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Rurouni Kenshin: River of Time


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*Does the happy dance of victory* WooHoo! I claim the 200th post! Yuka, i be sorry for the mix up. *Sweatdrops as Yuka pulls back for a mighty swing...*

Yuki, Amaya, and Kit went upstairs with Sano and Kenshin. They had split up coming to a long hallway with several rooms. Ken and sano searched one end, while the middleschoolers searched started to search the others.
Yuki excitedly kicked a door open yelling
"This one's mines!" Kit and Amaya sweatdropped as she hummed incoherently about cookies and suger. Kit glanced at amaya.
"I guess that means we search the one at the end of the hall."
"Yup." The walked down to the door, Kit's hand stopping on the door knob. He blushed slightly.

"I want you to know that...I'm sorry for what I did." Amaya's breath caught as she remembered the horrific scene that would've killed Kit.
"It's all right, I understand why you did." Kit turned to her, he blushed even more.
" I should've told you this days ago." Kit stared deep into her eyes, they were endless pools of beauty. He leaned his face closer to hers. " I love you." Then he kissed her. Amaya's eyes widened with shock, her face turned red. Kit trembled inside, he couldn't believe he was actually kissing her!

Niether of them heard or saw a snickering Yuki sneaking downstairs...
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*sniff* I was waiting so long for that... and on the 200th post! *sniff* :rolleyes:
Kit pulled away, blushing profusely.
"Um... I..." Amaya stuttered. "Kit... I... think... uh..." She took a deep breath. "I love you too. Well, I mean, if you can call it that. We're only 14, after all... But I do like you... very much..." This time Amaya kissed Kit, and he looked happier than she'd ever seen him.
Yesh, it's short. >_<
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Tell me Yuki is [u]not[/u] Yuka...please tell me that...well I guess Yuki is Yuki but hyper, cause Kurumi is with us. O.o Forget it.

Yuka, Kaz, Kurumi, and Katana were running through the house, looking for the stairs to where the bandits were possibly hiding the leader.
"There they are!" Katana yelled. They began running faster until....


Yuki and Katana fell to the ground, swirly eyed like when Kenshin is pounded by Kaoru's punches. Yuka, Kurumi, and Kaz stared down, looking pathetic at them both.
"Hey Yuki..." Yuka said. Yuki waved, then slowly got up.
"You know Amaya likes Kit right?" she asked.
"No DUH why'd you bring that up?" Kurumi asked.
"Shh, they are kissin' upstairs."
"No way in hell-" Yuka said before Kaz hit her with his hand on the back of her head.
"Wanna see?" Yuki asked.
"Yeppers!" Katana said. Yuki made a signal to follow her, and they looked over the edge of the wall where the steps were.

There upstairs stood Amaya and Kit, lips touching one another, but both eyes closed.
Yuka almost fainted, along with Kurumi. Katana and Yuki snickered, staring at them.
"Ewww..." Yuka whispered to Kurumi.
"Yeah, that's not right," Kurumi replied.
Kaz sighed, and just stared at the two upstairs.

Amaya slowly broke away from Kit, slowly opening her eyes while doing so. How could he in the world...
"I wanted to know I loved you Amaya," he said quietly, putting her hand into his. She was shivering by his touch, his hand placed over hers made her tremble.
Kit felt her trembling, and quickly pulled away his hands from hers.
"I'm sorry..." he said. Amaya smiled, then out of nowhere, gave Kit a short quick kiss on the cheek.

*Meanwhile Yuka and Kurumi's faces are green, while Katana and Yuki are both almost to burst out into laughter, and Kaz is watching with an expressionless face*

"Let's go look for the bandits now, and we can kiss later..." Amaya said. Kit widened his eyes, but nodded his head. After, the two began running to the right, looking for the bandits.
"Ooh..." Katana said, walking up the stairs. "Looks like two middle schoolers are in love."
"You got that right. Once we are in school again I'm gonna spy on em.." Yuki said.
"Seems all regular to me. I mean come on you knew they were liking each other," Kaz said. Katana shrugged.
"I couldn't stand that for one more minute..." Yuka muttered.
"Aren't we supposed to be looking for bandits??!?!" Kurumi suddenly yelled. Everyone jumped.
"Don't scare me..." Yuki said.
"Who cares! Now let's go!"
The middle schoolers after ran upstairs, turning to the left.

[b]EDIT:[/b] This was made after xXchaosfaerie's post, but I guess it doesn't really matter because really her post was short.[/size][/color]
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" Congrats, you two. It's about time, too." Kaz told them and walked along behind Katana. He handed her one of his straps and was drug the rest of the way through the house.
" Hey! Has anyone checked in this room?" Kaz asked as he yanked away from Katana.
"No, but why don't you find out what's in there for us." Yuka said
" After all, Kit's got a girl now and you're the only other guy, except Ken and Sano, but they're ours." Katana said hugging Kenshin.
" Thanks," he said walking towards the door."I think I hear something."
" SO check it out!" yelled yuka.
"Fine,fine." he said teleporting into the room.
In the room were the badits and their leader.
" Hiya!" he yelled, kicking the door out behind him letting the other kids rush in.

OOC makes no sence but it's okay.
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OOC: your right...that makes no sense at all. stop that.

Kit smacked his head as Kaz Teleported in. a loud "Hiya!"was heard before the door burst open. In shock of a kid appearing out of thin air, the bandit leader slit the village leader's throat open with his kodachi.

