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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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OOC: NO! I'm not going to let this thread die! The storie isn't finished and it's to good! *Heroically thinks hard to improve his post*...ow

Kit gasped for air, the wound still hurt, despite being healed. But he wouldn't let himself falter, not now, he had to stay with his friends, to protect them. To aid them. Much of his concern was for amaya as well. She hardly seemed to speak now. Their dangerous quarry led them on a chase through the expansive city. They were all starting to tire, but none of them wanted to loose sight of Aconite(right guy?) He led them further and further from the sprawl of the city, going into the slums. The smells of the city changed from pleasent to the foul smell of human waste. The buildings had a grimy brown buildup on them. Poeple glanced once at the sprinters, and hurried into their homes in fear. Those without homes huddled into the alleyways. Aconite stopped in an open area, what used to be a playground. Everone else stopped as well, all eyes watching Aconite closely.
OOC: PLEASE! someone else post here! I wanna see what happens at the end of the story!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]All right, everyone is very confused about the elements thing. Here it is:
[b]Yuka-[/b] Day, [b]Kurumi-[/b] Night, [b]Katana-[/b] Water, [b]Kit-[/b] Earth, [b]Yuki-[/b] Wind, [b]Amaya-[/b] Fire, [b]Kaz-[/b] (of his multiple attacks) Heart.
Hope that gets cleared up, and I think everyone is in this 'human waste' smelling place and about to fight Aconite.

Everyone stared at Aconite, who was smirking like a mad man. Everyone else didn't think it was all that funny.
"Why are you smirking like that?!?!" Kaz yelled. Aconite chuckled and took a step further.
"You all have come..."
"No DUH sherlock!" Yuka yelled. Aconite still smirked by her rude comment, and then took another step further.
"You ready?" he asked. They all took out their weapons, and stood guard.
"We have to go different directions," Kurumi said. "If we all go directly he'll get us."
"No problem," Yuka said. "Katana and I will go directly, you and Amaya will go left, Kaz and Kit will go right, and Yuki when we are fighting will appear right behind to attack."
Everyone nodded, and stood guard. Aconite laughed, then stood in his spot. He took out two daggers, and awaited for them to attack.
"GO!" Kurumi yelled. Everyone took their positions (Yuki runs back looking like retreat making her way around to Aconite).
Katana and Yuka charged directly, and Aconite began clashing his daggers against their weapons. Yuka fell backwards, but quickly got up before Aconite could attack her. Katana aimed for him still directly, and smirked as she saw Kurumi and Amaya appear.
"Tough luck..." she muttered. Suddenly Aconite turned to where Kurumi and Amaya were headed, then smirked.
"I am not stupid!" he yelled.
"Then take a look here!" Kaz suddenly yelled, putting his weapon through Aconite's arm. Aconite hissed in pain, then grabbed the weapon out and threw it randomly, almost hitting Amaya.
"Be careful dude!" Amaya yelled. Yuka chuckled, and they all began fighting again.
"Yuki..." Kaz muttered, seeing Yuki appear behind. It was all going to end soon...
Aconite turned around, and smirked. He jammed his dagger through Yuki, and she quickly fell back. Kurumi clenched her teeth together, then ran to Yuki for her aid.
"You think you all could trick me?!?" Aconite said. Everyone were now ticked and tired...
[i]Wait......[/i] Yuka suddenly thought.
[i]We have special attacks...my disk...Kit's Earth whatever thing...we can beat him! We need to do our specials at the same time and finish him off with our weapons....[/i][/size][/color]
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[color=royalblue]Uhh...ok...I'm there now. Whatever, I dun feel like being confused. Anywayz, I'm gonna use that telekanetic thing or however its spelled...Also, I dunno how Kurumi's and Yuka's night & day powers are going to be used as attacks so if you want me to change anything PM it to me.
[I]Guys! Use your powers![/I] Yuka told them through her mind, hoping Anocite couldn't hear. They all looked at her, mostly confused. [I]Use the same plan but instead of using weapons, use your abilities! Act like you're going to use the weapons though, just to confuse him.[/I] She explained telekonetically. They nodded slightly, and they all got into position. Yuki held the place where she was hit, it was bleeding a lot. "Now!" Yuka yelled. They did the exact same thing except for one major difference. Before they reached them, Katana and Yuka dropped their wepons, and blue and yellow streams of light hit Anocite. Before he knew it, he was hit by black and red streams as well. Next, he was hit by brown, grey, and a mixture of all the streams as well. Anocite blacked out and fell to the ground. He was defeated by seven middle schoolers. They stopped attacking, figuring they were too tired to barely move. "Well, did we win?" Yuki finally asked after a moment of silence. She had a small puddle of blood by her feet.[/color]
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OOC: So i'm the heart? Spiffy! I shall be the pranciful rainbow..... okay maybe not.

" Not by a long shot child!" a voice screamed behind them.
" Hayao!" Kaz growled as he turned to face the voice. " We'll finish you like we did with dagger boy there!" he said pointing to the fallen body of Aconite.
" Yeah!" Kat and Yuka yelled in unison.
" Get ready then children, for i am stronger than my lacky." Hayao said as he charged forward.
All the middle schoolers looked around as Hayao glimmered from place to place, like a demon. Appearing from time to time to slash at people, one time cutting deeply into Kit's arm, and within the same moment cut Yuki's leg.
"Hayao, come out and face us like a man!" Yuki yelled at him.

