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Guest Luthien Yavetil

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Guest Luthien Yavetil
Anyone like Pegasis? He's my fav,then yami merik (is that how you spell his name?) Does it show Pegasis at all after he makes the Egyptian god cards? I havn't seen him and I really want to. I want to know about his past to. Can anyone tell me?
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Pegasus's past is rather simple, actually.

[spoiler]As a young man, he fell in love with a women named Cynthia, whom he met at one of his father's estate parties. He adored her, and she him, and they were inseperable afterwards. She inspired him in his artwork.

However, either before or shortly after their marriage, (it's not made clear which), Cynthia was struck down with a disease and died. Pegasus became withdrawn, depressed and hardened afterwards, and vowed to find some way to be with her again.

He traveled to Egpyt, because their ancient culture dealt strongly with life after death. while their, he met and followed Shadi, the guardien of the Millenium Items. Shadi presented Pegasus with the Millenium Eye, and it accepted him as its owner. Just as the Eye was placed into his face, he saw an image of Cynthia rushing to greet him. However, the image faded when he tried to embrace her.

Determined to revive her, Pegasus continued to study in Egpyt. While there, he learned about the ancient game of Duel Monsters. Fascinated, he updated the game for modern times and began to produce it as a card game.

The next parts aren't covered in the anime, but it's obvious that as Duel Monsters became popular, it caught the attention of master gamer and CEO Seto Kaiba. Kaiba Corp and Industrial Illusions formed a partnership wherein Kaiba produced holographic tech for Pegasus' game. Unknown to Kaiba, however, Pegasus saw more potential to the holo tech than merely as a new stage for the card game.

Pegasus planned to combine the powers of the Millenium Items and the holo tech to bring Cynthia back into existance. When Yugi beat Seto Kaiba, he caught Pegasus' attention. Pegasus saw that Yugi had one of the items, and the series progresses from there. [/spoiler] ^__^

Rumors of future Pegasus:

[spoiler]In Japanese eps not yet translated, Kaiba duels a man imitating Pegasus to gain a psychological advantage. (After all, Pegasus and Yugi are the only people to beat Kaiba in a duel.) However, and this part I have little info on, it is revealed that Pegasus has been recouperating in America ever since Yami Bakura stole the Millenium Eye.[/spoiler]

Beyond that, I do'nt know anything, but it's nice to see another Pegasus fan. =)
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Yeah I liked him from the American show, he's a fun villian, I kinda rooted for him against Kaiba and Yugi. The cheesy snobbish voice actually works well in the show too I think.

Also the fact that he's devoted to cartoons, I can relate to that in a less psychopathic way.

Tragic villians are always better, I'm glad they told his back story about Cynthia. I bet Yugi would have let him use the millenium item Pegasus was genuine. Mr. Freeze is still the best tragic villian ever though...
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[COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Personally I do not like Pegasus, he just really creeps me out with his personality. I like Marik and his Yami form, they both will do whatever it takes to win. But Yami Marik is simply cool, I mean yes he does want to plunge the entire world into darkness and kill Yugi but I can totally understand why. I mean yeesh, I would be a little irked if I had to wait for some pharoh to arrive again, and until then I had to stay underground and never socialize with the outside world. *shudder* That's just creepy to me.

But anywho, I think Marik is simply cool because of his phycoticness and his determination to win, and plus he has a pretty neat deck.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Thanks for answering the questions, guys. As a rule Luthien, threads about favourite characters aren't generally allowed unless they can generate decent discussion. Be sure to read the rules thread in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=69]OtakuBoards Information Center[/URL] before getting into posting too much. But welcome to the Boards anyway ^_^ If you have any questions, feel free to PM.

Thread closed.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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