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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yuka suddenly widened her eyes. She...she thought she heard a scream. Kenshin saw her, and frowned.
"Yuka, you should go to sleep, that you do," he said.
"I heard a scream..." she said.
"It's just your imagination Yuka. Now go to sleep," Kenshin said. Yuka glared at Kenshin, and rolled out of his hands, onto the ground. She ended up laying on her stomach, and the dagger stabbed her more. She cursed in pain, then got up.
"Yuka, stop it!" Kenshin said.
"No Kenshin!" she said. She winced in pain, then began walking to where they came from.
"Miss Megumi needs to help you, that she does!" Kenshin exclaimed.
"Kenshin, would you shut up?!" Yuka yelled. Kenshin became silent, then watched Yuka walk away.

Meanwhile, Sanosuke and the others were walking, then Katana realized Kurumi was gone.
"Oh great now we have to find Kurumi!" Katana said. Sanosuke looked around.
"Heck yeesh now we lost Kurumi?!" he said. Yahiko groaned, and the others began walking another direction looking for Kurumi.

Kurumi woke up slowly, opening her eyes slowly. She only saw trees...
"I'm in the forest," she said. "Ouchie," she said. She looked to her side and there was the dagger.
"Heh, I forgot...now to find Sanosuke..." she said.

Yuka wandered around the forest, helpless. She swear she heard a scream; and yet Kenshin didn't hear it. Suddenly, a twig snapped.
"Who's there?" Yuka said.
"Guess who???" a voice out of nowhere said. She looked around.
"No...leave me alone!!"
Yuka looked on her left arm...and yet there was another dagger. She looked around, and no one was there.
"Next time...I will kill you..." the voice said, a his voice disappeared throughout the forest.

Then suddenly, Yuka saw a girl...walking...
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Wooo wee...*oro eyes* Sheesh, I'm getting dizzy. ^^
"SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" Yahiko yelled in her ear. She shot him a death stare.
"We won't find them like that," said Sanouske, was investigating some twigs. "Something...was here," he hissed.
Katana quickly slipped away. She had to find Kurumi, or at least Yuka. Just had to...
"Thought you could get away?" She turned around to see Kit and Amaya and grinned.
"Hehe, well, yeah. Didn't think you guys would notice."
"Don't take us for idiots," Amaya replied. Her eyes suddenly darted to a branch. "Someone's here."
Kit and Katana listeined. The faintest sound of branches creaking caught their full attention.
"Show yourself!" Kit yelled, swiftly drawing his sword.
"Foolish children!" the someone yelled back. "And Katana, so nice to see you again."
"AGH! Will you stop following me! What are, some perverted stalker?"
"Like Miroku!" Amaya whispered, breaking Katana's serious moment and making her laugh.
"No, not at all," the voice responded.
"Who are you?" Kit yelled over the girl's laughter.
"You wish to know, yet won't answer."
"What? Hey, I got out of school because of this, so don't make me think!"
"Such impatience. I am Aconite."
Katana cleared her throat. "As stated in the dictionary: 1. Any of various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. 2. The dried poisonous roots of these plants, used as a source of drugs. Also called monkshood."
"Poisonous, huh?" Amaya said. "Sounds like an evil dude if you ask me."
"What if...this is the guy who uses the daggers?" Kit asked. Katana nodded.
Their conversation was cut short. The three of them were pierced by daggers, straight into the chest, barely missing the heart.

"Hey," Kaoru wondered, "Where's Kit? And Amaya and Katana?"
Yuki looked around, then started to pout. "Ah man, they left me here with the weird people! Not fair!"
"Great," Sanouske said, sighing. "Yuka and Kurumi are gone. And now Amaya, Kit, and Katana."
Geez, we're prone to getting seperated, huh? ^^;
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((Owie! Why did I have to get stabbed?!?! x_x))

Amaya felt a huge rush of pain surge through her body as she fell to the ground beside Kit. Everything became black, and she went unconcious. [I]Am I dead?[/I]

((Not much else to post, since I almost DIED!!! >.< ergh))
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yuka looked straight ahead, to see Kurumi limping...but had a dagger through her.
"Kurumi!" Yuka shouted with all of her might. Kurumi looked up and smiled.
"You have two daggers in you," she said. Yuka nodded.
"Sadly..." she said.

The two got to each other, and almost fainted.
"We both have lost so much blood..." Yuka said, staring down at the ground, her blood dripping. Kurumi nodded.
"You are losing a lot more then I, I am surrpised you aren't dead yet," she said. Yuka chuckled.
"Yeah...we better find the others. I swear I heard you scream," she said.
"Because I did. You can hear very well," she said.
"Heh," was all that Yuka could say. The two began walking away.