OOC: thought i'd put him ( Hayao) as the major bad guy.
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[I]This isn't good. What can we fight what we can't see? I bet I couldn't even see him if he wasn't moving...not enough blood,[/I] Yuki thought, being sliced two more times along with Kat and Yuka. "We can't do this! He's too fast!" Kit thought to the rest of them. "Dammit we need Kenshin! He would be able to see him!" Kurumi said aloud. Everyone was leaning against their weapons on one knee. Suddenly, in a red blur, one of Hayao's attacks were blocked. Everyone looked up, and there stood Kenshin, reverse blade sword in position. "Kenshin!" They all yelled in suprise and disbelief. Hayao was standing still for once, looking at Kenshin. "Battousai. You're late. I expected you to be here 'saving' these children much earlier." Hayao said. "Kenshin's not the only one her, you idiot!" Said a voice. Hayao stepped to the left just in time to dodge Sanosuke's punch.[/color][/size]
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Kit's eyes widened in surprise. Sano and Ken had appeared out of nowhere. Kenshin looked back at him, eyes smiling.
"It is good to see your okay kit, that it is." Kenshin turned back to Hayao, watching Sano throw punches at him. Hayao dodged most, but the ones that landed were rewarded with grunts of pain. Hayao's Katana flashed once, slicing into Sanoske's side. Kenshin rushed in, bearing his reverseblade into Hayao's back. Hayao barely blocked in time, th eblow surely would have stopped the fight there. Both Warriors leapt away from each other, then rushed back at blinding speeds, sparks flying off their blades as they met.

The middle schoolers could only sit and watch in total awe of the skill displayed by the two warriors. They moved with such blinding speed, skill and grace, that they seemed near inhuman. Shaking the awe from his being Kaz wielded his Katar and rushed into the fray, the others tried to stop him, but he merely teleported away. Hayao easily blocked each of the strikes Kaz sent at him, knocking him in front of Kenshin's swing. Kenshin stopped mid swing, giving hayao the time ti strik. He drove his blade through Kenshin's leg. Ken's eye's widened, he gasped for air as pain flooded his mind. Sanoske let out a roar and jumped back in, fists hammering into Hayao's back.

OOC: This should get things going! :D
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[color=royalblue][size=1]"Kenshin! Sanosuke! Kaz! Noo!" Yuki yelled, charging towards Hayao despite all common sense. [I]I'm going to get myself killed before I see my friends dead.[/I] She thought. She meant it too. These were her only friends, present time or past. While Sano had Hayao down, she jumped up and slashed at Hayao's back. He made a movement to dodge, but he was too slow for once. A big gash appeared in Hayao's clothes as well as blood stains. Everyone was able to hear a supressed scream of pain from Hayao. "Stay back, wreched girl!" He yelled, swinging his katana at her. The blade went into her side about an inch before Yuki blacked out. Hayao smiled. "One down, who's next?" He said, to the middle schoolers. That was the last thing Yuki heard before blacking out.
I just had to do something dramatic...its in my nature...[/size][/color]
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Didn't know there was such excitement in the neighborhood...well now...
"YUKI!" Katana yelled at the top of her lungs. [i]What the hell does she think she's doing? Playing the hero?[/i]
Hayao's blade slashed deeply into her skin, sending Yuki flying backwords and flat into a house. The wall cracked, but stayed in tact.
Sanouske socked Hayao in the neck while he focused on Yuki. He made a slight choking noise, but then delivered an underkick across Sano's shins. He fell down.
"SANO!" Katana and Amaya yelled very loudly. Teards were gushing down their cheeks.
"It's amazing how," Kaz said, whacking the two on the head, "Even in battle the obsess over him."
"Go TO HELL!" Katana yelled at Kaz, then stopped and blushed. [i]Woah, gotta watch it there. Yuki's nearly dead, Kenshin's fighting and losing blood, we're all sitting here like idiots and...DUH! Man I'm stupid...I can heal! YEAH FOR ME![/i]
"Why did she jump?" Kurumi asked Yuka.
"Very good question. Not sure." The two sweatdropped as Katana did a victory dance.
The fight between Hayao and Sanouske continued, however, Sano was receiving most of the blows.
"He's only human," Kit said, his eyes watching the fight.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Kaz replied. "But since we came from the future, people don't think we are."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Kurumi asked quickly in her no-nonsense voice.
"Maybe we can trick him," Kaz went on. He began thinking. "Maybe we can confused him with things that weren't possible today that are in the future."
"AND KAZ COMES UP WITH AN IDEA!" Yuka yelled loudly. More birds flapped out of their trees, causing the conscious middle schoolers to sweatdrop. During that moment, Katana quickly went over to Yuki and dragged her from the wall, then slapped her.
"What are you doing that for?" Amaya asked. "She unconscious! That only works when people are asleep, I know."
"How?" Yuka asked in slight curiosity.
"Kat, why don't you use those spiffy powers of yours?" Kurumi asked.
"Becasue I've used them too much already! I've healed a near-death Kaz a few hours ago, then another near-death Kit half an hour ago, and he had a big hole in his chest! Then I used the water to-"
"We get the picture," Kit said. "But we can't just let Kenshin and Sanouske fight this guy alone. It's weird how only Hayao is beating a man slayer and a fighter for hire."
"Maybe there's..." Kurumi narrowed her eyes and focused on Hayao. "Something he wears....or something that gives him power..."
"For now, let's just go with Kaz's idea," Yuka said quickly. Amaya nodded.
"You think space travel'll work?" she asked.
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OOC:Sorry I havn't been posting for awhile.. BUT NOW THE CONNANESS IS OFFICIALLY BACK!!!!!!!

