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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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Alright, I'm confused...are you Kaz or Clay? o_O
Oh, and can you also write in second person, like everyone else? Ish getting me confused...
"Hey," Katana said as she observed Yuka hitting Kaz with her mallet continuously, "If Kaz has multiple abilities, than why don't we?"
Kurumi nodded. "Yeah. He can teleport and make wind...so that means we all have an extra ability besides creating our element. Which, by the way Katana, I know you were talking about Golden Sun. Awesome game, yeah. But light and dark are elements!"
"Whatever, whatever..." Katana said, waving her hand. She then sat down and thought. "Well, in Golden Sun, the ability to teleport uses the wind element, which means...since I'm water, I can heal! Oh yeah!"
"What about light and dark?" Yuka asked.
"Dunno. Don't ask, so, uh...think of one. Now, earth creates rocks...so...hmm...Kit, I believe that means you can revive the dead."
"Wha-what? Doesn't that fall under the category of healing?"
Kit sighed. "Geez...I wanted something cool."
"That's about as cool as it gets. Now, fire...what can they do..." Katana thought, furrowing her eyebrows together tightly. "I believe they have the power to blow up things. That is, concentrating energy on an object, then making go-"
"BOOM!!" Yuka yelled loudly, smashing her hammer into a tree.
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[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Umm.. wow, everyone is getting me mixed up. First of all, Kaz and Kit weren't even close to where we were, plus I thought we had just found a dead guard body in the water. AND Katana, you were sleeping. O.o
My heads gonna explode. >.< So if you guys could explian to me a bit... that would help a TON![/color][/size]
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OOC: I can explain Kit. He was traveling with ken and Sano. Then the shadow guy (can't remember his name.) trapped kit in darkness and taunted him/tortured his mind with his current wrost fear, then he took Kit to a spot on the road you guys are traveling on (Way ahead) to try and get him to stop you guys from reaching tokyo (Or is it kyoto?). I have no explenation fo Kaz. anyhow...

Kit sighed sadly, watching the merry, albiet a bit crazy, group of friends. 'what do I do? did he really see the future? I don't want them to die, but, what ever he has planned has to be stopped!' He started as Kaz ran by screaming, Yuka followed closely behind, swinging her mallet wildly. Kit stood slowly, walking a little ways from the camp. He muttered to himself
"Might as well practice my powers, no use using them by reflex."
Kit stood, focusing on the ground, an intense fire burned in his eyes as his energy burned and welled up in his arms. He raised his hand, several large rocks came up out of the ground. With a thought he hurled them through the trees, shattering them. Yuka and Katana Jumped from the bushes, each had their weapons drawn, each looked ready for battle.
"What was that noise are you ak?" Kit grinned slightly, despite all his worries. "Yeah...I'm just practicing my newfound power." Both girls relaxed, heading back to the camp. after they had left Kit turned back, continuing his training.
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OOC: Mmmm the explination of the Kaz. Okay after hearing kit's little burst of screams, Kaz did the teleporting to Kit, and found him on the road,( and yes it's going to tokyo) Kaz then took Kit to Kat and Yuka, where they will wollop Kaz to the ends of the earth then back. Ohh yeah and either Clay or Kaz will suffice

