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more banners from dark_dragongirl


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Well, it's good, but Sesshomaru is pixelly, so you can't really see his face. Also, a good border would make it a little more pleasing to the eye. But it's a very good banner. I especially like the string of light from Sesshomaru's attack going through the banner like that, very nice.

What program are you using? If it's MS Paint, I can understand why your banners are pixelly, I use to have to use MS Paint so I know how it feels, don't worry. But a way you can improve is by making your banners smaller so the pictures are less stretched out and therefore less pixelly. (I have more tips for MS Paint if you want to PM me. That is, if you're using it.)

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Yes, I am using MS Paint. It's very hard to find quotes to go with the pictures I have. And, those are the background colors that were originally on the picture, don't blame me, I didn't choose them. I don't have many good text fonts that go good with pictures and for some reason, I always seem to use that one...but, anyway, heres another one.

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Again Sesshomaru is pixelly --_--. Don't make your banner so big and you won't have to stretch the picture as much.

As for the fonts:
1) even though you don't have good fonts, you can still make the text interesting. (PM me for details)

2) I know a site you can get LOADS of free fonts: [url]http://www.1001freefonts.com/fonts/afonts2.htm[/url]

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[color=teal]*Mod-approved double post. Spam post has been deleted above. -Syk3[/color]

Yup I love fluffy! I make a bunch of banners about him. I'm not sure if I have any more about him but heres another banner!

I couldn't find a good place for the text or a good color for the text. I'm thinking now that I should have made the font different.

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nice work. Don't mean to sound mean about this.
The first banner: This one is slightly dark looking. Perhaps you could lighten it up in some way? I dunno. I like how the slash that Sesshomaru makes continues throughout the entire banner. The picture is indeed a wee bit pixelly, but not so much so that it takes all that much away from the banner. Behind your text. . . there is something funky going on. It's like fuzzy and stuff. Kind of weird. And yes, I would change teh font. It doesn't go. YOU NEED A BORDER! ^^ borders are your friend. Use them.

The second one. Anh, it is alright. This picture is even worse than the one before it. It is highly blurry. ANd blurry isn't good. I like the background. Were you going for a background that made it look like he was rushing by so all of the background was blurred behind him? Don't know if that makes sense, but hey, it did in my head. I don't really like that quote with that picture. It doesn't really go well. And as long as we speak of not going, the font doesn't either. Once again. . . BORDER! Borders are automatic elegance.

El numero 3: *crinkles up nose* I don't believe I like this one all that much. I will start with the most obvious stuff. THe background. You can see squares in it. it's like you took part of a picture and stretched it that big to be your background. I think something more simple and less blue would have been better here. Next I will move onto the text. I'm assuming that the foggy stuff coming from his hand is the poison on the picture? If so, that would make more sense with the quote. The font is horrible. It doesn't do the banner justice. You need something more showy. Now for the actual picture. This one's quality is by far the worst out of the three. You can't even make out his facial features. I could only tell it was Sesshomaru by his clothes.

Number four: This one is probably the best out of all of them. THe picture is clear and pretty. For some reason all across the banner is slightly blurry. *shrugs* It is weird. The background looks like it was stretched. It has lines running through it. Very nice overall though. I don't suppose teh text goes very well. perhaps if you moved it over and down. Where it is about on the same level as her chin and about a half of a centimeter or a whole one right off of the right side. and I bet you know what I will say next. What does it need? A BORDER! you are sooo good at guessing that. ^^

Those are my 2, no wait. . . . . *begins counting numbers of advice*. . . whatever. those are my cents that I put in. Hope you use them. I think once you improve a bit you will become an excellent banner maker.

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Haze, you said it all. Actually, you said it all accept that the banners go over the size limit. The limit is 500X100 and you have banners that go over the limit. That's part of your problem, you're trying to make the pictures too big, make your banners smaller, not bigger, and you won't have to stretch the pics so much and they won't get pixelly or blurry.