Kurumi tried to think of what they could do to confuse him. Nothing came to mind. She looked around and her mind suddenly flared an idea once she looked at Yuka.
"Yuka! We havn't really used our powers yet... lets see what we can really do!" Kurumi yelled at her. Yuka smirked and nodded a yeah. Kurumi nodded and signaled the others to come closer. "Okay, this is the plan: you guys get closer to the battle, do some side shots... ya know, distract him? Well, me and Yuka will them summon our powers, I have a good feeling we have somepretty spiffy ones." They paused for a moment. They glanced around nerviously, but them slowly nodded. Kurumi signaled a go and the others advanced forward.
Kurumi and Yuka were off to a distance waiting for the right time. "I can see him now!" Yuka exclaimed, Kurumi looked closer.. she was right. He was easier to see now, the could easily make shots at him.
Kurumi rumaged though her mind what to do. "Ok..." She sighed nerviously, "Please let this work---!" Kurumi yelled as her eyes started glowing black, "AGH!" A black blob formed and soon came down in a split second. It imprisioned Hayao in a black dome, unable to attack the others, Kurumi knew it wouldn't last long. "Yuka!! Do your stuff!!!" She nodded and soon Yuka's eyed where glowing yellowish white. Yuka struggled a minute then let out a load grunt. Electrifiying light came out of her hands, blinding everone around her. It came down on Hayao just like a bolt of lightning. Hayao let out a load, pained scream.
Kurumi felt conciousness slipping away and the last thing she saw before passing out was Kenshin landing the final blow on Hayao........
OR IS IT?!?!?!?!
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OOC: Grrrrr, that's difficult to reply to.... I know! nope, nevermind, i don't.
Kaz looked down at Hayao, the one man that had put so much trouble into not letting them survive.
" So now what do we do?" he asked.
" Is it over? Are we going home?" Yuki asked
" I don't want to go home, I despise the life I live in the future, it has nothing, at least here i have my knowledge of the era. In the future i have nothing, no friends no one around." Kaz said.
OOC: I have nothing to write.
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Kit stared at the body laying on the ground. It was finally over. Kenshin and Sano were helping each other stand, Kaz mumbled to himself about returning to the future. Katana used the last of her power to heal Yuki's wound, then leaned against a building to stay standing. Kit and amaya stood close to each other, not realizing they were holding each others hands. All of them started to leave in silence...

Hayao's body stirred slightly. He lifted his bloodied head to see them all leaving. Snarling in disgust of his own weakness, he grabbed hold of his katana and got to his feet. He fell back into a fighting stance before he charged.

Everyone turned in shock to see Hayao charging at them. An insane, sadistic fury flared in his eyes. He planned to take someone with him if he was to lose. Kaz barely had time to block the vicious blow with his Katar. He was thrown back by the force of the blow, his Katar shattering. Kit launched at him, his Knunchaku flailing about his body. Hayao sliced them neatly in twain, socking Kit in the face with his swords handgaurd. Yuki whipped out her hammer of doom, and Katana lunged at him with her sword bare. Hayao held nothing back, he lashed out with all his fury, knocking both girls aside like rag dolls. Kurumi Swung once, twice, thrice, but hayao had more skill than any of them. He easily dodged, bringing his sword acrossed her belly.

Kit sat up, his face hurting like he had been hit by a semi, and realized his nightmare. All his friends lay scattered, unmoving. Blood dripped from each of them. He watched amaya unleash a fire storm on Hayao, but to no avail. He stepped through the flames, ignoring the heat. His hand snapped up, locking around her throat. She kept the flames pouring onto him, but he remained unfased. Slowly the flames died, her eyes closed, she hung limply in his grip.

He tossed her aside, like he would garbage.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Kit watched her hit the ground, seemingly dead. He crawled over to her. She wouldn't move. Kenshin and Sano were fighting Hayao now, bit Kit hardly noticed. His eyes focused on Amaya only. Tears of pain and fury poured from Kit's eyes. His friends were dead! Amaya was dead. His head turned towards Hayao. He would kill him, even at the cost of his life, Kit would kill him. Kit stood, drawing his katana. He focused his energy into the earth around hayao. Stone rose up, encasing Hayao's legs. Seeing him trapt, kit leapt up, pointing his sword for Hayao. Hayao smiled wickedly turning his sword to face kit. Kenshin and Sano yelled to kit, trying to warn him, but Kit didn't hear, He could only see amaya, his friends and the one that had killed them. He could only hear their voices, and the heartbeat of their murderer.