Kurumi gasped at what was in front of her. Yuka just stared in horror.
"Kit, Katana, Amaya are you all all right?" Kurumi asked. Kit looked up and smiled.
"We just got stabbed by a dagger...Yuka...you have two daggers in you..." Kit mumbled. Yuka nodded, and watched the blood drip down.
"Come on you guys, let's go find Sanosuke..." Katana said, getting up. Kit did, then looked down at Amaya.
"I'll get her," Yuka said. She reached her arms down (hurt really bad with the daggers) and picked up Amaya. She was pretty light, and was unconcious.
"One dagger and she's knocked out. Of course, you all were stabbed close to the heart..." she said. "And Kurumi on the side."
The others began walking looking for Sanosuke and others.

"Hey Kenshin!" Sanosuke yelled. Kenshin turned around.
"Hello Sanosuke," Kenshin said. Sanosuke, Yahiko, Yuki, and Kaoru walked over.
"Where are the others?" Kenshin asked.
"They disappeared...I'm afraid what happened to them."
"No, especially in Yuka's bad condition. She probably lost a lot of blood, that she did."
"Kenshin, look!" Kaoru said out of nowhere, pointing out in the woods. There coming were Kit, Kurumi, Katana, and Amaya in Yuka's stabbed arms. They all realized; they had been stabbed with daggers. Everyone rushes over, and Yuka placed Amaya on the ground.
"Yuka, you were stabbed again?" Kenshin asked.
"Yeah..." she said. Yahiko looked behind them to see a lot of blood dripped.
"You all are in need of care. Let's go before it's too late," Kaoru said.
"Shut up...Kaoru..." Yuka mumbled. Then suddenly, she fainted. Her eyes closed and she went cold.[/size][/color]
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"Ah dammit!" Katana yelled, fairly weak. She carefully pulled the dagger out from her chest and clutched the area, trying to stop the blood flow.
Kenshin kneeled down and swiftly took out the daggers. He then ripped two long pieces of cloth from his robe and wrapped them around the wounds. The blood began to sweep through. Kenshin, almost near panicing, ripped off more pieces until he had taken off the top of his rob.
"We need to cut off the circulation," Yuki said. She was the only one not stabbed with a dagger, and was lucky to be so. "That way the wounds won't bleed so badly.
Sanouske was taking off the wrappings around his fist. He pulled the dagger out of Kurumi's arm, then wrapped up the area around the wound.
"Sheesh, we need a medic," Katana said. Blood wad beginning to show through the lines between her closed fingers. Sanouske then began to wrap her up with the wrappings from his waist.
"Uh...Sano..." Katana said.
"Uh...never mind." She sighed. [i]I'm in heavvvvvvvonnnnnnnnnn...[/i]
Kit and Amaya still had the dagger embedded in them. With Kenshin using his shirt to take care of Yuka and the wrappings from Sano on Kurumi and Katana, there weren't many suitible bondings left.
"Sanouske, your shirt," Kaoru said. Sanouske looked at her.
"What? What do you mean?"
"You stupid shirt, duh! These children's lives are more important than your outfit."
Mumbling swears, Sanouske took off his shirt and ripped off the sleeves. He did Amaya first, pulling out the dagger and wrapping a sleeve around her. He than, very reluctantly, did a little bit of CPR to bring her back to consciousness. She did, coughing up blood, but being okay.
"Kit, I hope you're not dead yet."
"Nope. Besides, you always need to help damsils in distress first."
The two burst out laughing.
"If I wasn't so damn hurt, I'd kill you," Yuka muttered.
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Guest Zhang_He
OOC: mmmmmm coma is fun..... Stupid Hayao.mmmm my character s wakin' up now, i'm bored of being " oh it's Kaz let's leave him behind and rage on him even though he's in a coma"-boy. MMM evil hammer lady.
awakes to megumi stripping off the wrappings around his arms the katar slippping from place. " Megumi, stop. I can do the rest." I tell her leaning forward.
" Kaz, lay down you need to rest."
" shut-up megumi." i say still a little dazed." I'll take care of my self like Sieto would have"
"Sieto? You know him?" she asked
"more than you'll ever know. Hmm this is beginning to suck." i say re wrapping the bonds on my arms and tightining the ones on my torso. " and please forgive my rudeness, Ms. Megumi. You were always the sute one on the show."
"What are you talkig."
" nothing, forget it." i say getting p releasing the handle of my Katar making the blades form together into a single blade and folding back into the structure of the parralel bars of the weapon.
" I must go and help the others."i say walking towards the group looking on as the others tend to the other children on the ground, gripping my side i walktowards the woods, trying to keep moving towards Tokyo but, is grabbed by Sano," where the hell do you think you're going? You're friends are dying!" "Friends? I barley know these people, I need to kill Hayao so he'll know not to f**k with me again." picks up a few of the blood stained daggers and places them in the chest wrappings and walks away.
"Kaz?" someone says but is unanswered, as he approches Yahiko, he squezzes the trigger on the Katar shooting the blade out into attack form." You know i never liked your character, i always thaought you were a samurai wannabe." Raises his arm, like he's going to puch him in the throat but only slices some of the boy's hair away, and walks off.
" Mr. Kaz!" kenshin yells but is also unanswered.