"Kaz you moron!" The middle schoolers rushed in, quickly overpowering the bandits. They hacked and slashed, severing limbs from bodies. Amaya skillfully parried their swords with her hands, then broke their arms up to their shoulders before snapping their necks like brittle twigs. YUKA (I got it right!) swung her hammer of doom with all her might. Bandits splattered against the wall, leaving huge trails of blood. Katana's katana (Funny ain't it?) swung to and fro, each time a bandit cried out in pain then died. The skirmish was quickly over, the blood pooled up in the room, it slowly dripped through the floor boards.

Sano walked up to kaz, fury bruning in his eyes. He pulled his arm back, slamming his fist into Kaz's gut, doubling him over.
"You idiot!"
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[size=1][color=chocolate]YAY! *worships Swordsaint* YOU GOT IT!!!

Kaz frowned in disappointment, staring at Sano.
"What is it?" he asked.
"What do you mean 'what is it?'" he replied angrily. Then in walked Kenshin, seeing the blood everywhere in the room.
"You could beat them up but you killed them like hell!" Sanosuke yelled. Kaz frowned even more still staring at Sanosuke.
"Well I'm not too guilty about it," Yuka said, yawning. Sanosuke glared at Yuka, preparing his fist. Yuka narrowed her eyes to her, and her eyes seemed quite scary.
"Don't you dare."
Sanosuke stopped, but still glared. He knew he really couldn't hurt her.
"Next time, please not kill them," Kenshin said. Everyone nodded, except Yuka, with her 'I like death' figure.
"Now do you all want to go back to Kaoru and the others in Kyoto?" Sanosuke said. "Well...back to where you all came from."
Everyone frowned, including Yuka herself. Kit and Amaya were a little worried about suddenly walking into school and apparently liked each other.
"But I wanna sttttaaaayyyyyy!" Katana whined. Yuka crossed her arms across her chest, then began walking out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Kurumi asked.
"Away from the whining."
Yuka disppeared down the stairs of the hut, leaving the rest staring out into open space dumbly.

Yuka sat on the grass on the hill the others had stood on before they saw the burning village. She looked out into space, staring at the burned down huts, crying children, and panicked adults.
Yuka lowered her head to stare at the ground dumbly. She had nothing to think...nothing to do...and she couldn't stay here anymore. It wasn't where she belonged, and she knew that.
"Yuka you there?" Kaz yelled suddenly. Yuka looked up, seeing the others walking up the hill.
"Next time don't leave us like that," Amaya said. Yuki nodded.
Yuka stood up from her spot, and brushed the dirt off of her.
"Night is falling, that it is. I suggest we hunt some food and find water, and then find a cave to sleep in," Kenshin said. Everyone groaned.
"We...we have to kill them ourselves?" Katana asked.
"Yes, that's how you eat!" Sanosuke said.
"But...you see it dead and the real live blood.." Yuki mumbled.
"Well guess what?" Yuka said, pulling out her Sai. "I ain't afraid to kill em."
"Don't get too excited Yuka," Kaz said. "We might just let you eat grass."
Yuka glared at Kaz, mumbling the word 'bastard.'
"Well then let's go," Sanosuke said.[/size][/color]
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~_~ Alright, so Kitty's gone...that means bandage boy is left...*Kaz whacks her upside the head*
Oh, and Kit, it would be Katana's katanas. Ish have two. ^^;
Katana looked up as a droplet of water touched her forehead. She had, somehow, ended up with Kaz in the group's hunt for food. In the end, it was decided that Yuka would, infact, dine on grass that night. That was, until she (Yuka) yelled at Kaz that she was starving and wasn't afraid to decapitate an animal.
"See anything?" Katana asked as the two searched random forest areas.
"Nope," Kaz's reply came from a treebranch.
More drops of rain splashed on Katana's forehead. One hit a loose bang and slowly dripped down.
"Maybe there's somethin' over here..." The two continued on, heading towards what sounded like a stream.
"Katana?" Kaz asked as rain began pouring.
"Are you controlling the weather?"
"I don't think I can do that. Maybe I can." An evil grin spread across her face. "But that would be fun...HAHAHA - hey, where ya going?"
Kaz jumped down from another treebranch and walked on, leaving the younger girl behind.
"Food," was his answer.
"Freakin' jerk..." Katana mumbled, catching up to him.

The rain began coming down in lethal sheets of water. It pounded against anyone outside like bullets.
"This really sucks!" Kaz yelled as he tried to catch a fish. Instead it wriggled free and swam away.
Katana sputtered rain water from her lips. "Yeah, I know!" Her hands grasped a passing salmon. She then squeezed it, causing her long fingernails to tear into the flesh, making the area around the fish and her hands to turn a cloudy red.
"Catch of the day!" Katana yelled, bringing up the punctured salmon. Her fingers were glazed with blood and more still was underneath her nails.
"Nice catch," Kaz said. "Probably contaminated."
Katana aimed a kick at Kaz's face. He caught her foot without much effort, then pulled, tripping the seventh grader.
"Hey you-" She extended her free hand. Out of the center of the palm came a blast of icy water, even more bullet-like than the rain. It hit his face, leaving scratches and deep cut marks.
"What the..." Kaz put a half-bandaged hand to his face, then looked at his fingers. It was definetly blood.
"You're too immature," Kaz shot at Katana. He teleported away.
"What a cheap bastard," Katana mumbled, standing up. She laid the dead fish on the ground and caught three more by her nail-puncturing tactic, and began her walk back to "camp".