Hayao swung his Katan behind him, knocking kits aside, and it blunged into Kits heart. Kit gasped 'no! He's supposed to die, I have to avenge them. He wrapped his arms around Hayao's kepping him from drawing his katana out. Kit looked at Kenshin and Sanoske one last time

"Ken Sano NOW!" Kenshin and Sano drove home on the defensless Hayao, Hayao, finishing him. Kit fell away, next to amaya. He looked at her, wanting her to be the last thing he saw, he was beyond Katana's healing now, even if she were alive and at full strength.

"I'm sorry I couldn't aveng you my self. But he's gone now." Amaya stired, her eyes opened. Kit's eyes widened in shock. Weakly he turned, the others were moving as well. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes. His friends were alive, he could die in peace.

Kit turned back to amaya, who tride to stop the river of blood pouring from Kit's wound. Crystal clear tears of sorrow dripped from her tear streked face. Gently he lifted his hand to her face, brushing away her tears.

"Don't cry, your prettier when you smile. I'm sorry that I didn't say it sooner, but I didn't know how to." Kit coughed, blood flecked from his mouth, he was almost gone, his strength was fading fast.

ooc: Sorry if anybody didn't want any of us to die, but I like drama, and it's a good ending me thinks. *cues sorrowful music*
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*claps* Aw Kit, that was beautiful! Just beautiful! ^^ But, unfortunetly, all of us are going back to the future, alive. :D
Katana looked up. Mud was smeared across her head, covering the used to be white turban. Hayao was back, Kit was dead, Amaya was crying her eyes out...it seemed hopeless.
"We can't...." Kurumi's voice was tired and scratchy. "Give up."
[i]One final desperate attack,[/i] Katana thought weakly, [i]That's what we gotta do. I'm not giving up to this cheap bastard.[/i]
Katana stood up. She ignored all the pain in her body and cries of aching bones. [i]I'm not going to die to some...idiot...like him. Never, not a chance in hell.[/i]
"What are you doing, foolish child?" Hayao yelled as he punched Sano aside and kicked Kenshin. He had an insane look in his eyes, ones that were ready for more bloodshed.
"Guys, get up," Katana muttered. "DO IT!" she yelled as Yuka protested.
[i]"What are they doing?"[/i] Hayao thought. [i]"Such idiots! They cannot suceed."[/i]
One by one, the middle schoolers stood up. Amaya and Kaz, though their bodies protested, heaved up Kit.
There was a flash. And they were gone.
In their places were seven others. Seven others; older beings in about their late twenties. Each were dressed in black robes trimmed in gold, with hoods that eclipsed their whole faces. They all held hands, creating a white aura that spread up and out, like whispy smoke. One figure lifted it's head up, revealing themself.
"Hayao." It was a female voice. Much like...Yuki's. Her eyes glowed, a color between that of white and purple. The pupils' were nowhere to be found. It was just a light in her eyes.
Another looked up. The hood dropped to it's shoulders.
Kaz, his eyes flashing various colors.
"We have come." His voice was lower than it had been previously.
Then another dropped it's hood. It's eyes glowed a brilliant cerulean.
"Go, before we must kill you." It was Katana, although her voice held much more seriousness in it than before.
"W-what? How....can this be? Mere children..." Hayao was shaking violently, something a man of his size and power never did in his life. The insanity in his eyes changed to that of fear. "No! I will NOT listein to such foolishness!"
"You're the one being foolish." It was now Amaya's voice. From the darkness of the hood came a bloody red, glowing.
Kenshin gasped as he saw the remaining unveil themselves, turning out to be (guess who) Kit, Kurumi, and Yuka.
Yuka's mouth turned from a straight line to a grin. "Alright now, Hayao. Hey that rhymes! We have warned you fairly. "
"Kenshin," Sanouske whispered. "What's happened to the kids?"
"I don't know Sano," Kenshin replied. "But they hold incredible power."
The two watched as Yuki broke her grip from the others. She cupped her hands together, then revealed a small lilac-colored sphere.
The rest followed suit, each creating small pieces of energy. Then, in a simotanious way, they fired the bits of light to the center of where they stood. There, the spheres of light merged, forming the middle schoolers last desperate attack.
Now is that a good post or what?
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OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I just can't think of anything to write... -_-;; Now how am I gonna reply to this?!? @_@
Everything was covered by a blinding white light, causing Kenshin and Sano to cover their eyes. Simultaneously, the middle schoolers directed their energy toward Hayao... He tried screaming but it was useless. Everything was silent. Then all turned pitch black...
Sorry, I'll post again later... ^^;;
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The older versions of the middle schoolers were still formed in a circle. Hayao finally lay absolutly still, not breathing, stone cold. They looked apon him, waiting. Kurumi was the first to break the circle, she stepped forward toward him. "It's finally over..." she said quietly as she towered over his dead body, "Hayao, you pitiful man.... you deserve what you got. Now you can burn in hell, right where you belong. I do not understand how you can get so much joy from harming others... but you are not as who you seem, are you?" Kurumi said while staring at the lifless body. "Katana... step forward." Katana walked up to Kurumi at thee words. "You must perge his body... a part of a different soal still floats within him." Kurumi told her. Katana looked at her questioningly. "The-- the.... guar...dian..... Just nevermind, I'll explain it all later! Just perge him!" Kurumi said, raising her voice. Katana nodded then kneeled down and started perging him.