Kaz watches as Kit practices his powers, ' What is he thinking about? To be able to control the rocks so well, is astonishing.' Kaz thought. Ducking away from Yuka again, he used his powers to folat into the air. " Ha Ha, the power of the wind is joyus indeed!" At the moment of finishing his comment, a dagger shoot through the wind tunnel of the tornado Kaz had created inorder to float on. Shooting through the wind of the tornado, it flew out and pierced Kaz in the back, barely missing his spine, piercing his lung. Loosing concetration he plumets to the ground with a load thud sending the dagger deeper into his back forcing the blade out through his torso. " Uhhhggggggggg. Help" Kaz said with a weez
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OOC: Okay, that's better guys, thanks! ^^ Woah, not alot has been posted for awhile. I think I'll start this back up!
IC: Kurumi had been sitting on the side of the lake and was wading her feet in the water. She had suddenly heard a sharp groan and weez. Kurumi turned around to see Kaz laying on his back, dagger through his torso.
Kurumi quickly got out of the water and ran to him. She saw he was in terrible pain, his eyes glazed over, and he looked as if conciousness was slipping away from him. Kurumi quickly sat him up and took out the dagger, he made a small gasping noise as she did so. She threw the dagger aside and layed Kaz's head on her lap. She ripped off the collar of her shirt, in which resembled a large scarf, and wrapped it around Kaz's horrible wound.
He was slipping away quickly, Kurumi knew it. She looked around and spotted Kit awhile away practicing. "KIT!! HELP! GET OVER HERE, NOW!!!!" Kurumi screamed at the top of her lungs. Kit flinched, good, he heard her. He finally turned around and spotted the two of them by the lake. Kit paused for a moment and then ran as quickly as he could over. [i]Please Kit, hurry![/i] Kurumi thought horrified.
Cliff hanger, whoo! Hope everyone starts postin' again!
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Hehe...sorry I haven't been posting. I've been...uh...busy. Yeah. ^^;
"Did anybody else hear that?" Katana asked. Yuka looked at her.
"What? Hear what?"
"Dunno. Somebody scream 'KIT!!!' very loudly."
Yuka covered her ears while Katana screamed. "No, I didn't hear anything."
Katana shrugged and stood up, then went into the forest. [i]I know I heard Kurumi scream! I just know it. I'm not going insane....right?
"I don't think you are, Katana."
That voice...who is it? I just know who it is...
"You don't remember who I am?"
Wait! You're that....guy! The dude that looks like me!
The voice laughed. "Good job remembering. You didn't hear Kurumi? Go, the one you call Kaz needs your help."
Wait! Don't....go![/i]
"Dammit...he left...again." Katana shrugged and ran towards the lake. Something told her they'd be there, and she was right.
"Katana!" Kurumi said, looking up. Next to her was Kit, and before her was Kaz.
"What the hell happened here?" Katana asked, rushing up to Kaz. Kurumi shook her head.
"I'm not sure. I just found him here..."
"I can't do that much," Kit said. "Sure, I can make giant pieces of dirt come from the ground, but that's about it."
Kurumi then looked at Katana. "Kat...you said something about reviving..."
"What? That's right! Golden Sun! Well, Kit can revive, but Kaz isn't dead yet...right?"
Kurumi put her hand over Kaz's chest near his heart. "Nope. Still beating. But he's cold."
"Yeah, I can see that." Katana pushed up her sleeves and began to think. [i]I can heal! Yes...I know I can...[/i]
A blue light shimmered out of her hands, then surrounded Kaz like an aura. The light circled around his body, weaving in and out of his skin, entering through his mouth and eyes.
"What the..." Kit looked extremly confused and was about to tap Katana when Kurumi grabbed his arm.
"Stop!" she hissed. "I know what she's doing, alright? She's healing Kaz..."
Kit was grinding his teeth together at Kurumi's grip. She had twisted his wrist around.
The blue light began to fade from Kaz and then vanished. Katana opened her eyes, satisfied. "Alright! First healing mission is a...success..." She fell to the ground, a smile on her face.
"What now? Kurumi, can you help me out here?" Kit asked.
"She's used a lotta energy. I can tell. She just passed out."
"That's very comforting."
Kurumi shrugged and inspected Kaz. "Woah...his heart is beating faster...and he's not cold anymore! YAY!!!"
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Kit smiled slightly, with relief, worry still flooded through him. Would his friends, who have come to be so dear to him, really die? He couldn't risk it, he had to move now, while the group was tired. Kurumi let go of his arm. He looked down at her, his eyes tearing up slightly 'Even if they hate me for it, I'll keep them from harm!'
"I'm sorry Kurumi, but I have to." he raised his arm and focused on the ground around her. She looked at him questioningly, then shrieked as the ground rose up, and closed around her body, leaving only her head exposed.
"KIT! what the hell are you doing!" she shouted and struggled, Yuka was running over to see what had happened. Kit focused on the ground in front of her, a slab of earth and rock grew before her. He heared a muffled thump, and a quiet 'ouch'. Kit vaulted himself over the wall, Yuka sat on the ground, rubbing her head were she smacked it.
"What was that for you jerk!" Kit ignored the comment, while he made the ground encase Yuka in stone, like he had done to Kurumi. He let the stone wall slide back down into the ground.
Looking at both of the girls, and the two blissfully unaware on the ground, tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you die, not like that. I'm going to stop him myself, I can at least protect you with my own life." Before any of them could ask, he sprinted off, towards the city. The words "Forgive me." echoed in Yuka and Kurumi's ears.
Kan Kit really stop the shadow guy?(What's his name?) Will Yuka and Kurumi get free in time, to wake the others and help their distraught friend? Will Amaya arrive to help Kit, and figure out what the strange dreams mean? Find out on the next couple of exciting posts of-