"Has anyone seen Kaz?" Yuki asked later on. The group (Kenshin, Sanouske, Kurumi, Kit, Yuki, Yuka, Katana, and Amaya) were sitting in front of a fire created by Amaya. Kenshin and Sanouske had managed to find a decent cave for the bandit-killers and themselves to spend the night.
"Nope," Yuka replied as she tore into her fish. Kit and Amaya had brought back some wild bird eggs, Kurumi and Yuka had murdered a few (translation: about a dozen or so) ducks and brought those back. Yuki had stayed by the village, gathering whatever edible things were still there. It was quite the feast, for being stuck in the wildnerness.
"I think I ticked him off," Katana said as she retreived an egg. "I'm not sure what I said, though."
Phew, I think that's long enough. *sweatdrop* CELEBRATING 2,000 VIEWS! YEAH!
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[size=1][color=chocolate]*celebrates with Katana* Oh a pirate's life is a life for me...

Yuka bit into her nice, duck she murdered herself. She was so proud...
"Hey Yuka, you got a big grin on your face. What are you thinking about?" Yuki asked. Yuka kept grinning while eating her prized duck.
"I think she's happy she killed that duck," Kurumi whispered to Yuki. Yuki nodded, then bit into her salmon.
"How are we gonna sleep?" Kit asked. Kaz shrugged, then took the egg from Katana. Katana groaned, then tried to grab it back. He wouldn't let her, and she kept trying to get it.
"Give my egg back!"
"No, you don't deserve it."
"Because you don't."
Kurumi and Yuka laughed at the two, knowing each other's minds by Katana and Kaz's actions.
"What's so funny?" Kaz asked, and then Katana grabbed the egg.
"Notin," Yuka quickly replied. Amaya got the point, and then couldn't help but giggle.
"Anyway, who's tired?" Sanosuke said.


"Yuka, they don't have Twister here. You can't even play it. There are no red, blue, green, or yellow dots on a plastic mat!" Kurumi said. Yuka looked around, until she picked up a rock.
"This is a red circle. Now all we have to do is look for more rocks and then we can play!"
"Yuka, we are not doing that," Yuki said. Amaya nodded.
"Okay then, let's play a staring contest. Whoever loses gets to be thrown in the fire."
"No!" Kit exclaimed. "That's not right!"
"Who cares it's fun!" Yuka said.
"Why don't we just go to sleep okay?" Kaz suggested. Everyone nodded, and then finished up their meal.


"I got dibs in the corner with the cobwebs!!!" Yuka yelled, running to the corner where most of the spiders lived.
"I'm sure staying away from you in the morning. You might have spider poop all over you in the morning," Amaya said.
"Spiders [i]poop?[/i]"
"I dunno. I don't think insects poop," Katana said.
"But worms do!" Yuka said.
"They are not an insect," Kurumi said dumbly.
"Who cares!"
"Fine, fine. Spiders can't poop end of story!" Kaz said. He lay down on the cold ground near the fire, and then quickly fell asleep. Kit was on the other side, with Yuka in her corner of spiders, Kurumi and Yuki backed up against the wall near Kit, and Katana backed up against a wall near Kaz. Kenshin and Sanosuke remained awake, watching the middle schoolers.[/size][/color]
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Kurumi woke up at about 1:00 A.M. or so she guessed. She looked around to see everyone asleep, including Kenshin and Sano. The fire had been almost worn out and supplied little light. Kurumi got up and almost silently creeped out of the cave out into the cool night. She walked for a bit just wandering around, when she found a small pond. Kurumi sat down at the edge of the pond and hugged her knees while looking blankly into the entrancing aqua water. [i]I really don't want to leave.... what do I have to come back too in my time?...... nothing..... In this journey I have realized that no one would care if I'm gone, I've rememebered that I don't have anything in my time, my life. I would rather stay here, where I actually have something going. I have more than two friends here.... I have people that care. At home...... none of that..... is... true......[/i] Kurumi thought. "I'm staying here." She said to herself quietly.
*shrugs* I got nothin else to right.
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Kaz awoke shortly after Kurumi, he had been teleporting in his sleep so he had a twig jammed into his wrappings on his legs. < I really need to stop that> he thought. He walked out of the cave and climbed to the top of the surrounding rock formations. He then began to started forming rock pool, utilizing Kit and Katana's powers.
Kaz started walking in the woods cuuting down a tree and chopping it in smaler pieces and put them around the pool setting them ablaze.
" Hmmm, hot tub." he said to himself, teleporting into the pool leaving his clothes on the rock formations closest to him. ( OOC: No I'm Not in the naky! I have got's some Meji era style swim trunks on!)
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Meiji Era Swim Trunks? Wow the world has developed in many ways...

It had been morning, and Katana was the first one to wake. She looked around, wondering. She saw something missing...it was Kurumi and Kaz!
"Yuka," Katana whispered to Yuka. Yuka groaned, then tilted her head since she was in a sitting position.
"Cyber Ghost? Ok..." Katana mumbled, as Yuka got up.
"Where's Kurumi and Kaz?" she asked. Katana shrugged, then began walking out of the cave.
"Let's go find them," Katana said. Yuka nodded, and they both walked out of the cave.