Ten minutes later Katana was done, she stood up and stepped back. A shimmering light appeared above the body of Hayao.
"Thank you for releasing me, my children." Came a soft, rich, and loving voice, "You have returned me to being free.... I am proud to be your guardian..... thank you......." Then the light vanished. Everyone was transformed back to their normal size and selves.
Everyone was silent, they all seemed confused. Maybe only Kurumi knew?
Amaya let out a confused, "Wha---?"
Kurumi turned around, "Don't any of you know? About the guardian, about what has been happening?" Kurumi asked. The circle of middle schoolers nodded no. Kurumi sighed.
"You see.... our guardian, we'll start with that. You remember those dreams right... I had them a lot... I know you guys did too! At least once! We had always had that guardian protect us, within ourselves. But Hayao and Acronit had gotten hold of that power, that was why [i]we[/i] out of all people were selected to come here! Now that we have killed the two of them, he is free... his power has returned to us. That's why the two of them were so powerful... and that's why Hayao could withstand a lot of our powers. Acronit didn't have as much of the power from the guardian as Hayao did... so he wasn't as powerful.
Do you know understand?" Kurumi explained. Most of them just unsurly nodded. "Well... if you do still not understand... we shall talk about it more later, right now... I... need.. to...... sleep" Those were her last words as she fell over and drifted into a deep sleep.
Lalala........ I hope that's alright XD
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Bleh, I don't like romance stories.

After Kurumi's falling asleep incident, Kenshin took Kurumi in is arms and picked her up.
"Now must we be getting to Tokyo?" Kenshin asked. Everyone nodded.
"But..." Yuka suddenly began. Everyone turned to look at Yuka.
"How exactly do we go back to our time. I like being here and all...but...we are supposed to be in our real time. We never were born in the Meiji Era, and we can't stay here forever. God, everyone would probably be worried sick about us now, putting up posters and everything...especially my-"
"Parents?" Amaya finished. Yuka gave an evil glare to Amaya, sending shivers up her spine.
"Parents. Bleh, I could care less. Let them die and burn in hell."
Kenshin frowned, while the others just stared at Yuka straight from her words.
"If you'd like to know Amaya, my parents aren't exactly parent material. Let's just say my parents and I have gone are seperate ways."
"Do you guys socialize?" Katana asked. She didn't like parents either...but didn't want them to [i]die...[/i]
"No. Don't plan to. Only thing they are good for is paying for my school. Enough chatter it's time to get going..." Yuka said, walking past the others. She disappeared into the darkness, as the other followed running after her.

I have no idea what you all are planning or anything, so I'm just going to where we are going back to Tokyo.[/size][/color]
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*grins* awww dang. I like drama. It's cool that Kit's alive, but the drama was awesome. Oh wells. And yes Katana, that was a good post.

Kit glanced around, after he returned to normal. Was he really alive? Or was he now just a wandering spirit now that Hayao was dead? He looked at Amaya, who hugged him tightly. Tears still streamed down her face, he could feel her...sqeezing the air out of him. Yup, he was still alive. He smiled, relfief was overwhelming. His friends were all alive! Kurumi had passed out, she was being carried by a bloody Kenshin. Kaz was helping sanoske walk. They started the walk, but Kit had something on his mind as he and Amaya walked next to each other.

"I'm going to miss this place." all the others looked over at him, their eyes held the same feeling. They enjoyed living here, they wanted to stay. Katana spoke for the rest of them.

"But, our families are waiting for us, back in the future. And like Yuka said, they're probably worried sick about us." Kaz spoke up.

"But since we can travel through time, couldn't we just go back to the moment where we were teleported here." Everyone stopped, considering what he had said. Ken and Sano looked at the middle schoolers expectantly for their answer. Everyone rounded on Kaz yelling and screaming.

"That means we'd be back in school!"
"You dork! I don't wanna be in school right after going through this!"
"Yeah! Were going back, AFTER school's out!" Kenshin and Sanoske sweatdropped.
"These kids from the future sure hate school."
"That they do Sano."
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[size=1][color=chocolate]"If you lived in our time, I bet you would too!" Amaya said, waving her hand in the air for no reason.
"That's why ditching it is a good thing," Yuka said.
"You ditched it?!?!?" Kurumi asked.
"Yep, no sweat. Try it some time, it's great."
"OK, OK enough about school. Why don't we just return to the dojo and stay there until this school is out," Sanosuke said. Yuka sighed.
"What's the matter?" Katana asked.
"How the hell are we supposed to know when school is out?!?!"
Katana and Kurumi fell over, looking miserable.
"Good question...hey how'd you come up with a good question?!?!" Kaz asked. Yuka shrugged and then blew a spit bubble out of her mouth.
"I dunno...well smart moment is over I'm gonna blow spit bubbles." Then after, Yuka began blowing bubble after bubble...after bubble...after bubble...
"STOPPP IIIITTTTTTT!!!" Kurumi yelled. Yuka blew her last bubble, looking at Kurumi. "It's nasty Yuka."
Yuka looked very disappointed, and they all began walking again. Suddenly, they heard a woman scream.
"What was that?!" Yuki asked. Yuka shrugged then smacked Yuki on the back of the head.
"I don't know maybe it was a GIANT SQUIRREL!!!!"
"Yuka, giant squirrels do live though," Kit said.
"Yeah I know because they are invisible giant squirrels and they are cool."
"I heard it come from that direction!" Kenshin said, pointing to the right. Everyone began running to the right direction until they were on top of a hill, eyes wide.

