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Seinfeld is the best show of all time


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Just so nobody SPAMs up this thread I'm gonna ask that you answer some simple question if you don't have anything to really talk about. Who likes Seinfeld and why do you like it? Who is your favorite character and why them? What is your favorite episode and why is that one it?

I love this show so much. I actually have the entire series taped on VHS. The plot of the show had me from the begining. It is just a show about people living their lives: no true villians, no true plot, and no morals. I really love it when at the end of the series it began to develope a plot but it was a crazy one. The plot was that they were going to make a show within the show about the show. I know thats hard to understand but you die hard fans wil get it.

I am really attracted to Elaine physically but y favorite character has to be George. I just find him sad and pathetic that it makes me laugh. He is so cocky and arrogant though he doesn't have a reason to be; I mean come on he is fat, bald, and not very smart.

I love all of the shows, but one really stood out to me. Its the one when Jerry is dating this stupid chick and his brain is playing chess with his...........well you know. The brain loses and Jerry ends up in th bed with the dum chick. Sometimes I have this very same game playing out in my head and end up making the sam choice as he did.
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I love Seinfeld, it's one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. When I first saw it I was too young to appreciate it but they play it almost as regularly as MASH now, which means I can catch up on all the episode I A) haven't seen or B) want to see again.

My favourite character is... probably... Kramer. He's a freak. Completely and utterly a freak. Like me! He does rally wacky and out of the ordinary things and the way he enters Jerry's apartment... he just kind of slides in.

As for my favourite episode it would have to be the one where Kramer and a car salesman are trying to drive the test car some ridiculously long way without stopping for petrol. I know there's another plot to that episode (Jerry buying a new car I think) but that just sticks out in my mind the most.

So... yeah. That's my favourite character and episode.
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Seinfeld is one of the only sitcoms I ever watched with any sort of devotion. I've seen all the episodes, more than once and they still make me laugh my head off. I can't really decide who my favorite character is because they all had little quirks and jokes and the like that made them funny as individuals, but it's the way they worked together, the bantering and the way they interacted with eachother that really did it for me. I have to say, though, that my favorite episode will always be the one with George at the birthday party, and there's a fire so he knocks the old lady and the little kid out of the way to get out the building. That's ******* priceless.
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I've been watching this show religiously for years. I always thought it was a popular show but it seems like most people I know don't watch it.

My favorite character is David Puddy. He's just funny in every way. Like that whole episode with the fur... and then at the end he gets that horrible 8-ball jacket. "It's the 8 ball... you got a question, you ask the 8 ball." It was great.

So many good quotes... "you stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?"
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Seinfeld is still one of my favorite shows on the planet. I agree with Sarah about it probably being one of the only shows that i still laugh at even though its a re-run. I still watch the shows every weeknight on UPN and laughing my effing head off. XD I like many of the episodes, I really like the Soup Nazi and the episode where Kramer lives in his own shower. Its such a screwball comedy that it doesn't have much of a plot. I really like George, however, everyone in the cast is just awesome! ^_^
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I use to watch Seinfeld everyday...wait I still do. Heh but why do II like the show? How can you not like the show? The characters are just....(for lack of better words) briallant. Not sure if that's what I really mean but um yeah I'm kinda off today. My head is filled with other stuff....*coughaleccough* What i mean is well, they were really planned and every eppisode was written to be the best.
My favorite character would have to be Kramer. I mean with a name like "Kosomo Kramer" (I have little faith I spelled that right...) he [i]has[/i] to be weird. I l;oved it when he got fried like a chicken when he used butter as a sunscreen..that reminds me of the time that chicken restruant put up the big neon sign...good times good times....
Favorite episode? The "Soup Nanzi" episode. Do I really have to explain that? Deffiantly one of the best in my opinion. "No soup for you!" Poor soup Nanzi...poor poor soup nanzi....
Just for grins and giggles some of my favorite quotes:
"You double dipped a chip"
um that's all I can think about right now...heh heh...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]

So many good quotes... "you stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?" [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah that was a great quote. My favorite was "Serenity Now" from the show when George's dad was having anger mangament problems.

Does anyone remember the show when Elaine had saw this guy at the gym and she thought he was hot; then this guy named Jimmy who talks in thrid person came up and started talking to Elaine? He was like Jimmy thinks your're hot and Elaie thought Jimmy was the guy who she liked and was flirting with him as if he was the hot guy.(Hard to understnd if you don't watch.)
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Oh yeah, that was a great episode. Kramer wore those special shoes and had that speech impediment from Jimmy punching him, so the guy thought he was mentally retarded. That was hilarious.

I don't know if I can narrow down a favorite episode. I like the episode where Jerry tells this old school friend that George has become a marine biologist. She and George hook up, and he has to pretend he's a marine biologist, which gets ugly when they take a walk on the beach and there's a beached whale. "Is anyone here a marine biologist??"

And then they're in Monk's talking about what happened.

"The sea was angry that day my friends... like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli."
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaggieMehve [/i]
[B]Wasn't there a part where George and the guy at the gym were whining about somebody not wiping off their sweat? [/B][/QUOTE]

That was a different episode. Elaine was getting some signals from a guy at the gym, so she decided to flirt back with him. Meanwhile, George decides he has to pee in the shower, and the guy that Elaine's flirting with catches him. Later, the guy is working out and Elaine says she'll use the machine next, so the guy doesn't bother to wipe off his sweat. She obviously sees this as quite a signal.

