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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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[size=1][color=chocolate]The girls had found a camp site with the men, had a fire started, and began going to sleep.

Yuka lay down on the grass, and yawned. She closed her eyes slowly, until she felt something touch the back of her body; along her back was more to be specific. She turned around to see a young looking man, about the age of 16, laying next to her going to sleep soundly. He had is black hair in a ponytail, and wore something like Kenshim, except the top was dark blue. Yuka panicked then got up. The boy looked up to her.
"WHO THE FREAK ARE YOU?!?!" Yuka yelled. Kurumi heard, and frowned.
"Yuka, don't be so mean. He was only trying to be comforting with you," Kurumi said. The boy frowned, and got up.
"Well then, I guess Miss Katana won't mind," the boy said, making up a plan. Yuka smiled.
"No she won't! And I don't either!" Yuka said, laying down on the grass again. The boy frowned, and lay next to Katana, who was asleep. Naozumi (or Nao, whatever) lay next to Kurumi. Kurumi blushed, and soon fell asleep. When she did, Nao wrapped his arm around her waist, and hugged her tight. Yuka caught them, and made a disgusted look on her face. Looking at Katana, she was snuggling with that boy. Everyone was asleep except for her. She yawned, then sat up.
"99 bottles of beer on the wall..."

Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Kit took a seat around the fire. They were quiet, and peaceful.
"So...Kenshin what do you think the girls are doing?" Kit asked. Kenshin smiled.
"I think the girls are enjoying themselves very much. Katana and Kurumi might have found someone, that they did. Though I'm not sure about Yuka," Kenshin replied.

Katana is snuggled up with the boy, Kurumi with Nao, and Yuka singing her song. Not to mention almost drooling in the process.
*Back to Kenshin and the other two*

"Yeah, I suppose Yuka isn't the lovable type," Kit said.
"I wonder if Yuka has ever liked someone," Sanosuke asked. "Maybe that's why she acts the way she does."
"Possible," Kenshin said. "Of course, she might just because she is hyper, that she is."
"Hm, true," Kit said. "Hope they are all right."

*To Yuki and Amaya*
"The children fell asleep so quickly..." Amaya muttered to Yuki, sitting around a fire. Yuki nodded, looking at the sleeping Yahiko.
"All children," she said. Amaya nodded, and Kaoru and Megumi, on the other side of the fire, looked quite worried.
"What's the matter?" Yuki asked.
"Well with the shadow figure and all, what do you think they'll do?" Megumi asked harshly. "The shadow wasn't afraid to stab any of you except Yuki, and you were badly injured, though I don't get about Yuka though. Anyway, if these kids were stabbed, they would die instantly!"
Kaoru nodded, and looked at the children.
"They are so peaceful and helpless. What can we do?" she asked.
"We can protect them," Yuki said. "You know we kick ***."
Kaoru smiled, then lay down on the grass.
"Yeah I guess," she said. Amaya and Yuki nodded, then lay down on the grass and soon fell asleep with Kaoru. Megumi meanwhile sighed.
"Yes, at least I hope." Megumi looked up to the sky, looking at the bright stars. What or who caused this? So many questions...

Yuka was dozing off by the moment, singing her song.
"God dammit keep awake!" she said to herself. After, she fell asleep. (Nice!)
Yuka fell from her position and lay on the grass.
Meanwhile, the boy next to Katana suddenly woke up from a nightmare, and looked to Yuka. He smiled in comfort, and crawled over to her. He lay next to her peacefully, and smiled dozing off to sleep.
"Sweet dreams Yuka..."
No, Yuka will never love anyone. I just wanted this to be better![/size][/color]
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((Sorry I haven't been posting... It's just... never mind... no one cares...))

Amaya fell into a dream state once again, her body numb to the feel of soft grass and night wind ((wait a minute- Amaya [I]means[/I] night wind!!! haha, how ironic)).

"Daddy...? What are you doing? Wait... Stop!"
"Come 'ere now."
"No, daddy you're drunk!"
"Come 'ere, dammit!"
"No!!! Daddy, please don't hit me again..."

Amaya thought she had woken up, but her dream had shifted...

She was somewhere else... [I]Where am I?[/I] Butterflies... [I]There are butterflies everywhere...[/I] She thought she saw a familiar figure... [I]Kit...?[/I] He was... bleeding! Pierced by a dozen wooden needles...[I]No, Kit!!! I have to save him...[/I] She began to run, but tripped... and landed in a pool of blood. [I]No... Wait, I'm bleeding too... But how? Am I still dreaming?[/I] She stood up and realized that she, too, had been pierced several times. [I]I feel pain... But... I thought this was a dream![/I]

Amaya awoke to find that her arm was uncomfortably numb. [I]Yuki...[/I] Out of instinct, Yuki had grabbed Amaya's arm as a source of comfort and was squeezing it posessively. Careful not to wake her up, Amaya removed her throbbing arm from Yuki's grip and tried unsuccessfully to go back to sleep.