Apparently there was a small village, with horses galloping madly around the village, people on the horses throwing flamed torches on houses, and other men grabbing there swords and kill endlessly.
"Well, it's not my business so let's just-"
Yuka felt a smack on the back of her head, and turned to Kaz.
"There's endless slaughter down there?"
"So that means we have to save them."
"Because they are being killed."
"I don't know."
"Shut up Yuka."

Everyone began running down the hill, towards the village to stop this.
"This hill is steep..." Yuka muttered, running down it. Suddenly, she tripped, and began rolling down the hill, going much faster then the others.
"Yuka?" Katana asked, stopping in her tracks, along with the others. "Heh looks fun." Katana knelt down on her knees, and began rolling down the hill. Soon followed a Kurumi.
"What are they doing?" Kit asked.
"Acting like idiots. Seems they are having fun too."
"Yeah. Hyper idiots."[/size][/color]
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Kaz watches the others as he startes at his single katar,
" This sucks." he said throwing the Katar to the ground. " At least i can puch well."
Kaz and Kit ran down the hill following the girls. Seeing some of the villagers being surronded by the crazed killers, Kaz grabed Kits arm and telepoted to the group throwing kit with sword ready into one of the guys, punching one of the sword weilders, grabbing the sword and using it to finish off the sword's ex-master.
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"WEEE-ouch! WEEEE-ouch!" Katana continued rolling down the hill, having fun and hitting rocks.
Then the hill ceased to be a hill and turned into flat land. The three kept going until they ran into the wall of a house.
"Ouch," Yuka said, standing up and rubbing the back of her head. Katana unwrapped herself from her cape while Kurumi began peeling mud off her face.
"Alright! So, we got a village being attacked by bandits or something. And they don't look too strong," Katana said as she analyzed the surroundings.
"Then let's go and have fun!" Yuka cried. "CHAR-"
She was stopped by Amaya, grabbing a flying piece of Yuka's hair and holding onto it.
"OWWWWWWWWIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Yuka's voice screeched throughout the village. For a moment there wasn't a sound, as it felt like everyone's eyes were looking for the source of the screech. Then the fighting continued.
"Let's have some [i]real[/i] fun," Amaya continued, "And show them our powers."
"Oh yeah, sure, that's great," Yuki joined in. "And then, when we're finished, we'll get hanged for witchcraft or something."
"That's hung," Kurumi interrupted. "Hung, not hanged."
"Damn language," Yuka muttered, after recovering from the pull on her skull.
A man's yell suddenly came out, signifying the fact that the boys had already started. With nods to each other, the girls followed.
"They're not getting all the credit for this," Yuki said as she pulled out her blade. It's shiny, reflectant surface was now flat and dull; a faint stench of blood lingered.
"Yeah, we gotta get these cleaned once we're back in Tokyo," Katana responded as she tried to waved the smell away.
"Now can I say it?" Yuka asked.
"Say what?" Amaya asked, sounding confused.
"You know."
"You know."
"CHARGE!" Yuka ran out with her sai and began hacking away.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Everyone watched as Yuka ran off, her weapons in the air into the village.
"Crazy little hyper sugar addicted 11 year-old..." Amaya said to herself. Yuka screamed, and Amaya sighed.
"She heard you..." Katana whispered.
"Come on! YOU WANNA KILL THESE BANDIT DUDES OR NOT?!?!" Yuka yelled, turning around. Kurumi and Katana began running to her, followed by Kaz and Kit. Yuki and Amaya stayed back by Kenshin and Sano, watching them run off.
"Bye bye.." Yuki muttered.
"Why don't we go a different direction?" Sanosuke asked. Kenshin nodded, and the four began running the other way to look for 'bandits.'