"Well it's sure sunny out compared to the cave," Yuka said. She stretched her arms, and Katana yawned.
"On to first find Kurumi," she said. The two walked on and on, until they found Kurumi, sleeping on to grass very peacefully.
"Kurumi is still asleep. She must've woken up late at night...or early in the morning. Whatever you wanna call it," Yuka said. Katana nodded, and then kneel down on the grass. She shook Kurumi's shoulder, and then Kurumi groaned.
"Kurumi..." Yuka whispered.

Unaware, 7 large men were walking behind Yuka, smirking and arms ready for capture.

"Hey Katana, she awake yet?" Yuka asked. She then suddenly heard a footstep behind her. She slowly unsheathed her two Sai, then turned around to see a man's Katana against her two Sai.
"Well my my your face is better then I thought!" the man said, staring at Yuka. She tilted her head in confusion.
"Uh...Katana?" Yuka asked. Katana had already turned around, while keeping guard on Kurumi.
"You wanna fight with me?" she asked, until suddenly, a man popped up beside Katana, and had her arms back behind her, and Katana screaming.
Yuka turned around, and that's when the man drew his Sai away and grabbed Yuka's arms and turned them around behind her back.
"You three are gonna stay with us for a while," a man said, picking up Kurumi and holding her so he could carry her around. Yuka clenched her teeth together, and Katana growled.
"Fiesty you two," the man who held Katana said.
"Good. I hope you're satisfied," Yuka said. The men laughed altogether, as Katana and Yuka looked uncomfortable.
"Are we gonna be okay?" she asked Katana. Katana nodded.
"I dunno," Katana said. The men brought Yuka and Katana up, and began making them walk onto a path to where their destination was.[/size][/color]
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Ooo, lets see what I can cook up. :naughty:
Kurumi woke up, not expecting to find herself in a small hut. She tried to move her hands, but found them bound behind her back. She looked around to see seven men scattered around the room, some sleeping, some readying food, and the other two remained in a corner with two girls. The girls looked familiar, Kurumi strained to look closer. Kurumi found herself looking at the two terrified Yuka and Katana. The men were snickering as Yuka tried to get themselves out of the situation with words alone, for they too were bound with rope. "What the hell is going on?" Kurumi whispered in a scratchy voice.
One of the men nearby heard Kurumi and turned to her. A smirk spread across his face as he said, "Well well well, looks as if the final vixen has awoken." As the others turned their heads toward the speaker, he got up and advanced on Kurumi. He roughly picked her up by the collar of her shirt and checked her over. Many of the other men did as well.
He seemed to look over her every curve, every little detail that she had. He even ran one of his hands up her leg, which made her wince and kick a little. The anger was powering up inside her. He finally nodded and said, "This one shall be mine. A fine wife she'll make." He smirked, but many of the other men shouted out in disagreement. "LOOK!" He roared, "I spotted this one first and I have every right to claim it!!" The others grumbled and went back to what they were doing. His angry expression melted back into a smirk when he saw he had won her. As is a prize or something. He noticed how every time he touched Kurumi she would squirm, he seemed to enjoy that however. For his own sick pleasure he gropped(sp? XD) her a slight bit and laughed as she winced and sqirmed.
Kurumi had had it, "BASTARD!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. He flinched and looked rather taen aback. which had given Kurumi the perfect moment to kick him in the face. He growled with fury and pain as he dropped her hard to the ground in the process of holding his face. Kurumi ran over to a free sword and carefully hacked through her rope.
Kurumi grabbed the sword and cut Yuka and Katana's ropes as well. Now she was ready to fight these bastards.
Haha, had to do that. I know I have a bit of a sick mind, but doesn't everyone? It mad it interesting in any case. :p
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Conna, I didn't think it was very sick at all. Well, not to mention...ugh forget it.

Yuka and Katana got up, very pissed at the men. Kurumi was even more pissed for the fact the man was actually [i]touching[/i] her.
"You all are bastards taking us away and trying to make us into a wife of you all!" Yuka yelled. Katana nodded, wiggling her fingers to stretch her fingers.
"No duh sherlock Yuka," Katana said. Yuka narrowed her eyes to Katana, with a mad glare.
"Well, we sure won't let her get away either!" a man yelled, smirking while staring at Yuka. She muttered a 'piss off' to him, although he didn't hear.
"I'm glad I'm sure not in this. WHOOPPEEEE!" Katana yelled. Yuka glared even harder at Katana, making Katana shiver.
"Well, looks like we have to fight our future wives," a man said. The three girls turned very mad with vein pops on their heads, and then the yelled,
"I don't wanna get married anyway," Yuka said.
"Why?" Kurumi asked.
"That's not the point right now let's just kick their ass!" Katana said, taking out her katana. Kurumi dropped the sword, and grabbed her own weapon. Also Yuka with her two Sai.
Yuka attacked one group of 4 men, Katana 4 men, and same for Kurumi. The other 6 stay back watching the men, satisfied. Especially since they were women.
"Ah!" Katana yelled, avoiding a sneeky attack from a man who was trying to attack her. Yuka smirked, staring at Katana.
"What did he touch your butt?"
Katana stared at her in horror, before..
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Katana yelled, swinging her sword madly around everywhere, enarly chopping everyone's heads off.
"Take cover!" Kurumi yelled, avoiding Katana's weapon by an inch. Katana kept swinging madly, acting stupid. Yuka sighed, then looked into a corner, and saw...
"OH MY GOD IT'S MY SQUEAKY HAMMER!!!" she yelled, grabbing it out of the corner. "How do my things appear out of nowhere?"
Kurumi and Katana frowned, with the return of the squeaky hammer.
"What the hell is going on?!?!"
"Taco blah blah blah blah blah!"
"SHHHUUUUTTT UPPPPPP YYUUUUUKKKKKAAAA!!!" Kurumi yelled. Yuka stopped singing, then began fighting again.
"Sorry hyper moment," she said.
"You got that right!" Katana said, looking around keeping her guard.
"Next time, don't do that again!" a man said, looking at the man who touched Katana's butt.
Katana, Kurumi, and Yuka began fighting again, until they beat everyone, except the 6 other stronger ones.
"Come for us ladies," a man said. They all groaned, and began to fight.