[I]It's no use now... I can't sleep.[/I]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yuka awoke silently, on the fresh warm grass. She felt the sun shine, and knew now it was morning. She felt something again...on her back...she turned around, to see the same boy lay beside her. She made a horror lookng face and immediately got up.
"Freaking pervert can't leave me alone..." Yuka said, staring down at the boy. Kurumi moved in her sleep, with Nao next to her still, and Katana a little distance away from her, as she snored, a bubbled blew out of her nose. Yuka almost laughed by how Katana looked. She began walking away.
"Yu...Yuka...." someone said. Yuka turned around to see the same boy slowly opening his eyes, but in his same lying position.
Yuka immediately froze as she saw him as he talked to her.
"Where...where are you going?" he asked. Yuka shrugged.
"Well I was actually going for a walk. Walking around here can lose some weight off my body especially since I like eatting fatty stuff!" she said, looking at her stomach. She was fit, but kept herself in shape. The boy smiled, but gave a sad expression in his eyes. Yuka didn't feel one bit sad or guilty of his face.
"You know that shadow...he might come and stab you," the boy said. Yuka shrugged.
"Who cares? I know I don't! I'll beat the crap out of him!" Yuka said.
"I care."
Yuka sighed, and walked over and kneeled by the boy.
"Look, I don't know who you are, and-"
"Clay. My name is Clay."
"How can a person here be named Clay?" Yuka asked suspicously. Clay blushed.
"Well..you see...I was zapped here from the future." Yuka dropped her mouth open, and almost coughed.
"You...came from the future like me?" she asked. Clay nodded.
"I came from a middle school..and you were there. I...liked you once I saw you. You were so dark, always wore dark T-shirts and now you see yourself in a light kimono!" Clay said. Yuka got up from her kneeling postion, and looked down to him.
"Look, sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want a relationship. I never want a relationship with anyone, and I'm not one of those girls that complains who's cuter in this Rurouni Kenshin world. God I could care less-"
"I know that. There's really no hope," Clay said sadly. Yuka nodded, and walked away from the camp, into the woods alone.
Kurumi slowly woke up, feeling Nao's warm arm wrapped around her. She smiled, until she saw the sad Clay sitting where Yuka once was sleeping. [i]Now what did she do? Kurumi thought.[/i]
"Hey," Kurumi said. Clay turned around, and smiled.
"See your awake," Kurumi said. "What are you doing in Yuka's spot? She left already?"
"Yeah...she doesn't like anyone does she?" Clay asked. Kurumi sat up, gently putting Nao's arm on the ground.
"Yuka doesn't like to feel in a very good relationship with anyone. I learned that as more as I got to know her here, and I really don't know about her past either. Yuka is a mysterious girl...sometimes she's dark, and other times she's hyper and all. She doesn't know what to do with herself I suppose," Kurumi said. Clay nodded, then turned to the direction where Yuka went.
[i]But...you don't know how much I want to care about you...and...love you...[/i]
Yuki woke up silently. She shook Amaya's shoulder, then Kaoru's, then Megumi's. All woke up, and then woke the children up.
"How are you all doing?" Megumi asked sweetly.
"Fine Miss Megumi!" a little girl exclaimed, hugging Megumi on one leg.
"Well we better get going," Kaoru said. Yuki nodded, along with Amaya. Suddenly, laughing throughout the trees were heard. The children gathered around Megumi and Kaoru scared.
"You two...aren't you supposed to be dead yet?!?!" the voice said. Yuki cursed, and Amaya groaned.
"What do you want?" she yelled. The voice laughed like a maniac again.
"I want for you all children from the future to die...all you do is cause pain..."
Then with that, the voice disappeared, and everyone was silent. Nothing.
"Ok, what did he mean by that?" Yuki asked.
"I have no idea but that must have something to do with why we are here," Amaya said. Megumi and Kaoru nodded, and they all along with the children began their journey again.
Kit, Sanosuke, and Kenshin were all up, ready to go.
"Well let's go, we have no time to waste!" Sanosuke said. Kenshin nodded, along with Kit.
They began walking, until Kit asked a question.
"Hey Kenshin...do you sometimes wonder about Kaoru?" he asked. Kenshin blushed.
"When I am sad, I usually think of her, that I do," he replied.
"Eh..I thought I was alone..."
"What?" Sanosuke said. Kit gave the indication with his hands 'never mind' and they three began walking again silently.[/size][/color]
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' I wonder how The others are doing? Especially Amaya, I feel bad about avoiding her, but I start to feel funny when I'm next to her...'
"HELLO! KIT!" Kit's head shot up, hearing Sanoske yelling at him. He looked around realizing he had walked waist deep into a small lake.
"Aw crap...Sorry Sano."
"Pay attention next time, we can't have you with your head in the clouds now."
Kit hastily got out of the water, Kenshin just stood back and wore thesame cheery smile. After Kit joined them they continued walking, Sano Kept eyeing Kit, who looked like he had something on his mind.
"Hey Kit."
"Yeah Sano."
"It's a girl you've been thinking about right?" Kenshin kept smiling and walking. Kit blushed slightly.
"What makes you say that."
"Your useually a bit more aware of what's around you." Kit turned saying " I still know what's..." A darkly clothed figure rose quickly and silently from the bushes drawing a glaive back to drive into Sanoske's exposed back. Kit disappered in a flash of smoke, appearing behind the would be assassin. Deftly, Kit drew his knunchaku, slaming them into the back of the assassin's head, who slumped to the path with a sigh. Sanoske and Kenshin both turned to see what had happened. Kit stepped from the bushes, grinning at them both.
"So your trying to tell me I'm not paying attention as much?" Kit reached down, and drug the unconscious person over to the others. "Now to find out who he is." ' I hope amaya and the others are alright...'

OOC: I though Sano and Ken were the ones escorting the kids...or are we still in a group. Help me please, I confustered.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Sano, Kenshin, and Kit protect the..oops. I made a mistake, sorry. The kids go with Kit, the women go with Yuki and Amaya, and the men go with Katana, Yuka, and Kurumi. Oops. Sorry to confuse you Swordsaint and others.

Yuka, Kurumi, and Katana were walking along in the woods, with Nao beside Kurumi, some other guy talking to Katana, and Yuka along the side alone, happy. Suddenly, Clay popped up beside Yuka.
"You happy alone?" he asked. Yuka nodded, and turned the other way.
"You sure?" he asked. Yuka nodded again. Clay nodded, then looked ahead.
"Hey Kurumi," Yuka asked. Kurumi looked back.
"Huh Yuka?"
"Can I be Gollum now?!?!?!?!"
Yuka jumped and clapped her hands. Then she sulked, looking like the hunchback of notre dame.
"My precious...my prescious..."
Clay stared at her, until Yuka went to her original form again.
"Gollum gone cause he...uh...went to a bar!" she exclaimed.
"SHUT UP!!!" Katana and Kurumi yelled.
"We said it at the same time!!!"
Clay stared at the confused Yuka, and chuckled.
"You're crazy!!!" he exclaimed. Yuka crossed her arms against her chest in agreement. Suddenly, a rustle from the bushes were heard. Every man screamed.
"SHUT UP YOU WUSSIES!!!" Katana yelled. The men went silent, and Yuka gave her a thumbs up. Suddenly, a shadow appeared leaning on a tree.
"Katana, Kurumi, and Yuka. My my what a surprise," the shadow said. It...it was the voice of the man who stabbed them!
"It's the dagger stabbing dude!" Katana yelled. Kurumi and Yuka cracked up laughing, until the shadow moved his postion to just stand in front of the tree.
"Nothing will be funny anymore," he said angrily. Yuka pulled out her two Sai, and the other two their weapons.
"Go ahead, you can't catch me!" the shadow said. He began running fast around the group, until a stab was heard.
"You are such a bastard..." Yuka muttered as she felt a dagger peirce her skin. Clay suddenly looked worried, and started shivering.
"And a fool!" Katana yelled, slashing her weapon and missing him. He laughed like a maniac, and began flying around.
"You are my dear, you are!" the voice said, jumping around trying to stab the two others. They were very fast, and gave the shadow scratches.
"Yuka, let me help you!" Clay exclaimed. Yuka growled as he ran over, and he stopped in his tracks.
"Stop it! I'm fine..." she said. Then suddenly, her rubber band came out of her hair, and her braid became no more of a braid, and left her wavy hair behind her back, blood running on it with its long length.
"Kurumi, Katana, let's kill him!" Yuka said, running to them, a disk appearing in her hand.[/size][/color]
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((*blushes* aaawww.....))