"Wow, this place is torn down..." Yuka said, scratching the back of her head. Kaz nodded, looking at the madly screaming people.
"Can you calm them down?" Kaz asked Kurumi. She shrugged.
"I don't know, maybe Yuka can. She can yell loud enough for people across the world to hear."
Yuka smiled greatly.
"CCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" she yelled. Everyone fell to the ground, looking up at Yuka.
"Ok, we have several questions for ya'lls..." Yuka began. Everyone stared at her, and the flames around them kept burning.
"Who came and burned your village?" Yuka asked.
"Bandits!" a woman yelled. Katana gave her a thumbs up, and the woman looked more scared.
"Don't pay attention to her. Anyway, where are the bandits?" Yuka asked.
"They are in our village leader's house, talking. I overheard them talking about taking over the village," a man said.
"Then why would they burn this place down?" Katana asked.
"Because they want to rebuild this whole village and make it home to darkness!" another man yelled. Yuka shrugged, then began walking away.
"Where do you think your going?!?!" Kit exclaimed. Yuka still was walking.
"Gonna turn this place into darkness? Fine with me..." she said, running away. Kurumi, Katana, Kaz, and Kit sighed, and then turned to the villagers.
"Don't worry, we'll excpet HER'll save your village. Damn Yuka..." Kit said. Everyone nodded, and the villagers sighed of relief.
"Come on, let's go!" Kurumi said. Then the four began running off to find the leader's house.[/size][/color]
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Kurumi stopped for a minute.... "Hey, ya know... a village od darkness [i]would[/i] be pretty awsome..." She said looking around. Everyone sweatdropped and Amaya slapped her.
"GET BACK TO REALITY YOU DOLT!!!" Amaya screamed in her ear.
"Ow, ok ok... I'm just saying..." Kurumi said as she started walking again, "But I guess killing them would be funner!" She added as she smirked. Another sweatdrop moment. Then Kaz got behind her and pushed her along whispering, "Yeah, yeah, you just keep thinking that." Kurumi rolled her eyes and walked forward so she wasn't being pushed.

Once they got to the village leaders house, they all went to spy in from the small window on the side. Yep, they were plotting alright. Then Kenshin whispered, "We need to stop them, that we must. We should all go in from different ways, that we should." Everyone nodded and went to a different window or entrance. Then Kurumi heard something loud in the distance..... "WAAAAAAIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!! IIII'MMMM COOOMMMMMIIINNNNGGG TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came Yuka's voice, she came running up the hill still screaming.
Obviously the bandits heard her too, they shot out of the house in an instant. They were ready with all sorts of weapons and now they were encircling Kurumi and Yuka......
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I didn't expect the ending...

"Whaddoyawant?!?!" Yuka yelled.
"You two are fuss too much; we're gonna kill you two first!" a bandit said.
"So much for us; we actually liked the darkness..." Kurumi whispered. Yuka nodded, and both prepared their weapons. 6 bandits came straight at the two, fists ready.
"Just their fists?" Yuka asked.
"Come on this ain't gonna be fun.." Kurumi muttered.
Suddenly, out of their fists came sharp needles, probably from a material attached to their hands.
"Well, we could have expected that..." Kurumi said. Yuka nodded, and the two began clashing weapon after another to the bandits. They knocked one down, until Yuka stood in her spot, and made a disk.
"Yuka..." Kenshin muttered.
"I DUN CARE!!!" she yelled, throwing the disk, chopping a bandit's head off, leaving the rest of his body to fall to the ground. The other bandits looked in surprise, and backed way into the hut.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" Kurumi yelled. Suddenly, she put her hands in front of her, and a darkness came out of her hand, and she blew the bandits away, crashing into houses, killing them.
"Kurumi..." Kenshin muttered.
"Well that's taken care of," Yuka muttered.
"Yeah," Kurumi said.
"That was awful. You two should be ashamed of yourselves..." Sanosuke said. The two girls looked back to Kenshin, Sanosuke, Kit, Amaya, Yuki, Kaz, and Katana. Katana was apparently trying to hide her laugh.
"Why?" Yuka asked. Kurumi nodded.
"You two or more dumb then we actually thought..." Sanosuke said, walking to the entrance of the hut, along with Kenshin. The others followed, and Kurumi and Yuka stared at them.
"Well we sure blew it," Kurumi said.
"Yeah...wanna go?" Yuka asked.
"Leaving. I'm living to go back to my right era."
"So soon?"
"Bye," Kurumi said. Yuka nodded, then began walking off, avoiding crazy villagers and eventually appearing in the darkness.
Kurumi nodded, and then ran into the hut.

Don't worry, that's not the end of Yuka.[/size][/color]
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ALMOST all of the middle schoolers were rushing for the villages leaders house. Black smoke hung in the air, it made it harder to see, and breathe. Many of the houses were reduced to smoldering ashes. A few were still burning. They came upon the leader's house, his was the largest, and one of the few not burnt to the ground. The middle schoolers could hear the bandits inside, they were macking one heck of a ruckus with their celebration. Silohettes(sp?) of them could be seen through the curtains. Katana was the first to break their silence.
"So do we go in and kick the crap out of them? Or do we make a plan and then kick the crap out of them?" Kaz glanced around.
"I say we kick the crap out of them!"
Kit sighed, smiling at his friends eagerness.
"How about you go through the window" he pointed at kaz, who nodded. He pointed to katana "You get the front door." Katana giggled happily.
Then to amaya "You go round to the side window." she smiled, then nodded. he pointed lastly to yuki.
"You get the back door, and I'll take the roof. we ready." all grinned and in unison...
"Ready." all the middle schoolers ran to their designated positions. Kit scaled the wall and sat on the roof, about to go in when Katana started to talk excitedly..
"Yuka! Hey I thought you were leaving!"
"So I came back. I just wanna kill me some bandit scumbags!"
"That's great! but uh...yuka?"
"we sort of made a plan so we..."
"Yeah, like we need a plan, let's go now." Yuka kicked open the wooden door, popping her knuckles.
"Who wants to take on the legendary Yuka!" Kit and Katana sweatdropped. The bandits stood slowly, all drawing their Katana's.
"NOW!" kit yelled. all the middle schoolers crashed through windows, and yuki through the back door with her hammer of doom! (Bwahahaha!)
HaHaHa! I have so much fun with katana's name! *rolls laughing*
can you see a bunch of bandits drawing KATANA! hehehe *tears stream down his face*
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[size=1][color=chocolate]How...many...times...do...I...have...to...say....the HAMMER OF DOOM IS MINES!!!!! Not Yuki's! MINES!!!!! *pulls hair with frustration*
I am not adding the hammer of doom with Yuki, she just has her weapon. *pulls hair more*