I'll leave this now.[/size][/color]
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YAAAAY! It's new and improved! hahahahahahahahashahahahahahahahahahaha! *Grins with insane happiness* Sorry the me's hasn't posted basketball tournaments and all to go to, and another one today so I'll probably post on monday.
Kit awoke from his deep, startled by the screaming. He turned around only to see katana screaming with insane fury, whirling about with her twin Katanas dancing wildly like whirlwinds. 10 armed men were in the cave, trying desperately to block the young girls wild swings. Kit sweatdropped as Yuka danced in circles with her squeaky hammer, singing lakucheraka. It took a moment for Kit to get over his shock. He sighed then encased the bandits in mounds of rock leaving only their heads exposed.

"YAAAAAAY!" Yuka screamed and giggled carzily as she began to whack away at the bandits exposed faces. Katana Leapt onto the rock, pounding the face of the bandit that slapped her butt. Everyone sweatdropped. Kaz was hunting around for his clothes, just now climbing out of the hottub he and Katana had made. Kit snickered as he made the earth sink an dclose over the spot were they lay.

OOC: he he! good way for me to get back into the boards! :D
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OOC: I used er powers, she didn't make it with me.....however......no nevermind.

Kaz teleported out of Kit's enclouseure with his clothes back on. Kaz then encased kit in a flaming tornado. Kaz just started laughing manicically, and stoped the blaze.
Kit came out fire burnt and wind burnt.
" So, why're you guys here anyway?" Kit asked the bandits dsting himself off.
" We are gonna tell you Nothin', you stupid freay punk!" replied one of the bandits.
" Now, now JoJo, if that is you're real name!" Yuka yelled out of nowhere. Kaz walked up behind her, stole her squeaky hammer, and hit her on the back of the head.
" Shh, don't wake the loony tune." Kaz said turning to the bandits." So you aren't going to tellus are you?" Kaz grined evily and just balled his fist and the stone casing started to squeeze them. " Tell us, or I'll pop you like the Italians squish grapes for their wine." he said. The bandits made weezing noises and statred to confess to the middle schoolers. Kaz released his fist and the rock went away almost completley, only their feet were still covered.
The bandits told the children that their leader told them to kidnap Kurumi, so that she may be his slave, and that the rest of us were rats to be delt with accordingly.

Later that night Kit looked over at Kaz in disbelief, at his cruelty towards the bandits.
" They deserve no pity, Kit. You of all people should know this." KAz said as if reading his mind. " I will do tat i can to make sure that i stay here in this time. Even if I must commit Seppuku, but knowing you guys you wouldn't allow me that honor. Would you?"
" No, we won't." Katana said walking towards them, having heard the entire conversation. " Seppuku isn't the way to live in this time, Kaz. It's a way to escape and to cop out of the future that we must all go back to, even though we don't want to."
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen]I thought Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka were in a hut, not in the cave. Oh well...live goes on.
Yuki stared at everyone, especially Kaz. [I]Why does he want to stay in this time so much? Its nice and all to be with Kenshin, but there are people who care about us back in our own time.[/I] She thought.

Out of nowhere, Yuki was starving. "I want a #5 with Sweet & Sour sauce from McDonald's with a chocolate milkshake!" She complained. Kenshin and Sanosuke looked at her strangely. "What's a 'Milkshake?'" Sano asked. "Its a drink that has ice cream and milk in it. It tastes really good, especially in summer." Amaya told him, giving Yuki a thumbs up for her tastes in fast food.Yuka had the same cravings as Yuki. "I want a Big Mac!" She cried. "Big Mac?" Kenshin asked. All the middle schoolers laughed at Kenshin and Sano for a bit.

"What's so funny?!" Sano demanded. "Its just that anyone from our time that we know has never really asked what McDonalds food is. Its just that its so unusual!" Kurumi told him.Kenshin and Sano sweatdropped and just stared at the middle schoolers, who were taking turns saying what food they wished they had.

"I want a Big N' Tasty with a Coke to drink, a side order of two apple pies, lots of salt on my fries, and a McFlurry!" Katana said. "Just the usual!" She added. Everyone sweatdropped, including the middle schoolers. As they started talking about future things again, Yuki spotted a twig and came up with an idea.

She grabbed the twig and started drawing in a patch of dirt. Kenshin started to hover over her shoulder. "Ms.Yuki, what are you doing with that twig?" He asked. Yuki continued drawing and told Kenshin to wait a sec. After about five to ten minutes, she was done. Everyone scrambled on top of Kenshin to see what the big deal was about.

In the dirt was Kenshin and Sanosuke in fighting stances, back to back, with all the middle schoolers behind them. Starting from the left was Amaya, Yuka, Katana, Yuki, Kurumi, Kit, and finally Kaz at the end.