OOC: Yeah i know my character's nearly dead and has a vendetta to pay back. Maybe i'll win and maybe i'll die it's up to fate. Oh yeah You guys need to pick up an issue of Anime insider for this month it has Kenshin on the cover and tells the fiction and non-fiction of the Anime and the time it's based in. Like for instance Kogoro, kenshin's master, Was the leader of the Chosou Ronin group during the Totogawa civil war which braought power to the Megi era, and Sieto was an actual leader of the Shinshenngumi, but Sano is fictional.
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Kurumi clutched her bandaged side, blood was seeping through. As Yahiko and Kenshin went after Kaz, everyone was being treated by Sano, Megumi, and Koaru.
Kurumi groaned and sat down on the ground. "Dammit... I swear, when we run into that dagger dude again...." Her voice faded off as she made a strangling gesture. Kurumi took a sharp, pained breath as she sat alone. "Hn, I'll show him I'm not so weak! I won't be beaten so easily!" Kurumi yelled quietly to herself. Everyone looked at her, she gave them a "WHHAAAAATTT??! look" and lied down on the grass. She sighed as she looked at the sky. [i]Hmph, I need to show that guy! I gotta find him, he needs to pay for what he did to us.[/i] Kurumi thought. "That's it! I've made up my mind!" Kurumi said confidentally as she jumped up off the ground. Which made her wince in pain from her side. Everyone gave her a strange, questioning look. Kurumi rolled her eyes and said in a 'duh' tone, "I'm gonna go find that weirdo! He's gonna pay... lata!" She started walking towards the woods again. Sano, Megumi, Koaru, Yuki, Kit, and Amaya all shouted, "NO!" But Yuka and Katana jumped up and said, "Yeah, lets go kick that guys ass!" Which made everyone(exept Kurumi) sweatdrop. They started marching into the woods as if they weren't even hurt, but the others came and stopped them. They all grabbed the three and pinned them down. Sano said, "You guys aren't goin' anywhere in your state!" Megumi and Koaru nodded in agreement. The three just groaned.
OOC: Hey guys! It's nice to be back posting, lately I've been kinda busy, so yeah. ^^;;
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yes, we are all glad to have the drunken Kurumi back. *makes a cheers with eggnog with Kurumi*

"Why?" Yuka whined to Kenshin, her was pinning her down to the ground.
"Because," he began, "You all are all too hurt, that you all are."
"I can scare him off!" Yuka said.
"How?" Megumi asked. Yuka smiled.
"WHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"she screamed at a high pitched voice. Everyone fell back off of the girls, and the three girls got up and quickly ran, not caring the pain in them. The others started chasing after them quickly, and Kenshin, being the fastest, was pretty close.
"We could run faster if we didn't have so much pain in our damn bodies!!!" Katana said. Yuka rolled her eyes, jumping over a large rock.
"No duh!"
"Come on, let's go a different direction each and he'll never find us!" Kurumi said. The others nodded, and Kurumi ran right, Katana north, and Yuka left. Kenshin stopped, not realizing where they went.
"This is bad, that it is!" he said.
"Hey Kenshin, you got em?" Sanosuke yelled.
"No..." he yelled back. Sanosuke and the others caught up, to see three different directions.
"They must have split up, and they are probably far," Kenshin said.
"Let's go!" Yahiko said. Megumi and Kaoru went left, Kenshin north, and Sanosuke right.

"Katana? Kurumi?" Yuka yelled.
"We're here!" Katana and Kurumi yelled, waking side by side. Yuka smiled, and ran to them.
"Keep running, Kenshin already is after us with the others!" Yuka said.
"You all aren't going anywhere!" a voice said. Yuka pulled out her two Sai, Katana her sword (whatever it is), and Kurumi her two-hand swords.
"You think you 3 can beat me?" the voice said.
"I swear this is getting old..." Yuka said, and she stared at the dagger through her shoulder.
"I'm too fast!" the voice said. Suddenly, Katana ran to the bushes and slashed it. The voice screamed, and jumped up into a tree.
"See Katana can find me!!" he said. Kurumi ran but the shadow jumped onto the ground were Kurumi once was. Yuka ran to him, and stabbed his chest with her Sai, only to be repaid with a dagger through her stomach.
"Really..." she said. She dropped both of her Sai, and backed up against a tree.
"Yuka!" Katana yelled. She lifted both of her hands, and again...her purple sparkling disks appeared.
"I have enough energy to do this..." she said. Suddenly, Kenshin and the others found them.
"Yuka!" Kaoru yelled. She stared at the dagger through her shoulder and stomach. "You're stabbed!"
"No duh Miss Genius!" she said, throwing the disks at the shadow. He ran, but Yuka quickly made another disk and threw it at him. Kurumi came up, and began chasing the shadow with her two swords, and Katana chased him with her sword. The three girls were onto him, until the shadow jumped in a tree, wounded.
"I will be back..." he mumbled, and then suddenly disappeared.
"We got him!" Katana said in joy, and gave Kurumi a high five. She and Kurumi didn't really feel pain anymore, and both looked to Yuka, and frowned.

