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Greatest. Banner. Ever.


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I assure you. Greatest. Banner. Ever.


I hear a Queen song playing...

"Another one bites the dust, ooh another one bites the dust.
And another one gone, and another one gone,
Another one bites the dust!"
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Oh my! That is great PT. I keep laughing every time I think about it. I especially like the addition of the Queen song onn the post. ^^ The banner really looks good. The fonts are clean, and the colors are pretty. Simple and clean. Very cool. Now did you really ban Bloodsin? Or was he even a real member? I really like Charles' screen name. ^^
Nice Job on yet another hilarious banner.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i]
[B] Now did you really ban Bloodsin? Or was he even a real member? I really like Charles' screen name. ^^
Nice Job on yet another hilarious banner.

~Haze [/B][/QUOTE]

Yep, he is (or was, rather) a real member and I banned him. :)

But, more importantly, I'm glad that someone actually likes my screen name. Thanks! ^_^

As far as the banner is concerned, I think it's very funny. We generally don't publicly parade banned member images around the site. However, it's based on a major turn of events that certainly needs commemorating. This banner preserves it well!

I too especially like the red stamp. I think it's a neat little effect. I'm too sure why my text is bold, but that's only a minor complaint. Overall, this banner/avatar combo is clean and simplistic. He did it fairly quickly too.
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[size=1] Crazy White Boy will [i]forever[/i] be a far greater persona and name than the aforementioned harass that is [i]Charles[/i]. For Charles is a banal name, overtoned with harsh realities that lie in the net of the monarchist societals that are England and its Kings and Queens.

Anyways, nice banner. It commemorates a nice event indeed.

Now we await Clitorus and CrimSan Spid Der's banishment. Mwhahaha.

Or something like that anyway. [/size]
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*chokes silently on Mitch's 2nd last sentence*

Ahem. Yes. So you guys banned him? I'll go check that out... I find the banner enormously funny... lol. Good idea. One little note though [Yes I am a picky bastard] In PT's first reply, the numbers '3' and '3' are too far apart from each other. This is, if you actually typed that up. If not, then it is just an AIM thing.

Love the red BANNED text.
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Haha, Shinny. Nah, I don't smoke. Cigarettes and I just don't gel. I get along plenty fine with Jello Shots, though. :D

Yeah, Charles, I noticed the bold look to it. I'm going to go into Photoshop and check that out. It might be the text size, which makes sense, too, I suppose. Photoshop does odd things occasionally to re-sizing text. Yeah...I made the banner in about 15 minutes...retouching time included. You might say I had...speedy fingers. hehe.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i]
[B][size=1] Crazy White Boy will [i]forever[/i] be a far greater persona and name than the aforementioned harass that is [i]Charles[/i]. For Charles is a banal name, overtoned with harsh realities that lie in the net of the monarchist societals that are England and its Kings and Queens.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey, MITCH! Check this out.


Still want to say that British History is banal? Do you still want to focus solely on a span of 40 years out of an approximately 3000 year history?

British History is some of the most exciting Lore, legend, and societal issues ever. I mean, think about it. Each new Queen or King brings about a national religious change. Groups that had power one year were getting [b]hunted down[/b] the next.

Kings usurped control over everything. Act Of Supremacy, anyone? Henry VIII? How can you say that a King beheading his wife simply for not being able to "give" him a son...is boring? How can you imply that it isn't worth learning...delving into? I mean, come on. Seriously. Wake up.
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[size=1]I'm really happy that Bloodsin is gone, but I think that went without saying. There have been other members who I was [i]much[/i] happier to see banned, Taylor Hewitt being one in particular. (Peach Head can tell you all about my dislike of him, heh.)

Good work on the banner. Moments such as this make me happy to work as a moderator.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i]
[b]*chokes silently on Mitch's 2nd last sentence*[/b]

[b]Ahem. Yes. So you guys banned him? I'll go check that out... I find the banner enormously funny... lol. Good idea. One little note though [Yes I am a picky bastard] In PT's first reply, the numbers '3' and '3' are too far apart from each other. This is, if you actually typed that up. If not, then it is just an AIM thing.[/b]

[b]Love the red BANNED text. [/b][/QUOTE]
Baron, I went into Photoshop and checked that out. I figured I had hit the space button by accident, as I had been doing that a lot when I made it...I thought I was in the Arrow tool, but was actually editing text >_<

So, yeah, just one little space in there, lol.

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That is one of the funniest banners I have seen here.

The AIM message in you MyOtaku is also quite funny. Looks like Bloodsin has been getting under your skin for quite some time there. Enjoy your [strike] Cigarette[/strike] Jello shots.

The red "Banned" text adds even more humor to the banner which has already been achieved by replacing the member stats with an excerpt from your AIM sig with Charles.

10/10. Humor with style :cool:
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