"How are your wounds healing, Miss Amaya?" Megumi asked out of doctor's instinct.
"I think they're doing pretty well," Amaya said as she stared off into space. [I]Why was Kit in my dream?[/I]
"My goodness, you children sure are tolerant," said a sickly looking old woman. "When I was your age blah blah blah blah...."
"Uh huh..." said Amaya.
"Amaya? What are you looking at?" said Kaoru.
"I think I just saw a squirrel," said Amaya. Yuki giggled. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing..." Yuki muttered, suppressing her grin. Amaya just looked confused.
"...we were taught respect back in my day blah blah blah blah..." the old woman went on.

((old people are funny...))
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Lol-- indeed old people are funny. :p
Kurumi rased toward the shadow man. She slashed her Elbow Blades at him, she had hit his arm. Yuka had released one of her discs. [i]Hey, if Yuka can do that... maybe.... yeah! I'll try it![/i] Kurumi thought whille the disc hit the shadowed man. Kurumi got to a safe distance and concentrated all of her energy to her arm. "Hn.... YAAAAA!!!!" Kurumi shouted as a dark flame spat out of her hand, it headed toward the shadow man, but without luck it missed. "Dammit! Well... at least I know it works!" Kurumi whispered to herself. Nao and the other men looked in horror at the battle, Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi kept going at the man. Kurumi got behind him and took him into a quick headlock. "Why are you doing this?! I know who you are.... I had... a flashback... GUARDIAN!" Kurumi hissed into the man's ear. He flinched... he knew what she was talking about. Kurumi heard the click and slide of a sword from a sheath. In about two seconds Kurumi was on the ground, a huge slash through her chest.
Kurumi gasped for air, pained stinging throughout her body, but she refused to cry. She couldn't let this little slash get to her, even though she knew it was rather large and deep. Kurumi was loosing alot of blood, Nao had rushed over to her, but she could barely tell he was there.
Nao paniced and took off his shirt. He gentley placed and tied the shirt over her wounds. Meanwhile Kurumi was just barely holding onto conciousness.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Wow, interesting.

Yuka stared at Kurumi, with the weapon through her chest. She didn't panic, but stared at the shadow. She saw his grin on his face, while the rest of his body was a shadow.
"Dammit!" Yuka yelled, making another disk appear in her hand. She threw it to the shadow, and it scratched against his arm. He winced, and then suddenly, disappeared into the forest, tracking blood behind him.
"Yuka...Kurumi...Katana...Kit...Amaya...Yuki...Kaz...the 7 people...who can actually kill me with one great attack...are here. Of course, to bring them here was to make them die...and I could rule this feudal Japan..." the shadow said.
"Each of their powers...Yuka is the Day, Kurumi the Night, Katana the Water, Kit the Earth, Amaya the Fire, Yuki the Wind, and Kaz the Heart. All have the special attacks..."

Meanwhile, Yuka comforted Kurumi, laying on the groud, with Nao very near. He was taking off some of his clothing now. Katana slowly pulled out the weapon, and lay it next to Clay. Clay watched carefully as Nao and Yuka took off pieces of their clothing to help Kurumi.
Clay stared at Yuka as she took off the bottom of her kimono, piece by piece to help Kurumi.
"If we only had Sanosuke's bandages now..." Yuka said, surprising everyone.
"No duh!" Katana yelled, rubbing Kurumi's wound with her hand, blood covering most of her hand.
"Yuka...Katana..." Kurumi muttered. Yuka placed her forefinger over her lips.
"Shhh Kurumi, you should get some rest. He hurt you badly...and nice attack. I see you've found yours...I bet each one of us does!" Yuka said. Katana nodded.
"That'd be nice. Good attacks rock."'
Suddenly, Kurumi dozed off to sleep, comfortable. Yuka stopped her bandaging, letting Nao take care of everything else.
"Well if Kurumi is like this, we might aswell rest too," Katana said.
"Someone has to keep guard though Katana," Yuka pointed out. "If not, who knows who might pop out!"
"Hold on right there!" a man suddenly said. Everyone except Kurumi looked up, to see 5 men with swords, pointing at them.
"And what a coinsedence..." Yuka muttered. Katana chuckled.
"Who are you all?" another man said.
"We're Tokyo police!" they replied. Yuka smiled.
"We were going to Tokyo ourselves," Katana said. "To-"
"Hold on missy. We're not fallin for that. Hey, what's this girl doing with a dagger in her shoulder?" the leader asked. Yuka looked at her shoulder.
"It's not a big deal-"
"All right. We'll send you all to the hospital and then we'll throw you in the coop for being invaders. Now move!"

Uh...Kaz...sorry you have to be Heart. If you think of any other good element, I'll make you that. I thought of Captain Planet.[/size][/color]
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Hmmm...what fun Kit can make large rocks appear out of no where! :D (large rock appears in front of Katana as she sprints away from the mallet of DOOM!) he he he...