She was breathing heavily, blood dripping down her arm and body from the daggers. She took one last sigh and dropped down to her knees. Kenshin and the others ran to her, also with Katana and Kurumi.
"Yuka," Megumi said, but Yuka couldn't hear her. She slowly closed her eyes, then fell down to the ground, with blood dripping onto the grass at a tremendous speed.[/size][/color]
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Sheesh. We're really prone to having blood loss here too. ^^;

"YUUUUUUUUUUUUKAAAAAAAAA!" Katana yelled in her ear. Usuallly that would do the trick, but the blood had made Yuka unconscious and pale.
"Losing blood at an alarming rate...loss of consciousness...pale skin..." Megumi was thinking quickly. These weren't symptoms of any disease, just the effects of being stabbed with four daggers.
"She's...a tough little kid..." Kurumi muttered, looking over Yuka.
"And a pan in the ass to deal with," Sanouske added.
"Ow...you didn't have to do that..." Sanosuke said, dazed after being hit by Katana's fist (of doom. ^^)

"Megumi...how is she doing?" Kenshin asked. It was turning into the evening, and yet everyone was restless. Yuka was still out of it, Kaz (here ya go coma boy) was gone, and Yuki was the only middle schooler not stabbed.
"So you see, if you guys die, I can avenge you," she said to Kurumi and Katana in a chipper voice.
"Ooo, thanks, that sounds nice," Katana grumbled back. Her stab from the dagger was throbbing in pain, yet she wasn't going to acknowledge that.
"Where did Kaz go?" Kit asked. Kaoru shrugged.
"None of us know...except Megumi. She said he was talking about going to find Hayao...whoever that is."
"Hayo Mayizaki!" Katana yelled suddenly, standing up. "He's considered the master of anime films...Spirited Away was pretty spiffy, and Princess Mononoke was really cool! Bloody but cool."
"Katana?" Amaya asked.
"She said Hayao, not Hayo."
The hyper Katana sat down.
"How the hell are we gong to be back to Tokyo if this shadow guy keeps stabbing our forces?" Yuki asked.
"That's a good question," Kit responded, than began to ponder for the answer. (Haha, ponder. ^^)
"Well, the train's busted," Kurumi said. "So there goes an easy shot at going home."
"Home?" Amaya asked. "But we don't belong here."
"Tokyo is where we live. Whether it be the Meiji era or the 21st centruy, it's where we're all from."
"Excluding Kaz," Kit said.
"What do you mean?"
"He's from America."
"What's....America?" Yahiko asked. This caught the middle schoolers off guard.
"Well, uh...America is..." Katana began, trying to think back to social studies.
"America is to the east of Japan," Amaya said. "And it's where all the cool anime from Japan is shipped out to. They dub it in English first, so that the Americans can understand it, and...uh..."
"America was discovered in 1492, by some dude named, uh, Christopher. Yeah, that's it! Chris Columbus!" Katana said, thinking quickly.
"And it's one of the youngest countries in the world," finished Yuki. "Along with Israel and stuff."
This left Yahiko even more confused. "What?"
"AH FORGET IT!" Kurumi yelled, hitting him on the head with the flat side of her blades.
Turning into FLCL chaos. ^^;
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[size=1]"Oh my god.... Yuka--!!" Kurumi yelled. She slumped down to were Yuka was laying. Kurumi picked up Yuka's limp body and craddled her for a bit, looking at the wounds. Katana slumped down to the ground as well, removing the daggers from Yuka. Then Kurumi looked around to the others and shouted, "WELL? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!! GET SOMETHING FOR HER TO STOP THE BLEEDING!!!" The others looked at her for a second, then nodded, and scrambled to get things to treat Yuka. A few of them went back to get supplies with Megumi, the others started looking for some wild herbs. Kurumi looked down to the very pale and weak face of Yuka. Kurumi and Katana started ripping off strips of their clothes to wrap Yuka's wounds. As soon as they had tied the cloth around Yuka's wounds, the blood just seeped through. A worried look was spread arcoss Katana's face, Kurumi looked around.... no one had returned yet. Kurumi became paniced as she frantically tried to stop the bleeding.
"It's no use really... what you are trying to do." Came that voice again.
"Huh--- how--??!" Katana said confused.
"Heheheheh... you see, I tend to heal rather fast, unlike you." The voice said mockingly. The shadowed figure jumped from the trees. Kurumi dumped Yuka into Katana's lap.
"I'll take care of this one, you get Yuka back to the train... most of the others are there... plus they have supplies to help her." Kurumi said walking past Katana, she looked at her for a few moments untill Kurumi hissed 'GO!'. Katana nodded and ran off carrying Yuka.
Kurumi took out her elbow blades and looked fiercely at the shadow figure. She quickly ran to the side, did a side flip, and landed behind him. She took a five chain attack swing of her blades. He had stepped to the side after the second swing, so didn't get the full impact from the attack. He disapeared and appeared on her side, he kicked her in the ribs. After the kick, Kurumi had the wind blown out of her and that rib felt broken. The shadow figure then took a spinning kick to her head. She caught him off gaurd, although a little dizzy, stabbed him in the stomach. He crouched down, clutching his stomach. Kurumi was breathing heavily, ready to end this. "I won't lose so easily...." She hissed to him.
"And niether will I!" He screamed, taking a flip and landing behind her. He clutched her head tightly with his hands and let ut a little scream. Kurumi felt a heavy pain, she wanted to scream, but her voice wouldn't come. All a sudden, everything went white. She felt a huge surge of pain run through her body. "Be a child! Then you can cry as long as you want...." A distant voice came through the white hazy prison. She felt an odd sensation... then blacked out.
[i]"Who are you?" Little Kurumi said. The man smiled and said, "I'm your guardian little one, do not be afraid." He picked her up and craddled her gently. She looked back up to him, to see his kind face.
A thundering sound came. Little Kurumi looked over the guardians shoulder to see a black wave. It came and crashed down on them. "Kurumi!! I'm--- sorry......." The guardian said as the wave washed her from his grasp. When she looked back to him, he was engulfed in the darkness and merged as a shadowed figure. Little Kurumi started to cry, she then heard other cries too... She looked around to see two little boys and four little girls all crying too. "Why are you crying?" She asked them through tearing eyes.
"We lost our guardian..." They all said together, still crying.
"So did I..." Kurumi said. Then they all gathered together.[/i]

