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Furbys: The American Craze!


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Furbys....does anyone else remember the big craze that these little guys created a couple of years ago?
I remember that i was apart of the craze. I have 5 furbys. They were all a little family. I even had a little baby one. he was so cute.
I remember when my mom got me one, she said. "You're father and I saw those and thought how ugly they were and we said no one would ever want one of those. How wrong we were."

Did you ever have a Furby? And if so, did you ever teach it to say anything?

A friend of mine got hers to have an entire conversation with her. and she also taught it to say some bad words, but we won't go there.....
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[size=1][color=darkblue]Lol, good point Semjaza Azazel. Me? No, I wasn't really into them. But my brother did. I remember the day that thing ran out of batteries.... awful sound, and we couldn't make it stop either, the batteries were stuck. >.< So we kept it under some things in the basement... I think it's still there.
My friend on the other hand, taught hers many bad things. Lol. Such as Run b****, he gonna kill you! I remember when it said it to her mom when she was passing by. >< LOL! Eh, that Furby was a swearing machine.
Even though I do remember them, I don't think I ever really got into it. They didn't really appeal to me I guess. *shrugs*[/color][/size]
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By the time I had really noticed them, the craze was over. My friend had a little Furby that she didn't play with anymore. I'd seen the things on tv, but never wanted one. I started tinkering with it and got hooked. It was the cutest little thing I'd seen. All the while that I was over at her house, I was playing with it. The Furby was all right, but my favorite was the Bubba Doll. I think it was a bear. Now that was cool.
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I received a Furby for christmas the year they came out, oddly enough I didn't remember showing any intrest in one but my parents seeing that it was a craze figured it was a good idea anyway...

His name was "dohmo" and he's green with black stripes, over the months Dohmo began to acumulate accessories wich included an earing, silver chain, and a little red vest, yes I turned my Furby into a metrosexual....

Anyhow his batteries died a couple of years ago and I didn't bother replacing them, now he sits on my shelf gathering dust (next to the pet rock and empty sea monkey aquarium mind you) with his hellish auburn gaze and squeaky voice that damands me to burn things.
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[COLOR=firebrick]I owned five of them and wish I could get a refund. Those things were so stupid. The only reason I had them was because they were popular at the time and everybody had one. Me and my friends had competition to see who could own the most and I lost because the other had then into the teens. I'm trying to get rid of mine but the homeless kids don't even want them. [/color]
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I ended up receiving two: one for Christmas and one for my birthday. They scared the heck out of me, but I couldn't tell my parents that I didn't like it, because I didn't want to seem ungrateful.

A little story about me and Furbies: I was babysitting at this kid's house, and she had a Furby on wheels (I guess they had just made them?) Anyways, I was playing hide-and-seek with her, and she was hiding under the bed. While she was crawling around under there, she accidentally woke up the Furby, who rolled out right up to me, and said something along the lines of: "Me hungry. Play with me! Aaaah, big light!"

I've been scared of them ever since.
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[size=1] First off, properly spelled, it would be [i]FURBIES[/i]. But that's the anal speller feceing in me. It's just common take that when there's a word with a y on the end--such as baby--that you add "ies" instead of just an "s" to the end of it to make it plural. Babys just looks wrong, and so does furbys. It should be babies and furbies.

As for these things--I think they're annoyances. Enough said.[/size]
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Im scared to death of furbies, they are evil hell-spawned gremlin-wannabes O_o *eye twitches*

Now after i have slandered them into the new millienium, I should explain why i dislike the furby so much.

My younger sister was hooked on the things, she only had two..but still, two was enough. She wasted her money on those stupid things. But that wasn't the real reason i despised them so much.

One night I was sleeping soudly in my sisters room,because she was having a sleep-over and her room wasn't big enough for all her friends. So anyway, I was sleeping soundly and suddenely i woke up to a noise which scared the living daylights out of me. It was the furby, it had opened its evil little eyes and was staring at me, mumbling something in furbish as my sister hadn't taught it english yet.
Now usualy something as trivial as that wouldn't bother me, but i was half awake and disorientated X_x so i was like O____O!!!

I proceeded to rush over to the furby and take out its batteries *twitches* I then went back to bed to peaceful dreams once more. A few hours later the evil furby woke me up again. Now either my sister and her cruel friends had replaced the batteries to torture me..or..something was [i]seriously[/i] wrong with that furby.

So me, being the sane person that i am ^_^ I opened the window, and threw it out. The dear furby went for a midnight flying spree, and sadly didn't return.

Heh heh..

So yes, that is why i dislike furbies O_o[/color]
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[i][color=lightpink]Oh..I had two of those dumb things. Oh so much they were dumb. Couldn't even feed themselves so they rely on the owner to feed them. But why couldn't they give them arms? They have feet and ears. So ugly. I threw mine against a wall but then it made an god awful noise. So i just stabbed it witha screwdriver.[/color][/i]
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Ah, furbies. I used to love those little guys...until I discovered my cat can open my closet and my freaking furby would wake up and go, "me hungry!!" God I would have killed it.