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OOC: Uh... where am I again? oO Forgive me for being blonde... well not really... I have blonde highlights! *points to head* I can't help it if my brain is scrambled!!! @_@ Is it nighttime? I dunno... I think it was... I would've posted but ya know... The whole being confused thing... Anyway...
Amaya felt a sharp twinge of pain in her forehead, and she knew that meant something was wrong... It never failed.
I'll post more... when I'm less confused... x_x *holds up sign that reads "Stupid" with an arrow pointing toward her head*
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Katana opened her eyes what from what seemed like hours of unconsciousness. The smile had crept down to a thin, straight line again. She sat up, dusted some dirt of her shirt, than stood up.
[i]Dirt? But how? We're on grass...[/i]
Katana looked to see Kurumi and Yuka's heads, the two very much alived and very pissed off.
"Damn that Kit! When I get my hands on him..." Yuka made a scary noise, he eyes filled with insane rage.
"What happened to you two?" Katana asked, first pointing at the insane Yuka and than at the Kurumi head. (^^)
"Kit," Kurumi mumbled. "That stupid power of his to control the earth..."
"But I'm water!" Katana shouted proudly, cutting Kurumi off. "Which means, I can turn stone to dirt! HAHAHA!" But she didn't live up to her boasting and quickly ran out from the lake area.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Yuka asked, her temper blowing the top off the meter. "KATANA!"
Katana ran fast, her feet thumping against the soft earth. [i]I've never been this fast! I've always been the slowest in my gym class. It almost makes me not want to leave....
But back in our time are my real friends. The ones I've had forever. And yet...have they ever saved my freakin' life, or fought alongside me against a dagger man named Aconite?[/i]
Kit was close, somehow, Katana could tell. She felt his pesence in the forest, blocked off from the nearly full moon's light. The path ahead of her and behind were bathed in complete darkness.
"Yuka would be a great help right now," Katana mumbled, picking up her pace.
*dances* HAHA! I left Yuka and Kurumi encased in stone! HAHAHA! *runs off stage, jumping over the rocks with Yuka's and Kurumi's heads sticking out of them*
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OOC: Grrrr silly kitten, leaving us behind..... mmm another dagger to add to my collection from Aconite.

Awakening to the screams of a raging Yuka, Kaz teleports the other girls our of their entrapments.
" We need to find Katana and Kit. Hayao and Aconite will be waiting for them, and i have a feeling that if we stand against them together we'll be able to stop at least one of them." Ka said.
" What do you, mean 'at least one'?" Kurumi asked.
"I mean that i think Hayao's the one who brought us here inadvertantly (spl?)?" Kaz said, " And i think we can also combine our powers. If yuka shoots her fire into my tornado i think it'll be a kind of fire spout, and the same with the water power,too. WE only need to work together."

OOC: Ohh yeah i bought the RuroKen manga saturday, Vol's 1 & 2 are mine!!! HAHAHAHA, i need only $17.05 to buy 3 and 4. evil walden books and taxes!
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Wa! Dude, you were unconscious and you just teleport out of nowhere? oO; Oh, and I'm water. Kurumi's light and Yuka's dark.
Katana breathed, her throat becoming dry. "Dammit! Where's Kit? He can vault over fences, but he can't be much faster than me!" She concentrated her powers and shot a small stream of water into her mouth. "Alright! Refreashed and ready to GO!"
She ran, fast, her feet making tapping noises against the ground.
"KIT!" Katana yelled, still running. "I WANT YOU TO GET THE HELL BACK HERE RIGHT [B]NOW[/B]"
She stopped and looked around, then gave herself another shot of water. The sky was beginning to turn purple, signifying the sun's rising.
"Hey," a voice said, making Katana jump. She turned around to see Clay, leaning against a tree, a smirk on his face. He calmly walked to her and spoke softly. "You don't wanna go," he said. "Just stay here."
"C-Clay? You alright?" Katana asked. He smiled even more.
"Of course I am."
[i]This doesn't feel right...something about him just isn't good. This person...isn't Clay. Or...mortal, for that matter.[/i]
Katana drew one of her swords, the mirror-like silver blade gleaming in the faint moonlight. "Who are you?" she asked, sweat trickling down her forehead.
Clay's eyes seemed to glaze over as she finsihed her sentence. His smile quickly turned into a frown, his eyebrows furrowed together.
"You're a lot smarter than I thought," he said. His voice seemed to mutate. A tinge of Clay's vocals lingered in the voice, but was still overwhelmed by a deep, scratchy voice.
A wave of panic flooded Katana. She was struck with fear. [i]Why...what's wrong? Why am I afraid of him? This shouldn't be happening...[/i]
"Wha'd you do with Clay?" Katana snarled, slashing out her blade.
"Nothing, really. You see....I tricked you all. Such simpeltons. I am Clay."
"What are you talking about?'
Clay sighed. "You are more foolish than I once thought."
DAM DAM DAMMMMMMMMMM! Clay is not, in fact, good, but pretty damn evil! BU WA HAHA!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, I'm not confused any more.
Katana, I am Day, and Kurumi is Night. Yeah...