I do like the last one, though ^_^. Nice and clear. But one thing: why do you always use the same font? Try one of these banners again using the advise we've given you and a different font and see how it looks ^_^. I'm interested to see the results if you do!
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Yeah, I know, I can't help it. On the next banner I make (who knows when that'll be, I've got so many other things to do right now....)I will take your advice. I will make the pics smaller, different text, etc, etc. But, heres one of my earlier banners when I first discovered how to make banners on paint. Actually, I think this might be my very first banner.

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[color=navy]Well, I did download more fonts and I have been using them on my new banners. I actually have one that I made a couple days ago that I say I perfectly used one of the new fonts I downloaded on, but I will only be able to post it tomorrow because I am not on the right computer to do so.

I'm very happy that you all like my banners. I'm also very glad to say that I have been using everyone's advice when I make new banners.

Please keep giving me advice so I can continue to make better and better banners.

EDIT: Here's my newest banner. It has my favorite phrase from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on it.[/color]

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no offence but every single pic is pixly, and if the pic isn't good, most poeple don't even bother to look at the rest.

oh, and if you want the banners a little clearer, since we (ms paint users) can only save a really clear image as a bmp, try to save it as a jpg filter, it works better for me. (jpg what ever is really bad and bmp files are to big, and gifs are clear but darken and desrtoy the colors)

my advise to you, cave it as bmp, save it as all other types (not bmps) with diff names, it will prevent confusion, and if you don't like the way one version came out you have at least 2 others to look at. but listen carefuly if you don't have much space on your com, don't bother to save it as anything but jpg filter and bmp. (the work the best.)

and none of the qoutes match the images, look for some non pixley images in google, and watch some inu-yasha epiosodes forawsome quotes, (just finished inu-yasha episodes 1-9 with bonus features and found lots of qoutes) don't ask me for my qoutes find you own you have different tastes then I do.

(sorry if this is messy i just got my left hand (the hand I write with) jammed in a heavy door, so its kindof hard for me to focus and be nice.

by far the mia and elk banner is the best.
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[color=navy]Well, I've already been told a few times that my quotes don't match. But, I do always enjoy hearing it a few times...lol, anyway, the "Dangerous Driving is a crime" banner was just something I made for fun.

My Mia and Elk banner: Yeah, I'd say it's my best too. I spent a long time getting the pictures in the right place and picking out the best fonts and colors of the fonts and then finding the best place to put the fonts.

Hmm....*searches computer for more banners* ah yes, I still have a few more.

This one is my Anime Kitties banner. I wanted to put more Anime Kitties on it, but I couldn't find anymore.

EDIT: I know the pictures are pixelly, allright? It's hard making pictures look unpixelly when you have to resize some of them![/color]

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[size=1][color=chocolate]Okay, here I go...
The Sesshomaru banners- Are pixelly with his pics, but you tried. They are pretty good though, but pixelly pics.

Battle Angel Alita banner- This is a nice banner! But too big, sorry. This is a good banner, I like it very much. I have no complaints.

Trigun Banner- Eh, no offense, but needs a lot of work. The pics are blurry, the font is a little blurry, the banner itself is not clear.

I do like the Rurouni Kenshin banner though, the pics are a little fuzzy but other it's good.

The next banner is the best out of them all. The pics are great, and it looks great.

Grand Theft Auto, the pics are blurry along with the font. Sorry, but needs work.

Last banner: For trying to make non pixelly, this is a good banner. I like the font; it works with the weird impressions of kitty people. Ya, pics are pixelly, but the banner is good.[/size][/color]
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[color=navy]I know the Trigun one needed work. I did [i]mention[/i] above the banner that it was my first banner, did I not???

Well, I'm glad that everyone likes my Mia and Elk one. I love it!

I'm glad that you think that the font goes good with my Anime Kitty banner. Finally, someone thinks my font goes good with something!

Here's a banner I made a little while ago. It's missing something, yet, I don't know what it's missing.

Oh yeah, and on this banner, I wanted to put a picture of like Kuwabara or something about to get hit by Yusuke's fist, but I couldn't find any good pictures.

EDIT: Good news! I have a lot more fonts now! I'm going to keep downloading them! *does the "has lots of fonts now" dance* lol.[/color]

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