" Kit...we're in trouble now." Sano backed away from the unconcious figure laying on the ground. Kit looked at Sano with wonder, as he handed Kenshin something he'd found in the man's pockets.
"Why do you say that?" Kenshin stepped closer, studying the person more closely.
"He's a tokyo policeman, that he is." Kit's eyes widened slightly.
"What's a policeman doing out here!"
"Sometimes they send A few policemen out to check the roads going into tokyo for bandits and such." sano said
"Then why would he try to kill you?"
Kenshin picked the man up saying "He probably thought we had kidnaped the children, seeing as how you and I are armed Kit."
Several uniformed policeman came running down the road.
Kit rolled his eyes "Great, just what we need, on top of shadow freak."
"You there! You are under arrest for assaulting a policeman, carring deadly weapons, and kidnapping." all the policemen aimed their rifles at the trio, two of them circled around to the terrified children. Kit grinned slightly as they began to lead them away. "Well, at least we know we're close to Tokyo." 'I hope amaya and the others are having better luck.'
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*starts hitting Yuka unconsciously through tears* I WANNA BE WATER!!!
"Hospital?" Katana said. "Ha, that's a good one. I know that, once we're there, you'll kill us." She made a slashing noise and swiped a finger against Yuka's throat. Yuka made a gagging noise and fell to the ground. The two started laughing; Clay and Nao laughing nervously.
"Hoe dare you dishonor the Tokyo police!" one policeman shouted. His sword was unsheathed and at his side, waiting for the strike if it was to come.
"Fukaita, calm down!" another policeman said. He looked around 40 while the rest were between 25 and 35 or so. His uniform was black compared to the others dusty blue. He turned to Katana and bowed slightly.
"I apologize for Fukaita's rash actions. He has not yet completed his training, and does not know the time to be quiet and listein."
"That sounds like Yuka," Kurumi muttered weakly, smiling. Nao snapped his head towards her voice and began whispering to her.
"I am Bankyo, leader of the third squad of the Tokyo Police Swordsmen. Reports claim that you are children from...the future." He said the last words in slight disgust and disbelief.
"Bankyo," Katana said. Her hands disappeared from their sleeves and reappeared moments later, clutching a small, thick book. "Amazing. I still have my dictionary!"
Yuka, Kurumi, Clay, and Nao sweatdropped as Katana searched the pages, muttering "bankyo" multiple times. The police looked at the book with interest, as if marveling over it.
"Bankyo. Here it is! Ahem." She cleared her throat. "Wielding authority. Or, as the second definition, exercising authority. You choose."
Bankyo didn't take notice of this comment.
"Hey...if you guys are from Tokyo, than that means we're close!" Nao said.
"Almost. We came here by horse, cutting travel time in half or more. Tokyo is still about thirty miles from here."
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Darn you Katana...my post got deleted...oh well then you can be Water. Me don't care.
Yuka dropped her mouth open in horror.
"We...we have to travel for 3o miles?!?! That's like a day and night!" Yuka exclaimed. Katana nodded, and leaned to Yuka.
"That means another day with Clay..." she whispered. Yuka bonked Katana on the back of the head, as Clay stared at them both.
"Screw you Katana," she said. Katana chuckled.
"And since we don't have enough horses for each, two will share a horse," Bankyo said. Katana smirked, and Yuka was now going to kill her.
"If I had my...hey!" Yuka said, staring down at the ground. She picked up a real giant mallet.
"I found my mallet!" she said. Katana lost her smirk, and Yuka began chasing her with her mallet.
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Katana screamed, holding her hands behind her. Suddenly, water sprayed out of her hands and came in a jet form. It hit Yuka, and she fell back, hitting a tree. The dagger stung more in her shoulder and she cursed.
"I depise you Katana!" Yuka yelled, pulling the dagger out slowly.
"Well that must be Katana's attack," Kurumi said, Nao wrapping his arm around her neck. It was obvious he wanted to share the horse with Kurumi.
"Yes," Yuka muttered. "I can see it now. I see freakin clear water!!!"
Clay chuckled, and Yuka glared at him.
"It's not all that funny Clay. Ow it burns!" she said, staring at her shoulder.
"Sorry Yuka but your GIANT MALLET isn't working anymore!" Katana said. Yuka smirked, and a disk appeared in her hand. Katana stared at her in horror.
"You wouldn't dare!" she said. Kurumi nodded.
"That thing can chop a person's head off!" Kurumi said. Yuka suddenly threw it, going an inch past Katana's cheek. Katana screamed, and Yuka began chasing Katana, disks in her hand, throwing them at Katana.
"Well, do you all want to get going?" Bankyo said. The others nodded, and followed him.

Katana and Yuka had been tired now, and were resting against a tree.
"Ah...I will get you later.." Yuka said.
"Thank god," Katana said. Then she looked around.
"Where'd everybody go?" she asked. Yuka widened her eyes.

The two ran, beginning another journey looking for Tokyo.[/size][/color]
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Katana trudged slowly up a hill, Yuka behind her. The two were panting.
"Why don't you gimme some of that water?" Yuka asked. "You can make it out of nowhere, you know."
"Alright." Katana turned around and shot two large blasts at Yuka's face. She was shot back about fifteen feet and landed on the ground. She looked up to see Katana laughing like a nut, running up the hill.
"YOU SHALL PAY!!!" Yuka yelled in a frenzy, creating two purple disks. Katana kept laughing, even at the sight of the energy. Yuka threw them at her, exploding into the ground beneath Katana's feet. This shot her up in the air.
"I BEAT YOU!" Yuka shouted at the sky. She grinned, satisfied, and began climbing back up the hill when a jet of water landed in front of her.
"Not so fast kid!" Katana yelled, descending from the sky. One hand was summoning the water, the other holding one of her swords. It plunged through the ground, breaking Katana's fall.
"Kid? WHAT?" Yuka drew her two sai.
The two began their clash of metal, Katana with the upperhand as of her being older, taller, and bigger than Yuka.
"This ain't fair!" Yuka said through clenched teeth, fending off the insane-looking Katana. Suddenly, she thought of an idea. Dropping her sai, Yuka conjured up two more disks. Katana grinned and sheathed her sword quickly, then rubbed her hands together.
Yuka threw the disks, then conjured up two more. She fired them, one after the other, blocking the plumes of water being shot at her.
"Hey! Is that you guys?" Clay's voice called out from the top of the hill, ending the fight. Katana and Yuka looked at him, Katana smirking.
"Guess what Yuka? Your boyfriend's back."
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Clay blushed at Katana's words, while Yuka was glaring at Katana, for making the non-true comment.
"Katana, shut up, and don't say one word. Not ONE WORD," Yuka said. Katana turned the other way, turning her back to Yuka. But she kept that smirk on her face.
"Clay, what are you doing here?" Yuka asked. Clay shrugged.
"I was looking for you two...well really only you," he told her. Katana cracked up laughing, and fell to the ground. Yuka rolled her eyes, then started braiding her hair back again since it was still down.
"Look Clay, you don't always have to worry about me. I can take care of myself, and you see that about my disks I make. Why don't you once, once let me do something myself! Please?" Yuka asked politely. Clay nodded sadly, staring at Yuka with sorrowful eyes.
"But...whenever you do something by yourself, you end up being stabbed-"
"Clay. Stop," Yuka said in a serious tone. "I was eager and I wasn't thinking. Now please understand. I can take care of myself, and I don't need anyone ruling over me."
Clay, again, sadly nodded, and turned around to walk back to the others.
"But I know something you could help me with," Yuka asked, not as serious, but cheerful. Clay turned around, surprised she was happy.
"You could help me find the others. That'd be great!" she said cheerfully. Clay blushed, but smiled. He nodded.
"Sure...do you want me to bring Katana with me too?" Clay asked. Yuka looked at Katana, who was busy laughing her head off.
"Nah, she'll be fine!" Yuka said, walking up to Clay. He was blushing furiously, and they began walking away. Katana was now off the ground, looking around, to see them walking away. She kept her smirk for the fact that Clay's hand was very close to her back, but barely touching it. Katana caught up with them, and stood beside Clay. She whispered, "do it." He let his arm free beside him, ignoring Katana. She sighed, and wondered how funny it would have been to see Yuka angry like that.