Kaz made a little wind, and because their powers at the moment were useless, Kaz brushed off the dirt piece by piece with wind, making sure not to get it in hsi friends' eyes.
"Kurumi?" Yuka asked. Kurumi looked over.
"You know about when Katana was talking about extra abilities not relating (well kind of relating) to our elements?" she asked.
"Well, since I am day, I think I can control the sun's brightness and stuff during the day. While you Kurumi, can control the moon's brightness and all during the night. Nothing special, but at least we get to control two cool objects!" she said. Kurumi nodded, and watched slowly as dust came off. Suddenly, and idea popped in Yuka's head.
"If I can control the sun...I can make it go away! The sun dries up the Earth, and the least I can do is make it not so dry to help Kaz a bit," Yuka said. Kurumi nodded, and Yuka began concentrating.

Meanwhile, the sun became less brighter by the second. After a few minutes, the sun was showing off very little light, and seeming as if it was night, but with no moon or stars.
"Well, that works," she said. "Now I know how to work my extra ability. Concentrate, and with you Kurumi, concentrate."
Kurumi nodded, and watched as Kaz slowly got the dirt off.
"Let's sing a song!" Yuka excitedly said, and Kurumi glared at her.
"Don't you dare-"

Kurumi had a headache, Kaz had a headache, and Yuka's throat hurt from singing, but she had to finish this song...she had to...


"Shut up Yuka!!!" Kaz said. He had done very well so far; the dirt was almost off, all he had to do was get the dry dirt off of their feet.
"You did great," Kurumi said. Meanwhile, Yuka kept singing her little heart out. Once Kaz was done, he was gonna kill her...

"Thank god she is almost done..." Kurumi said, as Kaz brushed the last of the dirt off of their feet. Yuka kept singing, and the other two began walking away.

After 2 minutes, Yuka began running after them.
"LIKE OHMYGOD I FINISHED MY SONG!!!" she yelled while running.

Kaz and Kurumi stopped in their tracks, until Yuka was beside them. She yawned, and then stretched her arms.
"Um, Yuka?" Kaz asked. Yuka looked over.
"Why don't you bring the sun back?"
Yuka smiled, and then concentrated. The sun went back up, but then Kurumi noticed that one part of the sky was purple.
"Hey Yuka..." she said, pointing to the purple part. Yuka looked up, and shrugged.
"That purple sky is in our direction, Kit might be there for God knows what!" Kaz said. The other two nodded, and they began running to the purple sky area.