[i]Huh?... Where am I?[/i] Kurumi thought as she woke up. She was in a bed... in a house. As she sat up she lifted her hand. But... it was smaller. She got up and saw a mirror, she ran over to it. When she looked at it... it was no longer the 14 year old Kurumi... but, maybe the seven year old or so Kurumi.
"Oh my god --- did that guy, did he really--? And that dream... I know him... and those kids... they are the ones I was with.. when they were younger!" Kurumi said to herself, in her new little high-pitched voice.[/size]
ARGH! Man, I guess Katana posted while I was writing, but I spent forever writing it.. I just.. can't delete it! >.<
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Wow! We're all kids. ^^ That means I'm 6, and Yuka's 5...freaky.

"Eee! I'm a little squirt!" Katana yelled, running around the train. The rest of the kids sweatdopped as a tiny Yuka joined in, both screaming in high pitched voices. Yuka couldn't say things very well.
"Ish five wears old," she said, then looked up horrified. "I cab't tawlk rwight!"
Kurumi nodded. "And what the hell was that about the guardian thing?"
"GASP! A little kid said hell!" Katana yelled, pointing at the kiddy Kurumi. She looked at her with a sweatdrop.
"Little? You're younger than me."
"Wand I can't twalk rwight!" Yuka yelled, running around the train again.
"It's because you're missing teeth," Yuki said, stopping the small Yuka and opening her jaw. "See? A front tooth and a bottom right tooth."
"Well," said Kit, "How come we're kids?"
"Dunno," Amaya said.
It was a suprising fact that, while everybody had shrunk down about two feet, their clothes and weapons had become smaller with them.
"Well, we wan't find wis dude that did wis to us." (Kinda obvious who's talking. ^^)
"Kurumi..." Katana said, looking at the younger and shorter verion of Kurumi, "What...did you hear anything before you blacked out?"
"Y-yeah. It was the guys voice. Dagger man."
"His name's Aconite," Kit said in a serious tone, but with his higher voice it sounded funny, "Which, as Katana pointed out, means posionous plant. Or some kinda drug."
"Sounds like a baddie," Yuki said. The rest nodded.
"Well," continued Kurumi, "He said...that 'I heal quickly, unlike you.' And then...I blacked out."
"Waybe he can control wime!" Yuka yelled, jumping up.
"Yeah right. And you're the Queen of Britain," Kit said.
"Wi am!"
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I talk funny. I feel special.