It was nighttime, and the group *the policemen, men, and Katana, Yuka, and Kurumi* were sitting around a fire.
Katana, Clay, and Yuka had caught up with the group, and Katana Yuka had fun by Katana read every word in the dictionary and its definition, and Yuka kept on singing La Cukeracha. (that's how you really spell it!)
"So Yuka..." Fukaita began, "Are you always like this?"
Yuka shrugged, and leaned back, laying her arm back keeping herself up.
"Yes. Unless I am ticked at someone. I'm hyper!" she said, smiling. Katana nodded, and patted her shoulder.
"You sing too many songs," she said. Yuka nodded, and then lay back onto the ground.
"I'm sleepy now..." she said, Clay leaned over her, looking at her sleep. He was so happy...and Yuka, unfortunately, was not.
"Can I have my privacy?" she asked him. He nodded no. Yuka rolled her eyes, then lay on her side.
"Just leave me alone and let me sleep," she said. Clay frowned, and turned to look at the others, staring at him like he's crazy. Soon, Yuka was silently sleeping.
"What do you see in her? I cannot figure that out!" Katana said. Clay shrugged, and looked down at her.
"She's...she's just my type, let's just say that," Clay said. Kurumi and Katana squealed, while the others found this very lovable, and began thinking they should go together.
"I'm awake now," Yuka suddenly said, sitting up.
"Well that didn't last very long!" Katana said. "Might have had a nightmare about being married to Clay."
Clay frowned, and Yuka glared at Katana.
"Shut up god dammit!" Yuka said. Katana lay down, then decided to go to sleep herself.
"But I did have a nightmare. It was about the shadow...and...he killed me," she said. Clay looked worried, and Kurumi giggled.
"Well...you know dreams can come true," she said, staring at Yuka. Yuka nodded.
"And I'm glad if they do. I really can't wait to die," she said. Kurumi frowned.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because...let me tell you. In my short nightmare, we, meaning Katana, Kurumi, and the other middle schoolers, we killed the shadow, but he killed me. You all went back to the future, and he has a clock. This clock controls time. And if he is dead, we are free and we can take the clock. Except me, at least in the dream. He contacted me in my sleep, and he told me how to defeat him," Yuka said. Kurumi nodded.
"Why did he tell you?" she asked.
"That's why I died. In my nightmare, I told you all, and I died battling him. He went after me first, and when I battle him, he will. He knows where we are going. He knows what we are planning. He knows us because he took us from the future, and we have to defeat him with a miracle. We must be able to do something..." Yuka said. Kurumi nodded.
"Well, let's talk about this more in the morning. I'm pooped," she said. Nao nodded, and both lay down next to each other, going to sleep. The others lay down, and went to sleep, including Yuka. But Clay remain awake, staring at the fire.
"Why don't you want to live?" he asked. "Do you actually want to leave?"[/size][/color]
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[i]"What the..who are you?" Katana asked.
"I am you," replied the dark figure.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I am you Katana. I live in you. I protect you."
"I protect myself."
"No. I am the one that protects yourself. I am your warrior spirit. I am your life."
"Who...are you?"
The dark figure stepped closer to Katana. The figure appeared to be male. He had a black turban, white hair, dark navy blue eyes, silver earrings, a black cape, and white pants. His face held the confidence of Katana.
"I am your...other self."
Katana held back a gasp. "You...are." She noticed that everything about him was the opposite, except for his hair and skin. He was a bom compared to herself, and everything she wore that was white was black to him.
"I am your guardian, Katana. I represent you in the Releam of Souls."
"What's your name?"
"Yasashiku," he responded as he began to fade.
"Wait-no, don't go!" Katana yelled, chasing after the disappearing body. He made a faint smile, then vanished compeltly. Katana stopped and began crying at her loss. She felt empty.[/i]
She woke up, tears falling on to the grass. Katana looked up to see the nightsky and a collection of leaves. She wiped her eyes on her sleeves and sat up, gazing at the stars painted against the dark sky. They glisteined softly, reminding her of long ago, when her family had lived in the mountains of Japan. There anyone could see the stars that wished to venture up. In Tokyo, the smog and sheer noise of the city clashed with nature, making not a single star visible.
Katana began to sing in a soft voice, remembering her past. Who was that boy, Yasashiku? Was he really her protecter, her other self?
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Three things to say. 1. Sorry I haven't posted. 2. What's with all the love interests? 3. I'm guessing since Katana's water, Amaya's now fire.
Yuki looked at Amaya, then Kaoru, then Megumi then all the women. "I'm bored!" She said, conitnuing to walk. "How much longer till Tokyo?" Kaoru looked at her, thinking that she sounded like Yuka. "I think we have about a day or so. Huh...what's that?" She asked looking at something in the bushes. Amaya and Yuki clutched their wepons, turning to the bush. "Who's there?!" They yelled. The women looked terrified as some stepped backwards and some screamed. "Shush!" Kaoru said to them. "Amaya...it just moved. From the bush to that tree." Yuki whispered, wanting to trick it. "I saw it...on the count of three. 1...2..." Amaya whispered. "3!!" They yelled turning and rushing towards the tree. Daggers soon came out and hit the place where they would've been standing if they hadn't moved just in time. "It's the dagger guy!" Amaya yelled. "CRAP! I knew I wouldn't be safe for long." Yuki yelled as she jumped into the tree, thrusting her sword in front of her. She landed on an empty branch. "Shit" she said to herself. "Hello Amaya. Glad to see your well. Ah...Yuki. I'm glad to finally see you." A voice said. A shadow appeared below her near the bush he was in before. Amaya glared at him, not thinking of anything to say. "Yuki...I don't think you've had one of my complimentary daggers yet..." The shadow said with a fairly visible grin on his face. Before she had time to blink, she had a dagger in her arm. Amaya cracked. All of her friends had been hurt now. She raised her hands and a 'beam' of fire came out of each hand. The beams barely missed the shadow. [I]Dammit. They're discovering their powers.[/I] Yuki jumped outta the tree and stared at Amaya. "Whoa. How the hell did you do that?" She said, dropping her sword. She grabbed her arm in pain. "I don't know...is your arm OK." Amaya asked. Yuki nodded. [I]If she can do that what can I do?[/I] She thought. She grabbed the dagger and pulled out. Then she aimed her hands at the shadow, and focused her energy. Soon a blast of wind and fire hit the shadow. For the first time, he screamed from pain. "This isn't over!" He yelled as he disappeared. Kaoru and Megumi ran over to the two of them and started asking questions. The women were still in shock.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Yuka woke up silently, from the night before. She looked up to see Katana awake, sitting by where the fire once was. She looked worried; she looked empty. She looked...bothered.
"Katana?" Yuka asked, muttering so the people asleep couldn't hear. Katana looked over, and smirked, but her eyes kept her worried state.
"What's the matter?" she asked. Katana turned the other way.
"Nothing..." she said. It wasn't worth talking about...Katana never had this dream...a spirit? Protecting her? Did anyone else have this spirit too? Or...was it just there?
"It doesn't look like nothing to me!" Yuka said. Katana smiled, making herself look more cheerful. Yuka shrugged, then began getting up. But something wouldn't let her...
"Hey Yuka, you sure you don't have a boyfriend?" Katana asked. Yuka looked to her side, to see Clay laying again beside her, with his hand on her back. So that's what bothered her!
"He won't leave me alone," Yuka said, getting up. She felt Clay's hands rub her back a little, and she looked down to him. His eyes were a little open.
"Don't leave..." he mumbled. Yuka rolled her eyes, and got up. Once she did, she dusted off her kimono, and looked at the laughing Katana.
"Why don't you shut up and leave me alone," Yuka said. Katana kept laughing, and Yuka rolled her eyes.
"Whatever I'm going for a walk!" she said.
"I'm coming with you!" Katana said eagerly. Yuka rolled her eyes, and the two began walking away.
"The point of the walk was to get away from you," she said.
"Well that's not the case, is it?" Katana replied. Yuka, teasing, pushed her shoulder, and they began pushing each other again and again.

