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Spider-Man 2 Teaser Released!!


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[color=red][size=1]Well, for those who don't know, the initial release of the first Spider-Man 2 Teaser Trailer was...today!

The trailer looks like it could be fun and exciting, but...its in Java! Yes, the QuickTime release won't be until tomorrow.

For those who care...the trailer can be viewed at...[url=http://advision.webevents.yahoo.com/sony/spiderman2/]this site[/url].

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Doc Oct's tentacles look badass...his face looks kinda weird, though...weird even for comic book land. But very cool trailer, nonetheless. I was wondering how they were going to prevent Peter from kissing MaryJane in the trailer there. Looked like a pretty reasonable and logical prevention...better than abstinence, lol.
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Looks like just as much crap as the first one, full of bad acting yet again. Even the preview of Doc Oc was disappointing not only in the way he looked but the acting he gave, or attempted to give... While I'm sure the plot will be somewhat interesting, I'm sure the acting will be below par as it was int he last one... yet for some reason it'll make tons and tons of money.
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*Tries to be indignant* Maybe the reason it made tons of money was because it was good...*remember Titanic*...nevermind. ^^;

While the acting might not have been the greatest, I still enjoyed the first movie, although as comic movies go, X2 was better (And "Road to Perdition" owns all other comic movies ever). I'm looking forward to the second movie, although the scene in the diner looked stupid. Gaah, it's the hosptial scene all over again!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SadClown [/i]
[B]Too much special effects and computer animation. I'm as dissinterested in this one as I was the first one. They should have picked a better cast, than maybe it would have been better... [/B][/QUOTE]

A substandard cast is one that features Willem Dafoe, Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Bruce Campbell, and Ted Raimi?
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Anything with Bruce Campbell automatically rocks anyway. I agree there is too much computer rendering though, as it looks incredibly obvious. However, the movie isn't due out for several months yet... I expect most of it to get fixed up.

Really, what can you expect though? It's not as if there's anyone in real life that can pull off Spider-Man's normal stunts. Even wires wouldn't work too well.

This is just a teaser trailer. It's not a theatrical one. You can't expect the same things.
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The teaser was killer; I personally thought it was well done.

Obviously, the computer rendering for special stunts is glaringly noticeable--but not more so than any of the [i]Matrix[/i] movies. And, it was used only for the most extreme of stunts from what I remember.

The plot, in general, was surprisingly strong in the last Spiderman film. I don't understand how anyone can complain; it was one of the best big-screen adaptations of a comic book I've seen. Of course, there were some flaws, such as the adsence of Spider-Man's first girlfriend, but it didn't [i]ruin[/i] the experience for me. Every character was casted extremely well and it moved along at a nice pace.

I don't expect any less from [i]Spider-Man 2[/i].
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sublime1 [/i]
[B]HAH! they got the guy who played Snidley Whiplash in the Dudley Do-right movie to play Doc Oc. That's friggin hilarious. I guess they decided to give Peter Parker the dorkier look he should have had in the first movie. Looks good. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkred][SIZE=1][font=verdana]He also played the Butcher in The Man Who Knew Too Little (with Bill Murray) lol. . just had to say that ^_^

As for the trailer. . it looked pretty good. . just enough to leave me wanting more story. I enjoyed the first movie, and am looking forward to the interaction with Peter and Mary, as well as Harry, and what is his interaction with Doc Oc (just what I have gathered from the trailer. . watch again if you missed). .

Oh well. . July 2004 'IS' way too far to have to wait, but . . that's what I am going to have to do *shrug* I am sure it will be worth it![/SIZE][/color][/font]
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I saw the teaser at the LOTR screening, and it looked really good [spoiler] Peter and Mary-jane are having a bit of lunch, and they are about to kiss when BLAM! a car comes smashing throught the caf'e! Peter, with his spidey-senses senses it about an hour before it happens (exaggeration) and averts disasaster.[/spoiler]

Sure, that was good, but then we get a look at Doctor Octopus, who looks more camp that the Green Goblin, as he was walking on his four mchanical arms, he looked way too funny to be taken seriously, perhaps that's the point? campy villains who do nothing but amuse you by their sight, and crack corny one liners (example of "gobby")

A good thing about this movie is they're keeping up with the Harry/Spiderman grudge, I'm thinking that he might perhaps [spoiler] hire doctor octopus in his mad hunt for revenge agaoinst spiderman[/spoiler] It's funny how Harry is friends with Peter and he doesn't even know he is also his arch enemy.

It's got good graphics again, and I don't care if the spidey moves are all CG, they're amazing. Doctor Octopus seems too slow to keep up wiht Spidey, ambling around on his four mechanical arms, walking up buildings, but I'll reserve my final hjudgement for the finished package.
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[color=red][size=1]So, got the QuickTime version for a better look at things.

It lived up to my expectations. It looked great, the characters had obviously grown a bit, the actors were comfortable, and Alfred Molina (a terrific, terrific, highly under-rated actor) acted like Doc Ock were if he were real.

Yes, you say Doc Ock looks too cartoony coming up, but think about it: isn't the stout, confident, easily in control Ock you're used to a cartoon? If you had tentacles, you wouldn't master them that easily.

And I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but the man who is walking down the stairs with MJ is [spoiler]John Jameson, the son of J. Jonah Jameson. In the comics, he became the infamous Man-Wolf[/spoiler]. Yes, they [spoiler]are engaged[/spoiler], but I think its pretty much a given to any fan of Spidey that it won't last long ^_~

[spoiler]Peter Parker talking to Spider: "So...you bite me and I marry a supermodel? Deal! OW!"[/spoiler]

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