........cookeracha! La cookeracha! Da da da da da da da da!! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....cookeracha!!!...."

"Shut up!" Kaz yelled.
"We wanna sing!" Katana yelled at Kaz.
"You sing badly!" Yahiko yelled.
Yuka cries now.
"Stop crying!" Kit yelled.

Yuka ran into the room Kurumi was in and grabbed her great big giant mallet. Then she ran out of the room.
*screams heard from a distance*
"GIANT MALLET MOVE OUT!!!" Katana yelled. Screams from people are heard.
"Ow!" Kaoru yelled.
"I don't like you! I think you're trying to steal my position!" Yuka yelled.
"As what?"
"Leave me alone!" Kaoru yelled, hiding behind Katana.
"Get away from me!" Katana yelled at Kaoru. More screams heard.

Kurumi sighed, then began singing her Can't touch me song again. This is what she called life.
You can tell I had cookies, two Sprites, and more sugar today after reading this, can you?[/size][/color]
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OOC: This was made after Conna's post, so...imagine this a few hours later, okay?
IC: Hey, there's lots of dudes in the Meiji Era...have some fun. But don't kill anyone. ^^;
"This really stinks," Katana said, rolling up in her blanket.
"Why?" Yuki asked.
"Because you guys aren't fun! At least Yuka and I get along with each other!"
"Fine, go, see if we care!" Amaya shouted. Katana shrugged and got up. Opening the door, she looked back at the two. "See ya's guys later."
"Sheesh, maybe we'll be able to get some sleep *mumble mumble*" said Amaya, settling into her blanket. Yuki rolled her eyes and turned over, soon falling asleep.

"[i]Knock knock. Knock, knock.[/i]"
"Yeah?" came Kurumi's sleepy reply. She opened up the door and was met with Katana's top hairs.
"Yo," Katana said, walking into the room. The carton of eggnog was on the floor, and Yuka was snuggled deep into her blanket, muttering "Hammer. Giant hammer of doooooommmmm...."
Kurumi grinned. "She's funny, huh?"
"Yup," Katana replied, sitting down on the floor. The blanket, which was drapped across her shoulders, spread onto the floor in a heap. Kurumi yawned.
"Wha'cha doin' in here?"
"My roommates are boring as heck," replied Katana, rubbing her eyes. "And after seeing how you can recact with just eggnog, I figured, what the hell, and came by."
Kurumi smiled. "Yeah, guess so."
The two sat in silence until Katana finally whispered, "You...you think we'll ever be able to get back home?"
Kurumi thought. "No," she said softly. "I don't think so."
"Great," said Katana, flopping onto the floor. "I don't mind this place, really, but one does miss such things as anime, manga, TV, the internet..."
Kurumi rolled her eyes again. "True. But these guys are really nice. And through this, I've met you, Yuka, and all the other guys."
"You know, Kit's kinda cute..."
"Ack! Katana!" Kurumi exclaimed, punching the girl on the head. She fell over, a large bump on her head.
"Well it's true!"
"Sure, whatever you say..."
Woo, Kit! You're the ladies man! ^^
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[color=chocolate][size=1]NOW we start to get romancey. *Not even sure it's a word!* *Cricket chirps.* GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!

Yuka slid her eyes open slowly, to see Kurumi next to her, but someone was there. She opened them more, to reveal Katana, sitting beside Kurumi. Yuka was almost shocked, then quickly sat up. The two girls looked at her, and Yuka screamed.