I couldn't think of any other extra ability, so poopy.[/size][/color]
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Katana lashed out.
"Tell me what you've done with Clay!" she yelled again, snapping her blade towards his face.
"I am Clay you insolent little welp!" He then held out his hand. A black light shimmered into his hand, which materialzed into a sword.
"What the..." Katan muttered, her arms losing strength. She then remembered her situation and charged.
"BRING CLAY BACK!" she yelled, swiping down the blade. Clay merely stepped to the side and watched as Katana and the katana (hehe, had to poke fun at myself) crashed into the ground, sending up mountains of dirt. Clay then took his sword and hit her in the back, blood trickling to the ground.
[i]What's...happening? I can't be losing...[/i]
"Foolish," Clay muttered, kicking the dead body. "I thought you'd put up more of a fight than that."
At school, gotta go! ^^
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Kit stoped running. Something wasn't right, the forest was quiet, to quiet. In the distance he heard yelling, it sounded like Katana.
'damn! I did'nt think she'd wake up so soon!'
He sprinted towards the direction of the sound, the only sounds made were the soft patter of his feet touching the ground as he ran.
Kit stopped dead in his tracks, A lone figure stood above katana's fallen form, blood trickling from a large wound in her back.
The figure kicked her seemingly lifeless body, his words muffled. Kit shook with rage and pain, the figure left without further incident. Kit waited for a moment, to be sure the person left, before going over to katana. Slowly he pressed his hand to her back.
"Katana? Katana...wake up." he shook her gently at first, then more fiercly as his frustration grew. Her face and hands were pale, and growing colder. Kit sat back, tears streaking his face.
"Alright I'm supposed to be able to revive people. How?"
He pressed his hands to her wound, focusing on it.
'maybe it's like controling earth...' he focused his energy into his hands, they tingled slightly, then a soft, warm light appeared. It calmed Kit, soothed him. Slowly, to Kit's joy, the wound began to close. Color went back into Katana's cheeks. Satisfied that she was restored Kit stood back, and focused on the ground around her.
"I'm sorry to have to do this to you, If only you would have stayed asleep longer!" The earth around Katana rose up, encasing her, leaving only her head exposed.
"Now, back to the matter at hand." Kit continued running towards
Tokyo. The city grew larger the nearer he drew. Kit spied several gaurds at the main road into the city.
'sorry to have to do this to you guys.' small rocks rose up from the ground, perfectly rounded. The guards looked over curiously at first, then started to shout in alarm when the flew at them.
"What? were under at!..." *thump thump, thump!* the three slumped to the ground. Smiling in disgust with himself, he started to climb the building as more gaurds came to investigate what happened at the road. When Kit ascended to the top of the building he looked to the sky, in the distance the sky was turning orange, but right above the city, it was a blackish purple color.

'I will stop him and save my friends,and Amaya. Even if it means my death! I just hope she;s not already here...' Kit began leaping from building to building, hunting for his shadow wreathed foe.

OOC: *Smiles* Hurry guys! Kit's convinced that he can save his friends, and he's already in tokyo to try and take on our mysterious foe, but we all know that to take him on 1on1 means death for Kit, especially now that he's used even more energy reviving Katana, and trapping her. Hurry! *Dances of stage singing "I left Katana in stone!" while jumping over the rock with katana's head sticking out of it.* HAHA! :D
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[I]I hate to leave Yuki, but I have to find the others...[/I] Amaya ran through the woods as fast as she could, with only a slight idea of her direction. Luckily her element gave her extra energy and the ability to run really fast!

She heard voices, so she followed them. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and-
WHAM!! She ran right into Kaz and knocked him over.
"Oops, my bad," she said quickly as she skidded to a halt.
"Are you trying to kill me?" he said with swirly eyes, rubbing his head.
"Sorry, I was just looking for you guys..."
"Kit's headed for the city!" Yuka said, bouncing up and down.
"What?" said Amaya as she turned around.
"He's insane!" said Kurumi, stifling a giggle as Kaz stumbled to get up.
"We have to stop him! He'll die!" Amaya said in anxiety. Without another word, she started running again.
"Stop running so fast!!!" Yuka groaned. Kaz had to teleport to keep up with her.
I'm a speed demon! Fwoooosssshhhhh ~~~ ^^;; hehe
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*blinks as Yuki runs acoss the stage and Kit sings his newly released song, "I Left Them in Stone". ^^;
Katana slowly opened her eyes. She tried to move her arms but found them to be stuck to her side.
"What the hell...KIT!" she yelled, so loud that birds flew out of their trees. She mumbled random swear words, and wished for Kit to be so badly wouded he thought he would die...she than mind-kicked herself at those thoughts.
"He's earth, I'm water," she sang, "Whatever he lifts up from the ground I can turn to mud." Katana focused on her hands, felling the strange presence of some unearthly power coming into focus.
Water burst out of the earth, releasing Katana from Kit's imprionment. She then brushed as much mud as she could from herself and began to run.
[i]This is weird. Clay's not who we think he is, and then I died...[/i] Katana stopped as the thought popped into her head. [i]I...died? But..how did I come back?[/i] At that moment a sharp pain pierced her back. She slapped her hand to it, but found nothing. [i]Was that...where Clay struck me? ...Must be. Thanks, Kit.[/i]
Katana began to run again. Soon enough, the gigantic city of Tokyo came into view, and a few moments later, so did three guards encased in earth.
"You! Yes, girl! Could you help us out of here?" one of the guards pleaded. He looked young and fairly inexperinced.
"Dammit Kit! What the hell's your problem?" Katana yelled, making more birds fly out of trees. The three guards looked at her questioningly, one of them raising his eyebrow.
[i]Think Kat, think! Why is it Kit's encasing all of us in stone.?
"Good question." Kurumi's voice appeared in her head. Katana jerked her head up.
Kurumi? Is...that you?
"How can...why can I do this?"
Hey, don't ask me.
Suddenly, Yuka's voice joined in.
"Kurumi? Why are you staring into trees?"
What? Yuka?
"Hey, Katana! Long timie, no hearie."
Thanks. Listein, I'm right at the entrance to Tokyo...and it seems Kit has been here.
"What? How do you know?" Kurumi asked.
'Cause. I'm just that amazing.
"Sure," Yuka's voice said sarcasticly.
Shut up. There's three guards here, all incased in stone.
"Yeah, that's Kit." Kaz now entered the conversation.
Gotta go. Get here A.F.A.P.
As fast as possible. Over and out.[/i]
Katana saluted with two fingers, than ran into the city, much to the dismay of the guards.
TELEKINESIS! We are just that awesome!
Alrighty everybody, pick a color to use for communicating mind-to-mind. I'll be [color=blue]blue! ^^[/color]
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OOC i must learn to use the colors. Am i goona be Bi-polar now? 'cause if so the i'm goona be creepy in a short time!