"Hey, thats pretty good!"
"Did you draw that Yuki?"
"Hey! Where's the 'Bad' symbol thats supposed to be on my shirt?!"
"Ms. Kurumi could you get off me please? You're crushing my lungs, that you are!"

Yuki smiled and blushed a little from the attention she got from a little doodle. They all soon went back to talking and forgot about their trouble with the bandits. "Hey Kenshin, when are we ever going to get to the dojo?" Asked Yuka. Kenshin's eyes snapped open. He had forgot all about the dojo. "We should get going, that we should. Ms. Kaoru will be angry at us for being late, that she will!" He said.

They started packing up their stuff and went back to the road to the dojo. Their walk was uneventful. Soon after nightfall, they had reached the Kamiya Dojo. "Ms. Kaoru, we're back!" Kenshin said loudly. Kaoru, Yahiko, and Megumi came running to the door. "Thank goodness you all are alright!" Kaoru said. They went inside and had their first desent meal in a while, or most of it anyway.

The minute Katana had bitten into another riceball, thinking Kenshin made them, she spit it out. "Alright. Who made these? Kaoru or Yuki?" She asked loudly. Both of them stood up. "Knock it off Katana!" They yelled in unison. Yuka put her hands against her ears. "I hear the voices again!" She told everyone. Everyone sweatdropped, and Kaz sighed. "Doesn't this seem a bit familiar?" He asked. Everyone started laughing and went back to eating. When they were done eating, Kaoru showed them where they'd all sleep.

"Hey Yuki?" Yuka asked sometime after everyone else was asleep.
"Wanna go raid the fridge?"
"They don't have fridges here."
They both laughed at the De ja Vu day and fell asleep.
Ha! De Ja Vu! Beat that J.K. Rowling! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Heh, J.K Rowling...

[i]A red flame spread through the city, it's flames everywhere, and only darkness and fire could be seen throughout the burning town.
A little girl, with dark brown hair, hair freely down, walked through the city, as if nothing had happened. People covered in flames burned to death, and buildings soon tumbled down and down, only to reveal ashes left behind.

The girl stood in the middle of the ruins of her city, holding a dirty mirror, the mirror cracked by what she supposed, a rock had hit the mirror. The girl looked into the mirror, seeing her horrid reflection of a face covered in ashes, and a bruise on her cheek. She stare at her reflection with no sign of disgust, and only faced it to the side, to reveal the reflection of a bloody covered girl, only about 2 years old. That's when the girl smirked in pleasure. Yuka dropped the mirror, and only sat in the ruins, smirking.[/i]

Yuka woke up from her dream, panting from her memory of her early childhood. Kaz sat by her, shaking her so she could wake up.
"What happened?" he asked, and stopped shaking her.
"It..it...it was nothing. It's nothing..." Yuka said, staring down at the ground. She remembered...she saw her sister...bloody and dead...that lie only a few feet away from her...and she smirked in pleasure of her death...her past was too complicated..
"Doesn't sound like nothing."
"Kaz, just leave me alone!" Yuka yelled, almost screaming. She was so frustrated...her dreams came back to haunt her, and she could only do nothing. She needed to get back to her own time...she couldn't stay here. The dreams like that only didn't occur at her own home, and here, as day by day passed, the dreams only became crazy.
Kaz huffed, walking off. He closed the door, until she was sure he was gone.
That's when Yuka followed, only to travel to where she had come out of the portal in time...she was going to go back to her time, no matter what.

Yes, all of that comes out of a silly dream. Yes, Yuka originally came from a city that was burned to ashes. O.o[/color]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Kurumi has an interesting story behind her real family as well... hence the reason she was adopted... or have I even mentioned that? O.o Oh well.
Kurumi sat up against the wall of the room she was in. She just stared at the floor, thinking. The darkness surounded her and a cold draft came from the open door that lead outside. Kurumi hugged her knees to try and keep herself warmer, but did not bother to slide the rest of the door shut. [i]I can't possibly go home... the only thing that awaits me there is sorrow and pain. I may have thought I had a nice life before... lucky even... but now that I have been here, I realize I have nothing. Being here, with all the others, helped me find myself... I had wanted to do that my whole life. Find myself. Even now my dreams are haunting me once again of my earlier years... that dream... my [b]real[/b] mother and my older brother.[/i] Kurumi thought, still drowning in the darkness.
Kurumi thought back to the dream she had a few nights ago: [i]Kurumi laughed as her older brother did a simple trick. The coin behind the ear trick. This was one of Kurumi's favorite and her brother knew it. Even thought Kurumi barely even knew how to speak. Right while her brother was taking it from behind her ear, a rather large woman crashed through the door, cursing. Kurumi's brother looked startled to the front door. Kurumi let out a little frightened cry. The woman glared at them both, she looked down to see their cat rub against her legs... she just kicked it.
Kurumi, seeing her cat hurt, waddled over to it and picked it up. The woman's eyes sparked with anger and raised her hand high. Kurumi's brother saw what she was going to do, "Mother! No, please!" He hurtled over the couch and grabbed their mother's hand. But she only raised her other and smacked him hard on the cheek. He let go of her other hand in shock. He looked down and then to Kurumi and picked her up, the cat still in her arms. He went into their bedroom and placed her on the bed with a few toys to keep her occupied.
Kurumi's brother went out of the room again to their mother. There were a few shouts, so Kurumi got off the bed and looked out the bedroom door. Kurumi looked in horror as her mother picked up a huge knife, her face was red, sweat running down her enraged face. Kurumi's brother made a quick for the phone and called the cops. Just as he put down the phone, the knife ran right into his back. Blood glazed the floor, the side table, and the sofa. He quickly fell. Their mother, finally seeing what she had done, dropped the knife and started to sob. Kurumi could only stand there... looking... mouth hanging down. She thought maybe her brother would get back up. But she didn't understand.
Soon the cops and MHI people came. They took her away and Kurumi ran out to her dead brother. She dropped to her knees and hugged him. She shook him slightly and said, "Up! Koji, up!" But he didn't respond. The cops took her to an arphonage a few days later and her mother was taken to the MHI.[/i]

Kurumi had been two when that happened.