"So we shtuck like wis fowever?" Yuka asked. Kit nodded no.
"At least I don't think so," he said. Yuka became scared, the suddenly gave a worried look.
"What's the matter Yuka?" Katana asked.
"I'm...wearing a diaper!" she said. Kurumi started laughing, and Amaya gave her a strange look.
"You wore diapers when you were 5?" she asked.
"Yeah...fwor fwun. When I went home, I aways wore a diapwer!!" she said. Everyone gave her a strange look.
"So we know when you go potty?" Kurumi asked.
"WEP!!!" Yuka said. Katana screamed ew, while the Kenshin gumi stared at their problem.
"This is a problem," Kaoru said.
"Especially the fact that YUKA is a baby! God what could she do?" Yahiko asked.
"WHHHHEEEEEEE!!!" Yuka yelled as she span in circles then fell down on her butt.
"My bwutt! It hurts!!!!"
"Shut up!" Kit said. Yuka stuck her tongue out.
"La.......cookerwacha! La cookerwacha!! Dammit I can't sing it anywore!!!" she yelled. Katana laughed.
"When you said dammit you sounded funny!"
Yuka then started to cry, until she widened her eyes.
"What's your problem?" Amaya asked.
"I went wee wee!"
Everyone stared at her in horror.
"Ew!" Kaz said. Kenshin quickly ran over and picked Yuka up. Then he sniffed the air.
"What smells?" he asked. Yuka stuck her finger in her mouth, then stuck it out of her mouth, with spit on it. She rubbed it on Kenshin's cheek, and he looked disgusted.
"I made a pwoo pwoo Kenshwin!" she said. Kenshin sighed, and began changing her diaper. *He figures how to diaper works*
"I don't wanna watch!!" Kurumi said, covering her eyes.
"Me neither!" Katana said.
"Now calm down! What should we do now?" Sanosuke said.
"Ooh I know!" Yuka yelled, and everyone couldn't help but giggle at Kenshin's disgusted face.
"We can pway duck duck goose!!!"
"YYYYAAAAAAAYYYY!" Katana yelled as she ran around.
"What's duck duck goose?" Yahiko asked.
"Watch us!!!" Kurumi said. Kenshin was still changing Yuka's diaper.
"Me wanna pway when this game is dwone!" she said.
Heh, I get me diaper changed.[/size][/color]
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OOC: Wow, that kinda screwed up what I was planning. I didn't mean to have everyone turn into kids.. that wouldn't make sense. You see, the dude, he turned [i]me[/i] into a kid, so I wouldn't interfear. Plus I was in a house with who knows who. You see, that one thing was a dream, about all of you being kids. And the guardian thing was a flashback to what had happened to the guy, and showing we all knew him. ^^;; Now I'm slightly confused, so I'll but out for awhile.
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[color=green]Please do not have posts entirely devoted to an OOC comment; there are several on this page. One-line posts in general are considered spam at OB, and one-line OOC posts in a currently-playing RPG are definitely spam, even if you've created the RPG.

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Sorry I haven't posted for a [I]long[/I] while. I've had trouble with an IP address...
Yuki looked at Kenshin and giggled. "Kenshin! Your doing it wrong! Here let me show you." She said, walking over to Yuka and helping Kenshin. In a few minutes, Yuka was playing Duck, Duck, Goose with the others. Yuki sat down next to Kaoru, watching everyone else. "Even when their kids they're nuts, it's kinda sad but it's even more scary." She said. Kaoru nodded in agreement. "Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what they say." Yuki said, standing up. "Who says that?" Kaoru asked. "[I]They[/I] do." Yuki said grinning. "Hey guys lemme play!" She said as they started a new game.
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Hey Conna, I have an idea on how to get back to normal. ^^