Suddenly, Kenshin ran into the room, with Sanosuke beside him.
"What was the screaming about?" Sanosuke asked. Kurumi and Katana pointed to Yuka, who looked very sad.
"What's the matter?" Kenshin asked. Yuka sniffed.
"You what?" Sanosuke asked.
"I CAN'T FIND MY BIG GIANT HAMMER OF DOOM!" she yelled. Everyone in the room sweatdropped, and Katana shrugged.
"Why'd you need it?" she asked. Yuka shrugged.
"I don't know maybe to BONK YOU ON THE HEAD WITH!!!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" she yelled. Katana quickly got up and began walking out.
"I thought we were friends..." she muttered.
"WE ARE IT'S JUST THAT I...I..." Yuka said, while sniffing.
"You...what?" Kurumi asked. Katana stopped in her tracks, and turned around.
"I had a dream..."
"About what?" Kurumi asked.
"I was walking throughout the dojo, and only me and the middle schoolers were there. Anyway, we ran into a shadowy figure, and he didn't have a weapon from what I remember. He had a watch...and he charged at us. I was thrown back, and suddenly appeared falling down a waterfall. He jumped off the top of the waterfall too, and was trying to catch me, when suddenly and oddly Kaz appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me, and somehow flew to the top of the waterfall, then disappeared. He disappeared because I sang la cookeracha again!" Yuka said. The others sweatdropped, but Yuka kept going.
"Anyway, I disappeared again and then...was in heaven...with my big hammer...then I woke up! Then I wanted my hammer...but it's GONE!!!!!"
"So you wanted to hammer to feel safe?" Kenshin asked.
"Not only that but that dream was more of a nightmare. This shadowy figure scared me a little, and to feel better, I find bonking Katana on the head will make me better!" Yuka said.
"Okay..." Katana said, backing away from Yuka. "You now scare me."
"Oh don't worry Katana, I won't hurt you. Every friend I have I betray once in a friendship. Shows I do NOT belong in this world."
"You got that right..." Kurumi muttered.
"Now calm down Miss...I mean Yuka, we'll find your hammer in the morning," Kenshin said. "You get some rest, along with Kurumi, and Katana, if you wish, can stay in here!" Kenshin said. With that, Kenshin and Sanosuke left, closing the door behind them, leaving Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka in the darkness. Katana lay on the hard wooden floor, and Yuka and Kurumi in their soft blankets.
"I want my hammer..." Yuka said.
"Shut up Yuka," Kurumi said.
"Yeah..." Katana muttered.
*10 seconds later*
"What Yuka? Cookie? You want a cookie?"
"I wanna kill Barney."
"He's purple. He stole my color. Bastard."
"Okay...go to sleep."
"Now Katana you say cookie?"
"Yuka stop it!!"
"COOKIE!!!!" both yelled in unison. Yuka screamed, but not loud enough for people outside the room to hear.
"Shut up, we said it in unison!"
"I SWEAR I AM PARANOID!! la...dee...dee...da...da..."
That was fun.[/size][/color]
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"Cooooooooooooooooooookkkkkiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!!!" Yuka yelled again.
"Yo, little homie fried skillet, queen of Britain person.... found your mallet" Kurumi said.
".. .. .. MALLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!! MY MALLET! OHMIGOD! GIMMEITRIGHTNOW!" Yuka screeched, jumping up. Kurumi tossed it and it hit Yuka on the head. Yuka quickly grabbed it and sat down with it. She just sat there petting it and whispering, "My precious.... my precious.... I shall never let you out of my site again! I SSSSWWEEEAAARRR! Don't be angery.... THE VOICES!!!! THEY WON'T GO AWAY! DON'T TAKE THE PRECIOUS!!! I SWEAR I'L--" Yuka was then started screeching again but was cut off by Katana knocking her out with a mighty blow.
"Thanks." Said Kurumi.
"No problem." Replied Katana.
Lol, that was great. I had to do that. :p
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((*coughs* *looks at Kit* *blushes* *coughs some more* *sweatdrops* ^^;;
Man, you people are crazy!! Lol, normally I'd join you, but we gotta have SOME rational people around here!!! ^^;; I despise eggnog... o_O))

Amaya had the dream again... A horrible nightmare that had haunted her ever since her mother left. It was as if the woman had left a tragic imprint upon the little girl's very soul... An imprint that would cause endless pain and suffering in her heart.
As many times as she had faced that dark void, Amaya was still plagued by it. An eternity in hell that began with soft breathing, slowly bringing her into a state of peaceful unconciousness. A peace that would soon become suffocating.
Amaya tore away from her dream-state forcefully. Her eyes shot open as she sat bolt upright, her breathing rigid and unsteady as she clutched her stomach.

((Where did this come from?!?!?! o_O *looks around* Who let the angst in? AAGGHHHH!!! *runs into a pole* @_@ Ow... I have writer's block!!! GRRRR!!!! -.O))
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Hoo boy. You guys have to calllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllm down. *sigh*
Soon, Yuka fell asleep...or at least, she laid unconscious on the floor. Katana poked her with a chopstick (oh yeah, I'm good).
"Yep, out. Definetly," she said, reclining back to her spot.
"You know what's funny?" Kurumi asked.
"There's only two middle school guys here. The rest of us are girls."
"Yeah, that's sad. I put pitty on Kit and Kaz..."
"They have funny names."
"Kit...sounds like a kitten or something. HE'S A KITTY!" Kurumi yelled, running around the room. Katana sweatdroppped.
"And Kaz...is like Kazuko."
"Who's that?"
Kurumi huffed a sigh. "Guess we should get to bed, huh?"
"'spose so. Well..." Katana walked out of the room, leaving Kurumi sitting on the floor, a confused look on her face. Katana soon returned, the block-like pillow in her arms.
"Can't sleep without a pillow," she said.
"If you can call it that."
The two laughed and sprawled out across the floor. The room they were in was rather large, larger than the front room but smaller than the eating area. Two beams in the middle supported the roof above. In the back was a door leading outside, and right next to the door was a window (yes...my imagination of the room ^^).
[i]"Yuka...you okay?"
"What? Who's Yuka?" Yuka stood before Katana proudly, dressed like one of the three musketeers. Next to her was Kurumi.
"You guys okay?"
"Of course we are, remember?" replied Kurumi.
"We're The Crazy 3 Musketeers of the OtakuBoards!"
"What're your names?" Katana asked, feeling rather stupid.
"Inuluvr1" Yuka yelled.
"Conna_da_fox!" shouted Kurumi. "And you're Katana!"
"Duh! I'm Katana, you're Kurumi, and she's Yuka!"
"No no NO!"
"Yeah yeah YEAH!!! Remeber, the RPG? You drank too much eggnog?"
"Oh yeah..."[/i]
Katana wook up. "Woah, freaky."
One word:
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Katana, you made me laugh like crazy.
It was morning, and Yuka woke up. Beside her were Katana and Kurumi sleeping peacefully. Yuka smirked, and grabbed her 'giant hammer of doom'. *I bet you know what's coming.*