Kurumi's mother had been crazy, she didn't know what she was doing. But she had loved her brother, Koji, so much. Kurumi would never forget that day. Kurumi let a tear run down her face, but wiped it away quickly. She finally got up and slid the outside door completely open... she walked out into the cold night. She quietly slid it shut behind her and sat on the small deck thingy. She hated to remember........
That was interesting, no? See, I told you her younger life was pretty messed up.[/color][/size]
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Is it just me, or does it seem like that since 'we' got to this time everythings been really screwed up and our dreams get really dark and twisted. :confused: By da way, our basketball team took 2nd so i'll be gone from thurs. to saturday :flaming:

"Goodnight Amaya."
"Goodnight Kit." Kit kissed amaya gently on the cheek before closing the door to her room.
"OOOOOOO!" Kit sweatdropped and turned red as Katana's shrill voice rang out. "Kit and Amaya sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes..."
"Shut up!" Kit fumed as Katana rolled around sqeauling in delight at Kit's anger. Kit looked out to the courtyard lifting a long strand of earth out of the ground. He slapped it around Katana's mouth silencing her. She mad muffled, indignant noises as she tried to pry it off. Kit turned and walked away smiling.
Kit sat up in a tall tree, watching the skay. It was a starry night, occasionaly a shooting star streaked acrossed the night blue heavens.
'[I]Amaya...your the first person I've ever kissed. And your the first person I've ever felt concern like this for.'[/I] He laughed as he remembered the time he walked waist deep into a lake without realizing it, and shuddered when he thought about when he thought that her and the others were dead.
"My...friends. Yes they're my friends." Kit heard a light puff above him. He looked up and saw Kaz dangling from a tree limb, grinning like an idiot.
"That was beautiful Kit." Kaz's grin widened. "Were your first friends, that's nice to know." He dropped from the limb, landing neatly in front of Kit.
"And your thoughts regarding Amaya." Kaz sat for a minute then busted out laughing."You...hee hee hee...Actually walked ha ha *Wheeze*...waist deep into a lake without realizing it? AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaz waved his arms as he almost fell from the tree. Kit glared at Kaz.
"How the hell do you know that?"
"We all know that by now. KAz was cherry red from the laughter. "We can hear each others thoughts, remember?" Kit blushed and sweatdropped as he remembered
"Oh yeah." He thought for a second, then his eyes widened "That means she heard every word!?"
"Every last one buddy!"
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Oh..ah...alright. ^^;
Katana hid behind the door, smiling like a nut as she hears Amaya chase Kit around the courtyard. Kaz's rolling laughter was also heard.
"Your quite the poet," Kaz said, giving time for Katana to slip into the couryard. She hid in a corner, making sure she wasn't noticed.
There was a soft puff. Kaz's face was about six inches away from hers. She looked up to see him dangling from the roof.
"And, ah, why are you that close?" Katana asked, blushing. Kaz did a flip and landed on the ground, his back towards her. He than turned around.
"I saw you," Kaz said. "Well...I could tell you were here."
"W-what?" [i]What is he talking about?[/i]
Kaz shrugged. "I felt your presence."
"You felt my presense?" Katana asked. "What's it feel like?"
He thought for a moment. "Like...like a bump."
"You're arrogant, wild, cold-blooded, warm...yeah, that's what the bump feels like."
[i]Did he just say warm...?[/i]
Kaz nodded, than brushed a wisp of hair from the girl's face. With a grin, he teleported away and landed on Kit's head, letting Amaya hit Kit.
Katana stopd there for a second, frozen. She was blushing, and in shock. What had Kaz just done...?
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[color=darkslateblue]Yuka walked out of the dojo, then gasped as she saw the others, laughing, while for some odd reason, Katana was blushing like a mad idiot. Yuka, ignoring their faces, began walking away, the other path, very quietly.
Suddenly, a poof came in front of Yuka, and she stared in front of her, until Kaz had appeared right there.
"Where are you going?" he asked, being the curious person he was. Yuka glared at Kaz, and immediately pushed him out of her way.
"That's none of your business."
"My my who's fiesty today?"
Kaz stood speechless, as Yuka walked away from him, very pissed at the fact he was acting like a big jerk.