"Uhhh.... How'd we do that?" Kaz asked.
" I dunno, who cares." Kurumi said.
"Yeah... everyone grab a piece of the Kaz!" Kaz yelled. every body looked at him, and then was hit by an evil hammer of doom. " I mean gather around, and grab my arms." he explained.
"Uhhhh, Kaz." Yuki asked, " Have you teleported more than two people more than 2 miles away?"
"Hehehe.... you really want an answer?"
" No noit really just say yes to make me feel better." Yuki said.
" Oh okay. Then no." and with that teleported to the three gaurds incased in stone.
" Kaz?" Kurumi asked
" Don't do that again," She said then hit Kaz over the head with Yukas hammer.
"Hey no fair! It's my hammer i want to hit him too!" Yuki said.
" how about not." Kaz said, teleporting each gaurd out of the stone incasements. Each of them scared as they see the boy in straps flashing from one point to another.
" Don't worry we're good guys, even the one who did that to you." Kaz said and pointed to the stone.
" We need to find them fast." Kurumi said.
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What's the evil guys name? will edit this next post, I'm not sure I f I missed it.
Kit leaped from roof to roof, hunting for his prey. He landed on the roof of the police building, voices echoed out the window. Two of the voices sounded familiar. Kit leaned down peeking inside, Kenshin and Sano were arguing with the captain of police, he couldn't tell about what, but they were there.
'So Ken and Sano are alive...That's good.' Sitting up on the roof Kit glanced around, he hadn't seen a sign of his adversary the entire time. He spied a person wreathed in black, the mere sight of the person sent chills down Kit's spine. The man's presence seemed to unsettle the people around him, and they gave him a wide berth. Sweat trickled down Kit's face, slowly carefully he slunk over to the alley side wall, and climbed down. He jogged along, till he stood next to his target. The Figure had'nt even looke of to the side when he spoke.
"I see you've picked up my trail Kit. How good of you to join me."
Kit surpressed his fear and surprise, bolstering his courage he said:
"Let's go over to the shintegumi park area." (Yes it's made up!)
"But that's closed and devoid of people. Do you mean to fight me?"
Kit looked at him for a moment.
"Yes, I'll kill you before I let you Kill my friends." The guy laughed.
"Very well young warrior, I commend your foolish courage." Together they walked to the Shintegumi park, it was dark, the lanterns were all put out, the trees seemed to move, alive in the shadows. The figure dropped his robe, reavealing his armor and weapons.
"So it begins, all to plan..." In an instant Kit's katana was in his wand he rushed at the shadow, swinging his blade in intricate arcs and slashes, the person back-flipped over him, Kit spun around, making stalagmites grow up where the shadow landed. The shadow swung his Katana once, a gust of wind slice through the stalagmites, severing the points. He landed on the blunted tips.
"Please Kit, tell me you can do more than that." He leapt down, hurling three shurikens at Kit. Kit's arm reflexively came up, knocking all three from the air. He focused on the shurikens so much, he never noticed the shadow rushing behind them, slicing into Kit's side with his blade.
"You'll have to do much better before you can even Hope to have a shot at killing me."
Kit whirled around, katana glimmereing in the moonlight. The shadow wasn't there.