"****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Katana screamed, and Kurumi began chasing after Yuka with an angry expression on her face.
"BECAUSE I WANTED TO!" Yuka said as she ran out of the room into the kitchen, were Amaya, Kaz, Kit, and the Kenshin gumi were sitting eating peacefully.
"What's all the commotion about?" Megumi asked. Kurumi and Katana pointed to Yuka; she was looking so innocent.
"Yes, Yuka did do something wrong indeed," Yahiko said.
"She woke us up with a bonk on the head of her hammer!" Katana yelled. Yuka still looked innocent.
"And what do you have to say about this Yuka?" Kenshin asked. Yuka stayed silent.

"NOOOOOO!!! Ooh Dory again! Nooo..."
"Whhhhhyyy?!?!" Yuka replied. Now everyone gave up on her.
"Who's hungry?" Kaoru said, showing the plate of food on the table. Everyone immediately forgot about the fight and began eating.
"So Yuka, did you sleep well?" Kenshin asked. Yuka nodded.
"And when I went back to sleep, I had a dream about..."
"About what?"
"GOD DAMN SHUT UP!!!" Kurumi yelled.
"Hey, I just remembered we leave to Tokyo today!!" Sanosuke said.
"Oops, I forgot. I suffer from short term memory loss. LIKE DORY!!! Just keep swimming...swimming...swimming..." Yuka said as she muttered off into her world. Katana chuckled.
"She likes Finding Nemo too much."
"Hey, I'll tell more. I heard they're called....what was it...oh yeah it's called a butt!"
"Eeewwwwwww!!!!" Megumi yelled.
"I'm gonna turn you into poo!" Yuka said, pointing to Megumi.
"Why?" Yahiko asked.
"Okay Yuka...calm down and eat..." Kit said.
"Okay...but...one more thing..."
*applause* NO MORE CRICKET CHIRPS!!!! *smiles*[/size][/color]
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ARGGHH! I MISSED TH EPARTY (Cries uncontrollably, for a sec then stops) Se la ve! (Sp?) sorry I havn't posted for a while, been visiting family. (Naorroly dodges the big squeaky hammer, Katana runs in circles cackling madly)...riiight...

Kit wandered into the court yard, to stand in the rain. This was the first happy christmas he had had. All the others he was sent to some theme park, or at home alone because his dad was to busy working, and his mom lived in the u.s. He sighed gently, a faint smile parted his lips. Katana and Yuka looked outside, both snickered to each other "HEY KIT!"
Kit turned around to see both the hyperactive girls chargin at him
"Crap..." both girls tackled him, smiling and giggling uncontrollably
"Cookie, cookie. Kit sounds like kitty, kitty..." Kit sweatdropped as both girls each grabbed a leg anddrug him back insided.
"Ya know I can walk, right?"
both girls looked back grinning "We know, you just stand outside all alone though. So we bring you back inside where it feels warm and fuzzy! Heh heh he!" Get raised his hand and vanished, reapearing in front of both girls, who had fallen flat on their faces again. Kit and kaz chuckled slightly, until Yuka whipped out the hammer of doom. Kit's eyes grew large. "AAIIEEEE!" WHACK! CRACK! SMASH! kit and kaz's heads both grew huge lumps after yuka pummeled them both with her hammer.

ooc: I think i did it right, if not (Sqeaky) oh no! SMASH! ouch...flying hammer...so sqeaky...Bleagh....
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I have a squeaky hammer and a real hammer. My real hammer I don't use unless emergencies. *stares at Katana* Boo yah!
The group were done eating, and were sitting in a room enjoying thereselves.
"Hey, until we leave, why don't we entertain ourselves with a talent show?" Kurumi said. Yuka smiled greatly, also Katana.
"Okay, we'll start with Yuka!" Amaya said. Then she whacked herself on the head. "Why?!?!"
Yuka wa so proud. The others sat down, and Yuka stood.
"I will tell you the story of Jack and Jill...new and improved!" Yuka said. The others sighed, and were thankful.
Yuka said:

Jack and Jill went up the hill to get some marajuana,
Jack got high and dropped his fly then said do you wanna?
Jill said yes and dropped her dress and then they had some fun,
Silly Jill forgot her pill and now they have a son!

Everyone stared in horror.
"I prove that I don't belong here. I want to live in a cold place with da penguins!!!!" Yuka said. Everyone still sat in horror.
"Oh screw you people..."
Okay, my talent shown! I think it would be better for the person to post their own talent for the talent show. (Katana, it's actually your decision, ok?)[/size][/color]
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((OOC: Actually it's C'est la vie... ^^;; Yeah, French is weird... But I have an A in French so nyah!))

Yuka started hitting Amaya's arm with the squeaky hammer. "You go next!!!"
"No!" Amaya protested.
"YES!!!" Yuka yelled.
"I don't wanna!"
"GO NOW!!!" Yuka pulled out her real hammer and had a crazy gleam in her eyes.
"Ok, ok," Amaya sighed. She stood up and looked around nervously. After a few deep breaths, she started singing The Real Folk Blues ((I like that song! ^.^)). Everyone was surprised by how well she sang.