"Hm, a waterfall, with a lake," Yuka said. Then she stared at her clothing, and smelt the air. She made a disgusting look.
"What's your problem?" Katana asked. Yuka looked over to her.
"I need a bath stupid. Get Kurumi; she'd complain on how she won't get one once we do," Yuka said. Katana shrugged, and ran away into the woods. Yuka, bored, sat on the grass, and began staring at the lake. Suddenly, Katana came running back, with Kurumi. Kurumi was very happy.
"You found this place? I need a bath!" Kurumi said. The other two girls nodded, and soon, all three were cozy, in the water.
"Ah now this is what I call relaxation," Katana said, moving deeper into the water.
"No duh," Yuka said, closing her eyes.
"Now, let's stay here for about 2 hours and I'll stop liking Nao," Kurumi said. Katana and Yuka chuckled.
"You really like Nao?" Katana asked. Kurumi nodded.
"Yeah, I do. It's funny too; we met so soon and yet we are like soul mates," she said. Katana giggled, and Yuka rolled her eyes.
"Bad Kurumi! Bad! Isn't there a guy at middle school you like?" she asked. Kurumi ignored her, and stared in horror in the woods.
"What is it?" Katana asked. The other two girls turned around, to see Nao and Clay peeking at them behind the bushes.
"GET OUTTA HERE!!!!"[/size][/color]
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OOC: lol... I GET TO BURN THINGS!!! *dances* Anyway... Guess what? I drew a picture of us! (except for Kit, cuz I didn't have room >.<) It took me 3 and a half frickin hours. [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/4640840/]*click*[/url] I changed some of our clothes a little... And I might not've gotten it quite right... and Yuki and Amaya look really skinny... But anyway, you better like it because I worked hard, man. And Yuka has her mallet, and Kurumi her eggnog. :P If I messed up on your character, I will let Yuka hit me with the mallet of Doom.
"That @$$hole..." Amaya muttered. Yuki winced a little from her arm.
"It doesn't look like it's bleeding too bad..." Megumi began, examining Yuki's wound.
"How did you do that?" said Kaoru. "It was amazing!"
"I have no idea, but it was tight," said Amaya.
"It's an expression..." said Yuki.
"You future kids sure are strange," said the old woman. "When I was your age we only used the word 'tight' for describing our obi's... ((the sash thing around a kimono))"
"When you were our age people lived in caves..." said Amaya under her breath.
"Where do you think Kenshin and the others are?" said Yuki as Megumi wrapped up her arm.
"Who knows..." said Amaya. "I wonder if Kit's figured out how to make rocks yet..." She chuckled.
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RIGHT ON!! MY EGGNOG! *chugs it down* w00T! Nice picture! ^^ Alright, I'm the Night! Hehehehe..... my dark powers shall kill you all!
Kurumi grabbed a peice of her clothing, slipped it one quick and ran out of the lake screaming, "GET OUT YOU PERVERTS!!!!!" As soon as she reached them, she slapped both of them hard untill they left. She heard Katana and Yuka laughing. She walked back to the lake with her eyes closed, her face very red. "I can't believe those jerks!"
"Feeling better?" Yuka asked with a smirk.
"Soul mate you say?" Katana asked unsure, trying to died down on the giggling.
"Hmph! I'm sure Kilick would have never have done that... he isn't a perv...." Kurumi mumbled. [i]Oh no! I can't think of him! I just can't.... but I'm unsure myself.... do I really like Nao? If I do... why do I still have these feelings for.. Kilick?[/i] Kurumi thought as she stared off into space, soaking in the cool water.
"What was that? Who's Kilick?" They both asked at the same time.
"None of your beezwax! Leave me alone!" Kurumi snapped, blushing.
"Jeeez, are you By-Polar(sp?) or something?" Katana asked.
"No, not at all. I like to be left alone... that's all." Kurumi replied, sinking further into the water, making sure she was completely covered. [i]Nao... I feel more of a brother-sister love bond with you... nothing more really. It's just I feel like I've known you for a long time, you feel like a brother, not a lover. I... must have met him before... I know I have. Hmmm...... waitaminute.... I used to have a good friend named Nao as a todler through sixth grade. That looks just like him! He had to move the summer after sixth grade! DUH! Why didn't I realize it? He must have been sent from the future too...... but why?[/i] Kurumi was deep in thought while washing the blood and dirt off her body.
AND THE PLOT THICKENS! *sings* Lets get retarded HA! Lets get retarded in here! *ends singing*
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Hmm, that makes me want to draw us too...^^
"Uh...Kurumi?" Katana asked. Kurumi was staring at the water, thinking.
"Hellllo? KURUMIIIIII!!!" Yuka yelled into her ear. Kurumi jumped and screamed at Yuka to leave her alone.
"Sheesh. Touchy touchy," Yuka muttered.
"What do you think these mean?" Katana asked suddenly. Yuka looked at her to see Katana looking at her hands.
"Whatta mean?"
"I mean...these powers."
"For me, they're pretty cool," said Yuka, going off into a matter-o'-fact type of voice.
"Well, these make me think," Katana said, staring up at the sky.
"Really? Did it hurt?"
"Shut up. Anyways...back in our time, there was this game I loved to play. All the time. And it was great. You were a person who controlled the element of earth. There were three other people, who could control fire, wind, and water and ice. Personally, the water and ice person was my favorite..."
"Yeah? And? What about light and dark? I can't help but notice you didn't mention those elements," Kurumi said, breaking out from her thinking trance.
"I didn't believe that light and dark were elements. To me, they were just day and night, a thing that occured naturally, that just happened. Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water made up everything on the planet...wood, plants, and humans. It was an awesome game until it ended..."
"So...so you're saying we don't matter?" Yuka asked. Katana looked at her.
"What? How...how could you even think that?! [i]You[/i] aren't the ones that don't matter. Light and dark don't. They aren't true."
"What does that mean?"
"It means," Kurumi said, "It means that we aren't important in this quest."
"What the...how could...AH! FORGET IT!" Katana yelled. She stood up and got dressed, then walked into the woods back to camp.
[i]If they don't trust me...how can I trust them? What is wrong with those two? What is going on?[/i]
Oh yeah, and, uh, Kurumi and Yuka...hate to burst your bubbles, but we were the only ones that came from the future. Sorry. ^^;
Second thingie...Wasabi, in your post with each of us and the elements, you didn't mention Kaz.
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Alright Katana, I'll end the Nao thing. :p Just wanted to make things more interesting.
"How can light and dark not count?" Kurumi asked puzzled. "They are true elements... I mean, there wouldn't be life without light and dark. Since there is certain life when it's life, same goes for dark. She makes no sence.... to me anyway." Kurumi finished while putting her clothing back on. Yuka nodded as she too, got ready to go back to camp.
"Damn this bow.... "Yuka mumbled while fiddling with the bow to her kimono.
"Want some help?" Kurumi asked as she walked over to Yuka. She stared silently at the waterfall as Kurumi carefully tied the bow behind Yuka's back.
"Why did she say we weren't important on this quest?... or out elements anyway..." Yuka asked suddenly. Kurumi looked down to Yuka's head.
"I don't know... she was really only talking about Golden Sun... or I do believe." Kurumi replied. "But if there weren't our elements, there wouldn't be any elements in the first place! So ha, ours rule over the others!" Kurumi burst out proudly. They both laughed and headed back to the camp.

