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Furbys: The American Craze!


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all i gotta say about thos fuzz heads was that mine spent its intire life wraped up in tan guaze like stuff or under a blanket... It event took a couple of "accidental" falls from the top of the shelf. Hehe. I dont like furbies....i say they are so five years ago
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I remember those things. I never knew anyone that owned one, and my little sister was too young to be caught up in that craze so I never knew what they were like. But now that I know how evil those little things are, I think I'll buy some. They sound like obedient little zombies. Bye everyone, I'm off to Ebay. :D

[b]>>>X_^ Geist<<<[/b]

[b]EDIT: After doing some research, I found that these things were even banned from the pentagon at one time. I [i]must[/i] buy one now.[/b]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]I never got the attraction. It looked like a clump of old carpet with a beak and sounded like an old woman trying to poorly impersonate Steve Urkel. That's cute? [/B][/QUOTE]

What sick individual would not want that? Hours of fun.
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I remember them. I had one, my brothers had one, and my sister had one. I played with it about two hours then i was bored and kept it in deep sleep mode. Those are soooo annoying when their batteries die! My sister asked me to get her one this x-mas. I laughed and told her no way.
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oh man, I hated those pieces of fur and metal, and plasctic pieces,
1. the were fun, (not my word my sister's)
2. they drove you insane,
3.they broke,
4.you got a new one,
5. repete 1-5.

I hated them! My sister was up all night making noises, she brought it into my room to see if I could make it shut up, I did, I pulled out the batteries. Ihe next day they were back in (dad's fault) and I had to do it over and over and over, darn it they were iratating.
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[color=royalblue]You can teach furbies to talk? hmmmmm...
Anyways, I had gotten one, but for some reason it kept repeating 'big light' over and over and over... so I returned it and got another one. Amazingly, it had the same name (coco) and repeated the same dang thing and it would NEVER go to sleep. So I went back to my friendly neighborhood kmart and got a THIRD one. It's name was coco, repeated the same phrase and never went to sleep. After this, i was sooo emotionally damaged, i threw it back at those cheap kmart freaks and got a barbie. Later though I had this obsession with the mcdonalds toy furbies (They were plastic and said dorky phrases like "I'm hungry")
I've never been the same...[/color]
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When they first came out my family got me two. TWO for xmas because they were just soooo cute :rolleyes: one was pink and the other black. I killed the pink one and the black one i taught to swear and then gave it to my cousin when she said she wanted it. And now she doesn't ask me if she for my stuff. :D
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