((I'm in choir!!! ^__^ hehe))
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"Yuka," Kensin asked, pointing at the squeaky hammer, "Where'd you get that?"
"Huh? What? Oh, wait a minute, these are suppossed to be in the top and bottom notes...."

"Yay!!!" Katana yelled out, clapping. "I like that song, really nifty." She held up a card that read 9.5.
"What the..." Yuka asked, "I got zeros from you guys and you think a stupid song is better?"
"Yes!" everyone replied in unison to Yuka.
"Ah geez..."
Everyone agreed, Amaya had done pretty well with her song.
"Here are the standings!" Kaoru called out. "Yuka, Zero! Amaya, Nine!"
Yuka sat in a corner, scowling, as Kit was pushed onto the stage by Katana and Kurumi.
"Uh...let's see..." Kit thought, tapping a finger to his chin. "Uh..." Suddenly, he looked up in amazment.
"Lightbulb!" Yuka cried out, now back from the corner.
Kit ran to one side of the room. He then ran up the wall, flipped, landed on the stage, jumped, ran on the ceiling for a breif moment, landed, jumped, flipped, jumped off the other wall, and landed on the stage.
"Do you take ballet lessons?" Kaz asked jokingly.
"Nope! That be 100% skill from me as a killer!" He burst out laughing like an idiot (or how Vash would).
"I think he got a hold of your eggnog," Katana whispered to Kurumi. She nodded.
"Wouldn't doubt it."
Katana popped off the ground and onto the stage after Kit was dragged off. She thought, her eyes watching the ceiling. Suddenly, an idea struck her in the head (or was it Yuka's giant hammer? ~_~).
"What's she gonna do? Does she have any talent?" Yahiko asked Yuka.
"How should I know? All I know is that she and I can be hyper."
Yahiko sighed and reclinded back to his spot.
"I shall sing...1/2!" Katana yelled. "It's the Rurouni Kenshin opening theme!"
"Oro? Opening theme?" Kenshin asked, surprised.
"A song," Kaz told him.
Katana began to sing, her voice matching the song as well as any person could without being the actual singer. Everyone sat there, looking half shocked, half dumbstruck, at the extremly hyper girl singing a slightly high pitched song.
I be not in choir, but I can sing pretty well...and I decided that, for every two people, we should give scores. ^^
*looks down* No, not Freckles, 1/2! It's the Japanese RK theme!
[url=http://www.gpetz.com/midis/kenshinopening.mp3]It's this thingie![/url] (You have to copy and past the link into a music player...if you have Windows Media Player, you go to open URL and paste it there).
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[size=1][color=chocolate]And me get's a zero on her talent...I told a good poem! Well not good in a good way...I got it off da internet!!!!

Once Katana was finsihed, Yuka clapped.
"I like the song Freckles. Though it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE RUROUNI KENSHIN SHOW!" Yuka said. "That was nice. I should have sang la cookeracha..."
"No you shouldn't have!" everyone said. Yuka frowned, but Katana smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
"Okay, next up is Kurumi!" Yuka said, still sitting in the corner.
"You can come out of the corner now..." Kaoru said.
"NO! I WANNA BE DA BOOGIEMAN!!!" she said. "Okay Kurumi, you're up!"
Kurumi happily got up, but walked out of the room. She came back with 5 quart-sized cartons of eggnog. Yuka and Katana smiled.
"What I am gonna do...is drink all this eggnog and get drunk!!!" Kurumi said. Yuka and Katana screamed, and ran over to her.
"Where'd ya get it?" Katana asked.
"I don't know...some villagers made it for me. They knew how to make eggnog somehow...and well...they heard us talking about it looking for Yuka and made us some!! But I got it behind you alls backs. Here we go!" Kurumi said. She began to drink.
"DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK!!!" Katana and Yuka repeated over again. Everyone was sweatdropping.

It had been 3 minutes, and Kurumi finished the last carton. Yuka and Katana yelled out hooray, and the others slowly clapped.
"Yay..." Amaya said quietly. Kurumi yelled out "yippee!" and Yuka and Katana gave her a thumbs up.
"You rock Kurumi!" Yuka said. Katana nodded. But at the moment, Kurumi was now drunk.
"OK, good Miss Kurumi..." Kenshin said.
"Now a special performance for fun by Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi!" Katana yelled, She whispered to Yuka and Kurumi, and they smiled.

"Splish Splash I was taking a bath, long about a Saturday night..."
"Rub dub just faurtin in my tub, thinking everything was all right..." Yuka continued. Kurumi and Katana stared at her in horror.
"What I got it off of gotlaughs! DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!!!" *hides in corner.*[/size][/color]
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Guest Zhang_He
OOC: mMMMM cookies, evil, : Cuts H. of Doom in half: Ha no more hammer! :runs away:

watches as Kit and Amaya talk, sees the odd ness of the musketeer people.
" Okay!" I scream out of no where. " I know what to do!"
" Do about what?" Kat asked.
" About the Mystical Powers o' Yuka. Yuka, Do what you did before you lobed off the cop's head but face that way." I say poitning to a large group of trees. " And then dop your little Flame whell thingy." watches closly as she does the flame whell thingy. Then tries his own flame wheel thing but only becomes tired and falls over sweating.