When they got to the camp, it was a few hours before daybreak. Katana had fallen asleep again, along with the others. The only two that remained up were Clay and Nao. Yuka and Kurumi completely ignored the two of them when they passed. The boys looked both embarassed and apologetic(sp?).
"Leave me alone you perv!" The girls both shouted at them. They quickly turned back around to the fire. Kurumi found were she had laid before, as did Yuka. Kurumi quickly fell asleep.

[i]"Kurumi?? Kurumi hurry!" Said a male voice. Her guardian appeared running toward her. He finally reached her and scooped her up in his arms. Kurumi realized she was little again. Her and her guardian were being chased by the black wave again, but this time she saw... something else. Another figure stood there laughing at the sight of them running away..... the figure was... Nao?! He somehow looked darker, more evil. Little Kurumi was once again forced out of her guardians hands as he was engulfed by the dark wave. He emerged as the shadowed figure once again. The shadow figure and Nao came forth to her, laughing like mad, holding weapons, ready to take the kill. But out of nowhere a glowing figure jumped in front of little Kurumi. The figure was familiar.. it was... Kilick.
"Don't worry Kurumi... I'll protect you..." Kilick said softly. Kurumi suddenly felt warm and everything when white.[/i]

Kurumi woke up from the sudden warmth. She turned around to she Nao laying curled up to her, his arm around her. She screamed and kicked him away. "I'M OUTTA HERE!" Kurumi screamed in his face and ran off.

[i]A walk should do me some good.[/i] Kurumi thought as she walked away from the camp.
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[size=1][color=chocolate][i]Where am I...Yuka asked as she looked around. She only saw sudden darkness, all around her. She wasn't afraid; only worried...
"Yuka..." a male voice called. Yuka looked around, and shrugged.
"Who called me?" she yelled.
"It's me..." the voice said. Yuka crossed her arms across her chest.
"Are you my concience?" The male voice coughed, then appeared. He was like her...he wore a kimono...except it was black. He also wore a braid in his hair...
"HA HA YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!" Yuka yelled. The man frowned, then suddenly appeared in front of her.
"Let's go..." he said. Yuka shrugged.
"But are you still my concience?" she asked.
"No Yuka..." he said.
"Are you my imaginary friend named Bob?"
"Are you my dead self?"
"I'm your..."
"Your my guardian! HA I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!"
"Yuka...let's go..."
"Ooh I know! To the amusement park!"
"Or or the Ice Cream Store!!!"[/i]
Yuka woke up, smiling like the happiest girl on the Earth. She felt someone's arm...
"GOD DARNET CLAY WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!?!?!" Yuka yelled. Clay suddenly woke up, and stared at Yuka.
"You are a pervert! Thank god I'm not in the series InuYasha..." Yuka muttered. Then she started walking away, for a walk.

Kurumi dipped her feet into the lake where the girls had once taken a bath. She moved her feet back and forth in the water, relaxing.
"Kurumi?" a girl asked. Kurumi turned around, to see Yuka walking to her. She was a little mad.
Yuka took a seat by Kurumi, then started rocking her feet back and forth in the water.
"Hey Yuka..." she said. Yuka waved, making her look stupid.
"Why are you up?" Yuka asked.
"Dream," Kurumi replied. Then she stared into the water. It was pretty deep...then she saw red...it looked like..blood...
"Hey Yuka...is that blood?" Kurumi asked. Yuka looked into the water and shrugged.
"Let me go check it out," she said, going into the water.
Kurumi waited...and waited..until Yuka came up, digusted. Kurumi gasped.
There Yuka held was a dead body...a dead body of a guard.[/size][/color]
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Dang... that's a sweet pic! but there's no Kit! oh well, I Draw one then! I wonder if this will help thicken the plot more...