Kaz walked back to the courtyard, finding Katana blushing madly, and almost giggling in the process.
"Why are you blushing?" Kaz asked. Katana made a small scream, then turned to him, scared.
"Oh...nothin. I'm just..hot," she said.
"It's cold out here, so how can you say it's hot?"
"I'm..uh...very allergic!!"
Kaz gave her a dumb look, but shrugged, and sat down by her, staring at the moon. Katana watched him suspiciously, not trusting him.
"I saw Yuka," he said. Katana still eyed at him suspiciously, but decided to calm down, since he wasn't saying anything wrong.
"Where was she going?" Katana asked.
"I dunno. She probably is going back to her own time," Kaz said. Katana gulped, staring at Kaz.
"I think she'll be okay. I mean, she wants to leave."
Kaz shrugged, agreeing with Katana. Out of nowhere, Kurumi came out of the dojo, dressed and everything.
"Yuka's probably leaving," she said, taking a seat by Kaz. "She's walked out."
Katana nodded.
"Well, then just leave her. Won't do good."
Suddenly, Kurumi, Kaz, Kit, and Katana (hey all K's!!} heard a scream, and it was from a girl.
"What was that?" they asked.
"It sounded...it sounded like a girl!"
Everyone nodded, and ran to where the scream came from.

Police held Yuka's arms around her back, and Yuka was trying to escape, but to no avail it worked.
"What are you people doing?!?" she exclaimed.
"You are under arrest for assasinating an officer! You're other friends will be caught eventually, but you are to be sent to be executed!"
Yuka stared at them calmly, not trying to panic. [i]I'm not gonna die in this Meiji Era...[/i][/color]
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Kit and the others rounded the corner to see Yuka beng held by several policemen. One turned towards the middle schoolers.
"Captain! There they are!"
"Well what are ou waiting for?! Arrest them!" six of the policemen took aim with their rifles, the other two advanced forward, while the captain watched them closely.
Kaz, kit, and Katana drew their weapons. The policemen tensed up, takeing aim at their heads. Reaching out to the others, kit quickly drew up a plan:
[I]Alright oyu guys we can't kill them...[/I]
[I]What!? why not?[/I]
[I]Yeah![/I] Kit grumbled angrily
[I]If we do then we'll have more policemen after us, and then the army! We're good, but not that good. Kaz, you make the gunmen miss with your wind, katana you free yuka, and I'll trap the rest of them. Got it?[/I]
[I]Got it[/I]
[I]Sure thing! WHEEE![/I]
The policemen were right on top of them when a sudden gale of wind knocked the rifles up to the air, all six policemen fired their shots. Katana Vaulted over the two policemen, firing a blast of water at Yuka and the Captain. Kit made the ground around the eight policemen sink up to their knecks, sealing them inside. The three middle schoolers were about to celebrate their victory when Yuka began to beat the police captain to death!

"You Bastard!" *whack whack whack* "I'll not be executed by you!" *Whack whack whack whack!* "Not here not now!" *whack* bones could be heard crunching under each of the furious blows. Kaz teleported next to Yuka, then teleported away with her.
"Damn...they really pissed her off!" Katana spun away happily back to the dojo
"Victory. V is for Victory!"
Kit sweatdropped as he sprinted after the two of them.
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[FONT=comicsansms][SIZE=1][COLOR=SeaGreen]Yuki got up at the sounds of Yuka yelling. She walked outside into the courtyard to see almost everyone out there. "What just happened?" Yuki asked Kaz as he appeared next to her in a puff of smoke. Kaz grinned. "Yuka just beat the crap outta the Captain of Police. Um...I think she killed him too." He answered, pointing to a mangled corpes. Yuki looked at it, grabbed a stick and went near it. She knelt down and started poking it with the stick. "Well, it isn't moving...and it smells horrible...I guess Yuka got us deeper into trouble." She said as she started back to the group.

She started chatting with Katana when she saw the Captain's body move. Yuki pointed to it, her face pale. Katana looked at her, then the corpes. "What's wrong?" She asked, very confused. "I-i-i-i-it moved!" She studdered. Katana looked again. It had moved again. In a few seconds, the captain was up on both of his feet. Yuki and Katana screamed.

They hid behind Kaz. Kaz gave them a strange look. "Look, its not a zombie, its just that he's just not dead." Kaz said. Katana and Yuki blushed as Kaz explained it. The captain, most of his bones broken, figured he couldn't win a fight with them so he turned around and went back to his station. Yuki yawned. "I'm going back to bed," She said as she went back inside teh dojo. On her back to her room, she had thoughts of home, her new friends, and cheeseburgers.[/color][/size][/font]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]After the police men incident, Kurumi just sat in a tree and looked at everyone else goof around. [i]It would be nice to be so care free like them... no one knows the real me though... I always cover my real feelings. I wish I didn't have too.....[/i] Kurumi thought. But knowing everyone else, they heard. They all looked to her, she just ignored them and said, "Buzz off..." and then muttered "Damn powers". At first a few of them hesitated to turn back around, but floated off anyway. Kurumi tried to keep her mind blank, but ended up thinking of.... Kilick.
A chill went up her spine and someone touched her shoulder. She let out a small yelp and turned around. And there was Kaz, standing there like an idiot and smirking madly. "So, thinking of your boyfriend back home?" He cooed slightly, making Kurumi blush.
"He is not my boyfriend you idiot!" Kurumi managed to yell out, all the while quite flustered.
"Hey, sorry, couldn't tell by the way you were thinking about him. Heh." Kaz replied, still smirking.
"You sick bastard!" Kurumi said taking a swing at him. He jumped without effort and landed on the next limb of the tree down.
"Hey! It was what you were thinking, not me!" Was all he said and then he ran off. Kurumi just remained looking at the first bit of sun to pop up from the edge of the sky while she sat on the tree.[/color][/size]
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