Meanwhile, George walks into the gym, turns on the stairmaster and gets his leg caught in the stairs (this is a hilarious scene... you have to see it). The guy, while working out and talking to Elaine, sees George and tells Elaine that he's probably going to turn him in now. Elaine, being George's friend (kind of), says "shouldn't you just forget about it?", and he replies, "well, I'd use any chance I can to talk with her", indicating some owner of the gym or something.

Elaine, a little peeved at this remark, reminds him that he never wiped off the machine he was using and that too was a violation. So she never sees the guy again and George doesn't get in trouble.
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[COLOR=darkred]Hearing so much about George and Elaine reminds me of a show when George falls in love with Elaine after hearing her sexy message on Jerry's answering machine (I would kill to know what she is saying).

Doesn't the last episode suck? It was funny and all, but I didn't like seeing them get locked up in the end. The plot seemed to sudden and not well planned like the show ended without warning, but if that was so then they wouldn't hve time to round up all those people to guess appear. Sometimes I wonder if I would've helped the fat guy or have just stood there and laugh and made jokes. [/color]
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I have a few favorite episodes, but I can never remember what they are when this comes up.

One I really like, though, is the one where George is intent on getting a nickname. At first he buys a T-Bone steak at lunch, but they give the nickname to someone else. He winds up going crazy at the guy in the hall between breaks, but everyone notices he is jumping around like a monkey... so they decide to name him Koko, after the monkey at the zoo. And so on.

I've always really enjoyed that one.
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Seinfeld truly is one of the greatest and funniest shows of all time and I still watch it to this day.

But out of all the characters my favorite would have to be Newman. He's just weird and hilarious, yet devious, and I love how he continously rambles on about stuff that doesn't really matter, such as "Oh how've I longed for this day Seinfeld. The day when I can haul you out of you're cushy lair, and expose you to the light of justice, as the monster that you are! A monster so vile-. And he just gets cut off from there.

As for favorite episode, I'm not sure since I love alot of them, but right now I can only think of the Bubble Boy episode. I really loved the part about the "moops". That was funny.
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I love Seinfield, it is THE greatest comedy show ever made, I end up laughing like crazy whenever I watch it. I loved the episode where Kramer is taking karate with all these small kids and beating them up. Then, the kids jump him in an alleyway and he tries to escape up a ladder....Hilarious.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
So many good quotes... "you stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?" [/B][/QUOTE]

*makes satan ears with fingers and sticks out tongue like Elaine does*

My Dad watched this show like no one else since the first season and still watches it every weeknight. I've grown to love it over the years, but sadly, I missed the Puerto Rican Day Parade episode, which will never be showed again.

Damn it. I need to find someone who can get me a copy of that.
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Oh god. Remember the episode where they kept on saying "yaddi yaddi yadda"? Oh! That was a gold mine. I kept on saying that to everyone at school for months as my excuses and reasons. XD "What took you so long?" asks my friend. "Some people yaddi yaddi yadda." End of Conversation. :P
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MaggieMehve [/i]
[B]Oh god. Remember the episode where they kept on saying "yaddi yaddi yadda"? Oh! That was a gold mine. I kept on saying that to everyone at school for months as my excuses and reasons. XD "What took you so long?" asks my friend. "Some people yaddi yaddi yadda." End of Conversation. :P [/B][/QUOTE]

"You can't yadda yadda sex!"
"Sure you can."
"I've yadda yaddad sex."

That was classic.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CompletelyRando [/i]
[B]"You can't yadda yadda sex!"
"Sure you can."
"I've yadda yaddad sex."

That was classic. [/B][/QUOTE]

And it keeps going!

"I met this lawyer, we went out to dinner, I had the lobster bisque, we went back to his place, yadda yadda yadda, I never heard from him again."
"But you yadda yaddad over the best part."
"No, I mentioned the bisque."
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[color=#707875]I'm a Seinfeld addict. I have watched rerun after rerun of that show...to the point where it's insane. o_O;

I'd have to say that my favourite character is Elaine. She reminds me of my sister, due to her insanity.

For some reason, one of my favourite episodes in Seinfeld is that one where Elaine and George's father get into a fight. "You wanna piece of me?!"

That scene almost had me in tears, I think.

EDIT: Actually, the outtakes of that episode were even funnier. Great stuff.

There are just far too many episodes for me to really list. I'd say that there were ones I liked more than others (the handicap space, the drake, etc). But generally I don't think I ever saw a bad episode. ~_^[/color]
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I would support this thread's main thesis, but there is one spot of contention...

[b]Ok, first let me state that this in no way negates the years and years of sitcom perfection that was achieved.[/b]

However, one spot about seinfeld kills me... the end.

The last episode to be exact.

I just felt bad. The whole thing just seemed like it had no energy.

Then again, I did like seeing elane go to jail, so it was still cool.

But all in all, the last episode was a horrible note for the show to go out on. Just like Jordan in his return to the nba, the final note of the seinfeld show was sorely lacking the magic of all that came before it.

[b][COLOR=blue] Of course, seinfeld is still the best show of its kind to date, and because of that alone, still deserves the title of best show ever.[/COLOR][/b] ... [comicshopvoice]Evvv-eerrr...[/comicshopvoice] oh, well now that I think of it, the [b]simpsons[/b] also puts in a strong bid for best show ever.
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[color=darkred][SIZE=1]I really enjoy this series. . I wouldn't say that I am a huge fan, but many episodes have caught my attention and pulled me away from other programs I would be watching at that time. I never really started watching the show until the reruns started up on another channel.

I also really don't have a favorite show. . maybe because it was never a favorite show with me *shrug* But, there are quite a few great one-liners, and I agree with most of you that this is probably the best comedy series out there.

Has the series come out to DVD yet? I think it would make quite a bit of money if it does/is. [/SIZE][/color]
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