Kit glanced around as the forest slowly disappered, and changed to plains as they walked. He Glanced up at Sano and Kenshin who walked next to the officer in charge, Lietenant Miazako. He looked farther ahead Tokyo could be seen far in the distance. Slowly the world grew darker, everyone dissapered as the world plunged further into a black abyss.
"Kenshin! Sanoske! Where'd you guys go?" Kit felt the pit of his stomach turn to ice as a familair, harsh rasping voice whispered into his ear.
"You children...don't belong here." Kit spun around, wielding his Katana, but no one stood there. The voice came again.
" Your friends, as you call them... will all die, slowly."
Kit hardened his resolve, and courage.
"Right, the only one you'll have a shot at killing's me. I'm all alone here, Just you and me. Don't you have the guts to take on a kid?" Kit turned slowly, looking all about, and suddenly, light returned to the world, he could see Katana and yuki, both laughing excitedly, then they both stopped as arrows pierced their bodies, both slumped forwards. Kurumi appered next, running, terrified through alleyways, a lone figure appeared in front of her, a long blade sprouted from her back in a spray of red, she fell to the ground with barely a cry.
Kit whirled away, fear and hatred burning through his being.
"You *******! I'll kill you!" kit swung his katana hacking and slashing, trying to strike his unseen foe. The voice started again.
"This little gem, I saved, for some reason, you seem to care for her. Kit's eyes widened in horror as Amaya appered before him, gouts of flame burst forth from her hands, but to no avail as her attacker strode stedily forward, a gauntleted hand snapped forward grabbing her throat, Kit reached forward to help her, to save her, but his legs refused to move. She strugled weakly against the hand, her life slowly being choked from her body. She soon grew limp in the figures hand, and was easily tossed aside. Kit's insides melted away, he crumpled to the ground, sobs racked his body. The voice again sounded. Light came back to the world, only when kit glanced around through his tear filled eyes, he was back in a forest, and the Shadow stood on the road in front of him, the figure slowly raised his hand, pointing at Kit.
"You can stop your friends deaths from happening if..." Ket rose and lunged for him.
"If I kill you first!" All his energy, focused into his blade as he brought it down on his foe. The shadow jumped back, easily dodging the attack.
"You'll have to do bettter than that!" a rumble corsed through the earth, as stalagmites gre out of the ground where he had landed, one pierced his arm as he lept away. ' the brat's discovered his power as well! this makes things all the more difficult...'
"You can stop your friends deaths from happening if you keep them from getting to tokyo long enough for me to accomplish what I have planned." his arm waved out to the road "This is the path they are on, wait for them her, do what you have to to keep them out of tokyo!" and with that, he disappered.
Kit slumped to the ground. "What do I do?"

OOC: the plot thickens lots more. hope you guys like the post, very dramatic me thinks.
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OOC: Dang it, screwin' up my plans. I wanted to kill off hayao, but now i have to do the whole protecting of the yuka. Grrrrr. the joys of being MIA.

While standing around listenign to the two girls laughing and talking, he thinks he hears kit screaming at someone. Thinking on the fly, he begins to fade from the camp fire to where kit was standing, with tears in his eyes.
" Kit? What happened? Who were you yelling at?" I ask him.
" It was no one. Hey how'd you get here any way?" he said quikly wiping the tears from his eyes away.
" My power appears to be teleportation, and wind." I say as i make a small Dust devil on the ground
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[size=1][color=red]OOC: I wanted to post yesterday, but I had to clean my room. >.< BTW Swordsaint, you never actually mentioned what your hair/eyes look like... You just said you wear a hood... oO So anyways, if you tell me, I can draw you and Kaz... ^_~ Oh, and uh, my post is during nighttime so... yeah... oO
Amaya almost slept peacefully, until her dreams were engulfed in darkness. Yet, everything seemed so real...

[I]Where is everyone? Kit? Yuka? Kurumi?[/I] She wandered aimlessly in the shadows until she felt a cold hand grab her mouth and gasped.
"It's ok, I won't hurt you," said a male voice as the hand fell.
"Who are you?" Amaya whirled around to see a tall man with long, silver hair that was blue at the ends, wearing a long blue Chinese coat.
"I am everything. I know what fears and strengths lie deep within you. I know feelings you hide that even you are not aware of."
"That doesn't exactly answer my question," Amaya said with a confused look. The man smirked. "Tell me your name."
"I have no name."
"Come on, of course you have a name!"
"You'll find out later. Just trust your instincts." Without another word, he dissolved into thin air.
"Wait! What's that supposed to mean? Get back here, dammit!" Amaya said, aggrivated. "That was pointless. What the hell does he mean by 'trust your instincts'??"
A smile appeared on her face when she saw her friends waiting for her. "Hey, guys! I was looking everywhere for you!" Then the smile disappeared when she saw the looks in their eyes. They were all blank and cold, like lifeless statues. "What the..." She tried moving, but as soon as she took one step, Yuka was pierced througth the heart with nothing but air. Yet she didn't bleed, as if she really were a statue. Foolish as she was, Amaya took five more steps, desperate to reach someone. Now only Kit was left.
"Dare you take another step, lest you kill the last friend you have?" said a cold voice, echoing off the walls of darkness. Amaya felt the need to scream, but it was held back by her choking sobs. [I]This can't be happening...[/I] Without thinking, she ran toward Kit, the fastest she'd ever run in her life. She was nearly there, her hand outstretched--
He fell, shattering into a million pieces.
"There, you see? Just like your childhood. All alone. Everything you've ever had is broken..." The voice laughed maniacally, leaving Amaya crumpled on the floor as burning tears filled her eyes. [I]It's all my fault... Everything is my fault.....[/I]

"Young lady? Are you all right? You're shaking like a leaf."
"She's right. You look terrified."
"Huh..." Amaya slowly opened her eyes to see Kaoru and the old lady above her. "I'm fine... Just... a nightmare..."[/color][/size]
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Stands around playing wiht the dust devil watching Kit, stare down the road.
" Hey, You know what?" i ask
" Hmmm?"
" I forgot the girls at the camp, you wanna go back with me?"
" Girls?"
" Yup, Kat, and Yuka. Come on I'll 'port us there."
"Can you 'port' multiple people?"
" Dunno, We'll find out though."
I grabbed his arm and nearly 'ported on Kat's head. As she started stammering about how we got there, Yuka grabbed her hammer and hit upside the head screaming, "Pervert!!!!"
"Owwww!!! Stop it!" I said, shooting her hammer away with a burst of wind. " Yeah go get the hammer now." I said letting the hammer fall into the middle of the lake. " And I hope it's deep, too!"
"How did you get here, Kit?" Katana asked as Yuka ran into the lake after her hammer, when she shot a disk at me. Doging by the slightist, the blade grazing my hair cutting some of it. " That wasn't funny, Yuka!"
" Clay did his teleportaion trick thing and found me, then came here 'cuse he forgot about you two." he explained
" Ohhh, you forgot us did you, Kaz?" She asked
" Who me? Never!" I said backing away, " I'm sorry? I missed you, guys? Yeah that's it, I missed you guys." I said chuckling. " He he?"
" Shut up, Clay."
" Yes, ma'ma." I say as yuka ran up soaked and hit me hard with the mallet.
" HA! Revenge is sweet!" she screamed.
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