OOC: I know it's been long. but i'm at meh dad's house in New Bransfuels. I got some nut Crackers and a DVD player with both X-Men movies ( go Ana Paquin and Famke Jannsen i love 'em both) Ph yeah and meh @nd check from my Research job in the mall, oh yeah a whole $193. Go $6.50 an hour. Post later.
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*smirks* You people sure do like to see me drunk off eggnog.
"Hey hic... I found hic.... hichic.... some...hic... CHOPSTICKS!" Kurumi yelled... still drunk. She started sneaking around poking people. Then finally Yahiko grabbed her arm and started yelling at her. "Noooooooooooo........ leave me alone!" She yelled back then poked him in the eye. "Whoops! BWAHAHAHA!" Yahiko glared at her and charged angrily. Kurumi dodged his charge for her and when he swung back around to hit her, she did a quick Karate chop to the side of his head. He tripped and fell over, he had a large bump on his head. "BWAHAHAHA! That's what you get for messing with a girl!" Kurumi said as she colapsed onto the floor. "Woah, to much hic hic... eggnog." Kurumi whispered as she passed out. Everyone stared at where she and Yahiko were. Neither of them moved, everyone sweatdropped and Yuka and Katana pulled Kurumi off to the side. Yuka took out her sqeaky hammer and yelled, "WAKE UP!" Kurumu groggily opened her eyes just in time to she Yuka bring down the sqeaky hammer. Kurumi had five red marks and her face as she got up. "What the hell?--" Katana and Yuka started laughing. Kurumi sweatdropped and suddenly got angry and lunged at them. They both let out screams and ran away. "Get back here you little!--" Kurumi yelled as she chased after them.
Everyone sweatdropped again and all whispered, "This is my life..." At the same time.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I'm back dudes! *screams* Heh I love my job.

"KURUMI ATTACKS!!! RUN AWAY!!!" Yuka yelled as she ran throughout the whole dojo.
"COME BACK HERE!" Kurumi yelled. The other patiently waited, watching the three girls chase after each other.
"This is very entertaining..." Amaya said.
"Yep. I bet you Yuka is gonna take her giant real hammer soon..." Kit said.

"GIANT HAMMER DUDES!!!!" Yuka yelled.
Kurumi and Katana screamed.
"Everyone has to pick on meeeeeeee!!!" Katana yelled.
"Girls, stop fooling around! We gotta get to the train station now!" Sanosuke yelled.
"Can I bring my giant-"
"WAHHHHHH!!!" *grabs giant hammer and runs after Sanosuke*
"OW!" Sanosuke yelled.
"In the jungle...the mighty jungle...the lion sleeps tonight..." Yuka sang.
"Now she's addicted to the Lion King? God what is with Yuka and Disney movies?!?!" Kaz yelled.
"I don't know but she sure does like em doesn't she?" Amaya said.
"Come on you two let's go!" Megumi yelled. Sanosuke backed away from Yuka as Yuka smiled proudly.
"Next I'll be the Queen of all of the Queens! YAY!!!"

Everyone got ready, and walked to the train station, with Yuka's moans, groans, and giant hammer ma bobber songs. It was a living hell.
"We are here finally!" Yahiko said, glaring at Yuka who was staring into space.
"YAY!!!" Yuka yelled.

Now the person after me gets to type the fun train ride!!! *squeals and grabs hammer* A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go round...[/size][/color]
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Kurumi was seated with Katana in the train. While Yuka and Yahiko sat behind them. "Oh noooo" Yahiko moaned, "Do I have to sit with [i]her[/i]?!"
"Hn, well, it's not like I want to sit with you!... Hey! What so wrong with me anyway?!" Yuka asked rounding on Yahiko. He didn't reply, so she started yelling at him. As the train started up, they still fought. Kurumi watched the landscaped rush by as the train started coming to speed. When Kurumi looked at Katana, Katana seemed to be staring off into space. When Kurumi looked to where Katana was starting, she came across the back of Kit's head. She smirked and looked back to outside. Kurumi noticed something was different.. it was quiet.. to quiet. Yuka and Yahiko had stopped fighting.. then Yuka said, "Lets sing a song!" Everyone looked back in horror and shouted, "NOO!"
"To late, can't change my mind!" Yuka replied. Then she started, "100 bottles of BONK on the wall, 100 bottles of BONK!! Take one down, pass it around-----" And she went on, but every time she said 'bonk', she hit Kurumi on the head with her sqeaky hammer. By the time Yuka had gotten to number 95, Kurumi's head was already pounding and letting out a little 'ouch' everytime. Yuka just continued on as loud and annoying as she could. Everyone was just glad it wasn't them. When Yuka got to 60, Kurumi snapped and turned around, grabbed the hammer and threw it out the window. "STOPIT!" Kurumi yelled huffing. Yuka just whinned and cried for a bit and then she got an idea. "hey---" She said, she reached inside her kimono and took out her big mallet. Everyone watched big eyed, for Kurumi didn't notice, untill it actually hit her. "OWWWW!!!" Kurumi yelled so load everyone in the train looked at her.
So... Yuka continued the song, now with the big mallet. Kurumi placed her head on the cool window to help the pounding, everyone sweatdropped to Kurumi not doing something about it.
Later Katana asked, "Should I poke her with a chopstick?" Kurumi nodded. So now Yuka and Katana were in a battle of bonking in poking, while Kurumi finally got some peace.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Ooh Conna I love that song!! *gives her high five and some advil*