The middle schoolers began attacking with their weapons at the bandits, not knowing one bandit was hiding their bandit leader in the back of the hut.
"Stupid bandits..." Katana muttered. "You people can't turn this place into darkness!"
Kurumi and Yuka frowned, and yelled, "YES THEY CAN!!!"
"Then why are you fighting us?" a bandit said. Kurumi and Yuka were now pissed.
"BECAUSE WE WANNA KICK BANDIT ASS!" they said together, each at the same time kicking the bandit in the face.
"My my aren't we grouchy today," Yuki said. Kurumi and Yuka's heads were about to blow up now.
"Just...ignore them..." Kurumi whispered to Yuka. Yuka nodded.
"Gotcha. If they say something drastic, we're killing them."
Kurumi nodded, and then the two began focusing more on fighting.

"Mmf!" the village leader yelled, his mouth cupped by a sweaty, big hand.
"Shut up you bastard!" the bandit yelled. "The boss is gonna kill ya if you don't." Then anoher bandit beside him snickered.
"He's gonna get killed anyway. We just need him for a minute..." the other bandit said. The bandit chuckled, then dragged the village leader behind a curtain.

"We're done," Kit said, looking at the unconsious bodies around them.
"Thankfully. They were starting to get on my nerves," Amaya sat to Kit, smiling. Kit smiled at her. Yuka and Katana made little 'oohs', met with a
"Hmph...bastard..." Katana muttered.
"Yeah," Yuka topped off.
"I have a feeling we're not done here," Sanosuke said.
"I agree with Sanosuke, that I do," Kenshin added.
"There are more rooms in this hut," Yuki said. "If there are, we need to check them out. The village leader isn't in here. And we broke the doors and we could see if they could escape there."
Kaz crossed his arms across his chest.
"Then the leader of the bandits probably took the village leader in one of the rooms and is planning to kill him or something."
"Yeah, exactly," Kurumi said. "We have to find him."
"Yeppers," Yuka said.
"Come on!" Amaya exclaimed. Then the middle schoolers, and Kenshin and Sanosuke began running through the hut, looking for the remaining bandits.[/size][/color]
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Next post will be our 200th. Pretty cool. ^^
Katana walked through a room that appeard to have been a bedroom. There was a cot on the floor, covered in mud, and dresser draws pulled open. There were also a few drops of blood on the walls.
Taking out her other sword, Katana opened up the closet with the tip of her right blade. She was about to attack, but was toppled over with twenty or so pillows.
"AHHH!" she yelled, falling. Kaz suddenly teleported to the room, his one good katar out.
"What?" he yelled, franticlly. "What is...it...?" He sweatdropped when he saw one of Katana's hands waving around the pillow pile.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" he commeneted as the girl brushed feathers off herself.
"Yeah, well, at least I don't walk around looking like a mummy," she shot back. Kaz rolled his eyes, then walked out the door. Katana followed.
"So, do you wanna go back?" she asked as they went through a hallway.
"Huh? Oh...well, not really. What about you?"
"Yeah! I want to get that new manga that's coming out! That, and I'm missing my anime! ...But I really like it here." Kaz blushed as she leaned an arm on him.
"You think he'd be in here?" Kurumi's voice asked. The two looked to a room they had just passed. In it were Kurumi and Yuka.
"How should I know?" Yuka responded, sounding agitated. "And for all we know, this damn village leader could be a woman!"
"Yeah, but they're usually guys, especially in this time."
Katana walked in, dragging Kaz with her by one of his loose wrappings.
"So, any luck?" she asked as Yuka investigated a pile of dirty laundry.
"None," Kurumi replied, sighing.
"Oh. Well, we-" she tugged on the wrapping in her hand, "-Haven't had much luck either. I found some blood droplets, but no leader."
"OW! Would you let me go, you nut!" Kaz yelled as Katana pulled again.
"Nah. This is fun. Anyways, have you guys heard from the others yet?"
"Nope," Yuka responded. "They're somewhere upstairs...I can't believe how big this house is. It's like a mansion or somethin'."
"Well, it's for a [i]leader[/i]," Kaz said matter-of-factly. "And they lavish these guys to their graves."
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