Katana laughed as she watched Kurumi chase Kit around the ring of kids. Yuka clapped her hands, which was the better way of communicating with her missing teeth. Yuki was giggling but trying to cover it up.
"Yo! Kaaaaaaataaaaaaaanaaaaaaa!"
Katana looked around as the train became blurry. Kaoru's voice was echoing throughout her head. She rubbed her eyes, trying to see if what was happening was real.
"WHAAAAAAAT?" Katana yelled at Kaoru's face. "Hey! I'm not a kid anymore!"
"Of course you're not idiot!" Yahiko yelled. Katana blinked.
"What the..." She whirled her head around. There was Kurumi, Kit, Yuka, Yuki, and Amaya, at their normal heights and age.
"Wow. We're...not little anymore."
"What are you talking about?" Kurumi asked.
"Uh....well...hey Yuka? Is it true you wore a diaper when you were five?"
Everyone was silent for a moment, before they burst out in laughter. Yuka blushed a bright red.
"Who told you?"
Kit looked at Yuka strangly. "What do you mean?"
Sorry for the short post, but I wanted to clear up Conna's problem the best I could. And remember, Kaz isn't with us anymore.
No, he's not dead. ^^;
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Thanks Katana! ^^ I guess I won't use that plan. I was going to meet someone that will become very important to Kurumi later on. ^_~ I was in that person's house, were he would have met me as a child. I'll meet him in another way. *shrugs*
Kurumi looked around everything was kinda dazy to her. "Whoa! That was strange." She said quietly. She still remembered that odd dream and the encounter with shadow man... but nothing after words. "Hey--- WHAT THE HELL I'M I DOING HERE???!!! I was in the woods!... What happened?" Kurumi yelled, still unaware of everyone there, everyone sweatdropped. She narrowed her eyes, looked around at everyone, closed them, and then sighed. "I'm gonna go take a nap, my head ain't feelin' so good.... plus... the lack of...... sl--ee--pppppp......" Kurumi toppled to the floor, snoring loudly... some drool slightly hanging out of her mouth. Again, everyone sweatdropped. Kenshin picked her up and gently placed her on one of the train seats for her to sleep on.
Sorry for the short post, lack of knowing what to write at the moment. ^^;;
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[size=1][color=chocolate]"Kurumi?" Yuka asked, bonking her on the head. She drooled even more, and Yuka chuckled.
"Hey Kurumi is a gonner!" she said.
"Well when she wakes up, we'll get going off this train. Look at the people here!" Sanosuke said. People were still on the train, men, women, and children. They were scared; they had watched as the other middle schoolers were stabbed.
"So what do you exactly plan?" Kit asked. Yuki shrugged, the turned to Kenshin. He looked worried.
"I don't know what to do, that I don't. That...shadow figure...he stabbed every one of you except Yuki, that he did," Kenshin said. Katana nodded, then poked Kurumi.
"She's sleepy dumbo!" Yuka said.
"You're calling [i]moi[/i] dumb?" Katana said.
"No DUH!"
"Katana, Yuka, cut it out!" Yahiko said. "Well we better get going!" he said.
"WELL THEN OKAY!!!" Yuka said. She bonked Kurumi on the head, and Kurumi rolled off of the train couch. She cursed, then got up, glaring at Yuka.
"How...dare...you!" she yelled. Yuka crossed her arms across her chest.
"Well...well you were sleeping and we needed to leave!!"
"For what?"
"To get out of this train, remember?" Katana said. Kurumi sweatdropped, then looked at the other people on the train.
"Don't worry we'll help you too!" Kurumi said. Suddenly Yuka popped up.
"[i]If[/i] you give me money. I deserve it because I'm SPECIAL!!!!"
"Nah uh!" a kid said. "I'm special!"
Yuka frowned, then gave the little kid the middle finger. He shrugged, and Yuka sweatdropped.
"Yuka you're evil. You deserve to die," Kurumi said. Yuka smiled.
"Yeah I know. That's why I am why I am today. Now let's go...uh...where...somewhere over the rainbow...[/size][/color]
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"Right... over the rainbow you say?" Kurumi asked, raising her eyebrow slightly. Yuka nodded and walked toward all the people.
"Don't worry!" She started, "For I am the Queen of Britian!!" Most people sweatdropped.
"And....? And as the Queen of Britian, what do you purpose we do?" Kurumi asked.
"I purpose we.... we... GO TO A WELL! We can just push them all inside and then we don't need to worry about getting them anywhere!" Yuka said loudly as she grinned.
"That's an awful idea!" Kaoru yelled.
"I don't care what awful 'ere right, I just do what the voices tell me to do." Yuka said as she smirked. Kurumi whispered to Katana and came up to Yuka. Kurumi took out Katana's chopsticks and started poking Yuka hard in the side.
"Quit fooling around, we need a real plan!" Kurumi told her.
"I wasn't kidding, that was my plan..... DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!" Yuka yelled and ran to the back of the train. Kurumi sweatdropped and then looked to the others.
"Hmm, well.. what should we do?" Kurumi asked.
Sorry for the short post, it's early, I'm hungry.... me need food now.......
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"Hmmm..." Yuki heared Kenshin say. Kenshin and Sanosuke were in deep in thought, despite the noise in the backround. Suddenly, Yuki had a fairly plain idea. "Kenshin why don't we bring these people back in groups. It seems that this shadow dude is only intent on killing us, so if one of us leads a few people in different directions to Tokyo, he could only get one of us at a time. Even then, one of the people in the group could help them recover." She said looking at Kenshin. "Besides, most of us can take care of ourself," she added giving a slight look at Megumi. Kenshin and Sanosuke were nodding there heads. "Yes...that makes perfectly good sense, that it does Miss Yuki. Does everyone here agree with this plan?" He asked everyone else. Most of them nodded their heads fearfully but others weren't paying attention. "Alright then lets get into groups!" Katana said excitedly.
Just thought I'd get this thing rolling...
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[size=1][color=chocolate]"Okay, now everything is going to be all right," Sanosuke said to the people on the train. They all frowned.
"How are we going to be okay with a shadow with daggers around and...her?!" a woman said, pointing to Yuka, crouched up in a corner sucking her thumb.
"She's paranoid right now, she'll be fine!" Sanosuke said.
"I HEAR VOICES!!!!" Yuka yelled, then began sucking her thumb more. Kurumi sighed, and Katana was 'oh too cheerful.'
"Okay, there are 5 women, 4 men, and 6 children on this train. The strongest protect the children, which are Kenshin and Sanosuke. A middle schooler can come with them!" Kaoru said. Suddenly, Yuka appeared over, dreamy eyed. Kaoru ignored her.
"Kit, you go with them," Kaoru said. Yuka groaned, then crawled back to her little corner and began sucking her thumb again.
"To stay with the women...me, Megumi, Yahiko, Yuki, and Amaya. We're sane, and we can keep the women happy. THAT means Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi protect the men!" Kaoru said. The men stared in horror, and Yuka stayed in her corner.
"Yuka come out!!" Katana said.
"VOICES!!!! NO!" she quickly yelled back. Kurumi sighed, and walked over to Yuka.
"You want a sugar cookie?" she said. Yuka suddenly got up, and nodded.
"You come with us you get a sugar cookie, eh?" Kurumi said. Yuka nodded.
"Ok I join you people but if we play Lord of the Rings along the way like I song on South Park I'M GOLEM!!!!"
"Ok, you can be Gollum. Now let's go!" Yuki said. The others nodded. The children kissed their parents goodbye (Yuka was almost puking by this), the men and women were kissing and hugging for their goodbyes (Yuka was now turning green), and children blew kisses when they were done kisses on the cheek (Yuka puked out the window.)
"Yuka, are you all right?" Amaya asked, looking out the window. She quickly turned back around, and had a sick look on her face.
"What's the problem?" Kenshin asked. Yuka turned around, and looked happy.
"Oh nothing..."
Person next gets to start the big adventure!!![/size][/color]
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As all the other middle schoolers, Kenshin, Sano, Kaoru, Megumi, and Yahiko left in their groups, Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka watched them leave. Kurumi turned around after they dissappeared in different directions. "Ok, listen up... all of you get with a partner! After you get your partner, gather into a group and follow me. Katana, you stay at the side... and Yuka... in the back." Kurumi instructed.
"HEY! Why do I have to be in back? That's not fair!" Yuka protested.
"It's fair enough." Katana said. Kurumi nodded, Yuka just made a pouting face and reluctently walked to the back of the group.
"Right, follow me!" Kurumi said loudly. All the men looked back at her and nodded.
They were all soon marching out of the train, Kurumi in the lead, but also having a man that knew his way with her. Kurumi looked ahead in the way the man had said to go, having Katana and Yuka as background music.
Kurumi looked to her helper, he appeared to be rather young, not much older than herself. Maybe fifteen. He actually didn't look that bad, cute, actually. He noticed her looking at him and turned his head to her. Kurumi quickly glanced ahead of her. "You don't need to be so shy." The boy said. She looked to him, he was looking back, smiling. She shrugged. "My names Naozumi, your Kurumi... right?" He asked. Kurumi nodded. "That's a nice name." He added.
"Can I call you Nao?" Kurumi asked.
"Everyone else does." Nao replied as he directed them in a different direction. "You do know we are taking the long way, right?"
"Yeah, we all needed to go in different routes to Tokyo. It's getting dark, huh?" Kurumi explained and ended in question.
"Yeah, better find a good place for camp..... if we rest tonight, we can walk the rest of the way tomorrow.... it will take about another half a day or so to get there." Nao replied. Kurumi nodded slightly, then turned around to the group.
"We are going to make camp for the night! You all have your belongings, right?" Kurumi shouted to the group, she got tons of 'Yeahs', 'yups', and 'o course's' for answers. "Great! Lets find camp!"
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OOC: Sorry I havn't posted in a while, Christmas break's been real crazy, But I be back! (Dodges Yuka's giant hammer of doom, Katana runs by cackling madly) ...sigh...