Anyway, yeah I remember the furbies. I used to love them, and had one electronic one, and 3 stuffed ones. I still have one stuffed one, and the other two are probably in the dump. The one thing I hated about my furby was that...it smelled like spaghetti. For some reason, I took the firby and smelt it, and it smelt like spaghetti. Some nasty rotten spaghetti to add to that.[/size][/color]
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LMAO, I hated Furbys, actually. I bought one when it was popular. Taught it words, brought it to school and made it say "Yo teacher, you're my sl**." lol, just kidding, that was my friend's. That was the last time I saw him :(.

I actually made a club with everyone in town called "I hate Furbys" every week we would bring Furbys we stole and made a bonfire fueled by Furbys lmao. When it stopped being popular, we disbanded it and went on with our lives. (I was 9 at the time we made the club lol.)

Furbys are evil little devils -_-. Hate 'em forever. ANd forever in my nightmares eating my brains out :shifty:
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I, too, hated Furbies. Mainly because, when they hit my school, they hit it HARD. Now, my bus is normally full of a bunch of loud, maniacal idiots who have absolutely nothing to talk about, but still manage to open their mouths and make some noise. Furbies made my bus rides a living hell, as the pointless conversation DOUBLED. And, even worse, there were the VOICES. Oh my god, those things had the worst, most annoying voices ever. Anyone who thought those voices were cute is a sick individual who must commit Frisbee Seppuku (for instructions, read my sig.)
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Oh god--furbies. Just about yesterday or so, my brother, Nick, and I were talking about it. I can't believe I was in that craze. The reaason why we were talking about it was because we were puting in my brother's new bed in his room (since the bed has been broken for five years now) and while we were cleaning it out, we found a smooshed furby along with his shrine to monkeys and Peewee Herman and various other odds n' ends. His right eye was closed and the other was opened, and it looked like it was twitching. When I blew on it, all this dust came off of it. I then checked if there were any batteries on it, and noticed that it was taken out. And then I remembered why. Back when I was eight or nine, it kept on repeating this one phrase a thousand and one times. I think it was "butter" or was it "I'm hungry!!" ? But anyways, it was annoying the hell out of us and so we turned it off. Later that night, it screamed that so suddenly that we all freaked out. I personally took out the batteries and went back to sleep. I actually thought that the furby was a murderer when it screamed that. O_o ACK! So we killed it. I forgot the name of the furby, actually. And we also had a mini one, too. I think it was thrown out or its somewhere under all this junk in my brother's room. o.o

Now, with the story of my old barbie dolls that I had when I was four, that's a different kind of execution tha we gave it back when I was nine or so.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember Furbies having a select vocabulary. I'm almost positive you [i]couldn't[/i] teach them to swear. Please provide a link to information about Furbies if you think I'm wrong, and not just a comment.

A few years ago I bought one (long after the craze) for $10. The only reason I bought it was because my friend bet me too. I got some pretty strange looks from the people working the in the store I bought it, and especially from the person at the register.

To make a long story short, it got run over by a car twice.
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[QUOTE]To make a long story short, it got run over by a car twice.[/QUOTE]
I can hear them now in the commercials, "The best things about Furbies, is that you can execute them all you want" *shows a child cutting off its head and the Furby saying, "I wuv you!"* "Its the best durable toy on the market! w00t! Buy Furby or we'll kill you." Nice commercial, eh?
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[color=crimson]I had a furby. Got annoyed with it and I made it go to sleep- carefully placed it in a location where it would never wake up, letting it die in it's sleep.

My parents were the sukers in this. They thought it would be a craze for a long time and bought several of them- storing them in a cool place, not opened. As we all know.. they stuck around, but not for as long as a someone seeking to make a profit off them being collectable would wish.

Oh well. At least I didn't stab that little black furred guy or burn him. What a waste of resources.[/color]
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[COLOR=darkred]I was one of them lucky ones who didnt actually own a furby..but knew a lot of people that did
my opinion on it was that it scared me quite badly o_o they were so weird even if i had one i'd probably would of just let it die and stuff, knowing me... [/COLOR]
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Guest Teammayhem
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]I never got the attraction. It looked like a clump of old carpet with a beak and sounded like an old woman trying to poorly impersonate Steve Urkel. That's cute? [/B][/QUOTE]

LOL Good one!

Actually, it was fun taking them [I]apart.[/I] Try it sometime. I've harvested parts from a Furby.
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Heeee, I had a Furby. Still do. *stares at nightstand* It's been sleeping for about a year now. Lets wake it up!

It's all white with blue eyes. ^_^ I still think its kinda cute. Yet Demon-y. It says it's name is To-tai? *shrug*

I remember one time, I was trying to get it to sleep, and it wouldn't fall asleep... so i shoved it under my bed and left the room. When I came back an hour later it was in the middle of the floor, talking its head off. Don't know how or why. Probably my sister's doing, but still scary.

Now it won't fall back asleep. Great. ><
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