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Sleeping Patterns

Guest cloricus

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My sleeping pattern is pretty strange. When i was little...about 6, i used to wake up six in the morning....Becuase i had to get up early to go to school. But now, i usually dont' get up early becuase my school starts a little later, and i get up about 10 o clock on the weekends, but on weekdays, i have to get up at about 7 o clock or earlier. I dont' really have a sleeping pattern, unless you call just sleep until yur rested enough a sleeping pattern.

Well, Sometimes i have my sleepless nights, just because i drank too much soda. And on those nights i get up later than usual to make up for the time sitting in my bed wide awake in the middle of the night.

So, thats my sleeping pattern...:D
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During the week, I'm [i]always[/i] tired, even if I get 8+ hours of sleep. However, on weekends, I'll stay up really late, and sleep in relatively late. Then, I'm just fine. I think I operate best if I sleep from 3 a.m. to about 9 a.m. Maybe my college schedule will work out like that...
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Let's see, on school days I go to sleep somewhere between 12:30 and 2:00, and then I get up around 5:00 or 5:30. On other nights if I have nothing to do in the morning I go to sleep somewhere between 12:00 and 3:30, and sleep for 12 hours. During really long breaks I literally sleep 12 hours or more everyday. For college, I hope I have early classes, because I love being awake at around 5:30 and 6:00, because in the mornings everything is so peaceful, and the sky looks so bright. That is the only time I know of when the moon seems bright enough that you could easily walk without any other source of light without running into anything.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I do kinda have sleeping patterns, but rarely they change.
On weekdays (school days) I'd go to bed at 10:30 PM, and end up going to sleep at 1 AM. (Thanks to the TV in my room) I wake up at 7 PM, and boy if someone walks in my room when I get up I'll curse as loud as I can and tell them to go away. My grouchy morning mood.
On Saturdays, I go to bed at 11 PM, and then go to sleep probably around 3:30 AM. Saturdays I always feel entergetic and hyper, mainly because I eat sugary foods and have 4 cans of coke.
On Sundays, days pass by quickly. I go to bed at 11:00 PM, wake up at maybe, 11:30 AM? Yes, I am a late sleeper on Sundays. :)

If my sleeping patterns change, (never occurs on weekdays), on weekends I might wake up around 11:00 AM.[/size][/color]
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Guest Midnight Rush
what exactly do you mean by sleeping patterns? like average fall asleep/wake up times? I'm either very uninformed or just confused. please help :)
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
yeah usually that's what sleeping patterns refer to. they imply also the average time spent sleeping. for example, last year while i lived on campus in a dorm, my sleeping pattern was this: stay up until 7 AM, sleep until 2 PM, stay up until 5 AM, sleep until 12 PM, stay up all night, go to class, go to sleep at 7 PM, sleep until 5 AM. repeat x100.
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On school nights I've got pretty civilized sleeping pattern. i wake up at 6 and get to bed around 10. Weekends are a completely different story. Get up whenever I please and don't get to bed until after 3 am. Holidays are different since they lst longer. During holidys i get up around 9am and get to bed no later than 1:30am. Don't ask why.
Twice a year i do change my sleeping pattern to go home to England from Canada. It's really wierd cause England is 7 hrs ahead of Calgary and just as I'm getting used to it, it is time to come back. Anyway when I'm visting London, I wake up at 7:30am and get to bed any time from 10-12.
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