*poke* *whack* *poke* *whack*
"I STILL DIDN'T FINISH MY SONG!!!" Yuka yelled. Everyone on the train heard her, and yelled out no.
"Yahiko, will you do the honors?"
"Of course you would! 69 bottles of BONK on the wall 69 bottles of BONK..."
"Miss Yuka, please stop this!" Kenshin said. Then Yuka became mad again, and got up. She walked over to Kenshin and bonked him with her giant mallet.
*Swirly eyed Kenshin*
"There! I told you not to call me MISS!" Yuka said. Unfortunately, little children were across the aisle from the whole gang, staring at Yuka. Yuka turned around and saw the kids, and waved hi.
"I'm sorry little dudes but that red-haired guy deserved it!" Yuka said. The children quickly looked away.
"She's weird..."
"No duh..."

"34 bottles of BONK on the wall 34 bottles of BONK..."

More later....
"23 bottles of BONK on the wall 23 bottles of BONK..."

Even more later...
"15 bottles of BONK on the wall 15 bottles of BONK..."

"Cut it out!!!!" Yahiko yelled, rubbing his head.
"Sorry dude but I'm on number 4 so deal with it! For more bonks! Blame Kurumi for throwing my squeaky hammer out the window!!" Yuka said. Yahiko turned angry, and looked at Kurumi.
"WHY'D YOU DO IT?!?!" he said.
"Well she was...oh forget it!"
"Yuka, please stop it. You are annoying everyone, that you are," Kenshin said. Yuka got up once again and pounded Kenshin on the head.
"What was that for?"
"Not saying dude. Dude is a good word so use it."[/size][/color]
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Guest Zhang_He
jumps to the top of the train and stays there for the whole ride cocentrating on his power. it was pretty hot when yuka made her fire wheel, so maybe i'm the wind who nows he thinks. the voices from the others still overpowering the noise of the train engine. he starts laughing out of know where, then winds up staring down yuka and her hammer ( which i destroyed!) somehow i managed to go into the train cabin, from being ontop of it. Dodges out of the way of yuka and the hammer ( at least i think it's yuka i don't know). And then appears back on the roof of the train. "holy [incert bad word here] Did i Bamf like Nightcrawler or did i astral project, this may come in handy with either power. :: smirks evily:: ees some form of shadow flicker by in meh periphrial vison and is nearly kbocked from the roof of the car. jumps up and stares the man down, katars at the ready and spread out (like Voldo's). " So you're the one who attacked Kit at the police station! Who are you and what do you want with us?!" I yell at the man.
" I am Hayao ( odd coencdence(( sp?)) i love Miyazaki's work, gotta love Princess Monanoke) and i hae been sent to stop you children from screwing everything up!" he replies.
"So you plan to ill us?'
" If the need arises."
" then so be it you may begin with me i have no connection with these people. If you want them however you will need to kill me or just critacly wound me.'
" So be it."
" Let's go!" as i luge at him nearly missing his sword to my sturnum and slashing his arm with the outter blade," Guess who's bleed ing first?"
"and guess who's not on the right side to attack?"
"What are you talking about?" i say as i get hit in the back of the head with a large blunt object. I go down and see a woman's figure standing over me as i lay unconcise.

the man picks up my body and sends it through the cabin rooflayuing Kaz out on a table as the others look in horor as they look up and see the woman and Hayao leave laughing.