Amaya Sprinted through the city, trying desperately to find Kit. Kaz teleported just on the other side of the street, the rest jumped from roof to roof. Amaya stopped next to the Shintegumi park, she thought she had heard steel clashing on steel.
'Kit...please be okay...' She reached out for the others with her mind.
'Guys I think I found Kit! At the Shintegumi park!' She ran inside, in time to see the shadow slip behind Kit and Drive his katana through him. Blood sprayed from the wound, running down the blade and his clothes. Kit's eyes widened in shock, his head slowly turned towards Amaya, who stood shaking in Horror. Kit smiled weakly, the words that escaped his lips were almost inaudible.
"I'm sorry..." The Katana was wrenched from his chest, he slumped to the grand with barely a noise. . The Shadow turned to her, grinning.
"Your foolish friend fell into the trap easily, now there's no one to revive you when you die!"

OOC: ooh what happens next? IS Kit really dead! find out next post...
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Kit, you totally confused me...first off, Yuka has the evil hammer, not Yuki. ^^ And what's with Amaya? Where'd she come from? o.O
Katana ran through the dirt streets, sending up clouds of dust. People up at the strange hour looked her, beildered.
"Something's not right..." she muttered suddenly, coming to a complete stop. A sharp object sliced through her left arm. Katana looked at it and wasn't surprised that it was a dagger.
"Child," the voice said chillingly. It was the man in black, dagger dude, Aconite.
"Coward!" Katana yelled, furious. She winced slightly at the pain in her arm.
"You poor little wrench-"
"You know, I'm gettin' really tired of being called that."
"Hahaha. If you wish to see the boy, Kit, I suggest you run. And fast."
"What-what does that mean?"
Random people in the street began to whisper the apparantly insane girl.
[i]Whatever it means,[/i] Katana thought as she ran and pulled out the dagger, it's small blade cleansed in blood, [i]I have to find Kit. Something just isn't right...[/i]
"Kit! KIT! C'mon you jerk, wake up!" Amaya's voice caught Katana off guard. She looked back to the area she had just passed, Shintegumi park, and ran inside. Something wasn't right.
"Kit!" Amaya's voice cried again, sounding frantic.
"What the...what's wrong with Kit?" Katana rushed up to him and immdietly saw the large wound in his chest, making a crude cut through his back.
"Is he dead?" she asked quickly. Amaya shook her head.
"Not yet. But he will."
"I need your help," Katana said seriously, about the first time Amaya had herd her use that kind of tone. "Please. I can't heal him by myself, itd definetly kill me. When I heal Kit, I need you to transmit some of your energy to me."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"How should I know? Put your hands against my back or something, I don't care!" Katana closed her eyes and searched around for her healing energy. It was there, somewhere...
She found the blue light, shimmering like the sun inside her. It was then surrounded by a ring of red light. It was fire, from Amaya. Katana grinned, then opened her eyes to see the familar blue aura surrounding Kit, this time with a reddish tint to it.
"Alright, done." Amaya released her hands from Katana's back, much to her relief, and inspected Kit.
"Woah, crap! That hole's gone! And he's breathing!"
"OH YEAH, THE AWESOME KATANA DOES IT AGAIN!!!" Katana yelled, standing up in a victorious position.
"Um, that's nice," Amaya said, a sweatdrop appearing on her head.
"Oh man..." Kit's voice grumbled the words. He put his hand to his forehead, as if he had some major migrane. Kit then looked up and saw Amaya's and Katana's faces, blank expressions on them.
Wa-ha! He's not dead! YEAH I ROCK!!! ^^
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OOC: Whee! Kit's not dead! ^_^ Kat, didn't you see my post? I ran REALLY FAST!!! wooosh... [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/4886808/]Lookies![/url] I drew a pic of Amaya and Kit! ^__^ Amaya looks a little weird (her hair is down bcuz I say so), but Kit turned out so CUTE!!!! ^_____^ I'm gonna become obsessed... n.n;; Cute cute Kit Kit cute cute Kit Kit Kit is cute lalalalala LAAAA....... Cute cute cute cute la la la dun dun dun dun da... WHEE!!! OK I think I had too much candy... x_x;;
"Kit...?" Amaya said slowly. He looked at her and she could see a confusing mix of emotions in his eyes. "I'm so glad... you're ok..." She blushed.
"Cut the mushy crap!" Katana demanded. "We gotta catch that Aconite guy or Hayao or whoever the heck he/they are..."
"She's right, we have to go," said Kit as he tried to get up, dispite his headache.
"No... please..." Amaya pleaded with sad eyes. "I don't want you to die...."
Eh... can't think of ne thing... I'm hyper!!!!
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okay i fixed the thing with Yuka, now who's yuki? Hayao: the guy that nearly killed Kit (twice) and me on the train, Aconite is the dagger guy and i think there's a woman but i'm not sure.