Kit's sharp eyes glanced around as they led the middle schoolers (I got it right, right?) Kenshin and Sano led the way, seemingly without a care. 'I still can't believe this is actually the Kenshin and Sanoske!' Both older warriors were talking to each other about some past adventure 'well I'd better get over it, it's a long walk to tokyo from here, even if it isn't the longest route.' Kit decided to ask "Hey kenshin!" kenshin turned his head to Kit
"Yes Kit?"
"How long's it going to take to get to Tokyo?"
"A few days Kid. A lot longer than it would have riding that possesed tea kettle." Sanoske said, with a slight shiver. "Besides I prefer walking."
"Sanoska's a supersticious one, that he is." Kenshin stopped "It's beggining to get late, and the children are getting tired, that they are."
Sanoske glanced around "Guess since were camping out, I'll get wood for a fire. Kenshin, you get to find food and cook, and Kit you keep an I on the kids." Kit frowned, lglancing back at the middle schoolers. "I think I should scout around a little..."

Kenshin and Sano were gone before he could finsish what he was saying, muttering he led the others over next to a large tree.
' I wonder how the others are doing? '
Kit didn't notice the figures that slowly encircled the campsight

OOC: baum baum baum! The plot thickens...again HAMMER OF DOOM! (Katana sprints by again with Yuka still chasing her...)
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