OOC: he he that wasn't fun so, who's gonna nurse me back to health? I didn't mean it bad or anything Just please no more hammer of annoyance (doom)
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Kaz, I can never desipher what your posts say. Too confusing! And, I'd like to ask, why has everyone been ignoring me?
Yuki, who was sitting next to Kaoru and across from Kenshin and Sanosuke looked down at the beaten Kenshin. "Kenshin are you alright?" She asked, helping him up. "Yes, I think so. Mis--I mean Yuka's hammer sure hurts, that it does." Kenshin replied, while Kaoru and Yuki giggled a little. "Sanosuke, why are you so freaked out about trains?" Yuki asked. Kaoru and Kenshin looked at Sanosuke. He had his arms crossed and was shivvering a little."Because! They are way too big to move by themselves! It's a ghost I tell ya!" He said in a really nervous voice. Kenshin, Kaoru, and Yuki sweatdropped. "Right...wierd..." Yuki muttered, though Sanosuke heard her. "I'm not wierd! A ghost is moving this train and unless you tell me exactly how else it might work, my mind is made up!" He yelled, getting out of his seat. Yuki, on the other hand, remained silent as she stood up. She walked to Yuka and asked her something. She came back with Yuka's hammer and just bonked Sanosuke on the head fairly hard, but not much. "There! Maybe now you'll be resonable about things," she said to him as she returtned the hammer. "Look! We're slowing down!" Katana yelled.
hehehe fun post...avoids the [I]mallet[/I] WHY'D YOU TAKE THE STUPID SQUEKY HAMMER, KURUMI????
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Guest Zhang_He
OOC: Yeah i see how it is a dying man spralled out on the table and no ones gives a rat claw what happens. Die Die you all, You must die. ha if you think my posts was cryptic before you haven't seen nothing yet!
gets up from the broken table in a trance syaing, a message from God to you," IF YOU WANT TO REMAIN IN THIS TIME THEN YOU SHALL KEEP YOUR HAMMER." Kaz grabs the hammer and screamms really really loud," STOP HAMMER TIME! Ohh Ohh, you can't touch this." then throws the large mallet out the window. then walks back to the broken table and falls back all coma like and broken
OOC ha no mo' hammer! 'Cause i'm too legit to quit. :: does the 'too legit to quit' sing launage thing::
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Mai_Minase: Sorry if I had ignored you. I will put you more in my post.
Katana: I couldn't help but read your location and it offended my dead cat. Read my sig at the bottom. I am NOT happy.

Yuka almost cried as she saw her giant hammer fall out of the window.
"Finally! I am in peace!!!" Yahiko said. Yuka returned a glare to Yahiko, which made him shiver.
"All right, I am really mad. I'm gonna bring out my anger on YAHIKO AGAIN!!!!" Yuka said, punching Yahiko on the head.
"Ah cut it out!!!"
"Bring it on Kaz!!"
"He's in a coma!!!"
"Oh crap!"
As Yuka was bonking Yahiko on the head, Yuki was bugging Sanosuke about ghosts.
"Ever heard of Casper?"
"He's a friendly ghost!!!"
Then Yuka interrupted.
"But he was run over by a truck going to the Home Depot!!!"
"NO Casper died!!!" Yuki said.
"Yep. Now go bug some people from Scooby Doo."
"Shut up!!!!" Yuki said. She was now all teary eyed because of the 'loss of Casper.'
Suddenly the train stopped, and everyone gasped. Yuka stopped bonking Yahiko, and looked outside.
"Holy ****!" she yelled. Little children started to cry by her cussing, and Kurumi slapped her on the head.
"OW! What?" Yuka said.
"Little kids are on this train!!" she exclaimed.
"Who gives a crap? The world these days are freakin mean and cruel! DON'T RUIN MY MOMENT!!!!"
"Anyway, where are we?" Sanosuke asked. Yuka smacked her head into the window, looking outside.
"Mmf....umph...." she began.
"Take your face off the window!" Karou said. Yuka did and turned around.
"We are in a field outside a forest. WE'RE SPECIAL CAUSE WE'RE STRANDED!!!" she yelled. The little kids looked at her as if she was crazy, and hugged their mothers.
"Well..." a woman on the train said. "If we have to leave, I am staying away from that girl in the flowered kimono!!!" she said, hugging her child. Yuka made a peace sign, and everyone sweatdropped.
"We better get off now," Amaya said. Kit agreed.
"I'm sure not walking back!"
"All right! On the road again..." Yuka sang.
"SHUUUUUTTTTT UUUPPPPP!!!!" Everyone yelled.
"Twinkle twinkle little star..."[/size][/color]
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Wasabi - It's not suppossed to be offending. I'm mad because I had to change it. And I don't like it when people change their names. ^_^

Katana remained in the train, inspecting Kaz. She stuck her head out a window.
"DOES ANYBODY KNOW THAT KAZ IS NEAR DEATH?!?!?!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Everyone sweatdropped except Megumi, who was running towards the train.
"First Kit...than Yuki...now Kaz," she mumbled, pushing Katana aside. She inspected Kaz, running fingers up and down his side, which was covered in a mass of blood. While Megumi didn't touch the wound, she kept making odd remarks.
"Katana..." she said, turning towards the girl. "Do you have anything I can use as a bandage?"
Katana thought quickly. "No. But what about this crap around him?" She indicated the wrappings around Kaz's chest, arms, and legs.
"Oh yes, of course..." Megumi went to work, he hands flying from the wound to the wrappings like lightning. Katana stared, dumbstruck, at the speed and percision of the woman.
"Katana!" Kurumi's head popped in a window.
"It's Yuka. She's...gone crazy. Something about a cookie, a giant hammer, and the 3 crazy musketeers...I have no idea what she's talking about."
Katana edged her way out of a window and followed Kurumi into the forest a few meters. There was Yuka, curled in a ball.
"What the hell's wrong with you Yuk?" Katana asked. She poked her with a chopstick (ah, I can't resist). Yuka didn't respond.
Kurumi made a concerned face. "I'm...not sure what's wrong with her. She just walked away from us and I followed her. And then...I found her like this."
Yuka was pale, her skin with a slight tint of blue. Her pupils were dilated and was shaking.
"What fools."
Kurumi whirled her head around. "What? Who said that?"
"You may not know who I am. But the girl does. And so does the injured boy."
Katana gasped. "It's...you!"
The voice gave an evil laugh. "How kind of you to remember me, Katana Mitsowari. And your friend, Kurumi Mishima. Ah yes, don't be surprised. I know everything about you children. Where you come from. Why you're here."
Suddenly, Yuka started glowing. Her figure began to warp, until it had taken the shape of a woman who looked exactly like Yuka.
"What the..." Kurumi held out a hand, as if wanting to touch the older Yuka and see if it was real.
"Yuka!" Katana yelled. "What is it?"
Ooo yay, cliffhanger! Dum dum dum dummmmmmmmm. ^^
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Oh. Me didn't know.