Kaz teleported through out the city finding Katana, Amaya, and Kit running through the streets
" Hey!" Kaz yelled to the others as they jumped from roof to roof," I found them!"
< I wonder if i should tell them> Kaz thought, < I know we sould do more if i told them, but...>
"Kaz?" Katana asked as she looked up at him," What is it that you need to tell us?"
Kit looked up as he continued running," What are you talking about, Katana?" he asked her
" It's nothing." Kaz said. < I'll tell you later, just not infront of them> He thought, knowing she was listening.

OOC: I know it's confusing, but i wanted to introduce, or at least hint at something more that Kaz could do, if you remember the daggers he picked up, it involves them, and you guy's powers. I'll explain more in the next post.
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OOC: hehe Kit's gots a picture *does the happy dance* with amaya even! anywho...On with the show!

Kit winced as he ran, the pain was still there, and his head pounded, like he had just been smacked with Yuka's hammer of doom. He slowed his pace, Amaya slowed her pace with him. Kit urged her on.
"Go on, I'll be fine." Amaya glared at Kit.
"Like you were the last time you went of on your own?" Kit looked down, remembering what happened. Katana glanced back
"I said to cut the mushy crap! He's getting away!" Amaya and Kit looked at each other, blushing slightly, before charging ahead at full speed. The others soon joined them, sprinting in from all directions. Their quarry fluttered ahead of them, never seeming to get farther or closer.
Short post, but I'm at school and short on time! *Does happy dance again, remembering to celebrate Kit's survival* WHEEE! :) :D
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[color=royalblue]*Grinds her teeth outta confusion* I'm Yuki, and I'm confused with the elements. I've looked back at where Wasabi clearly states each person's element during the post. Yuki is wind not Kaz! Also, since I dont know where the heck I am, I'm going to be with Kaoru, Megumi, Yahiko, and the women still.
Yuki poked the fire with a stick. [I]Amaya's gone. Wonder where she went. Oh well,[/I] She thought. "Yuki, don't you want some food?" Kaoru asked. All the women, Kaoru, Megumi, and Yahiko were eating. Yuki nodded. "No thanks. Not right now." She said. Soon after, she yawned and fell asleep (OOC: I dunno whether its night or day anymore. Its too confusing).

[center][I]"Dont go" Yuki said.
All her friends were leaving:
Amaya, Yuka, Katana, Kurumi, Kit, Kaz (Is that everyone else?)
She turned around.
Everyone from the Kenshin cast was leaving too.
Yuki sat down and pressed her knees near her face.
"Everyone is gone now.
I'll never get home.
I'll never see anyone I love again."
She said to herself.
Suddenly she felt some tap her shoulder.
She turned around to find her present-day crush.
"Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Josh?" Yuki asked in disbelief.
Without another word, she wrapped her arms
around him and started crying.[/I][/center]

"Yuki! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Yuki awoke to find Yahiko towering over her, pulling her hair trying to wake her up. Yuki yawned as Yahiko yelled to the others that she was awake. They started traveling again, and all the time Yuki thought about her dream. "Hey look!" One of the younger women said, pointing ahead. "We're almost there!"[/color]
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I know i'm the wind character. Hehe. School is fun( Post # 7 from school + how many others i've done, *ahem*)
< Katana, remember when i kinda left the group for the woods? Well in that time I realized i could do more than just wind, in fact i don't even think it's my elemental any more. I think i can either use everyone's powers or i can either mimic them.> Kaz thought to Katana.
"No way!" Kit yelled, apperently being able to hear it as well.
" How?" Katana asked.
" I don't know! I just know I was able to do it, i was playing with those kunai or Aconite's and i was shooting water out of my palm. I have no idea." Kaz started yelling, all the people looked at him in awe.
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