Yuka looked at her hands. They were bigger...and her fingers were longer...
She felt her face. It wasn't as smooth...it was...a little rough. She felt taller...
"OH HOLY **** I'M OLD!!!!!" she yelled. Katana and Kurumi sweatdropped.
"I see she still has her personality," Kurumi said.
"No doubt about that!" Katana said.
"Shut up you two!" the voice said. "Anyway, I will set Yuka free, but only for this once. Next time, I'll get you both...and the others!!!" the voice said. Suddenly, Yuka started glowing again, until she was in her regular 11 year-old form.

She was shaking like crazy. Her eyes were wide open, and her hair was a little frizzy.
"Yuka?" Katana asked.
"I'm...going out for a walk..." Yuka said quietly. She got up, and began walking away from the two girls.
"Yuka!" Kurumi yelled. Yuka ignored, and walked into the darkness of the forest.
"There she goes again..." Katana said. "We have to find her. Let's get the others, except for Megumi and Kaz," Kurumi said.

Katana and Kurumi had made it back to the stopped train, and explained what happened to the Kenshin gumi and the other middle schoolers.
"Again on the search for Yuka," Kaoru said.
"She was VERY pale once we found her. God it was disturbing," Kurumi said.
"All right then, let's go search for her," Sanosuke said. The others nodded, and left the train except for Megumi and Kaz.

"YUKA!" Amaya yelled.
"YUKA!" Yuki yelled.
"YUKA!" Kit yelled.
"What Kurumi?"
"That was very stupid."
"That's why I did it."
"Oh cut it out you two just keep on looking for Yuka!!" Kaoru said. Suddenly, Yuka came up running to them, but with a worried look on her face. She was covering her right arm with her left hand.
"Yuka!" Yuki yelled. Yuka ignored her, and stopped in front of Kenshin.
"Kenshin..." she said. "DON'T go down there!"
"Why?" Kenshin asked. Yuka revealed what was hidden beneath her right arm.

Right through that arm was a dagger, and very sharp dagger. Yuka didn't look as if she was in pain, although she was groaning a little.
"How did this happen?" Kenshin asked.
"There's..." Yuka said. Then she groaned of the wound. "Somebody down there. It's...got daggers...and it stabbed me. Once I ran down there, I came face to face with a shadow figure. I called out who's there and he ran to me very quickly and just...stabbed me," she said.
"But you look like you don't hurt!" Kit exclaimed. Amaya nodded.
"You look like as if nothing had happened!"
"Oh no! I feel a lot of pain, I just...refuse to show it," she said.
"We're going to have to find out what's down there, like it or not," Sanosuke said. "People just don't go around and stab people with a dagger. It's wrong."
"That it is Sanosuke. Let's bring Miss Yuka to Miss Megumi and see what she can do," Kenshin said. Yuka looked mad, but did nothing.
"Kenshin...I let you pass with the Miss. Just don't do it again or I will kick...your...ass."
Kenshin smiled, and picked up Yuka and started to carry her.
"You all wait here. The train isn't far away, that it isn't." hey all nodded, and waited for Kenshin to return.
"Imagine a dagger right through your arm...and not one tear came from her eye," Amaya said. Yuki nodded.
"Well we're going to have to find what's down there before it strikes again," Kurumi said.[/size][/color]
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Kurumi looked at the surroundings, the disturbing images of Yuka in all her situations came back. Kurumi slightly shivered and hugged herself. She wandered deeper into the woods, thinking everyone was still following her. When she looked around, she realized she was alone. "Oh ****" She whispered. She had wandered pretty deep into the woods, it was getting darker and it was way to quiet.
Kurumi heard twigs snap around her, she slipped her swords out from her waist and started walking backward. [i]Oh man, were is everybody?! I'm definatly not alone either.[/i] She thought, but it only made her shiver more. She felt like someone... or something, was watching her. A cold breeze went past her back, only her back. She turned around to find nothing. More twigs snapped. Suddenly someone was behind her and hand clasped it's hands over her mouth. Whatever it was held her tightly by the waist. Then a sharp pain cut through her side, she grimanced and looked down to see a dagger shoved into her side. It hurt so much. She tried screaming, but the hands just made a tighter grip. She finally got a bite to the hands and let out a high and loud scream as the hands loosened from the pain and moved away for a quick time. The hands cames back and she was hit in the head and was left knocked out on the ground.
Sorry it's been awhile. Wasn't here, but now I am... no worries! ^^
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